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This forum is for users to exchange information and discuss with other users about a TMPGEnc product.
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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 908 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Audio Out Of Sync simobk 2 2002-05-01 07:06:50
Question TE25 where does my files go joe 2 2002-04-29 06:55:29
Question TE25 No audio at all pierted 1 2002-04-29 04:24:42
Question TE25 batch multiplex/demultiplexer hethspd 2 2002-04-29 20:00:23
Question TE25 Merging and Cutting an MPEG Petr@ 7 2002-04-30 12:06:09
Question TE25 Cut MPGs not able to be burned Adam 13 2002-04-29 11:47:25
Question TE25 Video/Audio not sync'd Alberts 2 2002-04-28 22:36:57
Question TE25 .avi- .mpeg avi-mpeg for dummies 11 2002-04-29 12:06:00
Request TE25 Advice on "speed" needed Magic 3 2002-04-29 13:02:12
Question TE25 .avi- .mpeg avi-mpeg for dummies 2 2002-04-28 22:41:10
Question TE25 svcd color flicker Jules 0 2002-04-28 15:45:09
Question TE25 VBR auto vs VBR 2 Pass Sneed 2 2002-04-29 14:08:10

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 908 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Question - TE25 - Audio Out Of Sync No.20151
simobk  2002-04-29 06:33:13 ( ID:hetc73jn4tw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi all,

Well, I'm new to TMPGENC, and I have 1 problem, and one question...

First, everytime I split a mpeg file, I get audio completely out of sync. In the beginning of the movie, the audio is OK, but it starts getting out of sync little by little, and at then end, the audio comes litteraly about 5-10 seconds after the image!!! How can I deal with this?

The second thing is I have a collection of mpeg files about 20 to 60 Mb each, and I want to make VCD's with it. I try to load them in TMPGENC, but for most of themn I get an error saying "Illegal floating decimal point calculation order".

Help please, and remember, I'm new to TMPGENC, so please be as clear as possible ;)

simobk  2002-04-30 23:53:04 ( ID:hetc73jn4tw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Please help anyone, I really don't know what I have to do, and I see nobody is answering... I'm sure it's not a hard thing, but I just need to know HOW ?

jim5055  2002-05-01 07:06:50 ( ID:e9m6bhblyfg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the intention is to split to fit on CD then better to use bbmpg. I never did solve these issue with tmpgenc - especially using the tmpgenc file/mpegtools/merge/cut feature - even the source range option I have had sync problems on the final output so now I just create one big mpg then use tmpgenc to demultiplex the mpeg file then split it up into cd size chunks using bbmpg.

Question - TE25 - where does my files go No.20148
joe  2002-04-29 05:54:48 ( ID:pxl206fuy7j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

where does my encoded files go ?
i just was able to encode for the first time ,however
when it finished the screen vanished
i was unable to find the file
when i first started i have done nothing to change where the files would go
are they gone for good or if not where should i look
ive looked in doc & sett /owner/temp but cant find them

hozay garsee-ya

Steve  2002-04-29 06:41:36 ( ID:lkg81ytreon )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

They probably went into the same directory as your source files (by default)- if they're not there, just do a seach on your computer.

JOE  2002-04-29 06:55:29 ( ID:i1ycumbwsza )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Question - TE25 - No audio at all No.20146
pierted  Home )  2002-04-29 01:59:01 ( ID:vny.x0xutzc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have Divx .AVI.
I have already converted to MPEG/VCD some of them succesfully.
One of them, that plays (and sounds) correctly un both Windows Media Player & DivX player, seems totally without sound when I try to manage with TMPGenc, on both MPEG converted file and 'Source range' settings display.
Anyone has an idea?


Minion  2002-04-29 04:24:42 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What type of audio does your avi file have?try extracting the audio with "virtua dub" and convert it to "wav" then load that in "tmpgenc" as your audio track,make sure that your audio out put in "tmpgenc" is 41000hz and 224kbs or less.....

Question - TE25 - batch multiplex/demultiplexer No.20143
hethspd  2002-04-29 01:04:08 ( ID:ahkiz0s1jk2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was wondering if there are any good BATCH multiplexers/demultiplexers for mpeg video out there. TMPGEnc works wonderfully but it's just really a hassle to manually multiplex each video file when you have a lot of them.

Also, are there any tools out there that work like Virtual Dub that support mpeg files? Basically, I want to process the audio stream of the mpeg and directly copy the video stream without any alterations. Virtual Dub has this capability but only supports avi files. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!

ASHY  2002-04-29 13:35:10 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm not sure about batch multiplexing, but to answer you second question.

TMPGenc already has the ability to do what you ask more or less.
Just open the MPEG file in TMPG and choose the Audio only option. This will produce a file without Video.
The next step is to load your new MPEG as the Audio source with the old MPEG as the Video Source in the 'Simple multiplex' option and both will be combined to give you a new movie with the original Video.
Theres no need to demultiplex first. TMPG will just extract the Video from the original MPEG.


hethspd  2002-04-29 20:00:23 ( ID:okww7x55z16 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanks ASHY!!

Question - TE25 - Merging and Cutting an MPEG No.20135
Petr@  2002-04-28 23:18:02 ( ID:gispzp7xetl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In the MPEG tools option in TMPGEnc (the latest version 2.53 .....), TMPGenc freezes up when I want to cut my MPEG movie into half! I have to use the ctrl-alt-del to end the program.
Everything goes well until the audio streaming is finished, then the program stops and will not continue with multiplexing.
Does anybody have a suggestion how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance!

ASHY  2002-04-29 00:46:43 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Run the movie through the simple mutiplex option again to see if it will remultiplex the movie then try and cut again.
No need to demultiplex just put it in the video box and the audio will be filled automatically with the same file jusr make sure you rename the output.


Petr@  2002-04-29 01:56:43 ( ID:gispzp7xetl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Thanks for your suggestion, unfortunately it did not work for me!! Do you maybe have any other solutions?? The MPEG tool only works when I want to cut the first part of a movie file, it is always the 2nd part that is giving troubles.


ASHY  2002-04-29 11:43:41 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think I know your problem.
The program isn't actually hanging. You just think it is!

Because you said that it does the first part ok.
After the program has seeked through the audio and then started to produce the video and audio stream for the second part. It doesn't start multiplexing immediately
You will have to wait a while before it starts multiplexing.

You need to be patient Petr@. It will take a good few minutes if not longer, depending on the speed of your machine. Trust me it will start, just wait!

Have a look at your hard drive led after it finishes producing the audio stream.
If it is showing activity then just sit back and relax or go and have coffee and I'm confident it will begin multiplexing.


Petr@  2002-04-29 16:24:58 ( ID:gispzp7xetl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I waited for more than 25 minutes, then after I ctrl-alt-del, I saw that TMPGenc was no longer reacting, I had to end the program this way! And believe me I am very patient!!!!

Any more tips???


ASHY  2002-04-29 19:26:37 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oh dear Petr@, we are in a pickle aren't we?
Does the program actually let you remultiplex using the simple multiplex option or does it hang with that too and is it just this one file or all files?

If it's just this one file then download this program to do your cut instead.


Petr@  2002-04-30 07:37:16 ( ID:gispzp7xetl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not in a pickle any more!!!!
I completely removed TMPGenc from my PC and reinstalled it .......... and now it works great!!! Maybe there was something missing in TMPGenc ... I really don't know.
Thanks for your help!

ASHY  2002-04-30 12:06:09 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Glad you got it sorted Petr@.


Question - TE25 - Cut MPGs not able to be burned No.20121
Adam  2002-04-28 22:04:48 ( ID:eyyjidc5ovl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used the Merge and Cut feature under MPG tools to cut two different halves of my video into new files, but when I used Roxio's Video CD Creator it says those aren't valid VCD MPEG files... Also, it's not a regular 320x240... it's a square 320x320. Could that be the problem? I hope I don't have to re-encode the original in two different sections, because this encode took me about 11-12 hours. Also, I can't use VCDEasy because it's burning software doesnt' support my type of CD-burner.

Adam  2002-04-28 22:10:04 ( ID:eyyjidc5ovl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In the details for why it can't burn the individual MPGs it says the problem is with the System Clock Reference which is 1058. Like I said, it doesn't act like there'd be problems burning the original to VCD, it's just that the file is too large. Does anyone know how to get the correct System Clock Reference?

Minion  2002-04-28 22:18:32 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

yes the problem is the frame size,all vcd"s have to be 352 by 240 ,and you will have to encode them again,but just encode the mpeg not the avi,the mpeg will encode a lot faster that the avi with out quality loss,and try "nero" for burning, it is very user friendly........and I don"t think the system clock is your problem, just the frame size....

ASHY  2002-04-28 22:23:34 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Forget it theres no way that file is gonna work properly in your DVD player anyway!
Why did you encode it at that silly resolution? This is why you are getting the error.
The next time you encode a VCD use the VCD template and you won't have a problem and whats the problem with 11-12 hours.
Just set it off before you go to bed and it'll be ready in the morning.

What is the original and what do you mean it's too large? Too large for what?


ASHY  2002-04-28 22:28:57 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm sorry Minion I'm gonna have to disagree with you.
Firstly VCD can be 352x240 for NTSC or 352x288 for PAL.
Second there will be a noticable drop in quality if you encode from the mpeg and here I'm talking macroblocks. Macroblocks are what make up the picture and each consecutive encode produces more blocks in the movie.
So stick with your AVI Adam to preserve the quality and like Minion says get rid of the Roxio crap and use NERO.


Adam  2002-04-28 22:32:23 ( ID:eyyjidc5ovl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The original was set at 320x240 but it was all squished and the only way for me to correct the squished part of it was to set it at center (custom) to 320x320 pixel size which looks the way it should. The wierd thing is, before cutting it was still at 320x320 and Roxio VCD Creator doesn't have any problems trying to do that. It's just that the file is like 1400 MB and 2 hours and 12 min long so it wouldn't fit on a CD. That's why I cut it. Is there a version of Nero that you can get via shareware or freeware? I don't really have the cash right now to buy another CD burning software.

Minion  2002-04-28 22:35:12 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was talking about frame sizes in my country,I haven"t had many problems encodeing mpegs to mpegs then again I encode at a much higher bitrate than most..but it is good to clear up these things so poeple don"t make mistakes...

ASHY  2002-04-28 22:38:48 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sure that was my point mate.
The newbies wouldn't know any different if it wasn't explained.


Adam  2002-04-28 22:48:19 ( ID:eyyjidc5ovl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The actual size of the file is in 352x240 where it says MPG-1 for VCD, it's just the video arrage method that I set from 320x240 pixels (widescreen) to 320x320 (I saw a previous thread where someone had the same squished problem that I did and that's what they recommended) and it looks good and undistorted like that. And the fully encoded MPG that I got from that doesn't act like it has any conflicts with Roxio's VCD. But each of the cut MPGs say the same problem about System Clock Reference being 1058. Do you know what that means? Or if there's a version of Nero that you don't have to buy?

ASHY  2002-04-28 23:12:20 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You're getting me really confused here.
What was the original format of the movie?
Was it an AVI or an MPEG. Was it widescreen 16:9 or regular 4:3 and which way was it squished? top to bottom or left to right?

However you have changed the original framesize using the video arrange method doesn't matter albeit probably incorrectly. As long as the output is 352x240.

When you cut the movie ensure you choose 'MPEG1 Video cd' as the type and like I said go with NERO and yes NERO has a full working demo which will run for 30 days. The thing is a new version is more or less brought out every month so really you'll never be without it because you can just download the new demo each time and if you use your imagination I'm sure you can find a way to make it run for longer.


Adam  2002-04-29 00:06:00 ( ID:eyyjidc5ovl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The original was an .avi and it was widescreen. It was squished top to bottom, so when I enlarged it top to bottom for encoding it to MPG, it corrected the squishiness. The output of the file was still 352x240. I may not have selected MPEG-1 when I cut it and that sounds like it may be the problem (I did have to add the .mpg extension after the file was created to make it readable in Windows.) Also, I downloaded that trial version of Nero and it said something about the cut version was SVCD and I was trying to create a VCD, so that might be the problem when I cut it. I'll recut it and see what I can get. Thanks.

ASHY  2002-04-29 01:00:36 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The next time you encode a widescreen movie, all you have to do to get the correct size is to choose the 16:9 aspect ratio for the source.

Ok, ignore that error from NERO it's nothing to do with SVCD. Nero is giving you that error because is is trying to tell you there is something wrong with your stream and Iam now quite confident it is because you did not choose 'MPEG-1 Video cd' option when you cut the file.

Do it again with this option and NERO wont complain.


Adam  2002-04-29 06:29:51 ( ID:eyyjidc5ovl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK, I did both parts with MPG-1 Video CD option and it worked great. I've already burned them and everything. The first time I left it at automatic, the system type MPG-1. Thanks a lot for the help.

ASHY  2002-04-29 11:47:25 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

All in a days work.
Glad it got you sorted though.


Question - TE25 - Video/Audio not sync'd No.20118
Alberts  2002-04-28 20:53:20 ( ID:yooe1ee1gwg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a problem with Tmpgenc that I cannot seem to correct, Even after having purchased the full product. The problem is that MPEGS are created with audio and video not in sync. I have tired several things to correct this without any success.

I encode VOB (D2V) with AVI to MPEG1. AVI files are created by DVD2AVI. The D2V file is created by SmartRipper. Tmpgenc encoding settings are typically set to 320x240, 30fps, 450Kbs/sec CBR. Audio is 44.1Khz, joint stereo at 96Kb/sec. Audio/Video mis-sync problem is unpredictable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Minion  2002-04-28 22:12:47 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

are you burning the mpeg"s and then you notice that they are out of sync or do you play them in "media player" and then they are out of sync,cuz with me all mpegs play out of sync on media player,but on powerdvd they play perfectly so if it happens every time then it isn"t "tmpgenc" it is the software that is playing it,you should be encodeing at 29.97fps, 30 will make it go out of sync,and your audio should be sterio of at least 128 kbs.....

ASHY  2002-04-28 22:36:57 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's no wonder things are going out of sync with those values.
What's the 30 fps? The frame rate should be the same as the original, but if the framerate is different from your TV system such as 29.976 which is NTSC then your gonna have to convert the framerate.
By the looks of things your trying to squeeze a full movie on 1 disk.
This is pointless the video and audio bitrate you are using will give you a terrible quality and I mean terrible quality VCD.
Forget it and use the VCD template to encode and see if your sync probs disappear.


Question - TE25 - .avi- .mpeg No.20106
avi-mpeg for dummies  2002-04-28 19:50:21 ( ID:zqtvcj9p4x2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have just converted an avi file to mpeg but when I try to play it on windows media player all i get is "an invalid media type was specified" I don't know what I did or if the mpeg messed up or what. I know the avi file works I have played it before. I tried burning it to a cd anyway to see if it would work but i only heard the sound to the movie. what showed i do??

avi-mpeg for dummies  2002-04-28 19:52:40 ( ID:zqtvcj9p4x2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

sorry I refeshed the internet explorer and it reintered this fourm sorry.

ASHY  2002-04-28 20:44:26 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is the file MPEG2 or SVCD.
If it is you need to install a software DVD player or install an MPEG2 codec as Mediaplayer doesn't support MPEG2.


avi-mpeg for dummies  2002-04-28 20:51:50 ( ID:zqtvcj9p4x2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it is labled as filename.mpg but it says it is a MPEG file. so I think it is MPEG 1. do i need to make it mpeg 2 or svcd. and thanx for the help

ASHY  2002-04-28 21:22:39 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Download this program and open you file with it then tell me what it says as the stream type.


avi-mpeg for dummies  2002-04-29 03:24:46 ( ID:zqtvcj9p4x2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it says "mpeg-2 mp@ml cbr" I don't know what that means except that it is an mpeg. can you help me be able to play it??

avi-mpeg for dummies  2002-04-29 03:39:10 ( ID:zqtvcj9p4x2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have one more question? I have a dvd player that plays mpeg. should I use mpeg 2 or 1. also when I tried playing the mpeg file that I converted on the DVD player all I had was sound (which I might of said earlier).anyway what should i do. do you think it has a codes like DIVX or is it the program or what? thanx for all the help :).

Minion  2002-04-29 04:19:17 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

your info says that it is a mpeg2, mpeg2 is the format for svcd and dvd but if you are burning to cd-r svcd is what you want, first make sure your player plays svcd"s not vcd"s, and all dvd players play mpeg cuz that is what dvd is, but if your player plays svcd you have to burn your mpeg in svcd mode, with nero you can do this,you cant just burn it as a data file......maybe Ashy can help you further....

avi-mpeg for dummies  2002-04-29 04:34:42 ( ID:zqtvcj9p4x2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ummm. I am sorry I am keep asking questions but how do you find out if the DVD player plays vcd or svcd. and If I need to burn it in svcd mode where can i get "nero"? thanx again for all the help. ^_^

Minion  2002-04-29 05:39:36 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

in the instruction manual of your dvd player it should say what it plays, it might even say on the player it self,or go to and they have a section on dvd players that should tell you what your player can play,mine plays everything and it costs $100 canadian,you can download "nero" from or it is free for 30 days and it burns vcd svcd and all audio formats and data formats and does audio and video encodeing but the video encodeing sucks, I hope this help a bit, you can e-mail me if you need more help.....see ya

ASHY  2002-04-29 12:04:48 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Right finally.
The reason your file will not play is because you have created is because you have created an MPEG2 SVCD.

Windows media player doesn't come with native support for MPEG2.
You will need to install an MPEG2 codec or the better route is to install a DVD software player such as WINDVD as some of the MPEG2 codecs have problems with aspect ratio sizes in mediaplayer.

Download and install this codec and open your file in windows mediplayer 6.4 not 7 or 8.

The only real true way to find if your DVD players supports SCVD is to encode a movie with the SVCD template and burn it in NERO with the SVCD option.

If it works, fine. If not there may be a way around it, but you will have to try it first.


ASHY  2002-04-29 12:06:00 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oh by the way the link for NERO is


Request - TE25 - Advice on "speed" needed No.20102
Magic  2002-04-28 19:45:19 ( ID:pfq83xuuzzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm going to be upgrading from my lowly P3-450MHz system but I would like some advice on the best route.

I'm practically sold on the Athlon XP 1800+ processor because it's a LOT cheaper than the equiv. speed P4. Is there really a lot of difference between the two when encoding with TGMPEnc?

Also what other areas would help speed up the process of DVD/VHS to VCD. Will adding more RAM help (I'm aiming to start with 256Mb PC333 DDR) - does hard drive speed make much difference? Does TMPGEnc use, or does it plan to make use of, hardware MPEG decoding - would a GFX card with hardware MPEG such as the ATI RADEON help?

Any advice welcomed. Thanks.

joe  2002-04-29 05:57:06 ( ID:pxl206fuy7j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

check out
look in "convert"

ASHY  2002-04-29 13:00:55 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The two main things are Processor speed and Memory.
I have a pentium4 with 256 of DDR 266 and an IBM 7200rpm drive and upgraded from a P3 450 myself.
A friend has an Athlon 1.4 with 512mb of sdram with the same drive.

To be honest there isn't much of a speed differnce between the two even though I have the faster memory. My machine encodes a few frames faster that's all and I'm sure the Athlon XP 1800+ with DDR333 will be just as fast if not faster than my Pentium.

So if your happy with Athlon, I'd say go for it. You can expect a dramatic increase in encoding speed. At least 4x faster.

Hardrive speed only really comes into it when you are mutiplexing, but would probably give you a slight increase in speed though, due to the faster access time because don't forget you hardrive is trying to read and write to the same drive at the same time. Which is making the read head move between two points which will slow it down slightly. The better option is read from one drive and write to another.

I'm not sure about the hardware MPEG2 encoding, but I would stick with the software encoding as I believe the quality is higher and probably just as fast on a super fast machine such as the Athlon XP.


ASHY  2002-04-29 13:02:12 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry I should have said I have a P4 1.7ghz.


Question - TE25 - .avi- .mpeg No.20099
avi-mpeg for dummies  2002-04-28 19:40:30 ( ID:zqtvcj9p4x2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have just converted an avi file to mpeg but when I try to play it on windows media player all i get is "an invalid media type was specified" I don't know what I did or if the mpeg messed up or what. I know the avi file works I have played it before. I tried burning it to a cd anyway to see if it would work but i only heard the sound to the movie. what showed i do??

Minion  2002-04-28 22:21:29 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

get dvd playing software,media player doesn"t play mpeg"s very well even when you have the right codec........

ASHY  2002-04-28 22:41:10 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What's with the double post.
The question has been answered in the other post.


Question - TE25 - svcd color flicker No.20098
Jules  2002-04-28 15:45:09 ( ID:sbezb30us6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have encoded a avi to svcd but when I play it back on dvd4 or if I play it on my standalone dvd player on my television I get this whole picture color flicker,(like the whole picture goes in and out in color). The only info I could find talks about interlace and non-interlace. On tmpgenc settings under video..encode mode came up "interlace" and my video source type came up non-interlace. These settings came up on their own. Is this correct and if not how do I know what to put in these fields. If this is not the problem does anyone know how to fix it?

I am encoding using the svcd ntsc template then unlocking so I can change the bitrate and audio bitrate settings...and of course I am trying to use ghost filter and noise filter.


Question - TE25 - VBR auto vs VBR 2 Pass No.20095
Sneed  2002-04-28 12:37:44 ( ID:lnnj4cwqxo2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My avi files often contain 2.5 hours of video. With VBR (2 Pass) I use an average 3500kbps, minimum 2000kbps, and maximum 5000kbps and that compreses the file to 3.65GB. But it takes 11 hours. I want to use VBR (Auto), but I don't have the option to set an average kbps, so I use 2000 minimum and 5000 maximum with a quality setting of 50. But my resulting mpeg2 is 5.07GB. All these are at the normal Motion Search Precision setting. Here are my questions.
1)Is there any way to set an average kbps for the VBR (auto) function?
2)Why does the VBR (auto) result in such a larger mpeg2 file than VBR (2 pass)?

Minion  2002-04-29 04:37:05 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

no you can"t set the average bitrate with vbr auto...and the file is bigger cuz with 2 pass the info is collected in the passes as to how much bit rate to allocate to each frame, were with vbr auto the bitrate is allocated all in the same pass and doesn"t have the info to distribute the bits more efficiently so there are more bits per frame, it is the passes that bring down the bitrate with 2 pass vbr,and the fact that the bitrate fluctuates for each frame...I hope I explained this ok....

ASHY  2002-04-29 14:08:10 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a point to the encoding to MPEG. For example are you encoding to put the files on DVD or are you planning to put that blooming big file on god knows how many Cd's???!*

If you are just encoding to keep the file on your hardrive then I don't see the point, but thats up to you.
My advice is to use the 'Constant quality' setting and not the 'Automatic VBR(CQ)' setting. This is the reason for your larger file size.
The 'Constant quality' setting will give you much the same results as the 2 pass.
Use the same Maximum and Minimum settings and set your slider to 70 or 80. This should give you what you want.


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