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I use the framserver in VirtualDub 1.4.9 with ÅÓesizeEand ÅÔmart deinterlaceEfilters set. In TMPGEnc I run the wizard for svcd Pal, with VBR 1950Kb/s (50min on 700 mb CD-R. The file is estimated to 703Mb. I plan to burn to a 80 min CD. The movie info is 480x576 25fps 44100Hz stereo 46min 36 sec. After encoding in TMPGEnc, the file size gets over 949 Mb.
Please, can anyone explain this for me? Also, when playing the file on my PC, the quality seems good in the beginning of the movie, but after about 3 min it gets blocky. Large Colour blocks flickers over parts of the image.
Thanks for youÃÓe help Techno. The vbv buffer was set to 112, quality normal and the dc precision to 8. I used a template for svcd Pal. I will try the settings you recommended, and see if I get any improvement.
This is RAW data like (S)VCD or audio. Copy the mpeg a few times and burn it again and you know why data CDs use 100 MB for filesystem parity data.
As other People already said: This Nero uses blabla is big rubbish. Im not inclined to waste an CR-R on that but the worst that could happen is that Nero but?hers frames out of the stream to make it fit.
Regarding that VBV myth: If you want ill advice: take it.
I have not yet had time to try out these settings. TMPGEnc estimate that it will take 22 hours to finish the process with these new settings.
Any idea why TMPGEnc estimates the size of the file to 700Mb, when the actual result is 949Mb ?
Please help me I have the sorce video , I have the source sound file and I have done everything else byt when I go to start I get an error message saying 'Can't Load "p3package.dll"' any ideas???
When using mpeg tools for cutting the movie into 2 I get the ERROR "AT ADDRESS 73F91D04 READ ERROR OCCURED AT ADDRESS 73F91D04". It only happens under XP im using the latest version of the program. Any suggestions?
Hey this is in response to all of you out there who have a problem with TMPGENC i just wanna say that i had the problem when selecting Merge & Cut there would be a popup saying "at address 73F91D04. Read error occurred against address 73F91D04" all i did was look for tmpgenc folder, then right click over tmpgenc file and selected the compatibility option (windows xp) and set it for Windows NT 4.0 service pack 5. the i ran the program and it worked perfectly. hope this information is useful.
this is a wierd one,when i encode to mpeg1/vcd the audio cuts out every 10th of a second so it mostly sounds like static ,but when i de-multiplex the file the audio sounds fine,and when I multiplex them back together the audio cuts out again,the audio settings are fine and I have tried 3 different external encoders,I have no idea why I am haveing these problems,I think god hates me,does anyone know of a audio encoder that will go from wav to mp1-2??? thanx
I have encoded to mp3 to and have the same problems,what i need is a program that will make avi out of vob"s with the audio muxed in with the video but in sync,dvd2avi does a really bad job of it...
I have been using TMPGEnc just fine with lots of success, but twice I have not been able to encode movies and have gotten "floating decimal error" What is this and can/how can it be corrected? Please respond asap. I live on an island in Alaska with no movie theater, and this is how we "go" to the movies! IT stinks to have to wait for Movies to come out on video/dvd all the time, so this is great for us out here!!!!!!!
to get rid of the "floating decimal error" un-check all the settings in the "cpu" and "quantize matrix" tabs, it might make it a bit longer to encode.
you seem to get this error when you have some corrupted frames in your file....
Help me please someone!
I'm pulling my hair out.
Each time i generate an animated chapter menu in TSVC, the TMPG Enc pops up and says it cn't encode the file that TSCV has asked it to
Please help me as soon as you can please. I'm making a wedding video on SVCD for ,y sister who lives in spain and is going back to spain to live at the end of this week! i promised i'd have it done and looking lovely. there must be a way round this!
(What could I bribe you with? Hmmm...)
cheers for your time
I am trying to convert avi to vcd but it comes out horrible. I get alot of blocks, blurred and the color seems like there is someone shining a spotlight. I am also trying to get full screen which I read that if you use no margins it is supposed to work but I am also having to crop it to achieve this. I try and change the settings but it seems like its not changing anything at all. I am loading the profile for ntsc and then changing the settings.
Can anyone tell me what the proper settings should be to achieve this?
Also I downloaded a .mpg video and it was do I see what settings were used to encode this?
Help I'm going insane. I'm so close yet so far.
I encoded a dvd rip avi and got video but no sound. so I used vitualdud to convert to AVI. and put that into audio source. Now I'm getting sound but no video! What be happening. I have the codecs cause I can watch the video. Can someone please help me. And does anyone no the absolute best settings for video for a US ntsc dvd rip! Thanks... Please e-mail me or post the help stuff here thanks
Try as I have in settings...."Quantize matrix" setting the "soften block noise" to about 80 each. I found that worked and I can use "Motion search percision" to "Motion estimate search (fast)" and it comes out good and encodes 5-7 times faster than "higest quality (very slow)" with a smooth video. I am using Divx DVDrips though.
Can someone help. After i have entered all my settings and click start, I get the error,, "X the error occurred when ACM was initialized". Its wont let me continue with the procces.. Im using version my os is windows xp pro.