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I've been encoding afew videos using TMPGEnc. I notice that
the program does not do the actual encoding up to 50%...but it says "analyzing..." instead. My questions are what exact does it analyze? Why does it take that long to do it (the same amount of time to that of the actual encoding)? Is there a way to disable this to cut short the time?
I am trying to convert larger MPEG or DVD files to smaller files in order to play them on my iPAQ. I am a complete novice at this and any assistance would be great. I tried to use the TMPGEnc program but it always tells me cannot load P3package.dll. What does that mean? Thank you.
it means the the file P3package.dll is for some reason not in the same folder as your tmpgenc.exe file so it can't find it. Make sure u extract all tmpgenc files in the zip u donwload to the SAME folder.Ofcourse subfolders will also be created which is normal
does anyone one have this problem....when i encode a movie and playback the file it runs for 3 seconds and then theres a micro second delay then runs 3 secs and so on and so on.
this is only noticible when panning a scene in the picture ie form left to right slowly.most my movies encoded in TMPG do this an its probally just a setting ie bitrate or summit.
just wondered if anyone knew off the top of their head.
I am having the same problem. I have noticed however that the AVI's that I am trying to convert are 23fps. How can I set the application to write at the same rate? It defaults to 25fps, and the dropdown list is disabled so I can't change it. I am trying to convert to PAL 16:9
You cannot create a PAL 16:9 movie which plays at 23fps. The nearest is NTSCFilm which plays at 23.976fps.
The only way is to convert the AVI to PAL 25 fps.
Two ways you can do this:
1. Use AVIsynth to frame serve the AVI to TMPG and use the CONVERTFPS(25) command. (There is info on the site exactly how to do this.)
2. Use AVIfrate to convert the avi to 25fps. This desyncs the audio which should be extracted to a wav first. The audio can then be shrunk to the same length as the wav with cooledit to re-sync it. AVIfrate will tell you the new length of AVI to be used in cooledit.
i am having the problem that when i try to convert my AVI file to MPEG2 i get the error "index of scan line is out of range(272)" at the same time, i have tries a couple of times, does anyone have any ideas how to fix this, the avi file is Harry potter and the chamber of secrets...
I keep running into this error when I try to LOAD a file in TMPGEnc. No conversion has taken place yet, I cannot even load the MPEG File.
File "C:Example.mpg" can not open or unsupported.
Now I have used this program dozens of time for conversion, but this is the first time I have gotten this message. I started with .rars, converted that to a .bin/.cue, and then converted that to an mpeg file using vcdgear. It is an mpeg-2, not an mpeg-1, but I have converted from mpeg-2 before.
Does anyone know why this file isn't loading, or what that error means?
Ok. but what exactly means one of the supported codecs? I have the same problem with mpg-files from a DVB-t setop-box (hauppauge/technotrend). It works before but now I get always the error msg.
Now TMPGEnc has priority of MPEG-2 decoders at VFAPI plug-in priority setting. The priority is fixed and can not be changed by user as follows: 1:Sony 2:Ligos 3:CyberLink
Basically this means you have to have one of the above software decoders installed. I suppose the most popular is the Cyberlink PowerDVD decoder.
i noticed that when i demux a file the resulting audio and video file playtimes are off from the original mpeg. and the audio is usually from 1-2 seconds off. is there anyway i can stop this from occering ? the files are vbr mpeg1 format. thanks.
I've been encoding afew videos using TMPGEnc. I notice that
the program does not do the actual encoding up to 50%...but it says "analyzing..." instead. My questions are what exact does it analyze? Why does it take that long to do it (the same amount of time to that of the actual encoding)? Is there a way to disable this to cut short the time?
You are Useing the "2-Pass" encodeing method, this Method takes 2 times as Long Cuz it analizes the Complexity of the file for the First Pass, then does the encodeing on the second Pass baced on the Information taken on the first pass..This method Is supposed to give the best results But that is Not nescessarily true..You should Use the "CQ"(Contsant Quality) Method instead cuz it will take half the Time to encode and you will get the same Quality ...The 2-Pass method is mostly for Files that are of maybe lower Quality that need to be analized to get the best results But if your File is of Good Quality then the CQ method with work Just as well with Half the time...
What bitrate are you using when encoding? I fyou are using a higher bitrate than standard then this is probably your problem.
This is due to the fact that your player is having trouble spinning the disk fast enough to read the data correctly.
Lasers move from inside to out, as the laser moves towards the end of the disk the disk is moving slower under it and this probably causing a problem because your player can't spin the disk any faster to supply a flow of uninterrupted data.
Thank you for your response to my problem. I appreciate your time spent trying to help me. The problem occures before I put the video onto a CD and play it. In fact, I see the problem while playing the .mpg file with Windows Media Player. I see this problem about 1 out of 6 rips that I make.
Please let me know if you or anyone else has a solution.
Thank you for your response to my problem. I appreciate your time spent trying to help me. The problem occures before I put the video onto a CD and play it. In fact, I see the problem while playing the .mpg file with Windows Media Player. I see this problem about 1 out of 6 rips that I make.
Please let me know if you or anyone else has a solution.
ok, i have win 2000 with 2 amd 1800+ mp. i have clicked on the box for the 2 processors support. what else do i need to do to get this running faster. it takes the length of the movie plus 5 to 10mins to do a movie. any twikes that i can do to 2000 or the program or both to get it to go faster or is that all i can do.
any help would be great!
That seems to be about right, haveing 2 proscessors doesn"t nescessarily mean that you will get twice the speed while encodeing..The time it takes to encode depends on the resolution of the file you are encodeing to and the filters you use and what setting you use in the "Motion Presition search" , setting it to "Motion Estimate Search" will greatly speed up the encodeing But the Quality in High motion scenes will be less..You are actually Lucky Cuz some poeple can take over 24 hours to encode a Movie on some slower systems , on my 1.7GHZ system I encode VCD"s at about real time and svcd"s at half real time, Tmpgenc puts Quality ahead of Speed, there are Much faster encoders Like CCE But it is also Much more expensive....
The reason for the question is that I was told that it would encode faster if you had 2 processors. That is why I spent the money to get the system. My husband has 1 1800+ and raid and the 2 pcs run pretty much the same of encoding.
Hi @ all,
I hope there's anybody who can help me.
Everytime I want to edit a file using "merge & cut" I can't see any picture, the windows is empty, not black. When running the file in this mode Audio is to hear.
When using the main option of tmpgenc "Encoding" I can see the video !