TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS

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TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 16 / 40 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question m2ts HD files don't load in TVMV5 (while they do in TSMR4!) tarmag 2 2013-04-25 03:05:22
Bug report Problem with more than 7 mask layers phil 0 2013-03-07 02:47:18
Question TVMW 5 wants to dissable AV software during install Dasto 1 2013-03-15 01:27:07
Question Encoded Video stops while playing Svaartberg 0 2013-03-06 17:29:33
Question Crash Loading MP4 C++ Runtime Error bwhite 0 2013-02-23 15:45:28
Question ALternate audio track gspanos 2 2013-02-22 21:59:06
Request Decoding WVC1all video streams fwibbler 0 2013-02-15 01:58:06
Question Cannot set 16:9 SD format with QuickTime(Avid) codecs benoitm 5 2013-02-23 04:12:15
Question Is CUDA a "Joke" for Better Quality Image? deVries 2 2015-01-27 13:13:30
Question CUDA is NOT Selectable in Preferences deVries 0 2013-02-13 20:14:30
Question unspecified error 0x80004005 Jman 6 2014-07-13 21:18:02
Question How do I remove blank spaces in timeline benoitm 0 2013-02-05 18:28:08

TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 16 / 40 ]   Next > >>
Question - m2ts HD files don't load in TVMV5 (while they do in TSMR4!) No.67422
tarmag  2013-03-12 18:12:38 ( ID:5myapvjve5o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi folks,

I am currently evaluating TVMW5 for encoding HD .m2ts footage to x264 mp4 format.
My problem is that TVMW5 does not seem to import my m2ts files correctly.
When I import m2ts files "as is" I end up with the audio channel only with no video track.
When I import m2ts using the TS importer I get the error: "Could not find any valid video titles in the TS file"!

My m2ts files are:Video AVC 1440x1080, Audio AAC 18kHz
My OS is Windows 7 (I tried on both 32 and 64 bits flavor -> same problem)

What is most surprising is that all other software I tried; VLC, xmedia recode and even TmpGenc TSMR4 can load those m2ts really fine.
It is rather frustrating that I can't seem to use TvMW5 on my file.

Is this a known limitation?

Thanks for any help on the matter,



Ratvandal  2013-03-14 19:53:32 ( ID:a5sk5xb0qef )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had this problem as well. One way round it was to leave a PGS (subtitle) stream in the .m2ts file then everything was fine. Removing all the PGS streams seemed to cause the problem.

tarmag  2013-04-25 03:05:22 ( ID:5myapvjve5o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just tried importing my m2ts footage using the latest TVMW5 build ( and I'm glad to report that it now works very fine. Thanks for the fix.



Bug report - Problem with more than 7 mask layers No.67411
phil  2013-03-07 02:47:18 ( ID:wvza0ankmin )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


When I set up more than seven mask layers TMW doesn't let me select end edit the ones below 7 seven.
When I select 8 or 9 the selection always jumps back to 7.
7 is the number that is still visible without scrolling down.

Win7 64 bit
1280x1024 screen resolution


Question - TVMW 5 wants to dissable AV software during install No.67380
Dasto  2013-03-01 02:56:28 ( ID:efeec7y3xbk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Bought it yesterday and i it poped up a dialog that it wanted to dissable AV software during install or req a reboot after install, witch i found a bit odd sence this is the first software that ive installed asking this.
Any ideas why? compabillity problems?

tkrave  2013-03-15 01:27:07 ( ID:resxbfmz4s2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Probably because it wants to communicate with the validation server to validate your license. Some AV software think it's a virus or something.

Question - Encoded Video stops while playing No.67375
Svaartberg  2013-02-26 17:39:06 ( ID:/jz3z7cwzwh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hey Guys,

I´ve got a bad problem with my encoded videos from TMPEG.
When I play this video with VLC the video stops at a time of 40 seconds.
If i set an other time to play this video (maybe one an a half minute) it runs normally till end.

There is a time between this two times where I can´t play this video. If I switch between this time VLC will start the video again from 00:00.

That problem often occurs.
What causes that?
What can I do so that does not occurs again?

Your Svaartberg

Question - Crash Loading MP4 C++ Runtime Error No.67361
bwhite  2013-02-23 15:45:28 ( ID:murm7ka1ouj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have recently started getting this error when I try loading newer MP4 files:

MS Visual C++ Runtime Library

File: .\mkvparserstreamvideo.cpp
Line: 417

Expression: stop_ns > start_ns

I have tried reinstalling the runtime libraries and several codecs. The files load and play fine in bsplayer.

I am on version

Question - ALternate audio track No.67341
gspanos  2013-02-20 21:49:30 ( ID:bsa4l56wzbn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just purchased MW 5. Some of my work involves sound upgrading audience-shot live music concerts. I've been using Apple iMovie/iDVD for the editing/authoring and would like to use MW 5/AW 5 if possible. Here's the process I use with iMovie:

1. Import the video, which typically has cuts and shaky or obstructed parts and inferior sound.
2. Import alternate superior audio.
3. Line up the alternate audio and the video in the timeline.
4. Fill missing parts of the video with stills or movie clips while maintaining a/v sync in the timeline.
5. Exporting to iDVD for the authoring.

I see that MW 5 has a timeline setting, but don't see how I can use a similar process to sound upgrade the audio. If anyone has experience with this, I'd like to hear from you.


Bob A  2013-02-22 17:47:56 ( ID:igdnm1i4nxa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Put the video in the track in timeline mode. Add a track. Drag the audio file with good sound in the new track. Align the video track and the audio track. Expand the video track to show the 'V' and 'A' buttons. Press the 'A' button to mute the audio. Encode.

gspanos  2013-02-22 21:59:06 ( ID:bsa4l56wzbn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'll give it a try. Thanks.

Request - Decoding WVC1all video streams No.67321
fwibbler  2013-02-15 01:58:06 ( ID:ayfjj.q1jxk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Would be really useful if TMPGEnc could decode all WVC1 streams.
I've completely failed to find anything that can do this so far.

Question - Cannot set 16:9 SD format with QuickTime(Avid) codecs No.67320
benoitm  2013-02-15 00:25:22 ( ID:4rqojs7mk8o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I haven't found a way to set the 16:9 aspect ratio when outputting a 720x576 PAL anamorphic project to Avid SD codecs, e.g. outputting to Quicktime / Avid DV codec or Quicktime / Avid JPEG 2000 codec.
The result is that no matter what I do the video comes out as *cropped* to 4:3, instead of horizontally "squeezed" (anamorphic 16:9).
Important note: the source video is edited in timeline mode and has a (variable) resize filter applied to it. (the goal is to do pan & zoom a SD 16:9 frame inside a HD clip)

benoitm  2013-02-16 03:53:37 ( ID:4rqojs7mk8o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Unlike in Normal Mode, in Timeline mode the "keep aspect ratio" does not allow to work around this problem: no matter what I choose, it is impossible to get an anamorphic 720*576 image (at least with the Quicktime formats) - please help !

benoitm  2013-02-16 07:10:09 ( ID:4rqojs7mk8o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

experimenting a bit more, it looks like none of the AVI or QuickTime codecs will allow anamorphic 16:9 SD video: for those codecs where a 4:3 / 16:9 option is selectable, the net result is identical.
How can I output 16:9 anamorphic video using QuickTime or AVI ????

Persen  2013-02-19 09:31:24 ( ID:as4qxzcqqln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Once you have chosen your output format, then you come to the page with Video, Audio, GOP and Other choises.
In Video, change setting at Aspect ratio to: Display 16:9
Then the image will be forced to be in 16:9

benoitm  2013-02-22 02:35:34 ( ID:4rqojs7mk8o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As I explained in my previous message, that does NOT work.

(note: problem exists only in Timeline mode)

tkrave  2013-02-23 04:12:15 ( ID:/nw.rgkce7n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It may have to do with your timeline setting. Click on the timeline setting button and choose the proper video aspect ratio, dimensions, etc. and try it again.

Question - Is CUDA a "Joke" for Better Quality Image? No.67319
deVries  2013-02-14 18:22:39 ( ID:fd/oirj8kyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I bought-in to the NVIDIA craze/hype about CUDA a few years ago & bought a 285 card thinking in no-time I would be encoding a top speed. Well, I never saw much if any improvement except maybe in some filters, but I never compared anything side by side...

Has anyone done some serious testing to find-out where CUDA really shines in which filters???

From my recent reading about CUDA 2/2013 my impression is no video encoders are producing top quality image output using CUDA. Maybe some speed is gained, but the image quality is poor vs CPU encoding...

Sooo, what have you learned about CUDA? What filters really "shine" using CUDA for both higher quality video image & speed improvements.

deVries  2013-02-15 04:46:15 ( ID:fd/oirj8kyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is just to add a little more to the previous post... Unfortunately, there is no edit feature to correct the original post, so I have to add more details with a 2nd post. Sorry for that...

From my recent reading about CUDA 2/2013 there is a serious trade-off in image quality for the limited speed gained by using CUDA. If you know of actual image quality improvements, then please post to this thread or start one about it detailing exactly how to do this.

I've yet to read where CUDA is 'improving' image quality at the high-end of HD.

I'll ask the same about filters too... does anyone know which CUDA filters equal or improve image quality over CPU vs GPU/CUDA saving time but getting a lower quality image.

I'll also mention, the CUDA SDK is up to version 5.0+ at the NVIDIA website, but I think TPMG5 is only using version 3.1 SDK CUDA as of 2/2013... anyone know otherwise?

Anyway, please report about image quality improvements using CUDA and saving encoding time. Which filters specifically... which NVIDIA card you need to do it too... will an old 285 card do just as well in quality output but 'only' be slower time wise.

I'm currently very skeptical about CUDA having read a few detailed articles of recent CUDA software reviews. That's 3-4 years now of development time without much gain, if any, in high-quality output from the reviews I read.

mathew lisett  2015-01-27 13:13:30 ( ID:emul5xj.btn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

having any gpu wont increase quality of your project but will enable a speed increase IF its up to date. your 285 is 6 years out of date and even back then only had a pultry 200+ cores. heck ive had a card like that expecting shit to shien and was gutted when it did nothing. and it only did nothing because that spec card isnt really designed to do much, especially since its now 6 years old.

Question - CUDA is NOT Selectable in Preferences No.67310
deVries  2013-02-13 20:14:30 ( ID:fd/oirj8kyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I clean installed Windows 8 & have the latest WHQL NVIDIA driver for my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 video card. This driver is dated 12-29-2012 version

For some reason I can't get Preferences to work and "see" this card to setup CUDA encoding. This card did work/do CUDA before with your software, so I don't know why not now?

Anyone know of a fix for this?

I've tried System Restore to uninstall and reinstall the drivers & TMPGE... but I can't get it to "see" this card to do CUDA.

Thanks for any suggestions/help... :)

Question - unspecified error 0x80004005 No.67290
Jman  2013-02-08 10:54:22 ( ID:cujmcfcez1l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I try to export I get this error everytime unspecified error 0x80004005. I have tried different source files, still happens?? Tried on different computers, still happens

Persen  2013-02-11 20:16:20 ( ID:as4qxzcqqln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I suggest you try to read the system requirements on the TMGPEnc home page for TVMW5. Many computers out there does not live entirely up to all the requirements.
Some where on that list, there might be one or several requirements that these computers does not live up to, even though the builders claim they are ready to go "multimedia computers".

Jman  2013-02-19 02:48:32 ( ID:cujmcfcez1l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My computer runs Xpress 4.0 with no problems. I have a I7 Extreme processor with 16gig of ram. I highly doubt the computer is the problem

Persen  2013-02-19 09:05:26 ( ID:as4qxzcqqln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TVMW5 is not Xpress 4.0 They have different system requirements.
Read system requirements for TVMW5

depomixer  Home )  2013-03-28 04:31:39 ( ID:z93uq9ghnda )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>TVMW5 is not Xpress 4.0 They have different system requirements.
>Read system requirements for TVMW5

I am having the same issue after updating to Did you ever get yours resolved?

HG Tan  2013-06-15 12:47:30 ( ID:opgp4jtk2yj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have such problem only because I get the source file frameserved from Virtualdub, I have found a workaround for it, refer to my post 67645.

321LetsJam  2014-07-13 21:18:02 ( ID:h1qmzou0vvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>When I try to export I get this error everytime unspecified error 0x80004005. I have tried different source files, still happens?? Tried on different computers, still happens

Did you ever get this resolved? I'm having the same exact problem.

Question - How do I remove blank spaces in timeline No.67289
benoitm  2013-02-05 18:28:08 ( ID:4rqojs7mk8o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Long time TMPGEnc user, but just trying timeline mode for the first time...
When a clip is deleted or trimmed, the following clips are not automatically shifted: a blank space is created.
Is there a way to avoid that ?
Perhaps a command to detect & clean up all blank spaces in the timeline at once ?

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