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I read through all the posts and I still have this "unsupprted" problem. When I go to browse in put a file into it, it says that it is "unsupported". Here's what it exactly says, File "(gibberish)" can not open, or unsupported. Gibberish means that I didn't understand what it said, but I browsed to put a file called "talk.wmv" into it.
I wanted to convert a wma file into a mpeg file. It worked before, but ever since I downloaded the update from Microsoft about the Window media player 9 beta, it doesn't work. This was just last night too.
This problem also effected my Adobe Premiere 6.0 and I can't run any AVI, MPEG, DIVX files anymore. And this happened after I downloaded the WMP 9Beta from If I didn't downloaded it, I don't think that I would have this problem. Any suggestions.
And I DID put the priority to 2 on the envrionment settings, for directshow.
On the "About..." screen, it says, "MPEG-2 trial has expired." But how can this be, when I just downloaded it last night????????????????
um...don't download early versions of anything from microsoft...also..tmpgenc mpg2 expires after the period starting from the first ver of tmmgenc u downloaded... i don't think it renews for later vers
Well you shouldn"t have downloaded Media player 9..i don"t know how many warnings I have read about the newest Bug filled version..I think it has Somehow overwritten your Media 7 & 8 codecs or made the access to those codecs difficult through the direct show filter..What have to probably get rid of media player 9 which can be difficult cuz there is no un-installer so I would Restore your system to a Earlier time before you installed MP9...
I have the same problem - although I only have Media player 8 on XP - it's an AVI file which plays fine in media player and stuff but is "unsupported" by TMPGenc - another program AVI2VCD can convert it (although it takes 12 hours instead of the 2 hours TMPGenc would take, and you have to decompress the audio first, which there is a bundled util for). Also Nero happily encodes it.
I though this may be happening as the Mpeg2 bit has expired although it's not an mpeg file i'm trying to open or convert to - perhaps it's a coincidence - other AVI files seem fine.
Is there a list somewhere of supported and "unsupported" types? I've looked on this website but isn't immediately apparent.
I get this message when trying to convert an m2v file to mpg
18093 s packets cause buffer underflow
The MPEG file might cause error when played...
and indeed it doesn't work, it halts, jumps, and refuse to play parts of the clip.
Any ideas?
You shouldn"t be getting this error while encodeing..But you can get it while Multiplexing..And how do you convert a M2V file to a Mpeg file? a m2v file is a Mpeg file just without the audio so I gather that you ARE talking about the Multiplexor..This error is usually caused by trying to Multiplex a Mpeg2 video file with either the VCD or SVCD chosen in the Dropdown menu when the auctual file isn"t a SVCD mpeg file but just a Plain mpeg file..This is cause because the Packet size for regular Mpeg2 stream is 2048 but the packet size for Mpeg2 SVCD streams is something like 2324 so when you are multiplexing the buffer underflows cuz the expected data rate is lower than it is..You can try a few things that have worked for me, there is a Program called Mpeg2Vcr that has a re-packetizing feature that will correct the problem..But what has worked for me is to Multiplex the file as a Plain mpeg2 stream then load the file into The "Merge & Cut" with the SVCD setting and just run it through without Editing and it will just put the proper header on it for it to be compliant but it doesn"t correct the packet size but I haven"t ever had a problem with the smaller packet size...Hope this helps...
Well you need a AC3 encoder Like "Soft Encode" or the "Digigram Dolby Digital Encoder" these programs are not Cheap and not easy to find and encodeing to AC3 can take a long time like as long as encodeing to mpeg..You can find a Version of "Sonic foundry Soft Encode" at h**p:// in the tools section...
I am trying to create a file that DVD Workshop will recognize. I have tried exporting a .m2v file and then using TMPgenc to create a multiplexed file. When I try to use the wav file I get an error message. If I convert the wav file to mp3, the new file (mpg) is created but when I open it in Workshop there is no sound. Anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
When it comes to Mpeg audio you are doing everything wrong..DVD workshop will only accept Mpeg Layer 2 audio, and AC3 in the newest version 1.3..So you need to encode the audio to MP2 not MP3, MP3 is not a Mpeg video audio format.. then Multiplex the MP2 audio to the Video....
I am trying to convert from a DV .avi file to a MPEG2 file. The conversion works fine but when it's finished the fiel plays back with sort of horizontal lines when the video has movement like an arm waving. It sort of looks like a large screen tv when there is a lot of movement. Any ideas how to resove this?
These Lines are there in the source file you just didnt notice them...They are called "Interlace Lines" and allmost ALL NTSC files have them, especially resolve this issue you can do 2 things ,First make sure you have the correct "Field Order" ,Usually with DV Footage it is "Lower Field First" but you can tell by loading the File into TMpgenc useing the "Wizard"(in Plus) then is should take a Few seconds analizeing the File for the correct field order...Then you can try the "De-Interlace Filter" in the "Advanced Settings"..Double clich the "De-Interlace Filter" then a Window will pop up with your movie displayed in it and a Drpodown menue with 16 or so different Filters, move the slider to were the lines look really prevelent then go through the filters till you find the one that looks best..usually with DV Lower field First files the "Odd field" filter looks best....
OK, you asked the same Question 4 times ,There is no need to repeat your self We can All read, well most of us..Doing this will just get you ignored out of Spite...Your problem is probably with the file you are encodeing, especially if you are getting the error at the same point every time you encode it...There is no Magic setting or Cure to This problem, but there are a few things you can try to get arround it...First you can try to Load the file into Virtual Dub and frame serve the file to Tmpgenc...Or you can use V-Dub to make a Direct stream copy of the file which might fix what ever problem might be in the file..I see this error all the time with Files downloaded off the net from places like Kazaa and other P2P sites...
I have recently received the exact same error and after the process of elimination I believe it is due to a XVID video codec. I am continually making VCD's and SVCD's and have never had a problem with TMPG, until I got this one movie encoded with the XVID codec. This movie was the first one I got that was compressed with this codec. I do not know which version of XVID it is in view of the fact there are several versions in circulation this movie was encoded with, but it was definitely the reason causing the error.
The fix is simply use Virtual Dub and recompress or otherwise change the codec away from the XVID. I simply recompress the movie using Dixv 5.02 and direct stream the audio, then use TMPG as normal.
VirtualDub says that file 1 is an MP3, 48000 Hz, Stereo, ...
VirtualDub also says that file 2 is an MP3, 48000 Hz, Stereo ...
According to VirtualDub, both files have the same audio caracteristics. However TMPGEnc can read audio from file 1, but not for file 2. DirectShow priority has to be set to 1 in order to enable audio reading for file 2.
@Minion, this was a glitch. I only saw after your posting that it was there twice (even with 2 different posting times ?!?!?! - strange!). Sorry, but it wasn't intended.
I'm quite new to doing anything with video, other than watching them. But I wondered how you get plug ins to work with TMPGEnc. For example, I have a Quick Time plug that supposedly enables TMPGenc to convert .mov files but I don't know what to do with it.
Secondly, I've found that some files will play with sound OK on WMP 7.1 and 6.4 but when loaded into TMPGEnc no audio appears in the Audio Source window. So how do I get the codecs into TMPGEnc. They must be on my system in order to be able to play the file, with sound on WMP. Or is there a codec "package" or plug in that anyone can recommend.
With seperate Plugins you just install them and there isn"t anything else to do..Usually there is either a ".Bat" file or an EXE file and you just double click it and it is installed..You can raise the priority of certain plugins depending on the format you are encodeing..You do this by going to "Options" to "enviromental settinfs" to "vfapi Plugins" and raise the appropriate Plugin..Usually with AVI/DivX files you need the "Direct show" plugin to be raised to "1" or "2"...The reason you aren"t seeing Audio is because Tmpgenc sometimes has problems reading Compressed audio formats so you need to Extract the audio to a WAV file from the source file with "Virtual Dub" or "Sound Forge" which gives better audio Quality, and encode the extracted WAV file as the audio source..
Is it possible to run TMGEnc in commandline mode or through an SDK so that a network front end can be added, ie submit compression job with commandline options?? I would like to use it as a network compression engine.
Are you saying that once encoded to MPEG from the AVI that the files cannot be played or re-muxed?
If TMPG can encode the file to MPEG then it doesn't make sense that you can't play it unless the AVI's you are exporting are at some weird resolution or something and you are encoding the MPEG to the same resolution.
There doesn't seem to be any noticable reason why the MPEG file shouldn't play.
What software are you using to play the file and exactly what happens when you do?
WinDVD and PowerDVD play the file, but i can't remux them in bbMpeg and it doesn't play in any of my standalone dvd players. Real player won't play them either, and it will usually play any mpeg-2. I think it uses the PowerDVD codec.
The bbMpeg error message I get when remuxing is "Error reading from an input file". TMPGEnc will remux without complaining, but the resulting .mpg file is either unplayable or badly garbled.
Exporting from After Effects, I've tried several different codecs inculding Divx, Huffyuv and a few others. I also tried flipping the field order. None of this seems to affect .mpg file after compressing with TMPGEnc.
VirtualDub says that file 1 is an MP3, 48000 Hz, Stereo, ...
VirtualDub also says that file 2 is an MP3, 48000 Hz, Stereo ...
According to VirtualDub, both files have the same audio caracteristics. However TMPGEnc can read audio from file 1, but not for file 2. DirectShow priority has to be set to 1 in order to enable audio reading for file 2.
It Is One of those questions that has been Perplexing Man Kind for Months......
Or it could be that not all files are created equal and some files of the same format can be harder to read than others...
are the bitrates the same? and were they encoded with different encoders.....even the same encoder has many options like VBR for instance...guess u have to get into the technical side of mp3 encoding to understand why
bitrates the same - yes.
encoders used - dunno.
VBR - yes, both.
Since I didn't encode them, I cannot get the details. I was just very surprised that TMPGEnc can't read the files (without DirectShow), while VirtualDub is apparently able to do that for some reason without DS.