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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Top and Bottom bars missing in mpeg e_sela 2 2004-02-01 06:10:08
Question TE25 Which format to convert 592x320 (1.85:1) [=37:20] to dvd-r? Andy 1 2004-02-02 16:00:06
Question TE25 Converting 592x320 23.976 fps xvid avi to s/vcd Andy 1 2004-02-01 03:42:16
Question TDA1 SOUND PROBLEM WILLIAM F, PATTERSON 1 2004-02-02 08:38:45
Question TE25 Suddenly TMPGEnc won't open any file? Peter R 2 2004-02-01 21:45:03
Question TE25 VCD Help - Bottom and top part of screen cut off Insidetheasylum 1 2004-01-31 01:25:54
Question TE25 Converting Alphafly 1 2004-01-31 08:52:25
Question TE25 Converting some divx/xvid causes overcalculation of the video time CoOOl 0 2004-01-30 13:26:01
Question TE25 Converting some divx/xvid causes overcalculation of the video time CoOOl 4 2004-01-31 08:55:29
Question TE25 Converting some divx/xvid causes overcalculation of the video time CoOOl 0 2004-01-30 05:31:05
Question TDA1 BGM ChewtoyPDX 2 2006-12-18 18:48:34
Question TDA1 DVD Author Sync problems with PVR 250 Ranger One 2 2004-02-04 23:25:45

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Question - TE25 - Top and Bottom bars missing in mpeg No.40816
e_sela  2004-01-31 17:40:16 ( ID:spssrnwhy22 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I have a poroblem
I have a DivX movie which is 608*320 pixels.

My wish is to decode it from DivX to mpge, and that what i do.
But when I open the mpeg file, I see that Top and Bottom bars (black ones...)
are missing in mpeg.
This is a serious problem because the movie in mpeg is streched vertically...

What can I do to avoid the cut of the 2 black bars ?

Minion  2004-02-01 03:53:37 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I can not help you untill you tell us what you are encodeing to, VCD?? SVCD?? DVD?? Pal?? NTSC?? ...If you happen to be encodeing this File for Full D1 NTSC DVD then there will have to be some Black Bars on the Top and Bottom to keep the Correct aspect ratio and to Not distort the Images proportions....If this is what you are doing then go to "settings" to "Advanced" to "Video Arrange Method" and set it to "Center Custom Size" then underneath that set the resolution to 704+384...This should Displat the Video in the exact same propertions as the Original but centered within the Standard Resolution of 720+480 ,If you try to get rid of the Borders the image will be stretched Top to Bottom....Cheers

e_sela  2004-02-01 06:10:08 ( ID:g5kh35qdxdj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to convert avi to VCD PAL, and I don't want to get rid of the 2 bas, but to make them stay in the VCD itself.
Is it possible?

Question - TE25 - Which format to convert 592x320 (1.85:1) [=37:20] to dvd-r? No.40814
Andy  2004-01-31 11:23:55 ( ID:d9xisbobcig )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Actually I want to convert it to dvdr rather than vcd. which format in the TMPGEncPlus wizard to use for this 592x320 (1.85:1) [=37:20] file? DVD/PAL? or DVD/PAL(16:9)? TIA!

ashy  2004-02-02 16:00:06 ( ID:kdsejfgvs6l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Question - TE25 - Converting 592x320 23.976 fps xvid avi to s/vcd No.40812
Andy  2004-01-31 11:06:24 ( ID:d9xisbobcig )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have a question regarding which is the best format to convert an xvid 592x320 (1.85:1) [=37:20] into using TMPGEncPlus for watching on dvd player? vcd? svcd? anybody know? also what aspect ratio and video arrange method to use? thanks!

Minion  2004-02-01 03:42:16 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, For that Files it would look better as a SVCD ...Usually the "Fullscreen Keep aspect ratio" setting works best if it doesn"t look right to you can can adjust it so it looks the way you want useing the "Clip frame" settings....

Question - TDA1 - SOUND PROBLEM No.49007
WILLIAM F, PATTERSON  2004-01-31 05:45:34 ( ID:hgcse6m5zk6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


B_Racer  2004-02-02 08:38:45 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First, don't shout and learn to post!
Second, without the info about the Audio-Source, nobody can help you.

Question - TE25 - Suddenly TMPGEnc won't open any file? No.40809
Peter R  2004-01-31 04:00:41 ( ID:gaq1ha9lar. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc (version suddenly will not run on my Win2000 computer. It opens, but when I try to load a file it just hangs up. It will accept a frame serve from virtualdubmod and display an image of the file to be converted, but non frame served files never get to that state...

All the files I am trying to open have previously opened, and they play fine in WMP.

I'm really not sure where to start with this problem. I suspect there may be a problem in the registry perhaps because if I "install" a newer version of TMPGEnc it knows which file I had tried to open in the earler version and hangs in exactly the same manner.

How do you "uninstall" TMPGEnc and clean out the registry entries?

I will sincerely appreciate any help anyone might offer to me!

Minion  2004-02-01 03:40:25 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you tried raiseing the Direct show File reader in the Vfapi Plugins????
Have you tried to upgrade to a Much newer version????

Peter R  2004-02-01 21:45:03 ( ID:gaq1ha9lar. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your suggestions....

Yes I tried both suggestions with no luck.

In the meantime I did discover my problem. I'd forgotton that several days earlier I had tried to update Windows media player. After some checking I discovered that the update had not succeeded. Strangely WMP would still operate but the update must have messed up the codecs on my machine somehow. In any case I redid the update to WMP 9 and now everything works again

Question - TE25 - VCD Help - Bottom and top part of screen cut off No.40807
Insidetheasylum  2004-01-31 01:23:59 ( ID:mdl8w5bq8jh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello! I tried converting a 640x480 video file to MPG and then burn it to disc using Nero's VCD function (without reincoding). I plopped the VCD into the DVD player and it works all fine and well except that the bottom and top parts of the file are cut off (there are subtitles at the bottom and I can only see half of them). I made the MPG file using all of the default settings so I was wondering what I can do to make the file burn at the right ratio?

I assume it has something do with MPEG Settings -> Advanced -> Video Arrange Method.

Thank you :)

Insidetheasylum  2004-01-31 01:25:54 ( ID:mdl8w5bq8jh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm a retard :) This question was answered earlier. Sorry u.u

Question - TE25 - Converting No.40805
Alphafly  2004-01-30 17:57:40 ( ID:.xzw.feagh6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Is there any Plugin for Tmpg to convert ".rm"-Files?

Thx for an answer.


mickyjuice  2004-01-31 08:52:25 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Is there any Plugin for Tmpg to convert ".rm"-Files?


there are ways to get a rm file loaded into tmpgenc, but the loss of quality really isnt worth the time, its a long ass process

Question - TE25 - Converting some divx/xvid causes overcalculation of the video time No.40804
CoOOl  2004-01-30 13:26:01 ( ID:f1biezvx72c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Some of the xvid/divx video files that I have tried to convert to dvd format TMPGEnc overcalculates the lenth of the video by like 3x. ie. a 24 min video file is calculated by TMPGEnc to 80 min. And after the encoding this perticular video there was no sound at all just the film rolling. Are there any plug-ins or solutions that i can obtain to solve this problem?

Question - TE25 - Converting some divx/xvid causes overcalculation of the video time No.40799
CoOOl  2004-01-30 05:48:25 ( ID:f1biezvx72c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Some of the xvid/divx video files that I have tried to convert to dvd format TMPGEnc overcalculates the lenth of the video by like 3x. ie. a 24 min video file is calculated by TMPGEnc to 80 min. And after the encoding this perticular video there was no sound at all just the film rolling. Are there any plug-ins or solutions that i can obtain to solve this problem?

mickyjuice  2004-01-30 06:08:41 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

you'll need to set your start and end frames in source range, this means you tell tmpgenc exactly what to encode(the 24mins not the whole 80)

it sounds like your source vid has compressed audio in it, you'll need to decompress that audio to wav so tmpgenc is able to recognise it

there is a prog called avi2vcd(dont use it to create vcds, as it sux) but it has by far the best and most user friendly audio decompressor i've seen to date.

so d/l avi2vcd and you'll get decompressor.exe with the package, thats your bitch ;-)

CoOOl  2004-01-30 13:39:00 ( ID:f1biezvx72c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thx a lot it works after the decompression of the video file

mickyjuice  2004-01-31 08:41:05 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

no probs enjoy ;)

mickyjuice  2004-01-31 08:55:29 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

and you dont have to triple post, we all saw it the first time

Question - TE25 - Converting some divx/xvid causes overcalculation of the video time No.40798
CoOOl  2004-01-30 05:31:05 ( ID:f1biezvx72c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Some of the xvid/divx video files that I have tried to convert to dvd format TMPGEnc overcalculates the lenth of the video by like 3x. ie. a 24 min video file is calculated by TMPGEnc to 80 min. And after the encoding this perticular video there was no sound at all just the film rolling. Are there any plug-ins or solutions that i can obtain to solve this problem?

Question - TDA1 - BGM No.49004
ChewtoyPDX  2004-01-30 01:49:56 ( ID:lxiquvmqt5j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can you tell me if the ac-3 plug-in will convert all audio, INCLUDING, audio used for bgm?

Jack  2004-02-10 09:44:43 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, you can only convert between these formats :
MP2 - Linear PCM - AC3 ...
as it it is for TMPGEnc DVD Author.

tjb  2006-12-18 18:48:34 ( ID:gqrwl0h846r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I noticed a question someone asked "Can you tell me if the ac-3 plug-in will convert all audio, INCLUDING, audio used for bgm?"

This is just a hunch, but I think the guy was asking this "why does dvd author render ac3 audio for tracks, but when it renders BGM audio it turns even ac3 original audio from a video file into PCM?"

frankly, I too have the same issue. I have a small mpg2 video file i made using a still image, mixed with a 30second audio clip. the audio is in AC3 format. i use this 30 second video file as my background menu for my dvd. and of course, i check off "use audio from background video as BGM"

in my environmental settings i have selected both options to re-encode any pcm or mp2 audio into ac3. YET dvd author always turns my ac3 audio from the BGM into PCM. can you imagine, even after having both options checked off to convert ANY pcm or mp2 audio into ac3 AND using ac3 format to BEGIN with - it turns my ac3 BGM into PCM!

what GIVES here?

Question - TDA1 - DVD Author Sync problems with PVR 250 No.49001
Ranger One  2004-01-30 01:09:11 ( ID:a1ftuqivob6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Capture device: Hauppage PVR 250

I'm capturing videotape concerts to burn as dvd's. I have no sync problems what so ever using DVD Movie Factory 2 to author. I much prefer TMPGENC DVD Author for it's menu options & styles. However everytime I try to author with DVD Author I get a/v sync problems. I've tried demultiplexing & multiplexing with TMPGENC PLus & that file to author > still have sync problems.

Using the following to capture:
"Output Type": Program Stream
VBR 6400 - 8000
GOP 15
Stereo MPEG1 Layer2

Is there a way to fix this problem? I've seen many posts about sync problems with DVD Author?


hustbaer  2004-02-03 00:56:01 ( ID:gbemr.lp.t6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


i'm afraid i cannot help you well, but at least i can tell you what the problem is, and give you an educated guess, why it works with (some) other software.

the problem is, that your audio and video capture-rates do not match.
that's nearly always the case when different boards are used to cap audio and video, means video by some tv-card/gfx-card with vivo"/... and audio by the soundcard.

so the theoretical capture-rates are lets say 29.97fps/44100Hz, but the real caputre-rates differ from that a little - maybe 30fps/44100Hz or 29.97fps/44066Hz or something like that.

since most capture-apps use the audio-track as reference-time, the video-rate will be adjusted to match the audio stream - giving you a video stream of 29.998fps or 29.968fps or similar.
but since neither of these are MPEG-standard, the capture-app will write the mpeg-headers with the theoretical framerate of 29.97fps, but the gop-timecodes will recieve the timestamps calculated from the audio-stream, which will be the real-framerate, that is off by some amount.

and when you finally feed the file into tmpgenc-dvd-author, it will remultiplex the audio and video streams, using the "standard NTSC" framerate told by the mpeg-header, and NOT the gop-timecodes, which is why you will get a a/v lag which will increase over time.

(BTW: this is also the reason why you get a/v sync when you remux the file using tmpgenc mpeg encoder - you don't even need to author - try the remuxxed file in media-player - it should give you the same sync problems)

the reason it might work with some other app is, that probably not all author-apps rewrite the GOP timecode when remuxing files.
but that way you would end up having a non-standard conform dvd-disc, that might introduce strange behaviour when played by some picky hardware-players.
also, because the video-framerate is not standard, video will be jerky, even if it might be very subtle (depends on the amount of the a/v-rate mismatch when capturing).

some imperfect "solutions" i can offer you:
* cut the mpeg file into small pieces like 5 minutes or so, and add them to the project as independant files (you can use the same title though!)
* demux the file to audio and video, convert audio to wav, and use some tool like "sox" to strech the audio-stream so that it fits the length of the video-stream. then reencode to mp2, 48khz, and use that file as audio-source for tmpgenc dvd author. - you can use virtualdub to tell you what stretch-factor you will need (open mpeg file, menu: "video"|"frame rate..." -> read the value in braces after "change so video and audio durations match" -> calculate "that_value/29.97" (or 25 for PAL) -> that is your stretching factor)
* capture using a combined a/v capture-board
* use a capture-app that can sync on video, and dynamically resample audio for that purpose

hope that helps!


Ranger One  2004-02-04 23:25:45 ( ID:a1ftuqivob6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Wow, lot's of info there! I'm finding out I'm not the only one running into sync problems. Thank's for the info.

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