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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TME1 P3Package.dll ? QuiteDisturbed 2 2005-04-03 19:52:40
Question TE25 Pc hang when converting to mpg-1 Artanis 1 2005-04-06 11:29:44
Question TE25 .mpeg to VCD Ron Kleim 4 2005-04-06 11:19:16
Question TME1 poor video quality dideroch 0 2005-03-25 16:56:00
Question TME1 .wvx logansmith 0 2005-03-24 16:35:44
Question TE25 No audio when converting to DVD wjp007 1 2005-04-06 11:27:46
Question TE25 'Could not create the file test.mpg' ? orion404 5 2005-04-01 08:30:46
Question TE25 cutted mpeg file size limit? Newbie17426 2 2005-03-24 12:52:20
Question TE25 Noob With a problem Kuro-Inu 2 2005-03-24 20:51:10
Question TE25 4:3 to 16:9? Sakuya 4 2005-03-23 10:51:05
Question TE25 Transition screen-5 sec ? orion404 0 2005-03-21 16:47:53
Question TE25 Heavy decoder load kzsolt 8 2005-04-08 18:01:25

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Question - TME1 - P3Package.dll ? No.54366
QuiteDisturbed  2005-03-28 01:49:27 ( ID:qbrkridigdf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

im trying to put in a video file and it ses Can't find "P3Package.dll"

i have no clue how to fix this i am not very good with computers could i please have some feedback as to what i should do BTW im trying to put in a video recorded from a Game

QuiteDisturbed  2005-03-28 02:04:32 ( ID:qbrkridigdf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i did further research into this and found a person having the same problem as me and matt (post further below same problem) and he said he uninstalled his version and then installed it again and the problem was gone i decided to try this and what do u know it worked :D hope i helped matt down below

Good Luck to everyone on there problems

zoule  Home )  2005-04-03 19:52:40 ( ID:xqquthtystn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I faced the same problem, and what I did was, make sure your 'P3Package.dll' is in the same folder as your application file folder (TMPGEnc.exe). I think what happen ed was your TMPGEnc software cant detect the .dll file. I hope this solve the problem.

Question - TE25 - Pc hang when converting to mpg-1 No.43067
Artanis  2005-03-27 07:10:07 ( ID:4bbk5n9bato )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tis my first time encoding with TMPGEnc.

However, the first 5% of the econding causes my Pc to hang..& i will have to restart the whole encoding again..

can someone pls advise me on the settings or wad codecs i need ..or wad could have gone wrong.

aldaco12  2005-04-06 11:29:44 ( ID:oqc/f/b5mok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My suggestion is to test TMPGenc with a different file. It might be a problem - corruption? - of the input movie (I don't think your HD hasn't any free room for the output's mpeg)

Question - TE25 - .mpeg to VCD No.43062
Ron Kleim  2005-03-26 21:18:27 ( ID:u9kqg3awnsc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I need all the steps to create a VCD that will play on a stand alone DVD player.
I have created my .mpeg file , now what do I do?

I assume it has something to do with templates?

Thanks, Ron

ashy  2005-03-27 02:28:24 ( ID:c9rwdyebxxw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ron Kleim  2005-03-27 02:37:58 ( ID:vhltj7fdwyr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeah, so.......
That's where I found TMPGEnc.

Is there a free or trial version of a burner that will make VCDs from .mpeg?

I guess I'm an idiot; I've been trying to do this for a year!!!


ashy  2005-03-27 21:04:21 ( ID:c9rwdyebxxw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Jaysus mate, it's all there on the link I gave you from encoding right through to burning step by step. Take another look.

aldaco12  2005-04-06 11:19:16 ( ID:oqc/f/b5mok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Or, if you want to test an useful application (but it will only create a cue/bin you must butn wiat any application: Nero, Alcohol 120%, CDRWin...) is the freeware VCDGear.
It's also useful, if you learn extract movies from images (Nero's , CDRWns , Dreamcast's), to convert movies (PAL <--> NTSC), and so on...

Question - TME1 - poor video quality No.54365
dideroch  2005-03-25 16:56:00 ( ID:oc9nkxaq7cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello, I have a couple questions. I am trying to take my home movies(lots of them) shot on a Sony camcorder TRV103 digital and capture them onto my computer(Windows XP, only couple years old) and convert into a SVCD so we can watch them on the DVD player. OK, so I capture them into WMM2.1 as a DV-AVI file, clean them up or whatever I want to do with them and then resave them as a DV-AVI file again. Now mind you the original file off of the camcorder is well I call it RAW. If I look at it in the viewer in WMM2.1 it looks good, but when in WMP10 has lots of vertical lines. This is not my problem, I figure it is because of the interlacing problem in WMP. Ok so I take the DV-AVI file and i put it into TMPGEnc to change it to a MPEG-2 file. If I skip this part and go straight to Nero to burn the AVI file, it looks like crap. So I am trying to figure out how to do this so that my SVCD's look at least like the quality of a VHS tape which isn't bad. I am new to this, and have looked for help on all kinds of sites and have done at least twenty tests on the same video clip and burned at least 7 cds with tests. I found that I need to set my project on interlacing, and the on Bottom field ( B ) with an aspect ratio of 4:3 525 line NTSC, with Full screen (keep aspect ratio). The Detect Scene Change is set and I have it on highest quality. I don't really mess too much with the other settings. Then I encode a 2 min file of my kids swing dancing and it takes about 30 mins. When I put it in my DVD player it kind of looks ok, but every time they move it gets pixelated. My son has writing on the back of his shirt but it looks like one of those mosaic settings on a camcorder or where they bleep it out of a show to protect the innocent. So my questions are, what am I doing wrong? I would love to be able to put my movies on SVCD for enjoyment and then store the tapes away for safe keeping, but it is really hard to watch a pixelated movie. Someone please help me, I have spent hours on this so far just testing this little clip. I would love to be able to just do it. Is VCD quality any easier to create? I can't do DVD cuz I don't have a DVD burner. Sorry this is so long of a post but I felt as if I needed to explain what I have done so far to get to this point. Thank you for all your help!!!

Question - TME1 - .wvx No.54364
logansmith  2005-03-24 16:35:44 ( ID:zkela26yjgo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can someone tell me if .wvx format can be used on TMPGEnc ?


Question - TE25 - No audio when converting to DVD No.43060
wjp007  2005-03-24 13:31:30 ( ID:hvies3e9lnk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to convert an Xvid file back to DVD and I don't get any audio after I run TMPGEnc. I used VirtualDub to create and audio only wav file. The audio in the Xvid was in AC3 format. I did have two audio streams, could that be the problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

aldaco12  2005-04-06 11:27:46 ( ID:oqc/f/b5mok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGenc, unless you have Fcchandler's AC3ACM codec, cannot load AC3 audio and, maybe, that AVI had AC3 audio (look it with VirtualDubMod doing Stream__Stream list. TMPGenc will have left the 'audio input line blank, in the main screen.

Yu have to extract the AC3 audio from that AVI (Again: VirtaulDubMod: Stream__Stream list__Demux, decompress the AC3 audio to WAV (VDubMod cannot do it directly, if you don't have an AC3 codec instaled on your PC; VirtualDub will call it 'WAV' even if it is a compressed sound [but it will be a small file, not an uncompressed WAV very large, instead]) with, for example, the freeware HeadAC3he.


Question - TE25 - 'Could not create the file test.mpg' ? No.43054
orion404  2005-03-23 13:43:22 ( ID:85eozf2rjmm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been using the Cut & Join function on VCD compatible files very sucessfully for about a week and now, all of a sudden, I'm getting the error message: 'Could not create the file test.mpg'.

Have uninstalled (deleted folder) and reinstalled (created new folder) and the same results.

Am no longer able to cut a video segment sucessfully with I click the 'Run' command in the Cut & Join window.

Is there a fix?

B_Racer  2005-03-23 16:54:52 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeah, guess there's something wrong with your temporary Discspace.

aldaco12  2005-03-24 12:55:17 ( ID:oqc/f/b5mok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Unless the name of the destination file coincides with the name of one file you're joining...

ashy  2005-03-24 19:28:22 ( ID:c9rwdyebxxw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As aldaco12 says ensure the ouput name is different to that of the source name.

orion404  2005-03-25 14:26:38 ( ID:85eozf2rjmm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have confirmed location and available space on the TEMP file folder is sufficient.

Have confirmed unique file name for the cut video is correct.

Could this be a factor....
I tried the DVD Plus module once, didn't like it, and the 30 day 'trial period' has expired. Since I'm only working in VCD, is the DVD trial period a factor? If so, anyway to get past that and continue on with the VCD (mpeg1) module?


Jeremy Greenblatt  2005-04-01 08:30:46 ( ID:x3/fon87r6f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using TMPEnc Plus Free Edition, and I have the same problem - mpeg1 tools->merge&cut merging mpeg1 files fails most of the time, with the message, "Could not create the file xxx.mpg".

When I check the directory, I find that it created the output file with length 0 bytes.

When it worked once, I had first left the first option on the drop down box - mpeg1 system(automatic), and it didn't work. Then I selected the third option- mpeg1 videoCD, and it worked. Now even that doesn't work.

I have plenty of disk space, and use a different new filename each time.

I've never downloaded the DVD module, so it can't be that.

It can't be improper file formatting, because these mpeg1's were created by TMPEnc itself.

I am using Win2K with TMPGEnc Free Edition, and the mpeg1's I'm trying to merge are of lengths from 50 to 240 MB.

Question - TE25 - cutted mpeg file size limit? No.43051
Newbie17426  2005-03-22 20:44:57 ( ID:xtqtlso9yan )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

have a file 730 meg that I'd like to fit onto a cd. I used mpeg tools and set the start and end times hoping to reduce the file to less than 700 meg. When TMPGEnc finishes running, it only created a file 380 meg long and saved only part of the file, well short of the end specified. Only about half of the file was saved. Does TMPGenc have a file size limit? What happened? Appreciate any answers

B_Racer  2005-03-23 10:54:40 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

730 mbyte will fit a normal Disc perfectly if you are using SVCD-Mode for burning.

The MPEG-Tools are not the best choice for Cutting a Movie. I suggest to use MPEG-Tools for demuxing and after that the Program MPEG2Schnitt (german program, but easy to use) for cutting.

aldaco12  2005-03-24 12:52:20 ( ID:oqc/f/b5mok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The rule is:

- a VCD movie is approx 10 MB * its length (in minutes)
- a SVCD movie can be made as large as you want, since you use VBR , not CBR. Usually a movie is made 2/3*CD-ROM large, to fit the movie in few discs.

Usually an AVI movie 'shrinks' the movie , losing some quality, therefore a 4,5 GB DVD movie can become a 700 MB AVI file.

I had never seen a 'saved a 380 MB file saving just a part of the movie', unless the program aborted at a certain point of the encoding, for some reason to me unknown. Unless you cut the movie. In this case, TMPGenc just cut the movie as you asked. Maybe you don't know how to use it well.

(Remember that on a CD-ROM you can fit about 830 MB mpeg)

Question - TE25 - Noob With a problem No.43048
Kuro-Inu  2005-03-22 13:40:08 ( ID:qdrflxpyuvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am hoping some one can help me.

I got Sonic My dvd 5.0 and couldnt transfer my Downloaded Episodes of Desperate housewived from my hard drive to My Dvd Disks I kept comming up with the same error.

When I contacted Sonic - they linked me to Tmpgenc and told me to download the software here that it would convert the files to what i needed them to be in order to be able to burn use them in sonic. now i have encodes the files, but i still cannot get any sound. I have no idea of what i am doing, and the instructions were no help at all. I feel like an idiot, can some one explain in plain english how to get the audio and video to play lik it does in the original file- so that i can butn the files files needed?

Any help provided is appreciated.


Hugz n Tugz


aldaco12  2005-03-24 12:44:19 ( ID:oqc/f/b5mok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the original AVIs had AC3 sound, TMPGenc cannot load them and leaves the 'audio input' box window empty, in the main screen (unless you have installed a proper plugin: [maybe there's a free version available somewhere, but I don't know it]).
Converting AC3 to MP2 is difficult, but just to be sure, open the movie with VirtualDubMod and do Stream__Stream list.
If you can 'save as WAV' the stream (and you obtain an about 1.2 GB WAV file) you've made it. If not, you have extracted a compressed WAV and you need to convert it to 'MP2 for SVCD' with BeSweet + BeSweet GUI.
After, load the .MP2/the uncompressed .WAV file as 'audio input' with TMPGenc.
Rather complicated, isn't it?

Kuro-Inu  2005-03-24 20:51:10 ( ID:qdrflxpyuvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

yes it does sound complicated... but the audio Imput box is the same file, ans the video they are not seperate, and never have been.

Question - TE25 - 4:3 to 16:9? No.43043
Sakuya  2005-03-22 07:56:08 ( ID:njjiivtkzsw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm creating a DVD that has 1 16:9 video and 3 4:3 video. But, my authoring app. does not allow those combinations on the same titleset and has no simple way to create multiple titlesets.

My 4:3 videos are sized 640x480 but they have black bars at the top and bottom. Is it possible to crop out the black bars so it is 16:9?

I did find an authoring app. that can create multiple titlesets but they have many limitations for custom still menus that I cannot make it look nice. :( If only I can make those 4:3 videos to 16:9 then all will be well. Any help is appreciated!

B_Racer  2005-03-22 10:58:56 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I suggest DVDLab Pro for Multi-VTS-Authoring with unlimited Authoring-abilities.

640x480? That's not a valid Resolution for DVD. Even if you use black bars, the aspect ratio will be distorted.

ashy  2005-03-22 18:07:56 ( ID:c9rwdyebxxw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What's wrong with using TMPG DVD author?
It can create multiple VTS's in either 4:3 and 16:9 or a combination of both.
It can also create whatever menu you can imagine as you are NOT limited to just the templates. It is possible to create your own and import whatever backgrounds and buttons you wish.

It can also easily create motion/audio menus.
In fact I have found TMPG DVD author quite impressive in what it can produce and so much easier and better IMO than DVDlab which I used to use.

The only limitation TMPG DVD author has as far as I can see is being unable to use multiple audio tracks.

Sakuya  2005-03-22 21:37:30 ( ID:njjiivtkzsw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I need to have selectable subtitles and TDA doesn't support them (and why don't they anyway?).

The MPEG files were released as trailers on the internet at a size of 640x480 with black bars on the top and bottom. They already have black bars there. They were made for computer viewing. But I want to put them onto my DVD.

That's why I want to CUT OUT the black bars and then resize the video to widescreen using AVISynth and then converting to MPEG-2 using TMPGEnc. Is that possible?

B_Racer  2005-03-23 10:51:05 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Oh, OK, now i understand.
Yes, you can use AVISynth to crop the borders and to resize the Video, no problem. I suggest to use DVD2AVI or DGIndex to create the Project-File and the correct version of MPEG2Dec for opening the Video in AVISynth. This provides a much better Quality than DirectShowSource.
After that, you can use all the Filters of AVISynth to do with the Video whatever you want to do.

Authoring: I'm using TDA for my simple Discs and DVDLab Pro for all the others. Selectable Subtitles / Audiotracks are easy to do with this Tool.

Question - TE25 - Transition screen-5 sec ? No.43042
orion404  2005-03-21 16:47:53 ( ID:85eozf2rjmm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm capturing VCD compliant video with a Hauppauge WinTV card and use TMPGenc for cutting the commercials and then joining the clips into a single file.

That part works perfectly every time.

I would like to be able to insert a 5 sec or so black screen 'video' to use as a transition between video segments but I'm getting response back from TMPGenc that the videos are not of the same 'type'.

Have tried using the original video file transitions and expanding the length but still getting the same response. Read elsewhere there is a 10 Mb minimum file size to get a VCD compliant video.

Any solutions to creating one of these?

WinXP - Home
512 Mb
120 Gb

Thanks !

Question - TE25 - Heavy decoder load No.43033
kzsolt  2005-03-17 17:43:12 ( ID:ram9fyzgnqg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tmpgenc2.5, Mpeg2 output, Tmpgenc DVD author 1.5, DVD-R or DVD+R.

This dvd can played without any problem with powerdvd and newest version of ms mediaplayer. But in old version of msmp and in brand new desktop dvdplayer in case of fast object movement have trouble. In that case the object move with steps, not continously. May some picture element are dropped, but without any error message.
This problem are independent from CBR speed and output resulution and change of GOP frame limit has no effect.
But if I replace mpeg encoder to pinnacle stu 8 then all porblem is gone (but the picture quality lower).

What I can change in Tmpgenc setting to remove this poroblem?

kzsolt  2005-03-21 09:07:57 ( ID:ram9fyzgnqg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So, no we have shoot from the effect who generate this problem in tmpgenc and desktop player pair. Ths picture is downloadable form link. This is a shoot of avi file. There you see in fast moving part of picture have some garbling, but only in this part of them. Thet source of them may some VHS tape effect or may some old digital encoding problem.

ashy  2005-03-22 17:40:33 ( ID:c9rwdyebxxw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Those are interlacing artifacts.
You have the field order wrong. The field order should either be 'top' or 'bottom'

Whatever the field order is at the moment you need to change it to the opposite.

You can also de-interlace the source using the de-interlace options in the advanced settings.

kzsolt  2005-03-28 15:08:25 ( ID:ram9fyzgnqg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The problem sourced form two subproblem. The first (and smallest) it is the interlacing problem. But if I use only the odd or the even frame then the output problem are same. So each frame (odd or even) cotaining picture multilexed from two half frame.
This is maybe special european problem. Here converted NTSC (30fps) to PAL (25fps). In case of some kind of hardware converter two ntsc half-frame merged to one pal half-frame. The result is contenet of two half-frame in one half-frame. Pinnacle may know this special PAL problem, and have algorithm to solve (or workaround) them...

ashy  2005-03-28 22:59:50 ( ID:c9rwdyebxxw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is this an AVI?
Looks to me like the fields have been swapped over. Simply changing the field order in TMPG wouldn't correct this.

You can swap the fields by running the AVI through Virtualdub and then selecting the extended options when loading the file.

kzsolt  2005-03-30 18:09:49 ( ID:ram9fyzgnqg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The source file is avi. As you see in the picture if no deinterlace activated then the frame 1306 contain the flowing picture. After activate deinterlace, and only the even frame used You see the event frame itself is not sharp, but only some frame where fast moving object occured.
May Pinna do some sharping algorithm to bridge this porblem....

ashy  2005-03-30 22:53:12 ( ID:c9rwdyebxxw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I can't see the second picture as the link doesn't work, but the first one is definitely interlacing artifacts.

kzsolt  2005-04-05 12:58:32 ( ID:ram9fyzgnqg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The link is .

kzsolt  2005-04-08 18:01:25 ( ID:ram9fyzgnqg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have now! This problem only eliminate if the coding set to motion eliminate search. May in that setup the object prioties are different, and the fast motion object have lower priority and of course this object do not eat the full bandwidth.

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