TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 638 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question dvdit pe 2.53 and cq Renullius 0 2002-04-12 17:16:49
Bug report VBR 2pass: Min/Max Bitrate is not really considered Shadow 6 2002-04-13 12:18:11
Question smr encoded avi not supported..? agastino 1 2002-04-12 20:21:36
Question divx to mpeg Rooster 2 2002-04-12 14:28:55
Question Should I encode via "cbr" or "vbr?" mjsla 4 2002-04-13 11:33:01
Question Mjpeg to mpg problem pbedo 0 2002-04-12 12:56:27
Question refer to log 3838 for problem history att23 2 2002-04-13 11:12:55
Question Mjpeg to mpg problem pbedo 0 2002-04-12 12:44:02
Question smr encoded avi not supported..? agastino 1 2002-04-12 12:37:40
Question Big files from MOV Zazou 3 2002-04-12 12:36:47
Question Purchasing tmpgenc licence - non secure connection? rowan 2 2002-04-13 08:01:41
Question smr encoded avi not supported..? agastino 1 2002-04-12 11:32:41

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 638 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - dvdit pe 2.53 and cq No.18825
Renullius  2002-04-12 17:16:49 ( ID:pohbzgbv1wj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi i did a movie i'm trying to author with dvdit pe. I frameserved the movie from premiere to the latest version of tmpgenc used cq to try and have the highest quality possible. When i import the file to dvdit it tell me it can't find the appropriate decoder... In the same project i have an other file that i did with the previous version of tmpgenc but using vbr. Anybody seen this or a similar problem do you know of a way to get aroung the prob?

Bug report - VBR 2pass: Min/Max Bitrate is not really considered No.18818
Shadow  2002-04-12 16:25:49 ( ID:kgkhrgeoimc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi folks,

I wanted to make a SVCD, so I used TMPGenc 2.53 with 2pass VBR for encoding the video. I set the Minimum Bitrate = 1600, Maximum Bitrate = 2400 and Average Bitrate = 1800 because I knew, my Pioneer DV444 DVD-Player would have problems if Bitrate would fall below about 1400 at SVCD (the speed of the drive falls from 2x to 1x and you get display-errors).

But nevertheless I got some errors after VERY calm scenes. So I examined the video-file with the bitrate-viewer and found that the bitrate sank far below the minimum bitrate I entered in TMPGenc.

Anyone else experienced something like that? Did I do something wrong?

RD  2002-04-12 20:16:20 ( ID:fjnmccbfefj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, you did nothing wrong.
Tmpgenc does not respect the max bitrate either.
I really wish the developers would fix this!!!!
How hard is it to force the mpeg encoder to never go below an
absolute number and never go ABOVE an absolute number?
Its really frustrating for me too.

Mikehg  2002-04-12 21:56:38 ( ID:7jjkoszs5yf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you checking the pad if lower option? Also, if you are using Bitview to view the bitrate, it does not show the correct rate if you're using 23.976 w/pullup. You need to subtract about 20% from the shown values.

Ashy  2002-04-13 10:36:04 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Correct, use the padding option. This should correct it when the bitrate falls below a certain point, but this is not a fault of TMPGenc. It happens in most encoders as the bitrate settings are only nominal and not absolute.

Also the problem you are having with display problems when the bitrate drops below 1400kbps shouldn't be happening as a DVD will regularly drop it's bitrate below this point and theres no problem with your DVD's right.
If you are burning your SVCD's at high speed then this is probably your problem.
You should never burn above 4x as this will give serious disply problems on most DVD players and even then lower speeds will give even better playback.
On my Toshiba anything above 4x jerks like hell with blocks popping up all over the place with loud squelches in the sound, but at 4x the disk plays nearly perfect with the odd jerk and at 2x the disk plays flawlessly every time.


Ashy  2002-04-13 11:49:30 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just noticed you have a Pioneer DVD player. You probably will have this problem on this machine as it's very finicky about bitrates.
Still try the burning option.


Shadow  2002-04-13 12:09:38 ( ID:kgkhrgeoimc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your suggestions, I always burn my VCD/SVCD´s with 16x speed and never had any problems. I will try to use the "padding" option, hope this helps.

Ashy  2002-04-13 12:18:11 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

16X! I'm suprised you don't get any problems with this. You probably do, but you don't realise it is your burning speed.
Even on sites such as the recommended is 4x and on on some of the other encoder software makers they recommend no more than two, so i'd give this a try if your problems persist.


Question - smr encoded avi not supported..? No.18816
agastino  Home )  2002-04-12 15:12:21 ( ID:oycyzbxb0cc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an SMR encoded video I want to convert to a VCD PAL MPEG1 file, but an error comes up saying "File 'filename' can not open, or unsupported. The file itself can be viewed perfectly in Windows Media Player, is there, or will there be support for these types of avi files? or is there another way to convert to MPEG1?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-12 20:21:36 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

try increasing the avi vfw and the directshow filters.


Question - divx to mpeg No.18813
Rooster  2002-04-12 14:23:57 ( ID:lbmzvc69ysm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does anyone have instructions on how to go from divx to mpeg? I am a newbie.

Rooster  2002-04-12 14:25:26 ( ID:lbmzvc69ysm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

FOrgot to add. I want DVD to be the final format. divx to mpeg to dvd.

Techno  Home )  2002-04-12 14:28:55 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

load in the avi file in TMPGENC

choose a template, or create your own.


Then after this, you may wish to encode the MPEG file to dvd again.


Question - Should I encode via "cbr" or "vbr?" No.18808
mjsla  2002-04-12 14:22:32 ( ID:lbmzvc69ysm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am making dvds. Should I encode via "cbr" or "vbr?"

Techno  Home )  2002-04-12 14:28:02 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

VBR because variable bitrate!


Ashy  2002-04-13 10:41:07 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would use 'Constant quality(CQ)'.
This is similar to 'Automatic VBR (CQ_VBR)' but gives better quality and file sizes and if you examine the bitrates and quantization you will find it encodes more or less the same as a two pass encode.


Techno  Home )  2002-04-13 11:08:28 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

yeh, that's right, I would use that too, but I thought it was a choice of VBR or CBR!


Ashy  2002-04-13 11:33:01 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What do you mean? (CQ) is VBR.


Question - Mjpeg to mpg problem No.18807
pbedo  2002-04-12 12:56:27 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My Mjpeg AVI files captured with Pinacle's DC10 Studi card shows only lines. Any clues about what I can do converting to mpgs?

Question - refer to log 3838 for problem history No.18804
att23  2002-04-12 12:48:31 ( ID:l.muo.yczdj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tried most of the above....little success!

Got toolame to work in TMPGEnc but the sound is no better. (bearing in mind, when playing it in original .avi format
the sound is ok). Besweet doesn't seem to work in XP (even through command line), and the same goes for avi2mpg1.exe.
Virtual dub doesn't accept avi. files! (by this point I'm pulling my hair out). An finally where can I find wavelab (no
mention of it in!?

Can you still help me?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-12 12:53:57 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used besweet 2 days ago in XP, worked fine, the demo version of wavelab does not save the file/encode as MP3.

search for it on


Ashy  2002-04-13 11:12:55 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Toolame will not make a jot of difference to the sound. it is the samplerate converter that is the problem not the audio converter.
What do you mean Virtual dub doesn't accept AVI files?. This is it's main process. You must not have the required codec installed for your file if thats the case or you have a Directshow problem.

Give Goldwave a try. It's free to download and doesn't impose any restrictions.


Question - Mjpeg to mpg problem No.18803
pbedo  2002-04-12 12:44:02 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My Mjpeg AVI files captured with Pinacle's DC10 Studi card shows only lines. Any clues about what I can do converting to mpgs?

Question - smr encoded avi not supported..? No.18801
agastino  Home )  2002-04-12 12:26:45 ( ID:oycyzbxb0cc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an SMR encoded video I want to convert to a VCD PAL MPEG1 file, but an error comes up saying "File 'filename' can not open, or unsupported. The file itself can be viewed perfectly in Windows Media Player, is there, or will there be support for these types of avi files? or is there another way to convert to MPEG1?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-12 12:37:40 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi there.

try to increase the directshow filters, the avi vfw and the aviopen dml filters to a higher priority in the environment settings.

this should work, if not then I guess TMPGENC does not support SMR files.


Question - Big files from MOV No.18797
Zazou  2002-04-12 12:07:03 ( ID:.fibbv99srk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

converting to MPEG1 from .mov file (using QT filter) and getting huge file 7.5MB compared to 850kb using a different source with same 2-pass VBR or AutoVBR settings.
Got any ideas?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-12 12:10:42 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

MPEG is completly different than QT files. It also depends on the motion and the settings you have used, this is why it becomes larger.


Zazou  2002-04-12 12:16:58 ( ID:.fibbv99srk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am setting the output for video @ 120kbps and audio 32kbs. It's a 40 sec file so the output should be <1MB whatever the source (AVI or QT). So why is it 850kbyte from AVI and 7.5MB from QT?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-12 12:36:47 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

because they work differently, they are different formats! :)


Question - Purchasing tmpgenc licence - non secure connection? No.18794
rowan  2002-04-12 11:55:51 ( ID:5d11mhsrkxr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Is there a way to purchase a tmpgenc licence securely? The order page is http:// only (unencrypted), not https://

I don't want to send my card info in clear text format.

To be honest I am also not too ecstatic about the fact that pegasys-inc seems to use a simple form submitted to their own web site, rather than a trusted third party biller like ibill that handles the nitty gritty of the card transaction.

I want to buy a licence! But not like this!

BTW, does any official electronic documentation exist for tmpgenc, apart from the popup help shown when you move the mouse over various fields?


ffast  2002-04-12 12:10:47 ( ID:rq73n1voqvj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First of all, this is wrong place to discuss for this matter.
You should look for certain E-mail address at:

> Is there a way to purchase a tmpgenc licence securely? The order page is
> http:// only (unencrypted), not https://
You have made only one steps, so you have not seen "https".
If you enter and make 2 steps at purchase page (which you have visited),
you will see "https".

rowan  2002-04-13 08:01:41 ( ID:rjnplyqdpyh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, sorry for putting my foot in it, you are right.

I couldn't find an email address. I tried the support form but it requires a lot of detail about my system when I just want to inform tmpgenc about problems I had with purchasing - and when I click on back all the fields are erased, so I have to start again!

I was wrong about the unencrypted signup, the final purchase is encrypted. Please ignore my other message.

However, there are two problems with the purchase sequence:

1. The first page that asked for my phone number wouldn't accept "+" (the international country code symbol)

2. The second page reports the error "(Enter your telephone number with HALF size numbers only)" ... I think it's expecting me to enter a Japanese phone number. I had to enter "000000000" to get it to go through.

I *almost* gave up in frustration, but I finally have my serial number now. tmpgenc may want to review the purchase process because these problems may hamper sales. Thanks for a great product!


Question - smr encoded avi not supported..? No.18792
agastino  Home )  2002-04-12 11:05:58 ( ID:oycyzbxb0cc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an SMR encoded video I want to convert to a VCD PAL MPEG1 file, but an error comes up saying "File 'filename' can not open, or unsupported. The file itself can be viewed perfectly in Windows Media Player, is there, or will there be support for these types of avi files? or is there another way to convert to MPEG1?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-12 11:32:41 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Try increasing the avi vfw and the directshow and the aviopendml priorities to a higher level


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