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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Dear Group,
Am about to order a DVD writer and am currently trying different TMPGENC settings to create MPEG2 from my AVI files. I have found some very helpfull hints in this group but have been unable to remove the blocky or pixelated artefacts from the edges of objects during motion. I have no idea what this will look like on the 32" TV but is clearly noticeable on my 17" monitor. My source is a Sony DV camera.
So far I have tried:
Resolution 720 x 576 and:
a) 2 pass VBR, 8000 max, 3500 min, 6200 average with high quality motion search, DC component precision-10 bits, VBV buffer to auto
b) CQ VBR, quality setting 62
I can't see much difference between either method although b) seems to be faster.
Those jagged edges are most likely Interlace lines and shouldn"t show up very much on your Interlaced TV but do show up on a Progressive Monitor, but if you want to get rid of then so they won"t show up on either then try Useing the De-interlace filter in the advanced tab, There are about 25 different filters to choose from so what I do is move the slider till you get to a frame were it looks really noticeable then just go through the filters till you find the best looking one.......
I wish there is option in TMPGEnc shutdown computer after
it finishes editing (shut down when done).
In FlashFXP ftp client has option to log out from ftp sites
after trasfer is complete and then shutdown computer, same kind
feature would be nice to tmpgenc too because video editing takes
usually long time and it would be nice to leave computer/tmpgenc running
at night and go sleep and morning everything is done and computer would
be turned off too automaticly.
Instead of pressing "Start" button, go to "File"->"Output to file"->"MPEG file" then select file name and then when it starts you will have under the progress bar a chack box for shutting down the computer when it finnishes encoding.
Multilanguage MPEG support in one of the next versions!!!
I hope tmpgenc becomes multilanguage mpeg support. for all movies I ripped in two languages I muste use the (free) bbmpeg encoder. Hope tmpgenc can doo this yob in future, too!!!
Dear Group,
Am about to order a DVD writer and am currently trying different TMPGENC settings to create MPEG2 from my AVI files. I have found some very helpfull hints in this group but have been unable to remove the blocky or pixelated artefacts from the edges of objects during motion. I have no idea what this will look like on the 32" TV but is clearly noticeable on my 17" monitor. My source is a Sony DV camera.
So far I have tried:
Resolution 720 x 576 and:
a) 2 pass VBR, 8000 max, 3500 min, 6200 average with high quality motion search, DC component precision-10 bits, VBV buffer to auto
b) CQ VBR, quality setting 62
I can't see much difference between either method although b) seems to be faster.
Try messing around with the deinterlace under advanced settings it worked for me preview each during jummpy section of movie this also adds alot of time to the process but it worked for me.
Did you read the readme file that came with the templates?
It explains how much movie you can fit on to 2 disks and what the templates are for.
In the template folder there are XVCD templates in the same place as the SVCD templates.
With Tmpgenc useing the CQ method with a 704 by 480 resolution and a minimum of 500kbs and a max of 5000kbs and quality of 85 i can get close to 50 minutes on a cd-r with fairly good quality.....
Excuse me again, but I'm still working on Queen of the Dead... I ran the file thru Virtual Dub, extracted a .wav file, and then used the avi for the video source and the wav for the audio source. TMPG encoded half of it and then gave me a "write error" message 45% of the way thru,
I checked the mpg file that was produced and it looks good. No pixels. Now I need to get past that spot where the "write error" message appeared... Can I use MPEG tools and edit out a minute or so of bad file? Do you think that may help?
Easiest would have been to make a note of the frame number where the error occurred and then encoding from the next frame on via selecting the source tick box (double click to enter parameters) from the advanced tab.
If you did not make a note you can always load the file into Virtualdub, go to the end and make a note of the frame number that way.
Hi... is there a TMPG user-friendly manual anywhere to be found? I know about the illustrated one in VCD help, but I mean a detailed one that explains what each and every term and function in the TMPG program is for and how it should be used. I'd pay good money for it!
Hi, I'm trying to convert an .avi file to mpeg but for some reason TPMG wants to convert the whole file instaed just half of it (as I set up in "source range") I have already succesfully converted and burnt as .vcd the 2nd part of the movie. All I need is the first half. Converting the whole movie costs me up to 10 hours. Now I just stopped and saved this last conversion attempt at 50%. Ofcourse, now it is an .tpr file and not an /mpg file. Is there anyway for me to change the format from .tpr to .mpg so that I can continue burning this first half of the movie as .vcd. Thanks in advance!
Maybe that sounded very complicated, basicly what I have is conversion half done and I stopped and saved it. It is now a .tpr file. What I want is for this file to be .mpg file. Can I somehow do that without having to start all over again? Thanks!
Asthe title says: I am using Ulead Movie factory to create my DVD's.
I have used a AVI file, converted to dvd mpg. When the mpg file is encoded by Ulead the play back from DVD is smooth. When I use the mpg file from the TMPG encoder, the video stops for a fraction of a second evry 5-10 seconds. Same effect as playing AVI files on a slow PC. The sound is not interrupted.
If I play the TMPG mpg file with Power DVD player,there is no problem??
Has any one tjhe same experience or knows what the issue could be ???
I've been having exactly the same problem. I seem to have got it working correctly by using VBR when encoding the MPG rather than CBR. Every test I made with CBR had a picture that kept freezing. From what I can tell Ulead uses VBR so I tried this and it appears to be OK. I would suggest giving VBR a try and then encode to folders on you hard drive in order to test in Power DVD. This is what I have been doing as it is quicker than burning a DVD and a *lot* cheaper! I will at some point also be experimenting with CQ as I have heard that this is just as good as VBR, but I don't know when this will be. Hope this helps.
Most times unsmooth playback is caused by encodeing to a different frame rate than your avi file, so check what the frame rate of your avi file is..And why encode with Tmpgenc if "Ulead dvd Movie factory" encodes it anyway..It shouldn"t encode it over again unless you did something wrong when encodeing to mpeg with Tmpgenc ,you odviously did not encode to a dvd compatible mpeg cuz then Ulead wouldn"t have to re-encode you should find out why ulead thinks your dvd file is not compliant then correct it in Tmpgenc or just load your avi file into ulead and let it encode it cuz encodeing the file twice(once with Tmpgenc and once with Ulead)will make you loose lots of quality..
Sorry to disagree, but I think there may be a misunderstanding here. Ulead doesn't re-encode MPG files that TMPGEnc has encoded. It can however be used to encode any files in much the same manner as TMPGEnc, but nowhere near as well or with as much control.
I've encoded an AVI using TMPGEnc (CBR) and then used three different authoring packages to test it out on. They were Ulead DVD MovieFactory, Ulead DVD Workshop Trial and Sonic DVDIt. In the case of both Ulead packages the video playback afterwards was jerky and kept freezing, but with the Sonic package there were no problems. The only re-encoding done was by the Sonic package as it doesn't support MP2 audio, only PCM or AC3. Ulead supports MP2 and did no re-encoding of the file. There does seem to be a problem with Ulead when it uses a file encoded at a Constant Bit Rate by another encoding package, or at least with TMPGEnc I can't tell about other encoders since I don't use them.
OK, I have re-read the original post and it can be interpreted both ways so technically we are both right. :-)
Since my last post I have come home and done yet more trial encoding using TMPGEnc. I encoded a short AVI using a CBR of 8000 and then used Ulead DVD MovieFactory to convert it to DVD Folders. I then tested the playback of this "DVD" using PowerDVD, the result was freezing video every few seconds. On a hunch from something else I had been reading I installed WinDVD and tried encoding again using *excatly* the same settings. The result this time was a perfect playback! I have now done around 20 encoded since installing WinDVD and each one plays back perfectly on the PC. When burned to a DVD they also play back perfectly unlike before.
From this I would hazard a guess that somehow the PowerDVD MPEG-2 decoder is somehow introducing glitches in the Ulead software when it authors the DVD. Of course I could be wrong, but this is just the way it seems to me and since I now have everything working almost perfectly I am not in a hurry to pursue this one further. I may look into at a later date just for my own satisfaction though. The only thing I now need to work on is getting the aspect ratio right for the TV as I am losing picture on either side, but that is another issue.
I have been trying days and night to encode one VHS to DVD. Everything works
fine but when I play the DVD on standalone player fast moving objects are
not smooth, ( moves like ripples).
I tried TMPGEnc DVD template and Mr. Kwang's PAL DVD template. I have done
almost 500 trials with the same footage. Once Kwang's template gave me a
nice excellent DVD without any ripples (burned DVD by ULead DVD Workshop).
I got fed-up by trying to reproduce the same footage by using the same template
I am 100% sure that it is not the problem of the source, since I tried with
Cinema Craft Encoder. There is nothing to compare. Always gives constant
results. Excellent MPEG2 results.
Still I love to use the TMPGEnc, because of its nice utilities and excellent
results in VCD and MPEG1.
I have the same problem, I capture with dc10+ and when I convert in mpeg2 the image is bad, is not a field order because 2.57 detect it when you load the avi.
Help please
The way I encode I use get the neat settings and features of Tmpgenc and I get the quality and speed of CCE, I do this by Frame serveing from Tmpgenc to CCE, then I get to use the re-size functions and the color filters and de-interlace source range and allmost all the settings in Tmpgenc then frame serve the file from Tmpgenc to CCE SP 2.62 with The Vfapi converter..It works Like a charm and you get the best of both encoders....
Hi, no ,I load the Video (not the audio)file in Tmpgenc do the settings apply the filters do the resize, clip frame, most of the settings besides the encodeing perameters can be frame served, then after the settings are done I go to "file" and save project, then I take the TPR project file and load it in the "Vfapi converter" and make a psudo avi that I load into CCE and do my CCE settings and I either load the audio file in CCE as an external audio source or I just use something else to encode the audio, and then encode, and the filters and settings you do in Tmpgenc show up in your file you encode with CCE, so it is like haveing the settings from Tmpgenc with the encodeing engine of CCE, doing it this way does take longer to encode then encodeing just with CCE but it is still much faster than Tmpgenc, on my 1.7ghz I can encode a 2 hour movie this way in 3 hours...This is the method I use all the time now cuz it produces exelent results....
Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are really smart Excellent. Not flattering.
I just tried a small clip and I found that there is a big difference in quality.
Still I have a question about "Vfapi converter"
The way I am doing as follows:
Adobe->Premiere Frame Server->TMPgEnc->Created AVI output->Used the AVI in CCE for creating MPEG2
I have two questions to you:
1. I just saved the project in TMPGEnc (TPR). At present I never used the TPR
file. I don't know how to use TPR in "Vfapi converter" ????????
- For the time being I use output to AVI it just creates the AVI output
- What is the importance of project file TPR ????
2. If I use this method,
Sony CamCoder->Dazzle FF->Adobe->TMPGEnc->CCE
Physically I am creating 3 files. Out of it BIG DV file -> BIG AVI file
then -> small MPEG2 file.
I hope that you can understand the situation of processing 2 hours footage.
My HDD is only 80 GB. DV and AVI takes lot of HUGE space
- Is there any to convert MidiDV to high quality MPEG2 without these steps ?
- Can we avoide the creation of 2 HUGE BIG BIG files (DV and AVI) ?
- What will be the file size for 1 min AVI format ?
If there is no otherway I should go with it.. Need your suggestions.
Also how to use "Vfapi converter".
I have asked lot of questions to you. Sorry for bothering you a lot.
I got the Video File API (VFAPI) Codec software to create the AVI output.
Everything looks fine. Only problem is filesize is Huge. 440MB/Sec
-> 25GB One Hour Clip.
Is it the standard ? or can we save as compressed video ?
please my you explain how to frameserv? I know it, i know how to make a tpr but when you load a file in tmpgenc what setting in mpeg do you apply? the same that you apply in cce?
I know how to make a tpr for an mpeg but I don't know for an avi.
You do not create an AVI with TMPG, this is pointless and a waste of time and quality.
Once you have your file from premier loaded into TMPG, set it up as if you were going to use TMPG to encode.
Instead of using TMPG to encode you then create a TMPG project file (.tpr) then load this file into the VFAPI converter.
Do not create the audio with the VFAPI converter. Once loaded click convert and you will have a dummy AVI created in a matter of seconds. Load this AVI into CCE and encode.
You are right, some time I was commiting mistake.
Now I can get a "psudo avi" without any problem.
I have another question ??????????????????????
I am using the TMPGEnc Template and Also in the final stage it uses CCE
templates also. My doubts are
- What is the role bytes/Sec and Type ? Should it be same in Both ?
- What about the GOP Settings ?
Is there any problem If I am following CBR in TMPGEnc and 2 Pass VBR in CCE ?
The Advanced settings what I make in the TMPGEnc is reflecting in the CCE
final MPEG. I am little bit confused in the bytes/Sec and type. Could you
please explain How should I handle there parameters for the highest quality.
The bitrate and GOP settings have no effect in TMPG when using CCE to encode. So you don't need to worry about this as CCE will overide any settings in TMPG, but just for the sake of it I always set the bitrate to CBR 9000 kb/s in TMPG when using CCE to encode.
The easiest way to see what CCE will be encoding is to just use the preview in TMPG. Whatever you can see in the preview is what CCE will also see and encode.
You told that 9000 Kbps. I am not able to set it more than 8000. How
can I set to 9000 Kbps ?
When I bypassed through TMPGEnc without making any color change, I am
getting high quality results comparing the results produced from
Adobe plugin CCE. What could be the magic behind this ?
In the normal DVD movies setting of CBR,CQ or nPass VBR is decided on
certain parameters. I found CQ and nPass VBR file size is low comparing to
CBR. While making a DVD which type of bitrate is desirable and how can decide?
Can any one tell me a way to get a very good high quality when i convert my avi files to mpg files. Can some on give me the right setting to make it show very good on my TV I have a big screen every time i burn a cd it coms out good but not good anough i ca hardly see the movie can some on tell me how to set the settings please THANKS.
Very anoying bug found if cutting mpg2 svcd file :
"illegal stream" when rebuild svcd header"
only if another tmpgenc is encoding in background a movie.
You aren"t really supposed to do anything with your computer while encodeing,There are a few errors that can be caused if you try to encode and do a high CPU task like useing the Merge & Cut..I"m surprised you didn"t get a floating point error....
I have same opinion as Minion says.
Also, remember, TMPGEnc only supports files encoded by TMPGEnc,
and you need certain MPEG-2 codec to load MPEG-2 files.
I have the same error like replic!!! i have installed powerdvd 4 and I have encoded a movie with tmpgenc. wehn I want to cut the movie, the same errer message comes. when I use v2.56, I became no error message!!!
Sorry about my english!!! I¡m from germany
Go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi plugins" and raise the Direct Show files reader to "2", this usually will get the encoder to read your file,