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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I tried to take an MPEG2 file I made with TMPGEnc 2.57 and use it with DVDit! PE 2.5. It would not load the file at all. I got the following error message: "
DVDit! could not find a suitable decoder for file
Please ensure that you have a vaild decoder installed"
What can I do to make it work? I am able to play the MPEG2 file on Windows media player.
I have used TMPEGenc 2.01 and it worked fine with DVDit!
You de-multiplex your mpeg in the "mpeg tools" go to "file" to "mpeg tools" to "simple de-multiplex" load in your file and choose your output directory and click "run" this will seperate the audio and video into 2 files a m2v video file and a "mp2" or "mpa" audio file, then in dvdit import the video and audio seperately...
well i gave up using mydvd as i had this problem aswell (thats 1 reason i started messing around with avi files menion/ashy)
i down loaded unleaded's 30 trial of moviemaker, and since then no problems. if im correct dvdit costs a bundle of cash, you would think they would have regular patchs for it, their forums are full of little problems like this.
that why i beleive we are companies R&D teams, saves them a fortune
I have had the same problem with DVDit! SE. The file that gives this message plays in every other software DVD player I have--why doesn't DVDit like it? I have the latest v2.52.
I've tried installing bunches of codecs and still nothing. Maybe as a last resort I will ask Sonic Tech Support!!!
My DVDit experience seems different from everyone elses!
It works fine with the following technique: Encode to a full program stream and load that for each "movie". Output a WAV file for each mpg file and drop that on each movie.
During processing, DVDit demuxes the mpg file and uses the WAV file as audio.
NOT using the WAV file as audio causes the project to end up MUCH larger than estimated in the project settings. (Probably a bug.)
Because of another bug (in my DIrectShow filter setup?) I load the audio as the very last step, after all menus are composed, otherwise the program complains that video files can not be read for display purposes.
I use the wizard to encode avi to mpg for SVCD-NTSC.
When I click to choose the "Source Range", the window pops up for me make the takes a very long time(about 1 min) to move the bar to set the start or end frames. I click somewhere on the line and I have to wait a long time for it to move. The rest of the steps are fine and the encoding is fine too...except if I choose to encode, for example, from the middle of the movie to the takes very very very long if I choose to encode anything not from the start of the clip. Once I left it overnight and in the morning it was done 33/67547 and 0%.
Or another scenario is when I choose to encode from start to end but I cut out a few seconds in the starts out fast but when I reach the place where it practically stops.
By the computer is a 1.4GHz with 40GB.
I too have that problem... in fact, my computer is much slower than yours, but I am going slightly faster. TMPGENC has been running over 7 hours now, is still at 0% and estimates 1042 hours until completion. I am going to keep searching the board for a fix, and also will try encoding from the beginning...
Encoding from the beginning worked. It was done in < 3 hours. Just use virtualdub or whatever to clip the movie into the parts you want. What I don't understand is why no one else on the board replied. It's frustrating to be new, but even more so to be alone. I see many of the other repeat questions being answered, was this question simply very old or very unknown? Either way, you could have said what to search for or something.
For them to play in order you need to make sure you merged them in the right order.
For example the first file you want played should be the first file loaded into the merge/cut tool.
>For them to play in order you need to make sure you merged them in the right order.
>For example the first file you want played should be the first file loaded into the merge/cut tool.
Thanks for the reply:
That's fine but I have about 72files to merge together. the first file I double click and this will be the first file that play's in the MPG but the others are scatterd.
I am having the same problem 2.57 plus stinks because it seems to totally disregard the vbr bitrate values.
Example I encoded a two hour movie with 2pass vbr 2520 max average 2100 and minimum 500 kbps. The end result was average bitrate 2160 kbps. Needed 3 discs so I decide to re-encode and lowever the average bitrate to 1600.... Tmpegenc 2.57 gave me the same filesize!!!!!!! even though i made sure i typed in 1600 average vbr and save the .tpr file and double checked it it gave me a 2160kbps average file--just ignoring my parameters (1600 average).
SO I decided to go back to tmpgenc plus 2.56 and you know what? no problem. The average was 1610 kbps (I choose 1700 kbps) and it fit on 2 cdrs...
Are you saying that you put in a certain bitrate value then encode then you look at your project file and different values are there than the ones you typed in???or are you viewing the mpeg file through a bitrate viewer and the determaning the bitrate is off???I guess there could be a bug in the way it is reading the tpr project files in 2-pass mode but this is the first time I have heard of a problem like this in this version of Tmpgenc, then again Most poeple Don"t use the 2-pass method cuz I it widely known that the CQ method is superior to the 2-pass method(strange but true)when the source files are of good quality, anyway One thing you might try is see if Tmpgenc 2.57 will read the TPR files from 2.56 properly and if it does then that is probably were the problem is....good luck
I've been having the same problem. Originally I was using CQ100 but that can severely limit the video to about 37min/disc. So I decided to bite the bullet and try 2Pass. It seems like it's ignoring avg. bitrate. I had set up a bitrate of just over 1800kbps which should have resulted in a final file size of just over 700mb. I ended up with a file of 886mb. I can deal with a little variance but this is ridiculous.
Hi Guys. Got a small problem that I couldn't seem to find listed in these back pages...
I downloaded VAMPIRE HUNTER D "BLOODLUST" in avi format.When played in Windows Media Player I had good sound and video.Then I used TMPG to convert to an MPEG1 format. Picture quality good... but no sound. Since the AVI file does possess audio, I don't understand how it gets "lost" during the conversion. I have converted avi files both before and since I tried to convert "Vampire Hunter", and these others transform perfectly... I use the TMPG Wizard, so it is not a case of me "messing around" with the settings....
I am truely puzzled.
Well this is one of the most Common questions asked here , the problem is that the audio format in your avi files are probably not supported in Tmpgenc.What you need to do is extract the audio to WAV format with "Virtual Dub" and use that as your audio source,but if the audio is AC3 then you will need an AC3 decoder to extract the audio to a WAV file, you should actually do this to most every file you encode with tmpgenc cuz if the audio is compressed tmpgenc has trouble sometimes encodeing it........
I have installed the version 2.57 on do different computers, both running Windows XP. On one machine it run s fine, on the other I got a "mpeg2 trial period expired" just from the beginning. Is there still a free mpeg2 trial period in tmpgenc? Whar could be the reason it doesn't work one machine?
it says :
> Because of MPEG-2 licensing matter, we are not able to provide unlimited MPEG-> 2 encoding function for free, thus, TMPGEnc (which you can download from this > website) has limited MPEG-2 encoding function because it is free.
I know that mpeg2 encoding is limited, it has been always in the following way:
Every new release had a mpeg2 trial period of 2 (or 4) weeks, after that you had to download a new release.
This worked for me up to version 1.54, if i remember correctly. After that, each new version I downloaded (last was 1.57) reports "mpeg 2 trial period expired" just from the beginning, but just on one of my computers. On the other one it works without complaining. I don't believe that limited mpeg2 support means "works only on every second machine..." ;-)
The newer version leave registry entries in you computer so when your demo run"s out you can not download the latest version and have it work cuz your registry tells the new demo that you have had a demo before and then cancels the mpeg2 encodeing function........
...yea that's just so annoying. Still, if you want to encode to mpeg2, you could always pay the $48. TMP is one of the best software encoders on the market and would be a bargain at twice the price.
I tried to encoder from pinnacle made AVI file to make a SVCD file.
Every time comes an error.
"Read error occurred at adress 004986A3 of module TMPGEnc.exe with 0000004" or
'''' 00481FFD 61FF0538
Why. Who can help me.
Hi Ashy, Yes I got 2.50 to work and I got avisynth to work(sort of) and then loaded the avs file into CCE, and the speed differance was about 15-20% faster than frameserveing through tmpgenc than the vfapi converter but the vfapi converter is faster if I just load in a d2v file into Vfapi then into CCE but I need the de-interlace from tmpgenc more than the resizeing cuz i get really jumpy playback with CCE files if they aren"t de-interlaced (I think it is a field order problem)and I noticed that the 2.50 version has a few flaws in it like the quality isn"t quite as good and I get fast and slow playback from the dvd player with files encoded with the 2.50 version ,but thats probably cuz it is an older version and doesn"t have the Choice of Matrix..I then set up Tmpgenc to accept avs scripts and took a crash cource in writeing avs script but every avs i load into Tmpgenc or any other program I get a wierd error like "Floating Point is divisable by 0" and it reads the resolution wrong...But i will keep playing with it till I get it working and I really appriciate the help you gave rule Ashy
PS: There is supposed to be a CCE SP 2.66 out fairly soon and it is supposed to have lots and lots of new features like a variety of filters and it is supposed to accept AVS the VDR files, can"t wait for the demo...
Strange how you say the VFAPI AVI is faster than the AVS file. I usually get double the speed of the VFAPI converter using AVIsynth.
I have a 1.7 P4 and the speed is usually 1.5x real time, twice as fast as the VFAPI method.
The main reason AVIsynth is faster than VFAPI is because VFAPI and TMPG use RGB whereas DVD2AVI and AVIsynth use YUV which means there is no colour space conversion going on and as YUV encoding is faster than RGB the AVIsynth way should be faster than the VFAPI way.
If you need to de-interlace Minion then all you need do is add these lines:
Wow,You are getting pretty good speed,on my system(Intel 1.7ghz)if I just load the d2v into the vfapi converter then encode it the speed is about 0.8 real time, but if I put the d2v into Tmpgenc and resize and de-interlace then load the "TPR" file into the vfapi converter then encode it the speed goes down to about 0.625 real time, and if I use the AVS files from Gordain Knot the speed is about 0.725 real time, but real avi files encode at close to 2 times real time so it isn"t a large amount faster than the vfapi but the AVS is faster than the resized and de-interlaced vfapi, I just wish it would work with 2.62 cuz I"m not really likeing the quality of 2.50 but at least I have another choice for frame serveing.......Thanx again Ashy
Hi Ashy, I just found a program that will let version 2.62 read avs scripts, it is called "Link2 tool" it says it can do color space conversions at 300fps on a 1ghz, but as my luck will have it it isn"t freeware and the demo will only frame serve at 5fps and I can do better than that, so I was wondering if you know anything about this program or where I could get an older version that works ,anyway thanx again........
I'm aware of this little proggy and have used it, but sadly as you say is only a demo.
It does work quite well and the speed is pretty nice in CCE, there seems to be no speed loss what so ever frameserving through this tool.
I haven't come across a full version, but it only requires a small donation to register it.
I was actually thinking of registering, but the only thing that has stopped me is I can't run a proper test with the tool as it only allows small parts to be encoded at full speed then drops down to 5fps. With this I can't do a proper test, so i'm a bit unsure.
I may bite that bullet a and go for it, but as you say the new CCE 2.66 is supposedly going to support AVIsynth files, so heres hoping. I'll let you know what I turn up.
Another thing that may interest you is that CCE 2.50 can also open Virtualdub frame server files. Just remember the rule about adding audio.
Minion are you encoding the audio with CCE? CCE isn't the best for audio and you should get a speed boost if you disable it also disable the antinoise filter as this can slow things down and is not required for sources such as DVD and won't make a jot of difference as the source is already noise free.
I use MPEGDJencoder to encode to MP2. This encoder is way faster than anything out there and the quality is pretty good and no sync probs.
Encodes a full 2hr movie to an mp2 audio file in under 3 mins!
P.S. Can you post me the script that Gordian knot made for you as I can't understand why it's working so slow because at the very least you should be getting real time on your system.
Heres a script I use which gives me almost 1.5x real time:
Hi Ashy, I had a look at the avs file from gordain knot and it is totally screwed up, it is like a whole page long with settings in it that I didn"t specify useing all these filters that i did not choose, and doing resizeing that i did not specify and will only out put the avs with Pal settings even though I chose NTSC, plus it will not accept re-sized d2v file and won"t accept d2v files from the new 1.77 version, it seems that no matter what settings I choose I get the same avs file so now I have to edit out about 15 different filters change and the settings manually, I think I will delete the whole Gordain Knot program and the avisynth.dll and just re-install the avisynth.dll and do manual scripts cuz there shouldn"t be like 50 lines of script when I only use a couple options, anyway i"m looking around for a full version of Link2 tool so If I find one I"ll let you know....see ya
Don't worry about the extra lines in the script. That happens to me. What is actually happening is Gordian knot places a # before the filters you don't want to use and AVIsynth then ignores them.
I had these in my script but edited them out for easier viewing, sorry I should have said.
To correct the PAL resizing output for NTSC that Gordian knot creates just minus 96 from whatever the second figure is where it says:
# for PAL-SVCD
This will give you the correct output for NTSC.
i tried to convert divx clips to svcd.
well the video was encoded fine but theres no audio.
i tried several divx clips but it didnt work with any of them
Most Divx files have a unsupported audio format, usually "VBR MP3" or "AC3" What you need to do is extract the audio to a "wav" file with "virtual dub" then encode that as your audio source but if the audio is AC3 you will need an AC3 decoder to extract the audio.....
"Stream Reading Error" -- Every time when I finish encode a large svcd file (about 800MBytes), this error pop up, I have try using the mpeg tool to rewrite the header but the same error occured while writting the SVCD header. However, if i cut like 1 or 2 sec from the video using cut and marge, the problem is gone, but it only works sometime, and it's hard to guess the lucky number (sometimes 1 sec, sometimes 1.25 sec, sometime even 12 secs) is there any reason why this is happening? Any way that i can fix it? or any way i can predict the lucky number?
Example: a 779MB mpg file..
no cut , error happens at 25% of writing SVCD header
cut 1 sec, error happens at 3% of writing SVCD header
cut 2 sec, error happens at 12% of writing SVCD header
and so on.....
my pc (P4 1.6A OC 2.4A, 256mb ram DDR 266)
i have try downclock cpu back to 1.6, but the problem remains.
Try useing "BBmpeg" to mux and write the header and see if that works, and depending on the authoring program you are useing you don"t need to have a svcd header, the authoring programs I use accept mpeg2/system streams with a plain mpeg2/vbr header, or are you haveing problems with the system header also, cuz it writes 2 headers in svcd mode.The authoring programs that will accept plain mpeg2 file without a svcd header are "ulead dvd workshop"Ulead dvd plugin" and "VCDEasy" there are probably many other ones too but these are the ones I own and know about for sure...
Just a quick question: I have 3 x AVIs from my camcorder... can TMPGEnc encode of
all this, in the order I choose, into 1 x MPG video? I would also need to leave
out parts of one of the AVIs, so my goal would ultimately be:
AVI #1 -- Encode all of this.
AVI #2 -- Encode first 10 mins, skip 2 mins, encode last 10 mins.
AVI #3 -- Encode all of this.
Result: 1 x MPG of the parts listed above. Can it be done?
CLARIFICATION: I want to combine the 3 x AVIs in one step, that is, I *don't* want to create 3 x MPGs and then merge those into 1 x MPG. Can TMPGEnc do it?
Yes and No, you would have to frame serve the clips from "Virtual dub" to Tmpgenc but it will encode the 3 parts into one file supposedly in an upcomeing version there is supposed to be support for segmented AVI"s.....
You actually can encode segmented files in Tmpgenc if you are useing the "Canopus DV Codec" or the "Panasonic GiGa DV codec"..You might be waiting quite a while before tmpgenc encodes segmented avi files cuz then have had it in the plans for quite a while but still haven"t doen it........
Works fine for me ...maybe you need to re-install ?
Failing that have a look at what else is running in the background (eg antivirus, firewall etc), another prog could be causing the conflict.
It's not a bug. You need to be very patient. Go and make yourself a coffee or something as it takes quite a while to be loaded. It should load trust me.