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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have an Avi file which is in english. And i have the german Audio stream. How can i change the english one with the german Audio Stream. But without to encode it to an Mpeg?
Make sure the German audio is in wav format. Load the file into Virtualdub then click 'Audio'. From the menu choose wav audio then locate your German audio track. Click File>save avi. You should end up with the new audio in your AVI.
As an alternative, if you simplay want to exchange the audio directly with the German stream then download AVImux. This will allow you to use any stream with your AVI.
I wanted to convert a DivX film (25 frames ps) but when it finished roxio videocd creator couldn't create the cd because the system clock reference was to high
Now is my question, how can I change the system clock reference in TMPGenc wirhout adjusting the framerate (otherwise I see glitches in the movie, which is not pretty ;-))
I think your problem is that you have not attached the VCD headers to your MPEG and have just simply created an MPEG1 file and attempted to burn it as a VCD.
You need to run that file through the MPEGtools simple multiplexer and choose 'MPEG1 Video CD' as the type and then burn in Roxio. If that doesn't improve things then I suggest you dump that crap Roxio and get yourself a real VCD burning program such as Nero or VCD easy which won't give you these silly errors.
I found this great program for making SVCD's. It basically has compiled all the great programs for creating an SVCD and automates the whole process. It also will encode using your choice of CCE and TMPGEnc. However I can't seem to get it to make the correct image size. I tell it to use 800 MB CD's and all of the images come out very close to 800 but just barely too big to burn to CD. Has anyone out htere used this program? Or does anyone know a forum where I can get help on using it? All the links in the program itself seem to have been deactivated. Thanks.
Go to this link you will find a guide how to use DVD2SVCD and also at the bootom of the page a 'live' Q+A page and the forum for DVD2SVCD.
Your image can be up to ~823 MB's and still burn to an 80 minute (700 MB) CD-R. If you are using 90 minute (800 MB) CD-R's, you should be able to squeeze a ~923 MB image on to it. Try loading it into your burning software and go for it.
is there any way I can check to see what format a file has been saved in. I have downloaded a .avi file from kazaa and it won't open - have tried TMPgenc - windows media player - divx player - have also tried to fix the file with divxfix.
the files might just be corrupt but they are on multiple hosts on kazaa so i think i must be missing something.
when i would cut a part until the end of mpegfile, the video cutting display ok but system always failling after the sound display .I dont understand.
Maybe i should cutting avi before encoding with tmpg? to have the possibility to writing on sevaral cd my picture?
I love TMPGenc but the only problem i'm having is.. subtitles... i don't want to use a seperate program to have forced sub titles.. i just want subtitles when it's orgianlly in the film.. does that make sense.. i want sub titles but not when the conversation is in english .. but if it's any other language..or if it's in the original version of the film.. how do i do.. this.. i'm just about ready to give up.. can someone please help me.. thank you
This is my third post here. My current PC is an Athlon 1.4 thunderbird, on an ASUS a7v133 motherboard (via chipset). I am experiencing major problems getting TMPGEnc to run on it, and I strongly suspect it is the cpuc/mobo combination.
So my question is, for those of you who run TMPGEnc flawlessly, what cpuc/mobo combination do you run?
For those of you who have problems, same question.
I'll be putting together my next PC soon and selling off my old Athlon, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I use a Intel 1.7ghz with a Gigabyte Motherboard intel 845 chipset 400mhz FSB 256mb PC2100 DDR-Ram, and it runs like a charm,I haven"t had a single error of any kind useing this system and tmpgenc, and my old Intel 800mhz ran like a charm also,Intel systems seem to run pretty good with Tmpgenc, and the one I have is cheaper than a Pentium and a Athalon, $499 Canadian for the whole system (no monitor)..
Thanks everyone for responding to my e-mail, especially Minion. I'll be ordering my components next week. I think that this is a great forum. I'm opting for a Intel based system, primarily because I'll be using it as an HTPC, and I know that they are considered more reliable. I'm happy to hear that TMPGEnc and Athlon seem to be compatible too.
I use Adobe Premiere 6 as my editing tool. I export my
project as an "Microsoft DV AVI" file which is one of
the template provided by Premiere 6. However, TMpeg could
not load the file. How can I correct my process so that
I can use Tmpeg to create VCD out of avi file created by
Adobe Premiere 6?
You probably need to raise the priority of either the "AVI VFW file reader" or the "OpenDML file reader" but if you raise one of them disable the other,You do this by going to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi plugins" and there should be a list of file readers and raise one and disable the other one then try to load your file in and if it don"t work then raise one and disable the other.....
Can someone please tell me how to get rid of the color distortion that I have in my wmv files? When a friend of mine converts a wmv that has color distortion to mpg, TMPGEnc takes away the color distortion but when I do so, the color distortion is still there. Can someone help me?
Does anyone know how I can make the quaility of my videos better. When they are playing in a small window in Media Player they are great, but when I transfer them to a VCD and play them in the DVD player they are very blurry.
Any help would be great thanks.
What are your problems with the sound ? I also have problems encoding a ripped dvd with tmpgenc. i take a .wav file and the .d2v file from dvd2avi into tmpgenc and the result is a very good video quality but a "noisy" sound. in the background you can hear a permanent "shhhhh" ...difficult to describe...sounds like something affects the sound quality during the encoding process. But i don't know what it is.
I have a new pc and a friend of mine has only a new mainboard,cpu and ram.we both have now a P4 with 1,6GHz running at 2,154 GHz overclocked by the Asus P4B533-E mainboard and 512 MB RAM. Overclocking could not be the reason because the problems still exists at 1,6 GHz !
The easiest way to make the quality better is to raise the bitrate, the bitrate for a regular vcd isn"t high enough to get rid of all the artifacts and macro blocks,I"m a total Quality Nut, and do xvcd"s and xsvcd"s and the quality of this is pretty close to the original file that I am encodeing,I encode at a resolution of "704 by 480" with the CQ encode method with a minimum bitrate of 500kbs and a maximum of 5000kbs with 85-90 Quality, and these look Very good, accept not all DVD players will play vcd/svcd"s with these bitrates and resolutions, but if you don"t wan"t to go for a higher resolution you can raise the bitrate and if you use the CQ encode method the file will not bee that much bigger that it was with the CBR method...
Thank you for you input... I am not having any problems with the sound just the video. I guess the real thing is the movies I am copying I shouldn't. I have a compliante DVD player and will try the higher bitrates. Hopefully this works
I ve been having the same sound problems for some time now (WITH EVERY VIDEO). My sound gets staticy after every encoding session. Ive tried using SCMPX and modifying the settings but the quality never gets better. Are there any other solutions? What could be causing the problem? Please help!
What are your problems with the sound ? I also have problems encoding a ripped dvd with tmpgenc. i take a .wav file and the .d2v file from dvd2avi into tmpgenc and the result is a very good video quality but a "noisy" sound. in the background you can hear a permanent "shhhhh" ...difficult to describe...sounds like something affects the sound quality during the encoding process. But i don't know what it is.
I have a new pc and a friend of mine has only a new mainboard,cpu and ram.we both have now a P4 with 1,6GHz running at 2,154 GHz overclocked by the Asus P4B533-E mainboard and 512 MB RAM. Overclocking could not be the reason because the problems still exists at 1,6 GHz !
Is this sound happen on your computer or on your dvd player??How about useing a Totally different encoder for doing the audio, Ashy said the "mpegdj encoder " was a good MP2 audio encoder and really fast, I use DB Power Amp sometimes to encode to MP2, they have a MP2 codec that produces vcd/svcd compliant audio files and it is free, it would actually be quicker to encode with no audio and the audio encodeing with DB Power Amp will only take 10 minutes.....
You can download MPEGDJencoder from
It produces high quality VCD compliant mp2 files in lightning fast time from wav files. What it takes TMPG 30 mins to do and DBpoweramp 15 mins to do this program does in 2-3 mins.
If you encode the video and sound separate how do you get them back as one file or at least burned to the same disk without video and audio being off????????
Once you have created seperate Video and audio file it is just a matter of using the simple multiplexer in the MPEGtools to combine the two together as one file.
File>MPEGtools>simple multiplexer
When you do ensure you choose 'MPEG1 Video CD' as the stream type if you are creating a standard VCD and 'MPEG1 VCD(non standard)' if you are creating a non standard VCD.