TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress BBS

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TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 32 / 54 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question moving the moov atom cass1010 0 2009-02-22 17:32:05
Question AVI Divx 6 and multipass john907 5 2009-07-03 22:10:08
Question logo.. truemotion 2 2009-06-10 08:21:08
Question Image Sequence in different folders for LARGE conversions? Jeromie 0 2009-02-20 17:37:40
Question FLV support in TMPGenc Xpress 4.0? Jimmy Alenius 1 2009-03-16 08:30:25
Question Add noice when encoding possible? Jimmy Alenius 0 2009-02-20 15:12:47
Question TXP 4 : how to encode AVCHD ? benoitm 1 2009-02-18 18:25:23
Question CUDA Encoding ?? Helps 3 2009-09-21 11:53:35
Question How to use different audio file and video file Ryan Morris 1 2009-02-13 18:10:24
Question Performance slebreton 2 2009-02-14 15:11:44
Question file size won't reduce austinpm1 7 2009-03-06 17:59:29
Request GPGPU avalaible only to admin? morpheus 0 2009-02-12 12:26:37

TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 32 / 54 ]   Next > >>
Question - moving the moov atom No.58716
cass1010  Home )  2009-02-22 17:32:05 ( ID:fyntcfgnavr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does anyone here know how to set the moov atom at the beginning of an h.264 file to enable progressive download using a flash player? I have tried qt-faststart.c but it fails when I try to run it against an enc xpress generated mp4 file. I have scoured the internet but cannot find a tool that will get it moved.

Question - AVI Divx 6 and multipass No.58710
john907  2009-02-21 17:34:41 ( ID:xna6avj5tow )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I should create an avi with Divx 6.8 codec.
I read multipass (2 pass) is better than single pass generally.
Is it possible use multipass with Divx 6.8 and TMPGEnc 4.5 Xpress?
If it’s so, could someone tell me exactly what are the right steps to do it? When I arrive to select the divx codec then I can’t setting it for 2 pass.
One pass, yes I do.


tkrave  2009-02-23 18:10:27 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It sounds like you are using the AVI output format with the DivX 6.8 codec?

In the Format Stage, after you have selected AVI file output and DivX 6.8 as your codec, click on the "Settings..." button.

This opens a DivX Codec Properties window. Towards the bottom there is a section called "Rate control". Just select one of the "Multipass" options for rate control mode and that should do it.

john907  2009-02-24 19:02:11 ( ID:arq/lperyl6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, yes exactly, I'm using the AVI output format with the DivX 6.8 codec.

I select "Multipass, 1st pass" but after the encode I get an useless small file.

If I select "Multipass, Nth pass" directly, I get a good file but there was no double pass, just one.

Where I wrong??


tkrave  2009-02-25 18:19:46 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]'re right, it doesn't seem to do a 2nd pass with the multipass options.

You might want to use the integrated DivX encoder instead of the codec via AVI output. Select "DivX file output" instead of Avi file output in the Format stage. The integrated DivX encoder allows you to do 2 passes, and you can even do more than 2 passes in Advanced mode.

john907  2009-02-26 17:43:59 ( ID:isa9zxo/0j. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I tried using integrated DivX encoder, I saw, now it does multi pass but got a .divx extension file not avi file I wanted.

However if ther's no other way, thanks you to answered and helped me. Bye

NoOneImportant  2009-07-03 22:10:08 ( ID:4x1opfqn7sh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I tried using integrated DivX encoder, I saw, now it does multi pass but got a .divx extension file not avi file I wanted.

I know this is an old reply, but for just FYI, a .divx file is same as an .avi file. You can either change the name manually, or better, just go to the options and tell Xpress to use .avi instead. Personally, I prefer leaving it at .divx because then I know at a glance which AVI files I have processed and which are still in their original form. :)

Question - logo.. No.58707
truemotion  2009-02-20 21:01:35 ( ID:62pwodysl2g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Adding LOGO suppot??

LudwigHart  2009-02-25 14:28:58 ( ID:ldsgma1wuin )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not supported untiil now.

Cube  2009-06-10 08:21:08 ( ID:zb.fqyxlxuo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's really weird, there is a logo support for adding the TMPGEnc logo in the trial version... It would be REALLY useful to a lot of people. Please add logo support, please.

Question - Image Sequence in different folders for LARGE conversions? No.58706
Jeromie  2009-02-20 17:37:40 ( ID:babxfcosxgr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

im converting AVCHD footage to images sequences so it could work with adobe premier etc... i have 158 .mts files, how do i make this converter convert each image sequence in a seperate folder? i dont want everything bunched together in one folder making it unorganized and hard to find

Question - FLV support in TMPGenc Xpress 4.0? No.58704
Jimmy Alenius  Home )  2009-02-20 15:14:38 ( ID:cjurbslt47m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi! Is there some trick to decode/encode flv files in tmpgenc xpress 4.0?

Regards / Jimmy

NoOneImportant  2009-03-16 08:30:25 ( ID:4x1opfqn7sh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You just need to install a codec pack. I recommend CCCP ( I've been using it for it for years.

Question - Add noice when encoding possible? No.58703
Jimmy Alenius  Home )  2009-02-20 15:12:47 ( ID:cjurbslt47m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi! Sometimes when I have problem with banding in encoded material I use to add a little noice to avoid the encoder to simplify areas. I wounder if it is possible to ADD noice?

Regards / Jimmy

Question - TXP 4 : how to encode AVCHD ? No.58701
benoitm  2009-02-16 09:46:42 ( ID:whrqtudrlcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have various HD source material (HDV,...) that I would like to playback using my Panasonic DMP BD35 BluRay player. This unit can playback BluRay discs, but also native AVCHD files on discs (DVD+/-R(W)) or SDHC flash cards.
At this time I don't have a BD burner or BD authoring program. I just want to find a cheap way to view my HDV videos on this player.

>> Can I convert my HD sources to AVCHD (.m2ts) using TXP 4 ? If yes, what are the settings for the best results (lowest bitrate for high quality)

tkrave  2009-02-18 18:25:23 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It can only import avchd footage; it can't output to avchd. Although, you can output as a .m2t file or as a Blu-ray compliant MPEG-2, so that might work for you.

Question - CUDA Encoding ?? No.58697
Helps  2009-02-14 22:05:23 ( ID:v4nlqe7prl. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will upgrading to a cuda enabled card improve h.264 to wmv conversion speeds? I read the press release claiming 446% encoding speed increases with cuda, but from what I understand that is only within specific formats. Thanks.

Helps  2009-02-14 22:07:23 ( ID:v4nlqe7prl. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Edit: If it makes a difference I'm running a q9300 quad core @ 3.5 GHZ. Thanks again.

Tim  2009-02-24 21:27:58 ( ID:v4nlqe7prl. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Bump, I would like to know the answer to this.

MathewLisett  Home )  2009-09-21 11:53:35 ( ID:eqr.0saonmf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

well i turned my cuda off last night and the difference was over 30 mins in encoding time, so i woudl say yes and even more so in your case as mines only a verclocked q6600

Question - How to use different audio file and video file No.58695
Ryan Morris  2009-02-13 16:15:13 ( ID:jwb9ex6f4wm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would like to take one audio file and make it the track for a video file. Is there a way in TMPG to overwrite the audio track of the video with a new audio file?

I know you can split out the audio file from a video easily but not sure how to do it backwards - put audio into a video.


tkrave  2009-02-13 18:10:24 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When you first add the video clip in the source stage, the clip properties window appears. You can change the audio source here by selecting a different audio/video source.

Question - Performance No.58692
slebreton  2009-02-13 04:44:58 ( ID:xgo2wr.pzj2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

what performance is everyone getting with encoding? Using other programs to encode a dvdrip to H264 format file is roughly the same speed as using tmpeg 4x xpress with CUDA, which I find disappointing. As an example, taking a 90min movie @ 720X480 fullscreen 29.97 frames/sec and encoding to H264 720X480 29.97 frames/sec single pass 2500 kbit/s Variable bitrate takes on my machine roughly 100 minutes or averaging 21 frames/second. Then using the same movie with tmpeg 4 xpress with CUDA gpu exceleration and all the same settings takes the ame amount of time if not longer and the status showing CPU usage hovers around 30% and CUDA around 67%. When I compare this as close as possible with another CUDA enabled program badaboom, badaboom only takes 25 minutes.

tkrave  2009-02-13 18:19:58 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you using any video filters? If you aren't, then you should turn CUDA off as it will only be effective when you are using video filters and/or MPEG decoding.

Look at this page:
(scroll down towards the bottom where the graph is)

Their data shows that the more video filters you are using, the more effective CUDA encoding will be. Conversely, if you aren't using any video filters, then it will actually be slower than CPU-only encoding.

slebreton  2009-02-14 15:11:44 ( ID:xgo2wr.pzj2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Okay Now I understand. Thank you.

Question - file size won't reduce No.58684
austinpm1  2009-02-12 17:24:02 ( ID:trevvediclk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i try to reduce a 768x1280 mpg to 384x640, i expected to see a file size reduction from 15Mb down to about 3 or 4Mb. i see NO file size reduction at all the output file is exactly the same size as the source file despite being 25% the actual pixels. why is this and how can i achieve this savings?

using tmpgenc 4.0 xpress by the way.


tkrave  2009-02-12 18:18:13 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you sure you're looking at the right output file? There's no way it should be exactly the same file size.
I can reduce a 720x480 mpeg file to 360x240 and the file is roughly half the size as expected.

What are the settings you're using in the format stage?

austinpm1  2009-02-16 20:59:42 ( ID:nfhk5bytb7k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

the input file is 19 seconds long, 768x1280. mpeg 1 format, 29.97fps, 6000kbps

the output settings are:

mpeg 1, 384x640, 29.97 fps, CBR (Constant Bitrate), 6000kbps

one would think that just these settings would drop the output size down to 25%. it does NOTHING for file size - the same EXACT size as the input is output.

i open both the input and the output in windows media player and the properties show that the original is 768x1280 and the output file is 384x640 so that's working but the file size is unchanged.

very bizarre.

tkrave  2009-02-18 19:12:25 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's your bitrate settings. If you use CBR at 6000kbps for each version of the movie, you'll get 6000kb of data for each second of the movie, no matter what the resolution is.

Try change it to VBR (Constant Quality); it'll keep the quality up but adjust the bitrate accordingly. You can also lower your bitrate if you want to use CBR.

austinpm1  2009-02-20 19:07:53 ( ID:nfhk5bytb7k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

so if i drop my bitrate down from 6000 to 1500 won't the output video look crappy (i guess i'll know when i see) it just seems to me like by default when you lower the size of an IMAGE, you don't have to lower the jpg quality to see the savings.

i'll give it a try either way.



austinpm1  2009-02-20 20:24:34 ( ID:nfhk5bytb7k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it reduced the file size but i AM seeing significant degradation in the video quality. puzzling...

austinpm1  2009-03-05 22:57:02 ( ID:nfhk5bytb7k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

so anyone? anyone? bueller?

no ideas on why a video at half the res is still full size? not a quarter like it ought to be?

any other suggestions? maybe tmpg can't do what it ought to here???...

tkrave  2009-03-06 17:59:29 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you tried VBR? If so, how was the quality?

Like I said, if you use CBR, it will force the output to be the same amount of data no matter what the video dimensions are. That's what makes it CONSTANT bitrate. This IS the reason your two videos are the same size; there is no other explanation.

Lowering the CBR will lower the quality, especially on scenes with a lot of motion/complexity. This is why VBR is much better; it can adjust the bitrate according to the complexity of the scene.

Comparing CBR to a jpeg isn't accurate since when you resize a jpeg, it takes into account any detail loss and adjusts the file size accordingly. Jpegs are saved based on quality (like VBR) not on a file size target which is essentially what CBR is.

Is there a reason you need to use CBR? VBR is really the best option.

Request - GPGPU avalaible only to admin? No.58683
morpheus  2009-02-12 12:26:37 ( ID:gntgaye6ddw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was trying to run TMPGENC under a limited user account, when I saw another post here from another user, regarding the availability of GPGPU only under admin accounts.

Come on guys, is it so hard to implement in the next version the GPGPU feature to run under all accounts and not just under admin? I am facing the same problem, I do not want to make it available under limited accounts, and at the moment it is not possible...

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