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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Request TDA1 Create/Import chapters from ascii file Jaap 1 2003-10-21 22:12:29
Question TE25 problem loading COOLangel_1416 1 2003-10-19 13:40:00
Question TE25 help.what can i do? chito 2 2003-10-18 06:14:37
Question TE25 Can not multiplex PCM sound with mp2 video Dave Barr 3 2003-10-20 21:01:28
Question TE25 merge & cut smiles 3 2003-10-18 21:56:02
Question TE25 AVI import - very poor quality richard 2 2003-10-19 20:28:33
Question TDA1 audio on a menu????? Rodger Mcgough 2 2003-12-26 07:08:45
Question TE25 Mr Tricky 4 2003-10-20 21:03:41
Question TE25 Video stops while encoding, audio keeps playing Atje 1 2003-10-18 22:03:38
Question TDA1 tmpgenc dvd author / number of chapter limit lmic 2 2004-02-05 20:47:03
Bug report TE25 ASF to MPEG matt 2 2003-10-16 21:36:15
Question TE25 Resample Error tania 2 2003-10-28 02:59:45

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Request - TDA1 - Create/Import chapters from ascii file No.48806
Jaap  2003-10-19 16:03:50 ( ID:nbpc6d.5p6. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Any chance to import chapters from ascii file?
Like Premiere markers export:

Timeline Marker Data Output on 19-10-03 16:30:27
Position Duration Comment Chapter URL Frame Target
00:00:06:00 00:00:00:01 Chapter one
00:09:17:18 00:00:00:01 Chapter two

Or any other formatted ascii file...
Would be a great time-saver.


Jaap  2003-10-21 22:12:29 ( ID:nbpc6d.5p6. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Reply to myself.. 2nd evening playing with DVD Author.

If "Add chapter at specified timecode" would
accept bulk entry pasted from clipboard, a lot
of entry time would be saved..



Question - TE25 - problem loading No.39511
COOLangel_1416  2003-10-19 06:00:04 ( ID:ywodzmmkgxj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, when i try to load any avi file, it a msg comes up and says "file cannot open, or unsupported"?? can anybody pleez help me??!! thanx

ashy  2003-10-19 13:40:00 ( ID:n2grn9uovqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Search the board and you will get your answer a million times over.

Question - TE25 - help.what can i do? No.39508
chito  2003-10-17 22:28:25 ( ID:a1ja2btudbh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i downloaded the TMPGEnc Version 2.521 but i get "this zip file is damaged or incomplete" and i can't install it. seems to be a problem with the .dll file too.
what can or should i do?


Minion  2003-10-18 02:48:36 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well Try downloading it again...and make sure you have a newer version of WinZip installed or even better something like WinRar...and if you use a Download Manager then try without one...

chito  2003-10-18 06:14:37 ( ID:a1ja2btudbh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

done! thanks a lot.

Question - TE25 - Can not multiplex PCM sound with mp2 video No.39504
Dave Barr  2003-10-17 15:31:21 ( ID:rcpanvsg6um )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have just installed the trial copy of TMPGEnc Plus (2.521.58.169) and managed to encode an Microsoft AVI file from Premier 6. Two files resulted from the encode: a *.WAV (PCM format) and an *.m2v.

Problem: I cannot merge these two files to make a combined AV MPEG2 file. I tried using Simple Multiplex, Multiplex and Merge from MPEG tools that coems with the free trial. Each time the tool tells me that PCM is not an acceptable audio format. If not how do I get Premier to export AVI files in the right audio format so that TMPGEnc can work with them. I can find no further help on this problem.


Dave Barr

ashy  2003-10-17 17:27:53 ( ID:n2grn9uovqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think you've got yourself confused.
You can't multiplex a standard MPEG with wav audio. MPEG video only accepts MPEG audio unless you are creating a DVD and using DVD authoring software.

Next time you encode select CBR MPEG audio in the wizard not PCM, but for now just load the wav into TMPG in the audio field then select audio only then encode.
This will then produce the right audio format and THEN you can multiplex with the video.

Dave Barr  2003-10-20 19:33:45 ( ID:rcpanvsg6um )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the response Ashy. I am a bit green on video editing and do need help with this.

Using AVI an export file from Premier and then using TMPGEnc to encode to MPEG2 I get two files, one a PMC audio wave file and a video M2V file. Obviously I need to merge these two files somehow to make a fully playable MPEG2. I was only trying to use what TMPGEnc provided from the encode. All I really want is a one step encode that provides a good quality finished MPEG2 with combined Audio & video, I dont understand the need for the extra step of combining audio and m2v files. Looks like I am a bit lost on the process of encoding from AVI to MPEG2.

Any more enlightenment would be appreciated.



ashy  2003-10-20 21:01:28 ( ID:n2grn9uovqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK. You obviously did NOT read my post properly because I have already given you the answer.

Here it is again:
>Next time you encode select CBR MPEG audio in the wizard not PCM

The easiest way to encode is to just bypass the wizard altogether.
Simply load your AVI into the main screen then just click the 'Load' button and load one of the templates.

Question - TE25 - merge & cut No.39500
smiles  2003-10-17 14:11:48 ( ID:ghvttwecibn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi, i'm having problems with merge & cut, some of what i have are bare minutes too long and i tried to merge & cut but it would just there anything else that i can try?

Minion  2003-10-17 21:48:12 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well when the Merge & Cut doesn"t want to work the only thing you can do is use a different Mpeg editor,This is an Mpeg editor that usually works Pretty good : , It also has a Mpeg2 VFP Plugin for Tmpgenc...If this editor still doesn"t work Post back and I"ll try to find another one...cheers

smiles  2003-10-18 16:21:44 ( ID:ghvttwecibn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Minion.....winzip tells me that it shortened the name.......and now i cant even get to read the readme file....what can i do??????
thank you...i sent you an email......but i dont know if it will make it back to me.......

ashy  2003-10-18 21:56:02 ( ID:n2grn9uovqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Here is the best advice.
Just get rid of winzip and download Winrar. Winrar is a far superior program and is the best compression program there is.
For a start of it handles almost every compression format there is unlike Winzip. It's also much easier to use and user friendly.

It will unzip this particular file with no problem at all.

Question - TE25 - AVI import - very poor quality No.39497
richard  2003-10-17 05:08:56 ( ID:ejxoh.ha4cc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have just installed Sorenson Squeeze, in order to capture from DV and encode Quicktimes.

The DV encoded AVI that it produces from DV camera captures, looks perfect in Squeeze, Windows Media Player, Quicktime and After Effects.

When I open it in TMPGenc, it looks like a very low bit rate MPEG - soft and bad artifacting around edges.

I've tried disabling various vfp plugins to no avail.

Any help much appreciated.


ashy  2003-10-18 21:58:22 ( ID:n2grn9uovqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try raising the priority of either the directshow plugin or the OpenDML plugin to 2.

Richard  2003-10-19 20:28:33 ( ID:ejxoh.ha4cc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy. Raising Directshow to 2 fixed this. I'd tried unticking the box for AVI2, but this made no difference (Directshow should then have had priority).

Anyway, all happy now.

Question - TDA1 - audio on a menu????? No.48803
Rodger Mcgough  2003-10-17 03:25:18 ( ID:aou6d7ywrx6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

anybody know if its possible to add audio to the menu screens? - im guessing its not coz i can't see an option for it anywhere, but you guys seem to have a few tricks up your sleeves!

any help is much appreciated


Trevor_S  2003-10-19 03:40:50 ( ID:yy0ncampghr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The way I do it is to create a small MPEG-2 for the menu. I use Adobe Premier to do this but you could use anything. If I want a still pciture, I will tell Premier to play the "still" for say 30 secs, I drag the WAV file to the timeline and then output to MPEG-2 from there, then simpily tell TMPGEnc to use that MPEG and voila, static image and audio for 30 secs, I edit the image in Photoshop to make it a little transparent for a more professional look (if I can be bothered).

I would prefer it to be the same as Sonics DVDIt PE where you simpily drop the 48Khz WAV file into the background image, maybe in a future release ? Another feature I would like to see is to export the trimmed .VRO files to elemental stream MPEG-2s to allow us to easily use them in any authoring package we like (eg DVD-LAb). I love the quick and easy trimming of VRO files from my Panasonic E-100 and wish I had a standalone app as nifty as TMPGEnc DDVAuthor to do just that !

Darrell2662  2003-12-26 07:08:45 ( ID:g910fludzin )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This has been a thorn in my side for awhile.I generally use Tmpeg to encode the still w/audio. When I add it as a backround, the time it takes to write it quadruples!
are you saying that encoding it as a still in PREMIERE will reduce this time?
(EXAMPLE):I have a movie which I want to add audio to the backround of all pages(same backround...and is a still backround at that) the audio is exactly 3min 11sec long.The end result is, not only does it take forever to write it in dvd format,It actually takes the still and uses it as an MPG file, whereby my size is also dramatically increased. Mind you, I understand the last part. I mean, I DID encode it as an mpeg file. But that was only because there is no other way to add audio to the backround. If you encode the still w/the audio in Premiere, does DVDAUTHOR recognize it as a still frame w/audio? or will it still write it as though it was a regular video clip?

Question - TE25 - Mr No.39492
Tricky  2003-10-16 22:14:06 ( ID:sc8rm2mpgww )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am very new to this and would like to know if I can convert Windows Media to Mpeg with TMPGenc. Thank you in advance

Minion  2003-10-17 00:17:41 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Theoreticly Yes, if you have the latest WMV codecs installed, But some Poeple have had Problems getting the audio to encode , so what is a good idea is to extract the audio from the WMV file to wav format and use the Wav files as the audio source...For extracting the audio from WMV Files I usually use a simple audio encoder called "DB Power AMP" to extract the audio to Wav...You can get DB Power AMP for free at "" and remember to download the codecs for DB power amp also, there will be a Link to a Place called "Codec Central" at the web site....good Luck

ashy  2003-10-17 17:29:33 ( ID:n2grn9uovqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Question - Mr

Answer - Mr.

Video Guy  2003-10-20 18:42:42 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tricky ... what is "Mr"? .... people keep putting that in the subject line

ashy  2003-10-20 21:03:41 ( ID:n2grn9uovqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's because he can't be bothered to put a proper subject, so in that case I can't be bothered to put a proper answer.

Question - TE25 - Video stops while encoding, audio keeps playing No.39490
Atje  2003-10-16 19:54:44 ( ID:jg01lrvybyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I want to convert a divx film to two SVCD's. I want to use TMPGEnc for this, and I'm using a trial version.

Everything seems to work fine, for about ten seconds. Then the video freezes, but the program is still encoding, and I can also hear the sound when I play the file.

Am I doing something wrong, is it an error of TMPGEnc, or an error in my divx file?

I hope there's someone who can help me :D

ashy  2003-10-18 22:03:38 ( ID:n2grn9uovqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do a search on this board for VFAPI plugins for your answer.

Question - TDA1 - tmpgenc dvd author / number of chapter limit No.48800
lmic  2003-10-16 16:12:00 ( ID:ozpvqzsqf0c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i try to create a menu with tmpgenc dvd author
-first movie 1h20 and 13 chapters
-second movie 1h21 and 28 chapters

when i add the first movie in a track 1 ... no problem / 13 chapters loaded

when i add the second movie in a track 2 ... problem / only 20 chapters loaded

is there a limitation with the number of chapters loaded

thanks for help !!!

B_Racer  2003-10-21 09:37:05 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You already found the Limitation: It's 20!

Psycik  2004-02-05 20:47:03 ( ID:vbater6jvqa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a movie limit??

I have two 2 hour movies. But TMPGENC DVD Author only seems to add about 3/4 of each movie.

Bug report - TE25 - ASF to MPEG No.39487
matt  Home )  2003-10-16 03:30:54 ( ID:fv3i24zy7hc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't know if this is possible or not. But I'm trying to convert ASF to MPEG so I can then convert to VCD. I go through the steps in the project wizard fine, but once it begins to encode I get an error message stating, "Can't load 'P3Package.dll'". How can I fix this?


B_Racer  2003-10-16 12:53:16 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why you don't use the Search-Button on top of this Board? This questions was answered many times...

ashy  2003-10-16 21:36:15 ( ID:n2grn9uovqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

And why are you posting as a bug?
This is not a bug, it is user error and you will find out how to rectify it if you do a search just as B_Racer says.

Question - TE25 - Resample Error No.39484
tania  2003-10-15 08:04:12 ( ID:wobfv4prffg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi. I have been getting the following error message quite often. It occurs upon the completion of the job. No idea why it happens but when it does the resultant mpg file tends to be jerky with squares or rectangles floating on the screen. Using version 2.521.58.169. Thanks.

"Read error occurred at address 01DE29C4 of module 'RESAMPLE.DLL' with FFFFFFFF"

Franco  2003-10-25 10:02:05 ( ID:qvglxbrga6l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Got the same error trying to force a mono audio stream.
Just swithced to "stereo" to solve this issue.

tania  2003-10-28 02:59:45 ( ID:qdhhhqpi/ar )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm afraid it didn't work. Still had that read error at resample.dll. Any other clues?

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