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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TDA1 Issues not fixed in DVD Author PRO Kojo 0 2005-09-30 18:48:06
Question TE25 How to use TMPGEnc Plus to converter Divx & Xvid AVI to MPEG or general AVI ? Alex Lin 1 2005-10-03 22:00:02
Question TE25 how to remove TMPGenc version 2.524? dirkbuddy 5 2005-10-05 21:25:37
Question TE30 For the authors. ashy 3 2005-12-20 06:24:52
Question TE25 Audioless after conversion discreed 7 2006-11-21 08:34:09
Question TE30 Mpg-2 Files Too Large turet 1 2005-09-20 23:36:54
Bug report TDA1 Capacity of DVD 4438MB is incorrect. Kojo 0 2005-09-17 05:34:56
Question TE30 Unable to download installer for retail version. DK-II 0 2005-09-17 00:53:26
Question TE25 h264 video Lighthawk 6 2009-09-09 18:34:53
Question TME1 How do I get TMPGEnc to input source mpeg-2 files ChrisB 2 2009-06-18 16:36:33
Bug report TE25 Latest FFDShow + TMGQ does not work Torque 2 2005-11-21 07:57:40
Question TME1 Applying subtitles? Sommunist 1 2005-11-08 01:38:54

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Question - TDA1 - Issues not fixed in DVD Author PRO No.49447
Kojo  2005-09-30 18:48:06 ( ID:hqqeaexfv6m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am NOT buying new version of DVD Author PRO, if the problems have not been fixed!

DVD Capacity is 10080KB, not 9848k.
DVD Writing Tool won't let you burn full capacity of disc (4482MB). Only about 4430MB.

Please fix these issues, then I will buy.

Question - TE25 - How to use TMPGEnc Plus to converter Divx & Xvid AVI to MPEG or general AVI ? No.43450
Alex Lin  2005-09-30 04:47:38 ( ID:qqjjodngzbo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Dear All

Dose anyone know how to use TMPGEnc Plus to converter Divx & Xvid AVI to MPEG (VCD) or general AVI format? Pls advise. tks

ashy  2005-10-03 22:00:02 ( ID:i/lxpysjv4o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry mate, but you're gonna have to help yourself on this one. There is far too much to go into.

Question - TE25 - how to remove TMPGenc version 2.524? No.43444
dirkbuddy  2005-09-29 15:01:10 ( ID:klmba/ns9ur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have version 2.524 installed on my puter and want to remove it. when i downloaded the file and saved it in a folder it was a zip file...when i unzipped it it unzipped into the same folder.. there is no uninstall file with this software and this program is also not listed when i go to control panel/add/remove programs.
anyone know how i can safely remove this from my system? i am running windows xp.

dirkbuddy  2005-10-04 03:52:39 ( ID:klmba/ns9ur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

can anyone help me here?

ashy  2005-10-04 19:51:00 ( ID:i/lxpysjv4o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't mean to be funny, but if you extracted it from a ZIP file then there is nothing to uninstall. Just delete the files or the folder you extracted to and it'll be gone.

dirkbuddy  2005-10-04 22:14:54 ( ID:klmba/ns9ur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanks for the reply and the help.
i don't think you understand that there is quite afew files that were unzipped into this folder...these files are the tmpgenc files for the wholoe program. here are the files:
-a folder called "template" containg 8 .mcf files, another folder called "extra" with another 4 .mcf files.

i've e-mailed the tmpgenc site asking about info wether it is safe to delete and have had no response in 2 weeks.
so you saying it is safe to just delete the hole folder containing these files? even with all the .dll files in there?

ashy  2005-10-05 21:24:03 ( ID:i/lxpysjv4o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just delete the whole lot. I asure you it won't affect your system in any way. The files are not linked to the registery. They are independant of your system files and are simply self contained files, including the .dll's.
All the data is simply contained within the config. files in that folder.

The only part that is stored in the registry is your registration data. However this is not required to be removed and will remain without any ill effect whatsoever.

ashy  2005-10-05 21:25:37 ( ID:i/lxpysjv4o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you don't trust what I'm telling you then just type my user name into the search bar at the top and see for yourself.

Question - TE30 - For the authors. No.53501
ashy  2005-09-20 23:40:05 ( ID:tfphvynnlor )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Please stop making this program and TMPG DVDauthor for use in 1024x768 resolution and above only, it's very annoying!
ALL software should be able to work at a resolution of 800x600. Please sort it.

Kojo  2005-10-04 04:18:04 ( ID:hqqeaexfv6m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you serious? 800x600? That is very low-res for today's standards. Get yourself a new monitor. Even a $30 used one from Goodwill, will do 1024x768. I used to run my 15" monitor at 1024x768. My 19" .24dp Sony Trinitron, I run at 1600x1200.

The windows should be resizeable, because right now, on my 1600x1200 desktop, their software has a small window. There is no way to make it full screen! I think the "Pro" version allows you to resize the window.

ashy  2005-10-09 12:28:55 ( ID:i/lxpysjv4o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Of course I'm serious.
For those people that don't have 20-20 eyesight anything higher than 800x600 is just a pain. Everything is just too small to see.

It could be made to work in both modes no problem. Other software developers manage it.
A lot of people I know use 800x600 not 1024x768. The program justs need a little tweaking and it should be satisfactory for both modes or at the very least it should have resizable windows.
I annoys me to have to keep changing my resolution every time just to use the damn thing.
Oh and there is nothing wrong with my monitor I just don't like having to press my nose to the monitor to see anything.

John  2005-12-20 06:24:52 ( ID:z58arhv39gk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm with Ashy. The resolution of the finished product (DVD or VCD) will not suffer just because the program resolution of your PC monitor is 800x600. If they keep increasing the screen parameters we'll eventually be looking at individual pixels (If we can still see at all). I'm only guessing here but I think Kojo is under 40 and Ashy is over 40 (like me). Computers have already diminished my eyesight and I'm not going to strain to see anything anymore.

Question - TE25 - Audioless after conversion No.43436
discreed  2005-09-18 10:50:54 ( ID:5ajssrkbvb2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I tried to convert my rm file to a mpeg file using tmpg. the video turned out fine, but there was no sound at all. How can i resolve this problem?

ashy  2005-09-18 14:02:43 ( ID:tfphvynnlor )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You will need to convert the audio to wav first.

discreed  2005-09-18 14:28:19 ( ID:5ajssrkbvb2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What programs can i use to convert the audio file to wav? In addition, My TMPG is unable to open the rm file now.. what is wrong?

Andie  2005-09-21 23:21:10 ( ID:vazpmwvm.yj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm having the same problem; No Audio. I've tried converting to one .mpg file and I've also tried converting to the video and audio as separate files, but the .wav file doesn't have any audio in it either! I've tried different sources of the same thing I want to convert and same problem. I've had more success with much smaller .avi files, but working with the size of a 1 hour TV episode seem to be giving me a lot of trouble.

Any thoughts?

Anne  2005-09-29 01:39:36 ( ID:so.u1elrmcw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I've been having some really weird problems with my TMPG. I've been using it for years now and its been working fine, but now when i finish converting all I have is video and no audio.

I'm not sure if i accidentally deleted a codec or program or something that is essential for avi audio conversion, or if my priorities are wrong...

Well, if anyone has any advice, please help.

Thanks a bunch!

vc  2005-10-05 08:11:09 ( ID:1w6rfcs18.r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same problem. Please kindly let me know if you have solved the problem, and likewise for me.

Bravado  2005-10-23 12:34:45 ( ID:/larvwb4b.6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same problem as described.

kasia_be  2006-11-21 08:34:09 ( ID:mawgsnvjabf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same problem, on the second page of Project Wizard audio fiels from .avi suddenly stopped opening, only video (when I try to browse it separately from the same file there's an error - audio can not be opened or is unsupported, Windows Media Player can read the audio so it's supported). I've tried to convert again some files I did a few days ago and it also doesn't work. Anyone know what to do except reinstalling the system???

Question - TE30 - Mpg-2 Files Too Large No.53499
turet  2005-09-17 06:36:12 ( ID:lfiuxfhmiim )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just encoded an Mpg-2 from an avi file. It is much larger than I'm used to and at this rate I could only fit about one hour on a DVD. I'm used to fitting about 100 mins, using AC-3 without shrinking. What settings should I use it order to get that kind of file size? I see I can limit it to a bitrate of 8000, and I could change to 8 bits, but how will that effect quality? Thanks!

ashy  2005-09-20 23:36:54 ( ID:tfphvynnlor )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You'd be better off using VBR not CBR. However you can reduce it to 8000 no problem. In fact that is what it should be. You could go even lower to 6000 with no real noticable loss in quality.

Bug report - TDA1 - Capacity of DVD 4438MB is incorrect. No.49446
Kojo  2005-09-17 05:34:56 ( ID:wvxx7w020eo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi developers,

I want to let you know the capacity of DVD is not 4438MB. The correct DVD capacity is about 4482MB. DVD Author and the writing tool use wrong capacity. To get around this issue, I have to choose "ignore" and use Nero or another burning tool.

Please fix this issue for DVD Author Pro 2.0 version.

Question - TE30 - Unable to download installer for retail version. No.53498
DK-II  2005-09-17 00:53:26 ( ID:zauwep63nqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I can't download the installer because the link on the website doesn't work. I am sent to an error page saying:
"The page cannot be displayed.
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The
Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or
you may need to adjust your browser settings."
Anyone know if this is caused by a problem with the website?
Thanks in advance.

Question - TE25 - h264 video No.43429
Lighthawk  2005-09-16 01:40:56 ( ID:aqy7z/4rcl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a video using h.264 directshow video
The program says that it doesn't support this format. Virtual Dub gives me the same response.

Is there anyway to turn this into an Mpeg2 or do I have to wait for a new version of the program which supports h.264?

B_Racer  2005-09-22 16:53:24 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need a DirectShow h.264 Decoder on your PC to open the Video.
If this doesn't work, try AVISynth (read the Guides at

ashy  2005-09-22 21:09:34 ( ID:tfphvynnlor )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It depends on what container format is being used. I'ts very hit and miss. I've tried to get this format to work myself, sometimes successfully sometimes not. Downloaded many different H264 codecs trying to get certain files to work.

B_Racer  2005-09-23 11:36:57 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you try ffdshow as decoder? It works for me. Had some trouble with older versions and with one buggy version, but now it' fine. :)

ashy  2005-09-23 18:10:24 ( ID:tfphvynnlor )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tried it, just can't get FFDSHOW to work with them. The current version is buggy anyway.
Each H264 seems to differ depending on who made it and what encder they have used. I've managed to get some files working using one method and certain codecs, but then some others just refuse to work unless you can find the right codecs and filters.

It's far to mish-mash at the moment for my liking and not very standardised at all. The protocols need to be tightened up.

Lighthawk  2005-10-06 02:31:09 ( ID:aqy7z/4rcl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I should clarify that that the file plays on my computer. I want to turn that file into a Mpeg2 so I can put it on DVD.

Are you saying that I should use AVISynth to convert it into XVID then put it through Tmpeg?

bugmenot  2009-09-09 18:34:53 ( ID:ftkl0zzjdfw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My H.264 file is MP4 (High@L3.1). By installing ffdshow's h.264 support, I can actually open it in TMPGEnc...only to get a constant black image. So it doesn't really help me.

Question - TME1 - How do I get TMPGEnc to input source mpeg-2 files No.54425
ChrisB  2005-09-14 09:05:28 ( ID:omdarmfm6ao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would like to use an mpg (MPEG-2) file from my capture software as an input file to TMPGEnc. There aren't any MPEG-2 Decoders in my list of VFAPI plugins under environmental settings even though I have several players which would have put the plugins in my system (that is, I can doubleclick on the mpg and it will play in Windows Media Player.

Purpose is to capture at highest quality then shrink with TMPGEnc, rather than capture at low quality, which I think gives poor results. Also want to color correct and edit, too. My capture software puts out MPEG2. (Sonic MyDVD, came with the Adaptec capture card).

Error message is:
File "F:\cap.mpg" can not open, or unsupported.

I split the file using the MPEG Tools menu into M2V and MP2, and it cannot open the M2V for source either. Ironic that TMPGEnc is unable to read its own output. Any suggestion to get VFAPI table to include Decoders which are installed somewhere on my system? Some "How to use TMPGEnc" sites feature a screenshot of this menu with several MPEG-2 Decoders listed.

Any suggestion for a program which will turn the MPEG-2 file into another format (lossless uncompress to AVI, etc) which TMPGEnc could then open.

dan witzel  2005-11-08 01:42:53 ( ID:nuppnkrtkfc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

if tmpeg is properly set up , it can import mpeg1/2 files with mpeg2 audio assuming ITS NOT A VOB!!!!, so check yourr setup and make youre your capture card is captureing it properly, tv card are notorious for goofing wht the GOP so if that is the case ,capture to xvid/wav first then encode with tmpeg

Dan Witzel  2006-01-08 18:52:47 ( ID:7xy/uyj.kjh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have gotten emails about how to do this if either (a) the mpeg-2 stream is whacked or (b) the audio isnt a mpeg-layer II or wav so try it and emial me your replys

tmpeg 2.x can't open up files with a ac3 stream so if your file has this , follow the rest of this, if it doesnt , and it still fails this will work as a workaround also

1: feth dgindex and vfapi from the net and set them up
2 install vfapi before doing this or else tmpeg will not use the d2v files

3 open up you mpeg-2 stream (wehter it be vob or mpg) in dgindex
4 select the audio output to decode the trac to wav (don not demux it) 5 select save project and let it go , when its done youll have a wav file and a d2v file

5. open tmpeg an import the video souce as the d2v file, it this doesnt work go to step 5a
(5a) open vfapi, input the d2v file and have it save it , the output will be a 12MB avi file with no sound, then hop in tmpeg and import the avi file as you source

6 import the wav as your audio

7 assuming you know how to use tmpeg, set you setting ans savie ti as a mpeg-2 ps

Bug report - TE25 - Latest FFDShow + TMGQ does not work No.43426
Torque  2005-09-13 09:39:33 ( ID:/qt/jgn9whm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It has come to my attention that the recent builds of FFDshow (2005) + TMPGENC
do not work together!
When you have installed FFDshow the decoder is unable to open any AVI file through DShow.

Any thoughts on this?

ashy  2005-09-13 21:57:33 ( ID:.xsmqj5fte2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

True. Use AVI2 instead. Could be an FFDSHOW bug as VFW doesn't work either.

Thundercross  2005-11-21 07:57:40 ( ID:pzy3v8kdxol )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What works really well is AVISynth ( ). I made a simple script with the DirectShowSource filter and loaded it through TMPGEnc and it was good as new.

You might want to tinker with it though, I haven't tested it all the way. All I know is that it works.

Question - TME1 - Applying subtitles? No.54423
Sommunist  2005-09-13 06:22:17 ( ID:zfqsxaovyc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Alright, assume I have a .AVI file and a .SSA softsub for it. Is there a way, with this program or another, to permanently apply those subtitles before converting?

dan witzel  2005-11-08 01:38:54 ( ID:nuppnkrtkfc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

vdub frame sever

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