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I had a question about encoding a couple of divx files that I downloaded?
I am trying to burn the lord of the rings and monsters inc onto a vcd
when I go to encode it after uncompressing the audio to a wav file using vitrual dub I set that as the audio sorce and the actual divx movie as the video scorce
then I start to encode it but it does not do any of the video only the sound
I wondered if any one could help me with this problem.
My email is
Update your video drivers... I had the same problems, with a nvidia Geforce II MX400, windows XP. I installed the latest Detonator XP/2000 drivers and everythings ok now. (
I convert the movie to VCD or SVCD. If I merge two mpg files, I will get a playback problem. Sometimes,there is a beep sound at the point, or sometimes video and audio do not synchronize. And I found, if I set the end point at least 2 seconds before the (Last) point when I merge the files, everything is OK.
I use version in Windows2000. My movie is ".MOV" file, taken by SANYO DSC-MZ1 digital camera. Video code is photo-JPEG or Motion-JPEG 640x480 15fps(or 320x240 30fps), and audio code is 7990sample/s 8bit PCM. I install PICVIDEO (a directshow MJPEG codec from, and I use SCMPX audio convertor.
(Mostly I'm encoding downloaded encodings of various types to NTSC VCD.)
Frame rate:
Is it correct that an NTSC VCD player should handle either of the NTSC
frame rates? Do I just pick the one closest to my source rate?
Also, my source rate is not always obvious (via Windows properties).
Video source type & Source aspect ratio:
How do I tell when encoding things downloaded off the internet?
Windows properties will tell me the AR for AVI but not MPEG.
Why can't TMPGEnc figure these three things out for me?
Is there another tool that will tell me these?
Video arrange Method:
What is the difference between "Full screen (keep aspect ratio)"
and "Full screen (keep aspect ratio 2)"?
The greyed-out numbers "320 x 240" seem incorrect. Can I just
ignore them?
Inverse telecine & 3:2 pull down:
I understand what these do, but not when to set them.
If my frame rate needs converting, but I don't set one of these,
will it not be converted? As in the result will run too fast
or slow? Or is some other form of frame rate conversion done?
Am I essentially telling TMPEnc the source frame rate with this
setting? Again, why doesn't TMPGEnc set this for me based on
the source and my desired output frame rate?
What do I do with an odd source frame rate like 20?
Ghost reduction & Noise reduction:
When would I use these? (What types of sources?)
nope, TMPGENC does not load the settings automatically.
I don't know of any tool which will tell u the settings of the video
Do not use soften black noise as it blurs the image alot giving it bad quality!
ghost reduction, use the when the file/image contains alot of ghosts!
the full screen ratio 2 is making the video go offscreen on ur PC monitor, dunno about standalone DVD player
an odd source:
extract the audio to a seprate file, change the vid to a frame rate of ur desire, then add the audio, hopfully it will not cause any a/v out of synch. if so, lower the frame rate.
(Mostly I'm encoding downloaded encodings of various types to NTSC VCD.)
Frame rate:
Is it correct that an NTSC VCD player should handle either of the NTSC
frame rates? Do I just pick the one closest to my source rate?
Also, my source rate is not always obvious (via Windows properties).
Video source type & Source aspect ratio:
How do I tell when encoding things downloaded off the internet?
Windows properties will tell me the AR for AVI but not MPEG.
Why can't TMPGEnc figure these three things out for me?
Is there another tool that will tell me these?
Video arrange Method:
What is the difference between "Full screen (keep aspect ratio)"
and "Full screen (keep aspect ratio 2)"?
The greyed-out numbers "320 x 240" seem incorrect. Can I just
ignore them?
Inverse telecine & 3:2 pull down:
I understand what these do, but not when to set them.
If my frame rate needs converting, but I don't set one of these,
will it not be converted? As in the result will run too fast
or slow? Or is some other form of frame rate conversion done?
Am I essentially telling TMPEnc the source frame rate with this
setting? Again, why doesn't TMPGEnc set this for me based on
the source and my desired output frame rate?
What do I do with an odd source frame rate like 20?
Ghost reduction & Noise reduction:
When would I use these? (What types of sources?)
I am occasionally using TMPGEnc ver to remove high bitrate "spikes" in mpeg2 (3.0 MHz VBR, 720x480, 29.97 FPS 48,000 Hz audio) captures which can interfere with subsequent DVD video generation. This process worked well on my Pentium III 1.0 gHz system, but when I try to load the same video source file on my AMD XP1900+ system, I get the message "File xxx cannot open, or unsupported". I have tried to use the identical settings on both systems with no success. Any ideas?
TMPGEnc does not have ANY own codec to decode!
If you install exactly same codecs under same OS, they should show same symptom.
(Sometime, some files can be read fortunately though).
I am currently using this program to convert my .avi's to .mpg so that i can burn them on VCD format. The problem is i have to come back every time after one finishes so i can start encoding the other one. Is there a way that i can make a list of some sort so that a queue can be created and so i can leave it for the whole day and it will encode on after the other automatically? That would be much faster and more convinient. Thankyou
i would cut an large mpg video to cd size, but if i want cut the last time of the video ist stops to cut at 1h3min? Why? i cant cut the last minutes after 1h3 min???
I am about to buy Tmpgenc. At the time of writing the current version is 2.53.
Will I get an automatic (and free) update when 2.54 and any subsequent versions are released?
I got some PAL DIVX and wanted to convert them to MPEG. I checked the DIVX settings and configured TMPGEnc accordingly (load PAL VCD).
While converting them to MPEG no video was shown. After converting (being a MPG now), the file was just about 25% bigger in size and there also was no vidoe just audio.
This question has been answered a thousand times already on this board.
All you have to do is look through the previous posts for your answer.
You wont have to look far.
If you really can't be arsed to look then try this. Uninstall all DIVX codecs and reinstall DIVX 3.11 then DIVX 5.0. both must be installed. If that doesn't cure it click your VFAPI PLUG-IN tab under Enviromental settings and make the DIRECTSHOW MUTIMEDIA FILE READER the highest priority, usually 2.
I use TMPGen 2.53 under WINDOWS 2000 and very often after several sec. or min. of working it ends up in one of these ways:
1. It simply disappears wihtout any message,
2. It gives message: "At address 0219db4a, read error ocured against address 0219db4a",
3. There are two messages: "Windows 2000 returned error code=27. The parameter is incorrect" and "Dr. Watson was anable to attach to the process. It is possible that process exited before dr. Watson could attach it".
Any suggestion?
Best regards.
Check your system for stability. Don't overclock to hard. Don't push your memory to the limit. And do not run memory and processor(s) at different bus speeds.