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i get the ntdll.dll error and i realize this has been asked many times before, but all everyone says to do is install ffdshow,and it doesnt work. please help me out if anyone has any ideas.
i found out that XPress does the same thing i was wanting Plus to do and XPress worked fine with no errors, so i suggest getting XPress if you are getting this dumb error.
for no good reason I decided to add a file to my dvd proggie for the hell of it being it was a ripped DVD just to see what would happen, now its a rip of that new flick "flying daggers" and the quality is gorgeous and I took a break to get a cup of coffee and answer a question in the TMPGenc forum for some poor dude, well I then opened my progiie and where it says add file or add DVD I hit add file and clicked on my VDV Rip file and my DVD drive in my NEC DVDRW went nuts........!! I mean NUTS.. It started revving like you were racing a car engine out of control, it went so fast that I actually got scared because I started smelling that burning plastic smell!! Lol I hope I didnt fry it and I doubt it but if anyone else wants a laugh try adding any MKV file and let me know what happens!! Oh and while were here and tho this is the wrong forum, I tried changing the value of my "priority" on my VFAPI plug in on my TMPGEnc proggie but I dont see how you guys do it?? I tried like right clicking so I could delete the value but to no avail, I uncheked and rechecked the DirectShow box in case that was how you did it, I see the value as -1 but I would like to set it to a normal or +2 if possible.......any idea's?
I just downloaded TMPGEnc and it's freezing - and worse, it leaks all my ram to zero and then I have to hard boot. It's very very ugly.
Why is it doing this and what do I have to do to make it stop. It never begins to work on my avi video - it just stops right after I hit the start button, freezes, then leaks all the ram.
It would seem that there is a problem with your install to me. Its kinda tuff 2 say without knowing more but to make sure use your program add/remove tool and delete the download, grab another from this site and then reboot your PC do another install and BEFORE using reboot AGAIN, this to make sure of what we are starting out with, Ill check back in to se how you are making out, also tell us exactly which version you are using........ill be waitin on ya!
Hi, OK I tried this, although there was nothing to uninstall. I deleted the directory, rebooted and re-unzipped the free TMPGEnc (even though it says it's supposed to be free, I keep getting "YOu only have 27 days usage remaining" message.)
The problem happened when I changed the VFapi plugin settings. At least with those changes, I could get the .avi to load in both audio and video boxes. Now that I reinstalled and left it at factory settings, I can browse to the video, but it doesn't autofill the audio source box. (and the radio button area at the bottom right moves to Video Only). When I set to that selection back to video plus audio, and try to input the file as the audio source too, it gives me an error message that the audio file can't be supported or open. (other packages can open it.)
I have installed the latest version of the AC3plugin (1.10), registered it, but the Environmental Settings window of TmpgEnc DVD Author (, latest version too I think) still says 'Cannot find the Dolby Digital (AC-3) Encoder'.
Therefore I can not hear sound in the preview window (the DVDs generated do have sound though).
Can you help me with this ? I'm getting desperate, have tried everything I could think of.
Thanks a lot in advance
I am having problems encoding a WideScreen video in the QT .MOV format.
Essentially, the original .MOV file is already set in a "235 to 1" aspect ratio.
If I use the "16x9" option in TMPGEnc, I can preserve the aspect ratio and the video appears on screen just like any WideScreen DVD would, with the usual black bars at the top and bottom of the screen.
Unfortunately, and this is my main problem, the left and rigt edges are gtting cropped on every TV I play my new creation on.
I have tried adjusting other settings relating to "Aspect Ratio" in TMPGEnc, but I still have not found one that works.
I have used TMPGEnc Plus faithfully for a couple years without problems. Recently I added MPEG Editor to my PC for the added funcionability.
I also recently purchased a Digital Camcorder that uses MiniDV tapes. I have uploaded the video to my pc via the firewire and WinDV as an avi file. The problem I am having is that when I try to bring the avi file into TMPGEnc it only recognizes about the first four minutes of the file even though the file may be over 30 minutes long.
I have never experienced this before. Any ideas? I am stumped.
I am having the same problem. I have Windows XP and am using the "add or remove programs" program because my copy of TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.5 did not come with an uninstaller. Is there an uninstall program somewhere or can this problem be fixed?
I've been having problems with avi files for the last week or so. At one point I couldn't open them in TMPGEnc or any media players other than the divx player. Now I can open them in media players, though the timings are all wrong (for example, 90-minute videos display their length as 6 days.) But I still can't open any avi files at all with TMPGenc - I get the 'cannot open file, or unsupported' error.
This happens with avi's of any type, which used to open and encode fine. I've checked the files with GSpot, have the right codecs and can render them fine. I've tried increasing the priority of the directshow multimedia file reader with no effect. Anyone have any ideas?
I am having the exact same problem. TMPG worked fine on my WinMe machine but with XPPro I get that "cant open, file unsupported" error. I CAN make an mpg file of the audio of the AVI file, but not the video. Hope someone answers soon.
If you get an error message when opening like file unsupported or can not open or is not supported or you get an empty(black) video preview window or the video look wierd in the video preview window like green or purple or pink
Try first to change the directshow codec reader priority settings in TMPGEnc under Option->Environmental settings->VFAPI plug-in and right click on the DirectShow Multimedia File Reader and increase the priority to 2 or to the top of the plugin-list and try reopen the video.
I set mine to "1" at the top of the list, hope it helps you too.
Thanks - have tried this though, with no success - I still get the same error message. Can use avi's for audio source but not video. Anyone else have any ideas?
My goal is to archive miniDV on DVD. Just bought 3.0 XPress and Author 1.6, don't need anything fancy, just high quality. Saved to .avi via firewire with MS MovieMaker 2. Encoded with TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress, MPEG2 with PCM audio. Authored with Author 1.6. At every step of the way, the software indicated that the file was 3.7GB and would fit on DVD except when I tried to record to DVD+RW. When I selected the VIDEO_TS folder in the DVD Writing Tool, it showed that I needed twice as much capacity, 7.4GB. Why? When I look at the size of the files in Windows, they total 3.7GB. Original tapes are 60 minutes. Will I be able to get 60 minutes of tape on a DVD without compromising quality? Why does TMPGEnc software give the thumbs up regarding capacity until the moment of truth?
i have a bunch of selfrecorded MPG1s where the audio is out of sync. It just needs a little gap-setting to correct this, but I don't want to recompress the Video just for inserting a gap in Audio. Is there any way to correct the sync of Audio without recompressing the Video of an MPG1?
I have to start encoding some avi's from the command line. This works just fine with the /batch and /close options, but Tmpg always shows the result window and did not close itself. I've searched the forum for some hints but didn't get a solution. Does anyone know a solution to get the tmpg app close after encoding?