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Question TE25 Now!!! Application error????? Drareg 6 2002-05-10 20:14:21

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Question - TE25 - Now!!! Application error????? No.20870
Drareg  2002-05-08 07:53:22 ( ID:il3vjyqwtsn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Now I'm frustrated... Managed to fix the PoPackage.dll errors... But now, I get an Application error still at 22% that stopped everything and kicked me out entirely out of the program!!!

Exception Eaccess Violation in module NTdll.dll at 00003207.
Write error occured at address 77F43207 of module `NTdll.dll` with 00000000

Ouffff!!! Is converting and burning CDs always like this?????

I might be new, but I didn't think I was that stupid.

Can someone PLEASE help me??

NewtronX  2002-05-08 12:53:32 ( ID:0ysy.lkdema )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When you request help can you give a bit more information? Like what operating system your using I see NT dll is it NT,2000 or XP your using? What version of Tmpgenc you running? What task you trying to do?(ie.Make a MPG1(VCD) from AVI.etc.) Could you acomplish this task before you installed the latest version of Tmpgenc or ever for that matter? Any way it sounds like software is not getting along well with another software or maybe it could be settings or then again you could be trying to convert a format Tmpgenc isnt designed for Or maybe your source file has errors in it and when Tmpgenc encounters them it is forced to close. Well let us know some more info k? I am running the following with Zero errors Windows XP PRO(Solid OS I love it) 256MB 266MhzDDR, 1.33Gighz AMD Thunderbird, Pioneer DVD-116, Yamaha 16-10-40Cdrw, Divx4.12(5 sucks to much political BS and marketing hassle), Tmpgenc 2.54a(awsome), Power DVD, AVI2DVD, VCD easy(Sweet), DVDDecrypter 30017 and total recorder for those stuborn WMV conversions where you need to seperate the video and sound to be able to convert to a new format. I have no problems converting to Mpg1,Mpg2,AVI(Divx4.12+128K mp3) formats or creating VCD or SVCD's. To convert a whole DVD To MPG or DIVX it only takes 2.5 to 3.5 hours dependeing on movie length. :o) Speeds have vastly improved with version 2.54a of Tmpgenc Rocks!! Good Job TsunamiMPGenc Author keep up the good work!!

Drareg  2002-05-08 18:02:26 ( ID:il3vjyqwtsn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I downloaded and installed Tmpgenc 2.54a. I never used any conversion programs before so I could'nt tell you if it worked before :( I'm trying to convert a Avi to Mpeg movie. When looking at the movie on my computer the quality is fantastic. I would really appreciate if someone could offer some direction and assistance

The following are my computer specifications

Microsoft Windows XP
Family Edition
Version 2002

Compaq 5000 Series
Pentium 4 CPU 1500MHZ
256 Mo of Ram

ASHY  2002-05-10 15:20:16 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Newton can you PLEASE write in separate paragraphs and sentences.

I'm quite accomplished at encoding and even I find your explanations difficult to understand.

After halfway of reading I gave up 'cos it was giving me a headache trying to focus my eyes on the words.



ASHY  2002-05-10 15:29:12 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

To answer your question, this usually refers to a location in memory and TMPGenc for some reason couldn't write to that address in memory.

This could be because you have some background programs running which won't relinquish this part of memory.
Unload any antivirus programs or memory optimizer programs or indeed any programs which run in the background.

Also disable any BIOS or Graphics card shadowing options in your bios.

If you still get the error then it's likely you could have corrupt memory installed and need to change it.
Maybe try to borrow some of somebody or if you have more than one module installed remove one and try it again.


NewtronX  2002-05-10 17:56:11 ( ID:0ysy.lkdema )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Newton can you PLEASE write in separate paragraphs and sentences.

Right I have a bad habbit of rambling on with out proper sentence structure. Sorry will try to post a bit more structure in the future. v/r NewtronX

Any way you suggest it could be another program causing a memory collision? Well personnally I think its more than likely software settings in Tmpgenc.
Normally windows if it has problems with a program it tells on that application . "Norton Anit-virus caused a Exception Eaccess Violation in module NTdll.dll at 00003207." But since he didnt mention another programs name my guess is its Tmpgenc setting or the file it self caused the fault in the NTdll.dll.
I agree as to memory access error as it plainly shows an address write. "Write error occured at address 77F43207" But those can be caused by inproper settings or file types that Tmpgenc cant handle. Their is a chance that the memory might cause these errors but my experience says that if he doesnt experience errors with other programs for memory then its unlikly to be memory. I have put many computer together and have experienced only a few bad sticks usually when memmory goes south every thing starts getting screwy..
I realize my article was a bit confusing and I was getting tired laast night so my apologize.:o) I noticed it last night thats why I through in those hyperlinks to a few guides.

This is the most important thing from my response.
See if tmpgenc setting are correct. Go to Options>Enviromental settings and ensure DirectShow multimedia file reader is second from the top at least that its higher than any other AVI option. You can change this by right clicking the option and selecting higher a few times if needed.

If this doesnt fix it you may have to seperat the Audio and video first then rencode them together.

Also take a look at these links

ASHY  2002-05-10 20:14:21 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I agree it is quite likely a software problem.

I also have much experience building PC's. Infact I have a qualifiction I gained from a course at college for it, also two qualifications regarding operating systems. So I do have some knowledge behind my answers.

The only reason I suggested the memory problem is because I remember another post someone from someone who was having EXACTLY the same problem and no matter what he tried the error remained and ONLY got the error when encoding.

The problem was sorted instantly when out of the blue he just replaced the memory. This is why I'm suggesting borrowing or taking one out if he has two and swapping them over to see what effect it has.

I know for a fact that shadowing in the BIOS can cause this problem and so can other software which hasn't been coded properly and can cause improper memory handling. Windows won't necessarily show the software thats causing it in the report.

The suggestions are simply to exonerate the obvious to see what effect it has.

The first thing I would do is to shut down any other programs because I know from experience this happens.

Encoding is very intensive work for a PC and thus uses and needs all it's resources to accomplish the task. This is why memory errors or hardisk errors or whatever may only surface when the PC is 'pushed' to it's limit.

Other software may never create the same errors as they are no where near as intesive or resource gobbling as encoding.

Having said this if all software problems are exonerated then all that can be left is a hardware problem. Simple as that.

But like you say the first thought is software, so I would suggest a few things such as.
Download TMPG again or another version.

Install new motherboard drivers.

After all other settings have been tried and other software exonerated then do a system reinstall.

If all else fails check hardware.


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