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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 334 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Request TDA1 Menus and Menu Themes Jack 2 2004-07-06 04:54:47
Question TE25 DV to MPG2 loss of quality xanjoh 2 2004-07-06 04:05:09
Question TE25 encoding problems with sound Ray 2 2004-07-04 09:58:05
Question TE25 What does no sound mean? Sha 1 2004-07-04 09:59:01
Question TE25 cannot open, or unsupported mike 4 2004-07-11 22:56:11
Question TE25 AVI to MPEG (Yes another one) Darklotusegg 0 2004-07-02 17:09:37
Request TE30 mpg for ppc wm 1 2004-07-12 14:21:46
Bug report TE30 Serious Crash jss1138 4 2004-08-02 17:18:43
Question TE25 Widescreen Or Not? Sakuya 4 2004-11-25 20:25:30
Question TE25 Error adress 0009A61A prehis 1 2004-07-19 08:33:08
Question TDA1 Changing 'Play All' to text KevM 1 2004-07-02 14:26:21
Question TE25 TMPGEnc Crash when done editing and press ok Lars Bengtsson 0 2004-07-01 08:08:15

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Request - TDA1 - Menus and Menu Themes No.49188
Jack  2004-07-04 22:51:49 ( ID:5nagyc44c1. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think I pretty much have the menus figured out in Author 1.5, with a few exceptions.

First I can't figure out anyway to delete text once it has been entered. I have even when to the advanced edit where you can move things around and resize things but still can't figure a way to delete the text.

Second I create a Main Menu page with the appropriate chapter and play buttons and then go to the track menu to setup menus for the tracks. When I come back to the Main Menu find it has changed to match the track menu. As I saved the main menu before going to the track menu I reload it from the drop down box and it is back as it was, only to find now the track menu has changed back, so once again edit it, and start all over.

I can't seem to make changes to the Main Menu without affecting the track menus and vice versa. I am sure I am missing something simple here but sure don't know what it is.

Thanks for any help.

KevM  2004-07-05 15:17:45 ( ID:rau5tums6gn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1. Simply delete the text with the Delete key and move the frame off the safe area screen.

2. On the left hand pane whilst in full Edit Menu Mode right click on the menu you want to change and then select 'Create New Theme for The Track Menu' at the bottom.

Jack  2004-07-06 04:54:47 ( ID:5nagyc44c1. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>1. Simply delete the text with the Delete key and move the frame off the safe area screen.
>2. On the left hand pane whilst in full Edit Menu Mode right click on the menu you want to change and then select 'Create New Theme for The Track Menu' at the bottom.

Thanks for the response. Since posting this I have experimented a little more and have tried your suggestions. The problem I have is that I would like a very uncluttered main menu with no thumbnails. I have not been able to find a way to create a main menu that does not have thumbnails when in the create a new theme mode. Even if you drag the thumbnails outside the window you have no way to access the track menu without the thumbnails, at least that I can find. If you don't go into the create a new theme I can get a main menu the way I want. On the left panel there are several choices and the bottom one is blue. When you select this all it has is title on the top, and then two buttons or links on the bottom, play all tracks or track menu. That is exactly what I want however if you choose create new theme to design the track and chapter menus, the above main menu is no longer one of the choices and can't find a way to get the link for the track menu. The only button you get is play all.

If you have any other suggestinos or if I am missing something I would really appreciate knowing. I thought several times I had figured it out but everytime I end up losing the nice plain main menu.

Thanks again for the reply and suggestions.

Question - TE25 - DV to MPG2 loss of quality No.41903
xanjoh  2004-07-04 22:17:05 ( ID:0t5t9zkwegr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there,
I am using TMPGenc Plus 2.5 to encode from DV to MPEG2(for burning to dvd). I think I have all the best settings that I can possibly have for encoding to the Mpeg2 file. But the resultant MPEG file lacks the quality of the original DV, in that it is slightly more grainy and the colours are too bright. (I am using Windvd to compare quality) I have read in forums that the codec that tmpgenc uses for reading the DV file can effect the encoded output, if so does anyone know how I can check what codec that tmpgenc is using and also recommend the best codec to use?
Thanks in advance.

B_Racer  2004-07-05 09:04:45 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc uses the installed Codec, nothing special. But TMPGEnc always needs RGB24-Input and some DV-Codecs aren't able to provide a propper Colorspace-Conversion. Maybe you have to cange the settings from CCIR- to YCbCr-Mode (setting->advanced->Quantize Matrix) to get the correct colors.

You can't use such crappy Software like a Software-DVD-Player to compare quality because you can't be shure about the resulting Luma-Range and the Methode of Overlay-Video on your PC.

The Quality of the resulting Video depents on several factors, most important is Bitrate.

wcpaul  2004-07-06 04:05:09 ( ID:m8km0qiv2po )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Also rememeber that Mpeg and NTSC DV use different color sampling (4:2:0 vs 4:1:1).

You will ALWAYS lose half of the original color samples when translating between the two.

This is why it is shocking that the DV standard has not been upgraded to 4:2:2. 25 Mbs is enough bandwidth to save virtually lossless production quality video (using mpeg2, 2 frame GOP, for example). If digital cameras kept the same technology curve as DV video, we'd still be using 0.5 megapixel cameras.

Question - TE25 - encoding problems with sound No.41900
Ray  2004-07-04 07:34:21 ( ID:djr6tsaxvkw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been encoding using TMPEnc lately, and i found for some files, they have 34000 frames but come to encoding, they have a massive 120k frames! to top this off, it has no sound, even though the original has, and it seems that the sound is encoded wrongly. whatever i do i cannot get the sound to work, even if i encode the sound separately. does anyone know how to rectify this?

Ray  2004-07-04 07:54:23 ( ID:djr6tsaxvkw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

oh, and its from avi to mpeg. all the other files i have are encoded exactly the same way, and they are near identical to the trouble file.

ashy  2004-07-04 09:58:05 ( ID:v/6p18ugeff )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Get yourself AVICODEC then post us the properties of the AVI.

Question - TE25 - What does no sound mean? No.41898
Sha  2004-07-04 06:58:45 ( ID:q9gfde9khy2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What does it mean when there's no sound under the MPEG Tools>Merge and Cut?

I used to always be able to make short scenes from a long and have audio, now rarely does the final result have that.

Anybody know why?

ashy  2004-07-04 09:59:01 ( ID:v/6p18ugeff )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

AC3 audio is not supported in the Merge&Cut tool.

Question - TE25 - cannot open, or unsupported No.41893
mike  2004-07-03 17:08:09 ( ID:umetk6oohc6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using TMPGEnc Plus 2.5, and for some reason when I try to load up an AVI of some DVD rips, it gives me a "cannot open, or unsupported" error... how can I get it to work?


Al  2004-07-07 03:24:24 ( ID:dnz7b3ac0nc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My is doing the same thing I think I am missing the codec maybe the mpeg4 or something anyone know whats wrong ?

molowny  2004-07-08 10:05:12 ( ID:2w.0uividt6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hey guys, I had the same problem a couple of days ago. I redistributed my hard disk partitions and suddenly my TMPGEnc stopped working. I had some movie.d2v files that I had created using DVD2AVI before repartitioning and that I couldn't access with TMPEG afterwards. Yesterday I installed a new mpeg2 codec and created a new movie2.d2v file. Now TMPEG works fine.

I think you'll need to reinstall the same mpeg2 codec that you used when creating the avi files. Otherwise, you can install any mpeg2 codec and create the avi files again, TMPEG should then work.

Hope this helps, it worked for me.

ashy  2004-07-08 20:39:59 ( ID:omzfvsp0rt6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your problem you had was because you had changed the path to the soure files in the d2v by repartitioning.
You CANNOT move, rename, or delete the d2v, the source files or any of the folders associated with them until you have finished encoding.

As for the original question - cannot open, or unsupported
I refuse to answer this question any more. I must answer it almost every day and I alone must have answered it many hundred times by now. If you include all the others that have answered it then I would guess it must have been answered close to a 1000 times.

The solution can quite easily be found by getting off your ass and using the search function.

JimH  2004-07-11 22:56:11 ( ID:yxqcovryug6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>If you include all the others that have answered it then I would guess it
>must have been answered close to a 1000 times.
>The solution can quite easily be found by getting off your ass and using
>the search function.

Gee, this sure sounds like a frequently asked question. Might it not be a bad idea to add it to the FAQ?

Question - TE25 - AVI to MPEG (Yes another one) No.41892
Darklotusegg  2004-07-02 17:09:37 ( ID:wwfmtwaik8c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Firstly I am totally new to this Ive been using TMPGenc for a couple of months but I really dont know much about it.

Ok my problem is this, when I try to convert an AVI file to MPEG the video freezes on the first frame and doesnt move any further, the sound however converts fine and when I play the finished MPEG back its the first frame of the video with the sound playing as normal. Can anyone help me?

It might also be worth mentioning I used to have no problems converting AVI's to MPEG and I cant remember installing anything recently that would cause a problem. I cant play AVI files (hence me wanting to convert them to MPEG) using any program that I have (including divx player, windows media player and real player) and also MPEG's play in windows media player but really jerkily (itll play a couple of seconds then stop for a few seconds and repeat this cycle) so I have to play them through real player. Does anyone have any idea what I might have installed to cause this problem or does anyone know some codecs, files or programs that would remedy this?

I hope you guys can help :)

Request - TE30 - mpg for ppc No.53210
wm  2004-07-02 10:20:25 ( ID:fhttknideaf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

is there any output template for output to ppc (320x240) available?

Red Green Blue  2004-07-12 14:21:46 ( ID:b13fh8mhibm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry, no template for this one, but you can still make one yourself, if you know the kind of format you have to use.


Bug report - TE30 - Serious Crash No.53205
jss1138  2004-07-02 02:38:43 ( ID:5rrhy4dtutm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have heard some really good thngs about TMPGEnc, mainly concerning the quality of it's encoding.

However, I cannot verify this as the program has never once run without crashing. Not once. I can always get to the Encode phase, but it ALWAYS crashes during encoding, regardless of the original file size.

I'd really like to evaluate this program, but if it won't run, then there's no way I'll be buying it. Any help would be much appreciated.

I'm running Windows XP Pro with SP1a, Athlon XP 2200+ CPU, 768 MB DDR333 RAM, 120GB Media Drive (NTFS, recently defragged) on Primary Slave. This machine was rebuilt two weeks ago using latest drives and firmware for everything.

greg  2004-07-02 15:49:53 ( ID:ui/5v08mc2f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Although the ads say the product is Intel and AMD freindly I think you may be experiencing platform problems. TMPGenc 2.5 is oriented towards Intel processors and I would imagine that 3.0 is built on the foundation of 2.5. I'm not cetain but the problem may actually be the fact that you are using AMD products. I am using Intel and have never had any problems with any version.

Easgs  2004-07-02 21:58:37 ( ID:qpauqv8q4pf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an AMD Duron Processor and I have never had problems with TMPGEnc.

Rez  2004-07-08 12:07:03 ( ID:zccvfne5zcw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a Intel Pentium 4 2800mhz fsb 800 and the Encode phase ALWAYS crashes during encoding. (tmpegEnc

I just going to try the xpress version...

jejm1975  2004-08-02 17:18:43 ( ID:s7a1tbem3.6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try disabling the "Preview" option, I have always used AMD CPU's with great sucess, however I have come across certain files that were poorly encoded and have had to disable the "Preview" during encoding to avoid a crash. Try a different file and see if you have the same problem ex. MPEG, AVI ect... L8r G8r

Question - TE25 - Widescreen Or Not? No.41887
Sakuya  2004-07-02 00:20:30 ( ID:6y4cusar5hr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an AVI with weird resolutions. It is 480x320 and it has 23.976 fps. I want to put this on DVD-R so what should I set the Video Arrange Method as? I usually have it set at Center (custome size 640x420) so the subtitles won't go off the screen. But in this case, should I do the same?

Sakuya  2004-07-02 02:03:05 ( ID:6y4cusar5hr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Let me note that in some scenes, the people's faces seem a bit there anyway to resize it to its proper height and then convert to MPEG2?

B_Racer  2004-07-02 14:23:51 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sounds like a wrong resized 4:3-Video
Try Center (Custom Size) 656,448, Letterbox to 704x480
Do not use 720x480.

laurenglenn  2004-11-25 20:20:01 ( ID:zyshqeawtfg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use the Project Wizard to create a DVD 16x9.

When you use a program like DVD MovieFactory, the file will look elongated in that program. But when you play it in a DVD player, it will play back at 16x9 anamorphic.


laurenglenn  2004-11-25 20:25:30 ( ID:zyshqeawtfg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use the Project Wizard and set up a DVD project. If you want it in 16x9 or 4:3, select that option at the beginning. When you get to the screen where you select the input file, change the input ratio to 1:1.


Question - TE25 - Error adress 0009A61A No.41885
prehis  2004-07-01 21:32:34 ( ID:pbludiirgea )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In Windows XP i have the following error
Read error ocurred at adress 0009A61A of module TMPGENC with 0946DC2C.

Steveo  2004-07-19 08:33:08 ( ID:aac8fgjumph )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

try vacuuming your processor and motherboard, its probably a heat issue

Question - TDA1 - Changing 'Play All' to text No.49186
KevM  2004-07-01 15:37:03 ( ID:rau5tums6gn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it possible to change the 'Play All' button to text so it doesn't look so out of sorts with the other text selections?


B_Racer  2004-07-02 14:26:21 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, but you can draw your own Button and use it instead of the standard button.

Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc Crash when done editing and press ok No.41884
Lars Bengtsson  2004-07-01 08:08:15 ( ID:as4qxzcqqln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have TMPGEnc installed in the newest version.
I execute it on a laptop with Windows XP Pro. SP1 and all updates.
I installed K-Lite Codec Pack to get some codecs to encode into.
The specifications of the laptop is.

CPU: Centrino 1.6Ghz
HD: 60GB C: free: 10.3GB D: free 5.63GB
Graphic Card: Ati Radeon Mobility 9000

I use the TMPGEnc wizard to encode my videos.

I run the wizard and get to the source range clip editing. Then I edit the video file, but then if I'm away for some time doing other things, it could be for 10 minutes or longer, only to get back to finalize my editing or just accept the editing by clicking ok then TMPGEnc crashes.
When I push ok to accept the editing in the source range window TMPGEnc crashes.
Then I have to do my editing all over again.
This can't be true, am I doing anything wrong or is there a patch out there for TMPGEnc, because this is really annyoing.
I really hope we can find a solution regards Lars Bengtsson.
Thank you in advance.

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