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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have a fully uncompressed AVI file in which the video and audio are in perfect synch...I have gone thru and tried to make this an MPEG2 file using the different compression techniques suggested by various people....Each time I have tried the audio is out of synch with the video by about 1 second and when I try to use my DVD burning software it tells me that my file is non-dvd compliant....
So here is my question..I am starting from a fully uncompressed avi...Can someone PLEASE tell me the proper encoding settings in order for me to create a fully synched audio and video file with the proper frame rate to be able to burn to DVD?
I have received help from Techno which seems to work but I am not fully versed in this program as there is no instruction manual to cover my exact proble...Thanks to Techno I have gotten as far as I least he takes the time to try and explain
If you are using Athron or Athron XP, Please check with your Memory setting under BIOS.
Depending on the software you use for playback, there may be gap between audio
and video. Ligos MPEG-2 decoder sometime causes gap between Audio and video even if an MPEG-2 file is correct.
If there is any chance, I want you to play back with the MPEG file you have
created on the different system to double check if the file is really lost
sync between audio and video.
A 5 minutes search with google brought up alot of information. And I just snap and pasted the topic of the thread and added "tmpgenc sync"
An static offset between audio and video can be easily corrected with de/remuxing or telling the offset to tmpgenc(somwhere under advanced ... dont have TMPGEnc here)
As far as I remember TMPGEnc has an DVD template(?) dont edit it! If the Burning Programm still complains search in for '<your burn prog> DVD burn'
M.Bastian...Thank you for your response but I am a little confused as to what you actually said....Is there a n instruction post that you have sent with the header TMPGENC synch? If so where is it I would love to read it as it would probably answer all my problems....Can you direct me to where it is...Also what did you type in the Google search engine to access the synch info. Enter eg. "AVI MPEG audio sync gap tmpgenc" hit Search button
Under the first 5 hits are 2 FAQ pages(use the text search of your browser to find what you need) and two old postings from this forum. Since the links are outdated you will not get this threads from Ashy but im sure if you mail him he will give you the info( Also check the newsgroups under
Dont bother too much what keywords you use ... you can refine your search afterwards.
Did I say that google is great :-)
if you go to the "source range" under the "advanced settings" there is a little box at the bottom "audio gap correct" and you adjust the gap here,this feature works great and it helps a lot but you have to encode a lot of 20 second mpeg"s to see if you have merged the gap,and the "ligos mpeg 2" seems to totally screw up the timeing from your "media player" but power dvd plays it fine ...
The replies here have been mostly about sync; I am puzzled as to how to convert TMPGEnc's .mpg (MPEG2) output to DVD file format for burning, i.e. VIDEO_TS and .VOB files etc. I've googled my brains out and can't find an answer anywhere.
How do I get my single MPEG2 file output from TMPGEnc into a format that can be burned to DVD by, say, Nero????
Is there anyway of increasing the quality of SVCD standard ? Dose tmpgenc provide all settings and can they be tweeket to maximum ?
Since Cinemacraft Encoder SP costs a lot of money and isn't stable on my system (the version I tried).
I keep hering from people that cinemacraft bla bla bla is the best and so on, it's faster etc.
I was just thinking if there is anyway of getting the quality up on SVCD or do you need like 5-pass stuff for that ? I don't care if encoding take a lot of time I want maximum quality.
When I convert DivX (23,976 fps) to MPEG-2 (SVCD NTSC Film, standard settings), the picture quality is good, but movings are a little snatchy (AVI source is ok). Is there any reason for it (fps is the same)? Is there any solution? Thanks for any help.
>No harm trying, is there?
So you didnt know what will happen.
Q: What were your settings? Did you use a Template? What did you change from that Template? Did this snatchyness occure after or bevore burning to an CD-R? Have you tried another Software Player? Have you another divx to check?
Please be as detailed as possible or all we can do is just guess ... and since im not good at guessing and dont want to waste someone elses time with false advice I cant respond.
Uhm ... im half guessing now *blushes* but as far as I know you have to set 2:3 pulldown under Settings -> Advanced if you you are encoding NTSC at 23 FPS.
From :
3:2 pulldown when playback: This is used when you
have a FILM source movie (23.976fps) to leave it
23.976 but have your decoder play it back at
Im rather confident that this will solve your problem but the best bet is to find an short scene (10 seconds) with much of that snatchiness and try it out.
>Try to increase the frame rate to 25fps
What will happen is the movie will jerk even more and probably wont play in your DVD player without problems.
First of all is this happening on your PC or just your DVD player? If it's just your DVD player then M.Bastian is probably right as your DVD player is probably converting the frame rate to 29.976 fps NTSC standard. It happens on my DVD player when I have a movie that is NTSC 29.976 as I use the PAL system at 25 fps.
Use the 3:2 pulldown system and this should correct you problem.
To be honest, I do not appreciate what Techno does because it is not helpful,
sometime completely wrong/inappropriate. It just increases number of
people who are just posting question without searching anything.
Well, I guess Techno is blocked at least once, since his IP has changed.
It was :
Now is :
I am looking forward to seeing that more IPs of Techno are blocked.
Let's see which IP Techno uses in next post.
Nope, I dont think his IP is blocked. Its just that he is posting his immature replys from his School.
See this page for email adresses of the Staff:
I for myself will set up an email to the schools principal regarding his behaviour and abuse of an school account.
Techno: Make an public excuse and in the future think twice what youre posting and all is fine. Either way I will not drop this topic this time. The damage you do to this Forum, the Programm and the newbys wasted time is to big to go unnoticed any longer.
Pleasae explain to me what he has done that is inappropriate...He has helped me with his answers....I do not believe that I would have gotten as far with this program without his help...This program is frustrating to say the least without a manual...If someone thakes the time to help they should be thanked not kicked around..Pleas tell me what misinformation he has given and then maybe i will believe you.
I am going to have contact with certain people of Pegasys Inc. to stop Techno.
But this is not only for abusing/inaapropreate attitude in the BBS, but
also for copyright infringement.
I know Techno has made some cracks of TMPGEnc and TMPGEnc plus.
1. He has cracked TMPGEnc and distributed it.
This is completely against law.
2. He tries to reply/post every single topics, and does not provide appropriate answer, and he believes that he is helping.
But what he is doing is make newbies more lazy. Most questions Techno has answered is what people can search over the net.
I do not want make this place for such people those who just ask whatever they want to ask without searching by themselves before asking.
So I think Techno should leave this BBS or someone should stop him.
I dont think "Techno" is smart enough to develope a "crack" for "tmpgenc" because if he was he wouldn"t be here all the time, he would be out there with Einstein developeing his way of getting 3gb on a 80 min cd...
I'm new at this, and was wondering what the quality of a burned VCD/ SVCD is like on a regular TV, as far as video/ audio quality go. Any specific settings for optimal outcome?
Also, when I go to burn a m2v file on NERO, which heading on the status bar should I use?
Thanks for any response
The quality on TV is(subjectively)slightly better than played with most software players cause of the encoding hardwares more sophisticated filers. At least for me on my Yamakawa 715 compared to several player Programms under WinXP and Debian Linux
The VBV buffer size does not for the millionth time have any effect on image quality whatsoever you goddam fool, but may give problems on a less than compatible DVD player.
Reason: The VBV buffer is to set the internal buffer size of the decoder.
Basically what happens is there is a space in a memory chip called the buffer which is sort of a like a small pipe (so to call it). This pipe needs to be filled with data from one side before the data comes out on the other. The size of the VBV buffer setting in TMPG determines the size of this pipe.
If the pipe is too big and the data being supplied to it is slow moving such as low bitrate VCD's then what will happen is the pipe (buffer) will not fill quick enough from the input side before the data is requested at the output side causing 'Buffer underflow'
When the decoder requests the video data at the output side then this data won't be there yet so your decoder has no information to supply to the DVD player to put on your screen. To compensate your decoder will just have to wait for the data to appear which will then look like jerky playback because it is always waiting for the data to catch up or your player will just freeze after a certain length of time and refuse to play the movie any further.
A similar thing would happen if its too small i.e small VBV buffer size and the data being supplied to it is high bitrate (such as DVD) then this information will be pushed into the pipe at a fast rate and the pipe will fill faster due to being smaller.
If the pipe fills up before the decoder is ready to take the data at the other end to be put on the screen by the DVD player then the pipe will begin to overflow (buffer overflow) which will cause the DVD player to have to drop frames to keep up with the data flow or may stop playing altogether.
This is the reason why it doesn't affect the actual picture quality and doesn't reduce macro blocks, but the actual picture stability. Macro blocks are what make up the image of a movie and are hard encoded into the movie and can't be removed, but can be made less evident by other decoding filters which which your DVD player uses.
I posted this because of Technos' constant advice of a 224 VBV buffersize which is to big for a standard VCD and is DVD standard. The MPEG standards state the best setting is 40 for standard VCD and should be plenty. I say standard because if you up the bitrate past about 1800kbps then the buffer size should be increased to about 112 and then past around 3500 increased to 224.
Who do you want to believe? The author of TMPGenc and the knowledge of respected experts or some jumped up school kid with a chip on his shoulder.
I hope you now understand why the buffer size Techno is stating could cause problems in your DVD player when playing VCD's.
> Does anyone know if I can some how change the speed of my avi when I convert > it to a mpeg? The avi that I have is real clear, but like in slow motion.
Was it originally slow? if so, There is no way to make it faster.
If the movie is not originally slow, and it became slow after the conversion
to MPEG, you have to check the setting/codecs you use, and make sure the AVI
can be played properly on your PC. Also depending on the file format and priority of codecs you are using, the result can be quite different.
BTW, I do not think what Techno says is solution for this matter.
I agree with ffast techno's advice won't have any effect and if he had any idea what it does then he probably wouldn't have suggested it in the first place.
But I'm sorry to have to disagree with you on one point ffast.
You can change the speed of an AVI by simply downloading this program and changing the framerate of the movie which it does without re-encoding.
But be advised this will desync the audio. This can be remedied using cool edit 2000.
Hi, I'm new to this, but I noticed that when I convert a long file, one that's about an hour and a half to two hours, it says it will take 1300 to 1400 MB. I noticed some of the other posts mention a way to make this 2 seperate files, so that you can put one on each CD. How do you make a large video file like that seperate so that the individual files can fit on CDs? Thanks a lot for your help.
For a future release of TMPGEnc, it would be nice if it could let you specify
a short text message that would be encoded as part of the MPG, in one of the
four corners of the frame. :) Anyone else agree?
To add watermarks, simply use any supported image formatted created in Photoshop as an Alpha-Channel overlay in any standard video editor program before compressing to AVI and then convert to Mpeg. Or, superimpose the graphic over the source frames before compressing the Mpeg. Either way works quite well.
Hi, I'm new to this, but I noticed that when I convert a long file, one that's about an hour and a half to two hours, it says it will take 1300 to 1400 MB. I noticed some of the other posts mention a way to make this 2 seperate files, so that you can put one on each CD. How do you make a large video file like that seperate so that the individual files can fit on CDs? Thanks a lot for your help.
Yes ac3 sound can't be opent in Tmpgenc but what I do is that I use Msgraph and render from mediafile option, then I just select wav dest filter and file write filter and the ac3 sound from a mpg or avi file will be extracted and unpacked to a WAV file that is 100% readable in tmpgenc (however it will take up some space though... maby 400-600mb)
Goto and there should be a guide somewhere on how to use (and download) msgraph or under the Links goto purplemans site.
the problem is i can't find the page/link for it, could someone help me out ?