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I am attempting to use TMPGenc v2.52 to encode a .mpg file which, when I look in G-spot, says the video src type 'MPEG2_video' audio src 'MPEG1AudioPayload' video path is 'Ligos mpeg splitter - Ligos mpeg video decoder' and audio path is 'Ligos mpeg splitter - Ligos mpeg audio decoder'
The file plays fine on WMP so I assume the codecs are installed but TMPGEnc seems to have a problem with it. I read a similar question and answer on this BBS and it suggested changing the priority of direct show in VFAPI Plugin to 2, but this did not solve the problem.
You don't have the right codec installed to decode this MPEG. There are a list of compatible ones on the TMPG features page.
The one below is probably the best for TMPG.
Copy the files into your TMPG folder then follow the instructions for install.
I am getting more error codes with this thing. They are "Write error occurred at address 77F83AED of module "ntdll.dll" with 00000000 and "EAccess violation caused at 0000814F of module ntdll.dll. Read error occurred at 77F5814F of module "ntdl.dll" with 02662048"
I get these errors after I click on start and when I click on browse to select a file to convert. Does anyone know how to fix these and/or another program that I can use for converting to MPEG-2???
This is not a Bug, If it were every post in here would be about the same thing..You never left any Information that would help us determine the Problem..Like What are the Specs of the File you are encodeing???? But Since the Mind reading is a Little Rusty I"ll just have to guess what type of file you are encodeing...You are Probably encodeing a XviD or DivX file that you downloaded off the Net, and the Error you are getting is probably due to the Fact that Tmpgenc and the XviD codec have have Compatibility Problems...So what is best to do would be to get rid of the XviD codec and install the "FFDshow Decoder" instead...This should get rid of the error you are getting but remember you have to Configure "FFDShow" to decode XviD and DivX files....
I had a similar problem trying to archive a home movie to VCD using my Videum capture board. I used a proprietary codec supplied with the capture board to save the video to AVI. When I tried to convert the file with TMPGEnc, I got access violations in the codec DLL. However, in my case, I was able to solve the problem by using VirtualDub as a frame server for TMPGEnc. This is an experimental option of VirtualDub, but it worked great for me (and should work for other problematic codecs as well).
When I click on browse to select a file to convert the program just shuts down. Can anyone tell me how to fix this??? I am using the current version of TMPGEnc that I just downloaded from this site.
I simply want to convert m2v file to standard VCD mpeg-1 format...
The build-in CRI sofdec Mpeg plug-in doesn't seem to decode properly as it can't even display the frames of a simple Mpeg-1 file (that plays perfectly on win98 mediaplayer !!!)
I have a slow Pentium 133Mhz with 64Mb RAM.... I know it's old and slow... But I don't care if the conversion of a 5 minutes M2V to MPG takes 30 hours....
I don't need to play the Mpeg-2 format... only convert it... TMPGENC 2.52 PLUS seems to do the job as it does convert with any errors... the only thing is that the plug-in it-self can read either the M2V or regular Mpeg-1 format ! Even viewing it frame-by-frame (source range)...
I tried installing Cyberlink, another one from ""... nothing works...Anyone has an idea why ?
Thank guys...
To be honest anybody even contemplating encoding on such an antique needs a check up from the neck up. I mean 30 hours for 5mins....LOL
Even an upgrade to something 3 times faster like a Pentium 3 500mhz wouldn't break the bank. I have one for sale for £50 on the motherboard with 128mb of RAM installed.
It's the one I used to use before I got my 2.8 P4.
The P3 500 would encode a 2 hour movie in 8-9 hours. My P4 2.8 which is O/C at 3.2ghz will do it in more or less real time.
To be honest with you I wouldn't hold out much hope for success on a machine with such low specs, it's time for an upgrade I think.
Hi i just downloaded TMPGEnc-2.520.54.163-Plus-EN-Installer-DL from this website and when i finished installing it. and try to convert some files with this program i get this error message : KERNEL32.DLL i dont know whats causing this problem can any one tell me what am i suppose to do?
...i get the same thing...the old vers. worked fine.....they "improved it" to the point it wont work at all.....of course when someone does get around to answering you (if they do) you can be assured it will be your fault...or your p.c's fault, wont be because they screwed
i have just started converting xvid files to dvd but do not know the correct settings i need to imply to get best results no blocks etc. please help i would be so greatful if someone could email the best settings. thanx mandy
Getting No Blocks Might be Impossible Depending on your XviD file, If your XviD AVI file has a Low Resolution and/or it is From a Low Quality source which would be about 90% of all Downloaded Movies then you Will Have a Low Quality DVD Mpeg2 file...Most Downloaded movies will Use a Low Resolution and Bitrate and even Frame rate so the Files are as small as Possible so they are Faster and easier to download, But that also makes the Files have a Much Lower Quality than they would if they were Made Properly..When you take a Low Resolution XviD file and you resize it to a High Resolution DVD File you loose a Lot of the detail and all of the Small Blocks that you can"t see in the Original get resized to Big blocks in the DVD Mpeg2 file, That is why Downloaded Movies are the Worst movies to Make into a Standard DVD...But there are Other DVD Standards that use a Lower resolution so you would do less resizeing and the Quality would be degraded less so you might get a Better Quality DVD..You can make DVD"s useing 352+480/576-Pal and 352+240/288-Pal which Might produce better Quality when useing a Low Resolution Source File..And make sure you use a High enough Bitrate and set the "Motion Precition Search" to "High Quality" But becides this there isn"t much you can do if you have a Low Resolution XviD File....Good Luck
All you need to Decode allmost any Format is One Codec, It is called "FFDshow Decoder" it will decode all DivX/XviD/Mpeg4/DV/Mjpeg/ECT. so there is Basicly no need for other codecs to decode in Most cases...
>hi there folks get yourself to kazaa lite offical website and download kazaalite codec pack this will solve all.
No, not unless you like to mess up your machine.
You should NEVER install these crazy codec packs, most of them cause more problems than they solve.
You don't need every codec under the sun installed on your PC and these codec packs just create problems and cause conflicts on your system leading to errors.
It's like saying to make your car run better just pour every type of oil, brake fluid and gas into it and it'll run great. Wrong.
Well you would need to Have the XviD codec installed to decode your File But the XviD codec has Problems with Tmpgenc so it is better to Install the "FFdshow Decoder" instead..But if you allready have it installed then go to "options" to "Enviromental Settings" to Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "direct show" to "2"....
I captured several short avi clips from my DV cam. The individual clips will load and encode using TMPGEnc. However, I combined several clips using Premiere 6.5, saved as an avi, and then tried to encode with TMPGEnc but got error message of "unsupported format". The exported avi would open in Win Media Player. What do I do? Thanks
If you are Useing a Direct Show DV codec then you should go to "options" to Enviromental Settings" to "vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct show" to "2"...This should get rid of the Unsupported error...Tmpgenc seems to work best with the Microsoft DV Codec so if you have a Choice then choose this codec...Cheers
Thanks - raising the setting to 2 worked. But how do I know which codec I am using and how do I change to the Microsoft codec if not already being used?
Love the free encoder, but I have a question. I encode my movies at 320 x 240 in Tmpeg. When I play them with QuickTime, they get played at 288 x 320. All other players are correct. Any ideas?
I have an mpeg-2 file which is 790mb. Nero reads it as 80 minutes and around 30 seconds. I wish to put this as an svcd, but nero reads it as too large (it says medium inserted is too small to burn etc. ) What is the quickest way to solve this problem? ie cropping a few seconds off the end of the mpeg file etc... can someone tell me how to do this (im not familiar with tmpg so a detailde guide would be nice)
Go to the menu an select "MPEG Tools". Find the tab that allows you to cut the video. You will see a preview window with a slide bar. Simply slide the bar to where you want to cut it and select that frame as the end. TMPEnc will then generate a new MPEG file. If you want a more detailed guide read the manual. You can find it in the menu under help.
You can also set Nero up for Overburning, you can usually get an extra 10-20mb on a CD-R..In nero go to "File" to "Prefrances" to "Expert Features" and Check the Overburning Box....
Ive set the nero overburner to 82 mins and it still says the medium is too small :( is there anything else im meant to do? or just check the enable overburner option..
Also, when cropping, which mpeg format should I use. I tried the one which they call vcd, and nero claims its not a valid vcd file.
If you have set checked the Overburn option and have set it at 82 mins then Nero should allow you to burn it.
If it doesn't then your MPEG is larger than your overburn disk sizem which is unlikely at only 790mb.
You must use an 80min disk not a 74min disk for burning this MPEG.
If Nero is just simply giving you warning messages then just continue with the burn anyway.
>Also, when cropping, which mpeg format should I use. I tried the one which they call vcd, and nero claims its not a valid vcd file.
I don't understand what you mean by this, do you mean cutting?
You have to use the 'MPEG2 SVCD (VBR)' setting for MPEG2 not 'MPEG1 VCD' and then burn the MPEG in nero as a SVCD not a VCD.