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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have a .wmv file that I want to convert to a mpeg2 file and import to a project in DVD Studio Pro 1.5 (Mac). I am able to convert the .wmv using TMPGEnc into a mpeg2 and view it using WinDVD4. Thanks to those that responded earlier about my trouble getting sound to work with the file. Because I am selecting to make an mpeg and not a m2v+wav file the conversion works and the animated clip plays.
However, when I try to import it into DVD Studio Pro the mpeg format is not recognized by the program. I have tried using QTPro and the mpeg2 encoder that is an add on to finish this conversion as is suggested in some literature. I can get the mpeg2 (as converted by TMPGenc) to play now in QT player with the encoder added, but there is no way to save it as a file that gives me that needed .m2v. As anyone dealt with this problem in the past?
>If what you need is the m2v from the MPEG then just de-multiplex the file using the MPEGtools in TMPG.
ok alot of this is related to my never having done this before. I can get the M2V and the wav file. But that file has no audio when I insert it into the dvd studio program. DVD Studio Pro only seems to accept m2v (the guide I bought supports that assumption), so I am stuck with a odd problem, well to me it is odd. I can get an mpeg2 with sound and play the animated clip fine in QT with MPEG2 support added, but not import it to the DVD Studio asset file. Alternatively I can have an m2v that I can load in the dvd studio pro and view, but I have no sound file with it. I have tried adding the wav file and merging them in Studio Pro but there doesnt seem to be any readily apparent way to do that.
I suppose I'm at the point I should just ask what easy to use DVD authoring software there is for XP and dump the whole concept of using my Mac for any of it. But I would like to try and get it working as it just bugs me too much.
You would Be Much better off useing a PC for authoring a DVD, Not because PC is better Just because there are Many more software titles for the PC..What DVD Authoring Program you use would depend mostly on your Needs, There are some Fairly In expensive ones like "Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2.0" that are very Basic they will Basicly just add Plain Menu"s and add Chapters and only accept Mpeg audio as the audio source, then there are some with a Few more features like "Ulead DVD Workshop 1.3" with Motion Menu"s and and animated Titles and AC3 audio support, then there are Some that they use to do Profecinal DVD Titles Like "Sonic Scenerest 2.7" or "Sonic DVD producer 3.1" that you can use to add all the features that retail DVD"s have Like support for 16 audio tracks and 36 Subtitle Tracks and other stuff you Probably wouldn"t use..Send me an e-Mail and I might be able to help you find a good one, But one thing you might not have tried is if the Program will only accept a File with a M2V extention then try renameing a Mpeg file with audio in it to M2V, maybe then it will accept the file...
>If what you need is the m2v from the MPEG then just de-multiplex the file using the MPEGtools in TMPG.
ok alot of this is related to my never having done this before. I can get the M2V and the wav file. But that file has no audio when I insert it into the dvd studio program. DVD Studio Pro only seems to accept m2v (the guide I bought supports that assumption), so I am stuck with a odd problem, well to me it is odd. I can get an mpeg2 with sound and play the animated clip fine in QT with MPEG2 support added, but not import it to the DVD Studio asset file. Alternatively I can have an m2v that I can load in the dvd studio pro and view, but I have no sound file with it. I have tried adding the wav file and merging them in Studio Pro but there doesnt seem to be any readily apparent way to do that.
I suppose I'm at the point I should just ask what easy to use DVD authoring software there is for XP and dump the whole concept of using my Mac for any of it. But I would like to try and get it working as it just bugs me too much.
>I can get the M2V and the wav file. But that file has no audio when I insert it into the dvd studio program. DVD Studio Pro only seems to accept m2v (the guide I bought supports that assumption), so I am stuck with a odd problem, well to me it is odd
What do you mean there is no audio when the wav is inserted into the program? Have you actually tried to create the VOBs first and then checked them for audio?
You seem to be making some sort of error some way along the line here.
All DVD authoring software will accept WAV as audio input.
DVD studio pro clearly states it will also accept WAV,MPEG OR Ac3 audio. You must make sure the sample rate is 48000 khz.
If you still can't get the Wav audio to work, which is unlikely, why don't you use the utility which comes with DVD studio Pro to convert the audio to Ac3.
This will make the DVD fully compatible.
Why does it not matter if I reduce the resolution (i.e. from 640x480 to 320x240) in the exported MPG1 filesize? should it not be half the size as well?
If i do want a file which is half the size, is my only option to reduce the bitrate?
No, it doesn't matter what resolution you choose. The file size will always remain the same if you are using a CBR method of encoding.
It is the bitrate that determines the size of any given file.
For example 1500 kb/s is 1500 kb/s whether the resolution is 320x240 or 640x480.
What I mean is that the same amount of bits are being used to encode the MPEG no matter what the resolution is. The only difference being the quality of the actual image.
At high resolutions the image quality will be better, but this means that you would also need more bits to encode the image and hence a higher bitrate setting to avoid blockiness.
A lower resolution means there are less pixels and hence less data in the image to be encoded therefore the image is less likely to have blockiness at low bitrates, but the image won't be as sharp or as good quality.
The audio in a Mpeg file in NOT MP3..And if you ended up with a WAV file then you chose the wrong audio Format, the standard audio format for Mpeg files is Mp2 audio unless you are makeing a DVD then the audio can be Wav,MP2 or AC3...
After I produced an d2v file from an vob file with DVD2AVI, tmpegenc. doesnt recognize the d2v file. It says that it is not supported. What did I wrong?
Make sure that you have the DVD2AVI.vfp Plugin installed in the Vfapi Plugins...If not then copy the "DVD2AVI.vfp" File from the DVD2AVI folder to the Tmpgenc folder..Then make sure that you do not delete the Mpeg/VOB files that you are encodeing and do not move them or rename them or do not moove or rename the D2V file....
when i try to convert an avi file (2min) to an mpg which i want to play on a pocket pc using following settings, i always get a file size of 24mb. how can i lower this?? :
2 b frames between p frames
I have an avi from an unkown source. It plays well by Windows Media Player (wmplayer.exe). When I try to convert it to mpeg using Tsunami TMPGEnc 2.51, I get message, "Cannot open or unsupported." How can I find out what the avi is made of and what it will take to convert it?
I'm having the same problem, and changing the setting to 2 only gets me to the next screen, but then boots me out when I try to adjust the settings. Is there another setting I can change in addition to this one?
I'm gaining on the problem. I found a program that inspects the avi file and tells me the codec. It's called avicodec. The problematic avi files use the MS MPEG4 V3 (MP43) codec. My guess is that somehow Windows Media Player V9 can find the codec on my system, but Tsunami MPEG Encoder, Easy AVI Converter and LSX-MPEG Encoder 3.5 cannot find the codec. I'm not sure how to overcome this problem, (I don't know how codecs become known to the programs) but I'm contacting all the encoder/converter sources to see if I'm on the right track and to see if there is something I can do or if they can help me (us).
If you have mediaplayer 9 installed then this is most likely your problem.
Mediaplayer is causing all sorts of problems with programs like TMPG, but not just TMPG.
It seems that Microsoft has implemented some sort of code into mediaplayer 9 and it's MPEG4 codecs which is blocking other software from using it's MPEG4 codecs. Microsoft has always tried to block the use of it's MPEG4 codec with anything other than it's own software.
You could try and find the hacked version of the MPEG4 codecs which are available on the net which should allow you to open these files or try FFDSHOW which can open all MPEG4 codecs including Microsoft,DIVX and XVID.
Your best bet if that doesn't work is to remove Mediaplayer9 and install FFDSHOW. This usually gets TMPG working with MPEG4 files.
i had an avi file i extracted the sound using virtual dub and changed it to wav then i converted the whole thing to mpeg, first half of the film was fine but then the sound went about 5 mins out of sinc, why? and how do i fix it?
How did you encode the Movie into 2 Parts??? If you used the Source Range to Encode the Movie into 2 parts then try just makeing one big file and cut it into 2 parts with a Good Mpeg editor like Mpeg2VCR, and if you did encode the file to one big file and Use the "Merge & Cut" to Cut the File into 2 parts then Don"t use the Merge & Cut ,use a Real mpeg editor Cuz the Merge & Cut can cause Sync Problems...
You are Makeing a DVD ,Right??? If not you have chosen the Wrong audio format for the audio, the audio format for VCD/SVCD is Mp2 audio..But if you are Makeing a DVD then the answer is You Don"t put them together into One File, You need to have a DVD Authoring Program that will accept seperate Audio and video files ,The authoring Program will Join them together and Burn them to DVD..If your DVD Authoring Program will not accept seperate audio and video files then it doesn"t support Wav audio for DVD"s so you would have to encode the audio to MP2 audio and used the "Multiplex" to join them into one File....
Is there a way to load the *.idx file generated from SmartRipper (which has the GOP structure) into the "Force Frame Setting" of TMPGEnc? Manually entering the GOPs will take too long.
I don"t know about that, But you can Easily Just set the Gop structure of the encoded file to the same Gop structure of the File you are encodeing just by Finding out what the gop structure of the source file is useing Maybe a Bitrate Viewer or the Mpeg Stream Explorer, then set the Gop in Tmpgenc to the same one, just by putting in the amout of I P B frames there are in a Gop and the Gop Length..It Probably wouldn"t get every single frame the same as in the Source file but the same Basic Gop structure will be carried out through the whole file with Very little Differance betwween the 2 files....
Thanks, but I already know how to do all that. My problem is a video that has a very complex GOP sequence. It's not standard and alternates a lot. It would take me hours to manually set the correct GOP. I was hoping there was a way to load the *.idx file generated from SmartRipper in the Force Picture Type Setting, but I guess not.
There is an option in IFOedit which will allow you load the VOBS and create a frame list for use in TMPG to force the GOP structure.
Go to and click on the IFOEDIT link in the quick search bar for info how to do this.
I got quiet good with this software and am using it to encode mpeg2 from avi's. Works well.. Except for a slight almost unnoticable pause every 1 to 2 seconds.
I checked all the settings to no avail.
By the way the file being produced is an m2v file for Maestro later so alot of the setting are not your standard settings...
This Could be from any Number of things, Make sure that the Frame Rate is the Same in the AVI file as in the Mpeg file cuz Tmpgenc can"t convert Frame rates Properly, and Make sure you have the Field Order set correctly cuz improper Field order setting can cause a Jumpy effect, If you see this While Playing on your DVD Player then Make sure that you don"t have Bitrate spikes in the Mpeg file or the Bitrate is to high in the Mpeg file and the DVD Player skips trying to spin the disk, and Make sure you do not burn your CD-R"s at too high of a Speed Cuz burning to Fast can cause many different problems like Skipping..Well These are the Conditions that Can cause a skipping in the Video, I hope this helps a Bit....good Luck
If this pause is at regular 1-2 second intervals then it is most likely because you have changed the frame rate of the original source file.
TMPG does not do correct frame rate conversion. Either encode to the same frame rate or use one of the other methods you can use for altering the framerate with either AVIfrate for changing the frame rate of the AVI and then use an audio editing program to alter the audio length to match the video or use AVIsynth.
I am having problems with templates converting to Field Order B. I set Field Order to B on the Advanced Tab in Settings, however, the finished MPEG always seems to end up as a Top Field A file that has motion problems as a DVD. Does anyone have a template, or an idea on how to make sure that AVI2DVD files come out as a Bottom Field B compliant file?
You cannot use a template to set the field order.
You must set the field order manually after loading the template and make sure you set the field order AFTER loading the AVI then the template otherwise TMPG will reset the field order.
How are you confirming that the field order is incorrect, with Bitrate viewer?
If you still experience problems, which I think is still down to your error, you can download a program called Pulldown.exe and it's GUI to convert the MPEG to the correct field order.
When I load the finished file into Movie Factory 2 I can check the field order under the information tab. The thing that is making me crazy is the first disk that I created out of a multi-disk set, came out with the correct field order, B, for some reason I have not been able to repeat this for the second disk. I have tried numerous different combinations to no avail. All resulting files come out as Field Order A. As you know the Top Field seems to have motion problems when converted to DVD. I assume that I am doing something wrong but after 6 or 8 try's it is begining to become a bit frustrating.
How do you know the Bottom field first is the correct Field order???You can still get Interlace artifacts when the field order is correct, I know I do,..Did you Try what I sudgested?? Loading the file into Tmpgenc useing the WiZard?? Cuz if useing the Wizard the Field order gets set to Top field first then that IS what the field order is..But as Ashy sugested useing Pulldown.exe you can change the field order of the file without re-encodeing the file
I am going on the fact that TMPG sets the field order correctly, however, the tutorials that I have read tell me that I want to encode the MPEG 2 in Bottom Field for DV use. Perhaps what I am misunderstanding here is if I really need to change Top Field to Bottom Field for DVD production. Most of the successful DVD's I have created were encoded in bottom field. The ones I created using the original Top Field always came out with motion artifacts. I was under the inpression that I could encode the MPEG 2 in any Field that I chose by selecting under the advanced tab. Is seems that I hace been able to do that with other AVI files but perhaps I am mistaken.
I have not quite figured out how to set up Pulldown yet, is it a similar setup to Lame Layer 3 encoder? Am I able to change Field Order in the original TMPG encoding process?
You cannot set the field order to whatever you want. You MUST set it to the same order as the original. If the original is top field first then the output must be set to top field first and viceaversa.
As for pulldown.exe, what do you mean set up?
Theres nothing to set up, just download pulldown.exe and the GUI and put them in the same folder then run the GUI.
Demultiplex your encoded MPEG then load it into pulldown.
There is no re-encoding involved.