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TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6 Forum [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have the trial verison of TMPEG AW6 and have 2 questions before I decide to purchase.
1. Can I create an ISO straight from the Output tab? Currently I have to create Blu-ray BDMV folders then go to Disc tools and create an ISO image which takes another 30mins. This feature would save so much time as our disc publishers handle ISO images better.
2. I cannot seem to delete buttons in the menu. I can only delete the buttons I create, not the ones created by the menu wizard.
I'm not sure if any of these requests are due to trial version.
1.) You can't create an ISO directly from the Output tab. Would be a nice option though.
2.) You can't delete those buttons, but you can hide most of them if you need to. In the Menu tab, click on the "Blu-ray Global Menu Settings" button, then click on the "Item Display" tab and deselect the menu items that you don't need.
Thanks for the reply.
The output to BMDV in this software is so fast that if ISO directly and more control of the menus was there it would be great
Since few days I have noise on sound pist. whne I'm playing the original TS file no problem after encode I have noise. The TS File was on French DVB-T (MPEG2 HD H264 - eac3 )and i want to convert to MP4 HD H 264 - MP4a. I'm using TMPGEnc since a lot of years withn any problem and I don't have any update only the last version on W10 build 1803. Someone have the same problem ?
You should send your report directly to Pegasys to make sure they get it.
They just released an update for MPEG Smart Renderer 5 which had an error caused by the Win10 1803 update. It's different from your problem but maybe this Windows update is causing problems for all TMPGEnc products.
(Sorry for the second duplicate post, my first attempt seems to have left off half the post, and won't let me delete it).
I've run into this with several projects, going into the "Create a menu based on Template" option, finding the template with the perfect background for my project, but not liking any of the other features of the template. And they all seem to be locked as part of the template, cannot be changed or even moved to another part of the screen.
Considering that the heading says "create a menu BASED on a template" I would hope that I'd be able start out with the template as a base, and customize it as needed. That does not seem to be the case. And said perfect background is apparently NOT available to use in the library of backgrounds under custom menu creation.
Really irritating to find the perfect background for a project but hate the button/thumbnail/positioning options of the template and have no other way to just use the background.
Is there no way to export a template background to use separately, either within the program or by digging around into the program folders and finding the template files that way and save the background somehow from there?
The old program we used to use didn't always have the exact single backgrounds that they had available from the template either, but it was easy enough to find them in one of the program folders and copy them out to use by themselves. Would be nice if that was an option here as well.
Unfortunately, that's how it's been with this program for forever. I think people here have requested unlocked menu templates before, but it hasn't happened, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.
Making the backgrounds and other elements available as custom menu parts would be a good compromise though.
I've run into this with several projects, going into the "Create a menu based on Template" option, finding the template with the perfect background for my project, but not liking any of the other features of the template. And they all seem to be locked as part of the template, cannot be changed or even moved to another part of the screen.
Considering that the heading says "create a menu BASED on a template" I would hope that I'd be able start out with the template as a base, and customize it as needed. That does not seem to be the case.
When a 'custom menu' (pic 1) is built, the background audio loops just when the mouse flies over the chapter box. This also starts the video or shows the picture, which is normal. This occurs even after the DVD is finished.
I tried several changes without any success.
It does not seems normal that the move on a chapter makes the audio restarts, as it is supposed to illustrate the menu 'page' and not the chapter itself.
I believe this is a limitation of the DVD standard. Any time the menu visually changes (not counting highlights, as those are overlaid on top of the menu), you are actually loading a separate render of the menu. Thus, the music will restart because you are essentially loading a new video (the menu).
very impressed by the features and stability of AW6 but would appreciate tips on how to auto display original imported video file names as chapter names (with or without thumbnails)
an example of this feature is found in the MULTIAVCHD package.
You can change the default chapter name in the Preferences and clicking on "Project General Settings." Click on the down arrow button next to the text box for Chapter Label and you can select the clip name as the default chapter name. You can also auto-add a number after the name as well.
You can use a subtitle stream to display timecode.
Go to the Source Stage, double click on your clip (you will have to do it for each clip) to open the clip editor window.
Click on Subtitle Edit.
Click on "Add" to add a subtitle to the subtitle stream. This opens the Subtitle Text Edit window.
Check the box for "Import Metadata" and then click on the "Quote Data" button and click Source Duration.
This will automatically add a code to the text box and the timecode should appear on the preview pane.
By default, only HH:MM:SS are displayed. You can add frames by adding ":{SourceTime_F2}" to the code in the text box.
Unfortunately, the frame data does not reset for each second, so it just continues to go higher and higher, increasing in digits and showing the total number of frames.
As long as it's text based, you can just delete the text (This should be true for the top and track menus). If it's part of the background image, you won't be able to delete it, but you can cover it up by putting an image on top of it (audio/note/subtitle/popup menus can have the title as part of the background image).
I thought for sure that Authoring Works 6 would be 4k-capable. If it is I can't tell that it is. Using TMPGEnc suite of tools how is it possible to AUTHOR 4k content?
TAW6 does not seem to be able to output 4k content, but it can import 4k footage from XAVC S and maybe other formats.
They will probably add 4k output to TAW7. They recently released Video Mastering Works 7 in Japan, so Authoring Works 7 will probably be the next thing they work on. This is all just speculation on my part though.
In Version 4 and earlier, when creating the DVD menu you could add a photo to the background of each page of the Menu when you created the DVD. I do not see that option in Ver 6. Is it there and I'm just not seeing it?
Currently have the trial version of Authoring Works 6. Would like to create a BD. This should contain two movies with individual chapters. Film 1 = 3 chapters, movie 2 = 5 chapters. The menu should now look like that: when inserting the disc first a main menu is displayed where you select the desired title, then jump to the appropriate sub menu where the individual chapters or all chapters can be selected. After selecting a single and playing a chapter it should be jumped back to the corresponding chapter menu after its end to select a different chapter.
Having spent quite a few hours making such a menu, I am close to despair. Neither with one of the included, nor with a user menu it is possible.
Question, I'm just too stupid or really can not do that. With other authoring software that works, but they all have either bad encoders, are extremely slow to render, or very expensive.
I'm grateful for every tip.
This probably comes too late for you, but to have separate movies handled the way you want, you need to have each in its own track when you add sources. The first movie would go to Track 1, then create Track 2 and add the second movie to it. You then set the menu up with a title screen and then track screens for each movie.
I had the same problem initially, because like you, I'm used to the way other programs handle menus. This way makes sense to me and it allows flexibility my current software doesn't. I did create a disc this way with the trial version using 10 titles and 10 chapters each. An older Blu-Ray player had trouble with it, but it's a very early model. Another more recent model had no issues that I can see.
I don't think you're stupid. It just takes an adjustment of mindset, common when moving to different applications. Not always easy to do.
You can export the chapter/keyframe positions as a .keyframe file and just open it in a text editor. It's just a list of the frame numbers where a chapter/keyframe exists. Just hit ctrl + s when you're in the clip editor.
Not through TAW6, I don't think. You can create a formula in excel to convert the framenumber into timecode, do a google search for "convert frame number to timecode" and you should be able to find some stuff.