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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Mpeg to Divx? with Plus Bruce Banner 9 2002-11-25 06:31:14
Question TE25 Tmpgenc goes EXTREMELY slow Flea77 0 2002-11-21 04:48:15
Question TE25 Using TMPGENC for windows mpg creation on Apple quicktime DVD burn James Dawson 3 2002-11-25 05:50:26
Question TE25 I Know its annoying, but i need help Brionic 1 2002-11-21 06:34:38
Question TE25 dispasointed Dave 2 2002-11-21 03:48:42
Question TE25 Adjust bitrate to fit 200% CD-size peter 3 2002-11-21 00:53:25
Question TE25 tmpgenc displays "error" and a weird number? tom 1 2002-11-22 18:47:33
Question TE25 How do I pack 83Min video (around 781MB) into an 80Min CDR? New User 6 2002-11-21 20:56:31
Question TE25 Tmpgenc error Gunkster 0 2002-11-20 20:49:08
Question TE25 Problems with AVI files Psimon 1 2002-11-22 19:53:31
Question TE25 tmpgenc displays "error" and a weird number? tom 0 2002-11-20 19:13:57
Question TE25 AVI -> MPEG2 Settings C.J. 0 2002-11-20 19:00:19

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Question - TE25 - Mpeg to Divx? with Plus No.31032
Bruce Banner  2002-11-21 06:55:34 ( ID:okww7x55z16 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm a newbie to all of this but i have to ask, After i have ripped and turned my movie form a Dvd file to a Mpeg (using TMPGEnc Plus, which worked great!), What is the next step, and what do i have to use to turn my Mpeg file to a Divx file/movie?

Minion  2002-11-21 09:17:38 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What in the world are you trying to do??????If you are Just trying to make a DivX file to watch on your computer then you have downloaded the Wrong Software and have done everything wrong...To make a DivX file out of a DVD/Vob files you DON"T make a Mpeg file first...You just convert the DVD/Vob files to DivX with a Totally differant piece of software like you can use "DVD2AVI then use AVImuX to join the audio streams or you can use "Gordain Knot"....and there are Many programs for Turning your DVD to DivX But you are useing the wrong software...and you will need to have a Full version of the DivX Codec...Tmpgenc is mainly for turning AVI/mpeg files to Mpeg1/2 for SVCD/VCD/DVD......

Bruce Banner  2002-11-22 03:58:32 ( ID:rikrkgx9/ec )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK! PIPE DOWN! I said i was wanting to know how and what to use, and i also said i was a NEWBIE! I just what to know how to make "Divx" movies from my DVD's,and what's the best programs to use. I can rip the dvd, and turn it into a "avi",Ok what's next,and/or what's the best program to use next,in making a Divx? Please, i'm just looking for information and a little know-how.You have to crawl, before you walk, right?

Bruce Banner  2002-11-22 04:06:04 ( ID:rikrkgx9/ec )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oh by the way, i do have Divx Pro 5.02, not to mention other programs but, i'm trying to find out also how to use them. DIVX-DIGEST don't explain things in step by step english.

"Hookd On Phonix Werked 4 Mi"

buga  2002-11-22 09:58:15 ( ID:8ze090hymlh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Get DiVX Codec - you already did, so skip this.
Get DVDDecripter - decrypt the VOB files from DVD to hard drive.
Get DVD2AVI - Encode the VOB files to DivX
Use Nero - Burn DivX to CD

Here you go, step by step!

Convertorman  2002-11-22 13:53:38 ( ID:epgch8lyfnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used CladDVD XP to create the .d2v and vob files from the DVD.I was then able to directly load the .d2v and vob files into TMPGenc and output directly to an AVI using DIVX 5.02. This was done using only TMPGenc. Nothing could be easier. I do not understand why you guys/girls are using all of those other programs.

ASHY  2002-11-22 20:59:20 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just one comment to the NEWBIE. You do realise that DIVX is AVI?
So if you know how to encode an AVI then use the same process except use the DIVX codec.


Bruce Banner  2002-11-23 06:59:55 ( ID:sd/jukdluq2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Special thanks goes out to, "buga","covertorman", and "ashy". Thanks you guys for the enlightning, and i really do mean that. Now for more of the annoying question.First, i have DVD2AVI,but how do you use the 5.02 to convert it,or shall i say, can you install the 5.02 codec into DVD2AVI? Second, how do you convert a VOB straight to Divx? Isn't there a step missing? This is where i'm confused because all three of you guys are basically saying the same thing,"Coverting it with Divx", but i'm not quiet understanding, could anyone of you elaborate just a little bit more?

ASHY  2002-11-23 12:07:53 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok first of all let me point out that this is the wrong forum for your questions and you shoild be visiting a Divx forum. This one is dedicated to MPEG encoding.
Also if you have a standalone DVD player then Divx files will NOT play in it. To play movies on your DVD player you must encode to MPEG.

Aside from that I'll explain a little.
Divx is an AVI format, even though the actual format is MPEG4 it is really an AVI.
To encode to DiVX you will need something called the DIVX codec. This codec can be used by any suitable encoder to create DIVX movies.

Whenever you use a particular encoder there will be option somewhere which will give you the ability to choose the codec you wish to use to encode, one of these will be the DIVX codec if you have it installed.

To see what I mean make sure you have the DIVX codec installed. Now load any file into TMPG then click File>ouput to file>AVI file.
In this box you will find two fields, one named 'Video' and one named 'Audio'
Click the setting button at the right for the 'Video' field and up will pop a 'Video compression' box.
This is where you choose your CODEC. Click the drop down menu and on the list should be your DIVX codec, select the CODEC then click 'Setting' and then the options for that particular CODEC will pop up.
After you have chosen the options for that codec you want then just click ok, find a place to ouput the file and then click 'Save'

Your DIVX will then be created using the option you set in TMPG and the CODEC.

I hope that explains the use about CODECs.
I'm not going to give you a tutorial how to use DVD2AVI to create an AVI because even though the name suggests it, DVD2AVI is not a good program for AVI's. It's main use is to use it as a frameserving tool for programs such as TMPG to create MPEGs which camn be played in your DVD player.
I also am not sure why you want to create AVI's instead of MPEGs unless you don't own a DVD player.

If you really do want to create an AVI then I will give you a link to an excellant and easy program to create AVI.


Bruce Banner  2002-11-25 06:31:14 ( ID:0ak3t55hiz2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks ASHY,
I now about Codecs, I might have gone off the path with the Divx/AVI thing, it doesn't say what kind of forum this is, all it says is "TMPGEnc BBS".I thought that i could get help here being that the TMPGEnc that i have has an AVI output, and i wanted to know how to use it to make a Divx file. I want to learn how to do all types of files , old and new. I know how to make a perfect MPEG with no problem, next up..Divx, after that, i'll learn how refine everything that i do know(just like everybody else). I found out how to bring that codec up(DivxPro), along with the others inside of tmpgenc. I just can't get the thing to work. Anyway, thanx for the help, but if you don't mind you can show me those links that you were talking about, anything will do.
Again Thanx,


Question - TE25 - Tmpgenc goes EXTREMELY slow No.31031
Flea77  2002-11-21 04:48:15 ( ID:y3ls4.pchpa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am working on an Athlon 1.2Ghz machine, 640MB ram and Tmpgenc When I try to encode a file into MPEG format for an SVCD it takes way too long to encode, say 14+ hours! I check the cpu useage and it it not using it at all (win2k). Sometimes it will encode at a good speed (1 hour of video takes about 1-1.5 hours to encode) for a short time, useing 90-100% of the CPU, then it suddenly drops to 1% and stays there.

I am running the same version of Tmpgenc on my Athlon XP 2100+ and it does not have these problems. The 2k machine with the problem is a fresh install with all updates. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Question - TE25 - Using TMPGENC for windows mpg creation on Apple quicktime DVD burn No.31027
James Dawson  Home )  2002-11-21 00:52:31 ( ID:azym3s6cmzw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have TMPGENC Plus and use on a Windows system.

A friend has a CD burner but an apple system.

If I encode DVD MPG2 standard mpegs, put them on a couple of Cd's and take them to his place can I create a DVD from that?

He is using Apple's DVD Studio Pro and the way he currently uses it is the application merges separate video and audio streams. The QuickTime plug-in creates two separate streams, one for video and one for audio which DVDSP then imports and merges as part of the formatting process.

Dragon  2002-11-21 01:14:00 ( ID:nolpi9uk6dg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Minion  2002-11-21 09:07:34 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

YES..well Probably...a mpeg file is a Mpeg file no matter if it is on a Apple or a PC...what might matter is if the language that the mpeg file is written in is compatible with APple..Well I think it should be Cuz Like I said a Mpeg file is a Mpeg file no matter what system it is on....

Bruce Banner  2002-11-25 05:50:26 ( ID:0ak3t55hiz2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You know Ashy, i might have gone off the path a little, but the reason i asked about the whole "Divx/AVI" thing is that, I wanted to know, and learn how to create movies in all format, new and old. And since i have Tmpgenc, and it has an "avi" output, i really wanted to know basically how to use it to make a Divx file. It didn't have any listings of different types of forums to go to, it just said "TMPGEnc BBS" so i figured pretty much that meant anything goes.

But like i said i might have strayed off the path, but i still want to know how to use the avi function in TMPGEnc. The so called "on-line manual" that comes with the Plus version is kind of vague. I know all about codecs, it's just getting it (Divx Pro) to work with TMPGEnc,when the Divx Pro screen pops up, which i know how to get to come up. I just want to make sure i get my $48 bucks worth. Making a MPEG is no problem, i just want to go down my list a know how to do it all. Anyway, thanks for your help, and any links that you do have, will be greatly appreciated


Question - TE25 - I Know its annoying, but i need help No.31025
Brionic  2002-11-21 00:17:30 ( ID:uzo.qtvzhgf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK, so i just got a DVD player that plays VCD, so if i use this program to make a VCD file, why does it just make a mpg file - will this play in the player? or does it need the .dat files etc to play VCD's - im just not sure how all this works. If someone could gimmie some advice, id appreciate it. thanks.

DonS  Home )  2002-11-21 06:34:38 ( ID:vot173mdedf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When tMPGEnc makes the MPEG file, that's just the first step. After that, you need to consider the CD burning software your going to use. Consider Nero by Ahead software. When you run it, you tell the wizard that you want a "VIDEO CD" and it pre-builds all of the needed directories and files (minus the actual movie). Then you drop the MPEG file into Nero's file window, Nero examines it for consistancy (and can rebuild if needed), then will burn the CD as a standard VCD. So tMPGEnc is half the job. You still need a package that will generate the VCD layout for you, and this is found in most popular burning programs. =)

Question - TE25 - dispasointed No.31022
Dave  2002-11-20 22:11:36 ( ID:rhn.r.g.zlj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Out of say 10 movies i tried to cut , only 4 work.

The problems that occured are : no sound and will just NOT cut on the
marks i set it to cut at. (plus some just wont let me view it as i cut)

I think TMPG is quiet limited to the file types it can handle, could
somebody recommend a different, more versatile programme please?

Thank You Very Much.


ASHY  2002-11-20 22:16:38 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


VideoD00d  2002-11-21 03:48:42 ( ID:0jnhaaa4ig2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Look, you realize that where you can cut is limited by what type of video you have right. It won't matter what tool you use. Some video (like DIVX) only store a keyframe every 300 frames if that's how it's setup in the codec. If you then try to edit it with anything, you're not going to cut anywhere but at one of those keyframes. Just a heads up. I have a feeling the video you are working with is the problem and NOT TMPGEnc.

Question - TE25 - Adjust bitrate to fit 200% CD-size No.31018
peter  2002-11-20 21:37:59 ( ID:fkyrtztywwg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a strange Problem.
Recently i installed Tmpgenc 2.59 und try to convert divX5 to SVCD (2 CD'S).

But the 4th window shows an estimated Filesize of 3 gig (400 % of an 700 MCB cd).
I can increase the average bitrate but not lower it, even in expert settings, the bitrate i.e. 800 isn't shown there it stays at 1600.
Can anybody explain why it isn't imposiible to lower the Bitrate?
ciao I

Minion  2002-11-20 22:39:57 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First off Don"t nescessarily Believe what Tmpgenc says the final file size is going to be Cuz It doesn"t seem that it is very accurate..Use a Bitrate Calculator...If you are trying to Lower the Bitrate down to 800kbs(Much to low unless you like Crappy Quality) you will need to Load the "Unlock.Mfc" Template from the Extra Folder then all the settings will be 1600KBS you should be able to Fit about "One Hour" of SVCD on a 700mb(800mb) CD-R with OK Quality, But if you lower it any more than that the Quality will get progressivly Worse and at 800kbs the Video will be hardly recognizeable as the movie you encoded...

peter  2002-11-20 23:21:44 ( ID:mpr4lvx5kro )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi minion,
that's what I want to know, some times ago, I installed a previos release of tmpgenc and there I could reduce the bitrate as I need.
And now I thought I missed an option something like this.

thnks a lot.

peter  2002-11-21 00:53:25 ( ID:mpr4lvx5kro )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi minion,
that's what I want to know, some times ago, I installed a previos release of tmpgenc and there I could reduce the bitrate as I need.
And now I thought I missed an option something like this.

thnks a lot.

Question - TE25 - tmpgenc displays "error" and a weird number? No.31016
tom  2002-11-20 21:19:11 ( ID:gcinhmmb9lm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I'm trying to use tmpgenc to encode an avi into mpeg, I've never had problems with doing this before, but now when I try and do it, after doing the first few frames it brings up a dialog box, that says error, and a couple of random numbers, eg 1 10016 or, 22556 3345772 if I click ok, it brings up another box with a different number after a few more seconds, whats going on? and can I change something to stop this? At the moment I'm just using the default settings to turn it into a pal SVCD.

fixing it  2002-11-22 18:47:33 ( ID:uzqmbobgszh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

change from progressive to interlace or vice versa...

Question - TE25 - How do I pack 83Min video (around 781MB) into an 80Min CDR? No.31009
New User  2002-11-20 20:52:55 ( ID:vhuu3gsaejr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I keep hearing this can be done and looking inside this BBS for two day and could not find anything. Please Help!


ASHY  2002-11-20 21:48:19 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just burn it as it is as a VCD. It will fit because an 80min VCD will fit 800mb.


Minion  2002-11-20 22:32:27 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You Might NOT Be able to Fit 83 minutes on a CD-R..Try to enable Overburning if Possoble..I have been able to burn 825mb with Overburning useing VCDEasy...But that is the most I have been able to burn On TDK Cd-R"s...

Minion  2002-11-20 22:41:49 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sory...781mb will easily fit on a CD-R....

New User  2002-11-21 01:35:22 ( ID:vhuu3gsaejr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


MrFat  2002-11-21 06:47:12 ( ID:okww7x55z16 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If You Want More Room, Look On Ebay. You Can Buy 90Min. Cdr's For Dirt Cheap. I've Bought A Couple Of Hundred Of Them, And They Work Great. Just Make Sure That You Use "Nero" And That Your CD-Burner Can Read The 90-Min CDR.You Have To Do An Overburn And Use "Disc-At-Once" Setting. Just Remember This, Because You Must Overburn When Going Over Past The "79:59 Min Mark.
Good Luck!

ASHY  2002-11-21 20:56:31 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is risky because a lot of burners don't support those disks.


Question - TE25 - Tmpgenc error No.31008
Gunkster  2002-11-20 20:49:08 ( ID:x.c9dcuhelk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I am encoding a movie with Tmpgenc Plus and I am using the 2 pass mode
on about half of the movies when it gets to 50 percent it stops and gives
invalid pointer error and once it gave error 65534 65536?
I am using a pentium 4 with 768 RDRAM and windows XP. Can someone help ?

Question - TE25 - Problems with AVI files No.31006
Psimon  2002-11-20 20:12:00 ( ID:mk8pw3dua56 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Problems with AVI files.

I have been using Tmpgenc to encode AVI files captured from my SONY camcorder. I have been using Windows Video Maker to capture the DV. This has all been working well until I installed DVD2SVCD.

Tmpgenc no longer recognises AVI files that have been rendered within Windows Video Maker. If I render the AVI files within VideoStudio then Tmpgenc will recognise the file and encode.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated

A380  2002-11-22 19:53:31 ( ID:0dwshxbwuhc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try using avisynth and frameserve it to TMPGEnc.

Question - TE25 - tmpgenc displays "error" and a weird number? No.31005
tom  2002-11-20 19:13:57 ( ID:gcinhmmb9lm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I'm trying to use tmpgenc to encode an avi into mpeg, I've never had problems with doing this before, but now when I try and do it, after doing the first few frames it brings up a dialog box, that says error, and a couple of random numbers, eg 1 10016 or, 22556 3345772 if I click ok, it brings up another box with a different number after a few more seconds, whats going on? and can I change something to stop this? At the moment I'm just using the default settings to turn it into a pal SVCD.

Question - TE25 - AVI -> MPEG2 Settings No.31004
C.J.  2002-11-20 19:00:19 ( ID:e39hgyio5zk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What settings are you guys using to encode avi files to mpeg2?
I'm trying to encode some stuff that was shot in DV (NTSC). It's about 15 minutes in length. I was also curious about TMPG's VBR capabilities. I tried a couple test encoding but the resulting file was horrible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

C.J. Sanders

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