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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 TMPGEnc terminated after encoding michael 2 2004-01-10 07:03:07
Question TE25 mpeg tools - demux newbie 4 2004-01-06 23:10:47
Question TE25 WMV 9 With DRM ?? lukemason 7 2004-01-15 19:00:24
Question TE25 Splitting a file with TMPGEnc nycemsmedic 2 2004-01-06 18:44:30
Request TE25 TMPGEnc Plus should includes a tool to fix slightly corrupted or damaged mpeg file xcool 4 2004-01-07 00:22:12
Request TDA1 DVD Author should re-encode the mpeg file if the mpeg is slightly corrupted or damage. xcool 0 2004-01-06 07:35:33
Question TE25 File not vcd ready after splitting nycemsmedic 4 2004-01-07 05:45:17
Question TE25 video mess up White_Wolf 2 2004-01-06 23:14:41
Question TE25 Bright Sports (Starts?) rickdaustin 2 2004-01-07 00:45:49
Question TE25 TMPGEnc help hoho 2 2004-01-06 18:48:08
Question TE25 Convert GOP format halek 2 2004-01-06 23:35:15
Question TE25 Just a quick question about AVI ang MPEG Wind Whisperer 2 2004-01-06 18:56:35

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Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc terminated after encoding No.40443
michael  2004-01-06 18:37:08 ( ID:6arp1tka7gj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Anyone know why TMPGEnc 2.521 automatically terminates after encoding an AVI file into MPEG2 (system stream Video+Audio)? I did this in the lower part of the main window (not via the wizard)? Once the encoding is done, the program exited. Is this a bug or feature?



Video Guy  2004-01-06 18:42:56 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc "crashed".

This seems like codec problem.

If the avi is Divx or Xvid try installing ffdshow and use it to decode you files.

If the avi is DV type 1, try frameserving with AviSynth.

If your source has vbr mp3 audio try converting the audio to a wav using something like VirtualDub.

Video Guy

mickyjuice  2004-01-10 07:03:07 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

"Anyone know why TMPGEnc 2.521 automatically terminates after encoding an AVI file into MPEG2 (system stream Video+Audio)? I did this in the lower part of the main window (not via the wizard)? Once the encoding is done, the program exited. Is this a bug or feature?"

if ur video encodes is it really that much to worry about?

Question - TE25 - mpeg tools - demux No.40438
newbie  2004-01-06 17:38:52 ( ID:m7uqxzxdquh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

wnen demuxing a set of vobs (within mpeg tools) is there a way of selecting more than one file at a time?
if not, is it possible to write a script of some sort to batch process a number of files?

Video Guy  2004-01-06 18:31:58 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc does not support batch demuxing.

Video Guy

ashy  2004-01-06 18:57:03 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why would you want to batch demux a set of VOB files? I can't see no reason for it.

Minion  2004-01-06 22:47:10 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When you Ripped the Vob files off the DVD you should have Demuxed the audio Tracks then and Killed 2 Birds with One stone...Programs Like Smartripper and DVD Decryptor have the Option to extract the Vob files as seperate AC3 and M2V files and even as a Single Long Movie instead of a Bunch of 1gb VOB files...

ashy  2004-01-06 23:10:47 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you wish to demux the complete set of vobs into seperate components I.E. .m2v, Ac3 and subs the you can use Vobedit to do this.

Question - TE25 - WMV 9 With DRM ?? No.40430
lukemason  2004-01-06 16:32:24 ( ID:xjiqdb5elbo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

is there anywy to bypass the DRM with TMPGEnc ?

ashy  2004-01-06 17:28:08 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Explain what DRM is an we may be able to tell you.
Don't just go posting acronyms and expect everybody to know what you are talking about. It's just lazy and presumptuous.

lukemason  2004-01-06 18:27:13 ( ID:xjiqdb5elbo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Digital Rights Management

Video Guy  2004-01-06 18:37:57 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No. You can't use TMPGEnc to bypass the DRM. You have to legally own the WMV clip in order to watch it (meaning you have to have the license registered to your computer). DRM is very restricting.

Video Guy

ashy  2004-01-06 19:24:12 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This page might be of some interest to you, but I think the software is no longer viable.

It won't be long before the hackers crack this crap again then the RIAA can shove it up their ass.

Are you able to view the file on your PC?

ashy  2004-01-06 19:28:00 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry, here's the page, but you probaly already know this:

lukemason  2004-01-15 14:03:20 ( ID:xjiqdb5elbo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

that did not work any other ideas ?

ashy  2004-01-15 19:00:24 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you able to view the file on YOUR PC?

Question - TE25 - Splitting a file with TMPGEnc No.40427
nycemsmedic  2004-01-06 16:27:09 ( ID:eddxhltt4kc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, can any1 explain how to split a file with TMPGEnc? or some sites that would have this info so i can read them? thank you dave

ashy  2004-01-06 17:29:43 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Load file into merge and cut. Select type of file, double click it then set cut points. Exit and save.

Video Guy  2004-01-06 18:44:30 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

"merge and cut" is located in the menu under "mpeg tools".

Video Guy

Request - TE25 - TMPGEnc Plus should includes a tool to fix slightly corrupted or damaged mpeg file No.40422
xcool  2004-01-06 07:38:50 ( ID:k6ontxsv63o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It would nice if TMPGEnc Plus include a tool to fix damaged mpeg file.

ashy  2004-01-06 17:30:55 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why? TMPG doesn't support any other MPEG files, apart from it's own, which should not be corrupted.

xcool  2004-01-06 20:31:36 ( ID:so4dxbw2pjo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I thought MPEG file is MPEG standard file. Are you implied that TMPG has its own standard/variance?

If "TMPG doesn't support any other MPEG files", then a nice feature would be to include a MPEG tool to make 'other MPEG files' TMPG MPEG compliant, so that TMPGEnc Plus or DVD Author would not reject 'other MPEG files'

Minion  2004-01-06 22:57:34 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, Tmpgenc encoded Files are a Little Bit differant than some others ,Actually a Lot of encoders have a Little Bit different way of compileing the File that make it structurally different than other Mpeg files..Some Programs notice this Too Like when Burning a VCD made by tmpgenc with VCDEasy ,VCDEasy will Give an Error and then say that that it is OK because it is Just as sign that the File was encoded by tmpgenc..There is actually a Little utility out there(I don"t remember what it is called) that can actually analize a Mpeg file and tell you what encoder created the File....
The Only way to actually Fix Corrupted Frames in a Mpeg files is to remove the Frame which can cause Other Problems like Sync problems and Jumpy Playback ,If the error in the File is Just audio or Video PTS Time code errors or non compliant Gop structure then that can be fixed useing a tool like the "Gop Fixer" in "Mpeg2VCR"....Cheers

xcool  2004-01-07 00:22:12 ( ID:k6ontxsv63o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Minion, thanks.

I will give Mpeg2VCR a try.

Request - TDA1 - DVD Author should re-encode the mpeg file if the mpeg is slightly corrupted or damage. No.48935
xcool  2004-01-06 07:35:33 ( ID:k6ontxsv63o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think DVD Author should re-encode the mpeg file if the mpeg is slightly corrupted or damage.

I have some MPEG files can be played by WinDVD or RealPlayer but are refused by TMPGEnc DVD author. TMPG DVD Author would stop encode if there is a slight mpeg error. When tried to use the TMPGEnc Plus' mpeg tool to multiplex/demultiplex the mpeg file, it also stoped at the same place.

Question - TE25 - File not vcd ready after splitting No.40417
nycemsmedic  2004-01-06 06:31:22 ( ID:eddxhltt4kc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi everyone, question...........when i convert avi to mpeg (ntsc)the file comes out perfect. Im using a LG cd burner to burn the cd with Roxio 5 software, so i must split the file. Im using avi-mpeg-asf-wmv splitter. here is the problem....... after i split the file(usually in two equal parts) the file has a break point in it. Roxios software keeps hitting me with errors............file is not vcd compliant, and in the window that tells you about the mpeg, the audio is not being read correctly on the second half of the two files, and when i burn it anyway it doesnt play on my dvd player. when i re convert it to mpeg(even tho its still mpeg)its fine. i find this a waste of time, and was wondering if there is a workaround to correct this, or if im missing something? i love roxio for the other work i do with music, maby im not giving NERO a fair chance. ty dave

ashy  2004-01-06 17:36:22 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

For a start of ROXIO is absolute crap and NERO beats it hands down for VCD/SVCD/DVD, but thats not the problem.

You can't use the program you have used for cutting VCD compliant files you will just end up with 2 ordinary MPEGs which are non compliant.

You must use TMPGs 'Merge and Cut' tool to cut VCD then select 'MPEG1 VCD' to add the correct VCD header to the MPEG and make it compliant.

Run your MPEGs through the simple multiplexer, rename the output and select the above setting then run. It should now burn without any problem.

Freddybigbaz  2004-01-06 17:40:46 ( ID:vix5lwzgkuj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You don't need a seperate program to split your file.You can do this in Tmpgenc.When setting up Tmpgenc to encode your avi to mpeg,use the Source Range function.With this,you can select the start and end points for each half of the film,and correct audio lag too.I don't use Nero,but I'm told the resulting files work fine.You could try VCD Easy to burn your discs too,it gives you some good options.Hope this helps.

ashy  2004-01-06 19:26:57 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

For a start of ROXIO is absolute crap and NERO beats it hands down for VCD/SVCD/DVD, but thats not the problem.

You can't use the program you have used for cutting VCD compliant files you will just end up with 2 ordinary MPEGs which are non compliant.

You must use TMPGs 'Merge and Cut' tool to cut VCD then select 'MPEG1 VCD' to add the correct VCD header to the MPEG and make it compliant.

Run your MPEGs through the simple multiplexer, rename the output and select the above setting then run. It should now burn without any problem.

nycemsmedic  2004-01-07 05:45:17 ( ID:eddxhltt4kc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok ill give NERO a fair chance. you arent the only 1 who said this about NERO,and personally ive seen roxio get even worce over the years. thank you all again.

Question - TE25 - video mess up No.40414
White_Wolf  2004-01-06 06:14:47 ( ID:kx9ggry3wtg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when I convert a avi into a VCD and play it on my stand alone DVD player the movie messes up time to time for acouple seconds and the frames skip when there is high motion in the movie.. I tried converting the same movie with a differen't converter and had no problems.. only reason I don't use the other program is because I can't set the black bars..

Video Guy  2004-01-06 18:59:26 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you use the VCD template or your own custom settings?

Minion  2004-01-06 23:14:41 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tmpgenc from tite to time has Problems with Bitrate controll so the Bitrate has a tendancy to spike and when this Happens you DVD player has to suddenly spin the Disk really fast so that it can read the sudden increased data rate which causes the Jump and skips in High Motion scenes..The only Way to get over this Problem is to Maybe not use a VBR encodeing Method or do not use a Higher than Standard Bitrate but even then it can still happen...If you even want to set the black bars and other aspects of the Image with other Encoders then learn how Frameserve useing AVISynth......

Question - TE25 - Bright Sports (Starts?) No.40411
rickdaustin  2004-01-06 04:37:52 ( ID:bws3ijldqrj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a strange problem that has occurred with TMPGEnc and the Premier Pro media encoder. I have a video that contains a few shots that have very bright reflections on either plates or silverware. The video is fine when the original AVI file is viewed. After being converted to MPEG the bright spots have a flickering star-like effect for a few seconds just as the scence appears. I've tried a number of settings in TMPGEnc based upon tips I've found but I can't seem to removed this flickers. I wonder if the reflections are so bright that after being encoded to MPEG they are causing a problem?

Any ideas on what I can do to resolve this? I could probably cut out a 4 - 10 second slice of the video to show what I mean if that would be helpful.

Minion  2004-01-06 23:26:25 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Flickering could Just be Artifacts from Interlaceing, in which case they would only be Viewable on your PC Monitor which isn"t meant to display Interlaced material were your TV set is ,I have a TV out Card hooked up to a 13 inch TV set so I can See what the Video will look like when Displayed on a Interlaced TV and Most Interlace artifacts totally disapear when Played on TV....You can try encodeing the Part in question and use the Deinterlace Filter and if the Problem disapears then you Know it was from being Interlaced and you won"t have to worry about it.......

rickdaustin  2004-01-07 00:45:49 ( ID:bws3ijldqrj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After reading your message I decided to do a bit of checking by viewing the output through my external TV which is connected via my camera which is connected via firewire. As it turns out the original footage played from the timeline has the problem as well. I certainly feel like a blockhead (add to that my inability to correctly spell the words on my subject line (:<)). I can't tell you how much time I wasted thinking the problem popped up once the sequence was converted to MPEG.

Thanks for your reply since that nudged me back to looking at the source material. Lesson learned, make sure you know your source material, even the insignificant portions....

Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc help No.40408
hoho  2004-01-06 02:10:42 ( ID:jbarl8u.iyr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was not sure what fourm to put this under since it has sort of lots of problems in 1. If not just move it to the right fourm and tell me.

Ok I have these .mkv files and since I could not find no one to help me change them to svcd file I gave up on them(if you know how feel free to tell me) and decided to covert them with too .ogm files.
Heres what I did.

I used this guide to try to help me with this so you can see were I got this stuff from:

I used VirtualDubMod to covert them to ogm files. Works good about the same size. So the quality is about the same.

I took the .ogm and used VirtualDubMod again and took out the audio and saved it as a Demux what makes it as a .ogg file. I have 2 audio file but I am not sure why I would need to put both in at the end since I want only the English.

Then I took it and I used a program called goldwave to covert the .ogg to a wav file.

Then I went to and used this program to convert it called EaseAudioConverter to convert it too a mp2 file. I tried this HeadAC3he but it never worked for me I got some weird error.

Then I took it and used TMPGEnc to try to put it together the sound and the avi(what I got by just taking my virtual dub and getting the video did not know what they ment by chaning the file estention). But I get an error when I do that.(I am on step 3 of that guide I put up their)
Here is a picture of the error.


I have that file by that why what is says it is unable to load.

In case your wondering I need it too be scvd since my player plays that format. I hope someone can help me been trying for days now.

Also tell me step by step I am a noob as this. This is my first time trying to burn something to a cd. Let alone one of these 2 formats.

This is anmie too by the way. Also tell me if you want me to post more screenshot up about something and I will.

Ps. I hope someone helps me soon I am starting to think this can not be down.

ashy  2004-01-06 18:42:41 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Jaysus what a carry on?
You have just made things so much harder for yourself for no reason and it's took you about 5 steps and probably a lot of time to get nowhere when you could have accomplished this in one easy step.

All you needed to do was load the file into Virtualdubmod then start the frame server this will then create a small file in seconds which you just load into TMPG and encode as normal.

These are the steps you need to take to install and start the frame server.

1. From the Vitualdubmod folder run the file labeled 'Auxsetup.exe'

2. In the box that pops up select 'Install handler' then OK to all other boxes then 'Exit'

3. Now load your .mkv file into Virtualdubmod as normal

4. Select the audio track you require (I'm assuming you know how to do this)

5. Now click File>start frame server...

6. In the box that pops up click 'Start' then select a name and place to save the file and give it an .avi extension.
For example save it as MKV1.avi

7. DO NOT close the box that comes up. Next start TMPG and load the file you just created named MKV1.avi

8. Now just select the SVCD template or use the wizard and encode as normal .

ashy  2004-01-06 18:48:08 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As for your 'Can't load P3package.dll' error.
This is either because you have not downloaded TMPG correctly or you are trying to run TMPG from the .zip file or you do not have the TMPGenc.exe located in the same folder as the rest of the files it came with.

Question - TE25 - Convert GOP format No.40405
halek  2004-01-05 21:43:04 ( ID:lbmzvc69ysm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I searched and found several comments about DVDit's problems with GOP headers.

My problem is slightly different in that my files are already in MPEG2 format but apparently with headers that DVDit does not except.

Can anybody give me the details of what I need to do about converting the header configuration? I'm not sure at this point if I need to demux it and then reencode it with the proper settings or what.

Thanks in advance!

ashy  2004-01-06 18:48:59 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are we talking about sequence headers?

Minion  2004-01-06 23:35:15 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes this is a Common thing with DVDit ,It needs a Sequence header before each GOP whch means before you encode your File go to "Settings" to "GOP" and set the "output Interval for Sequence Header" to "1" and now when you encode you will have a Sequence header before each GOP......

Question - TE25 - Just a quick question about AVI ang MPEG No.40402
Wind Whisperer  2004-01-05 20:31:04 ( ID:vmxtoevo.hg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

A newbie question. In terms of quality, which format is better? I hear that you can convert AVI to MPEG to reduce size while RETAIN quality, is it true?

nycemsmedic  2004-01-06 06:53:34 ( ID:eddxhltt4kc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

avi andmpeg............i see it as what you are going to do with the file. avi are smaller than mpeg. some links for you..........

hope this helps, these were found by copernic agent, case u were wondering where to get more info. dave

Video Guy  2004-01-06 18:56:35 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There are many types of AVI. AVI is just a container.

AVIs can be smaller then MPEGs (Divx and Xvid) and they can be bigger then MPEGs (DV and uncompressed).

The highest quality file of the above choices is uncompressed avi, but it takes up so much space it is only useful for capturing and not storage.

Xvid and Divx are based on mpeg-4 but in an AVI container. These can be small and high quality. For long term storage I would not use since they may not be around in five years. (yes it is possible to put xvid in a mpeg-4 container but this can be tricky and difficult for a person new to this)

For high quality and long term storage I would use MPEG-2.

Video Guy

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