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Question TE25 Merging and Cutting an MPEG Petr@ 7 2002-04-30 12:06:09

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Question - TE25 - Merging and Cutting an MPEG No.20135
Petr@  2002-04-28 23:18:02 ( ID:gispzp7xetl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In the MPEG tools option in TMPGEnc (the latest version 2.53 .....), TMPGenc freezes up when I want to cut my MPEG movie into half! I have to use the ctrl-alt-del to end the program.
Everything goes well until the audio streaming is finished, then the program stops and will not continue with multiplexing.
Does anybody have a suggestion how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance!

ASHY  2002-04-29 00:46:43 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Run the movie through the simple mutiplex option again to see if it will remultiplex the movie then try and cut again.
No need to demultiplex just put it in the video box and the audio will be filled automatically with the same file jusr make sure you rename the output.


Petr@  2002-04-29 01:56:43 ( ID:gispzp7xetl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Thanks for your suggestion, unfortunately it did not work for me!! Do you maybe have any other solutions?? The MPEG tool only works when I want to cut the first part of a movie file, it is always the 2nd part that is giving troubles.


ASHY  2002-04-29 11:43:41 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think I know your problem.
The program isn't actually hanging. You just think it is!

Because you said that it does the first part ok.
After the program has seeked through the audio and then started to produce the video and audio stream for the second part. It doesn't start multiplexing immediately
You will have to wait a while before it starts multiplexing.

You need to be patient Petr@. It will take a good few minutes if not longer, depending on the speed of your machine. Trust me it will start, just wait!

Have a look at your hard drive led after it finishes producing the audio stream.
If it is showing activity then just sit back and relax or go and have coffee and I'm confident it will begin multiplexing.


Petr@  2002-04-29 16:24:58 ( ID:gispzp7xetl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I waited for more than 25 minutes, then after I ctrl-alt-del, I saw that TMPGenc was no longer reacting, I had to end the program this way! And believe me I am very patient!!!!

Any more tips???


ASHY  2002-04-29 19:26:37 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oh dear Petr@, we are in a pickle aren't we?
Does the program actually let you remultiplex using the simple multiplex option or does it hang with that too and is it just this one file or all files?

If it's just this one file then download this program to do your cut instead.


Petr@  2002-04-30 07:37:16 ( ID:gispzp7xetl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not in a pickle any more!!!!
I completely removed TMPGenc from my PC and reinstalled it .......... and now it works great!!! Maybe there was something missing in TMPGenc ... I really don't know.
Thanks for your help!

ASHY  2002-04-30 12:06:09 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Glad you got it sorted Petr@.


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