TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress / TSUNAMI MPEG Video Encoder XPress BBS

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TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress / TSUNAMI MPEG Video Encoder XPress BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 14 / 18 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question reading dvd-rw vr mode dvds rigor 0 2004-06-30 01:16:51
Free talk Good Porgram Easg 1 2004-08-19 08:21:48
Question Xpress turning my 16:9 movies into 2.21:1 movies. saladin 1 2004-06-29 05:20:44
Free talk license renewal & zonealarm radiotaku 2 2004-07-15 14:26:40
Question tmpgenc express pcboo 4 2004-07-14 04:50:06
Question AC3 radiotaku 2 2004-07-21 01:12:09
Question interrupt of encoding errut 1 2004-07-12 06:24:02
Bug report xpress freezed blue-sky 0 2004-06-20 03:52:34
Request Ascii file format Borax 2 2004-07-05 09:03:05
Question TMPGEnc 3 realy Xpress or bug??? 1stwasp 0 2004-06-17 22:00:33
Question Tmpg 3XP Richard 0 2004-06-14 20:58:09
Request where is the mpeg join feature? wm 5 2004-08-26 14:25:27

TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress / TSUNAMI MPEG Video Encoder XPress BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 14 / 18 ]   Next > >>
Question - reading dvd-rw vr mode dvds No.53195
rigor  2004-06-30 01:16:51 ( ID:2kudy41o.hf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have tmpgenc xpress 3.0, and tmpgenc dvd author both programs say
they support reading dvd-rw "vr" mode dvds. i made one such dvd on a
standalone sony rdr-gx7 recorder but the disk will not load. i tried installing
realdvd! and i can copy the file off the disc and to the hard disk but even
when i try and rename the vro file both tmpgenc net programs cannot import
the file. the web site says they should. the disk was finalized.

Free talk - Good Porgram No.53193
Easg  2004-06-28 17:13:31 ( ID:qpauqv8q4pf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think it is a good program, it saves time when encoding from DVD Ripped files, it saves the DVD2AVI part since it has the option to select the audio tracks from the ripped DVD, but if you guys want to create a bestseller, add subtittles support to this program, It would be greate to have a program to create VCD/SVCD MPG files with a single click.

Febre  2004-08-19 08:21:48 ( ID:vphbfx2xvgj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I agree, having the ability to add subtitles (whether direct burn onto video stream or a seperate stream) would make this THE perfect encoder. Otherwise, love the new interface and really like the on the fly cutting tool.

Question - Xpress turning my 16:9 movies into 2.21:1 movies. No.53191
saladin  2004-06-28 04:15:53 ( ID:qtm6/y5tg.. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Xpress keeps turning my 16:9 movies into 2.21:1 movies. I never had any such problem using TMPGenc Plus. This program is incapable of just keeping aspect ratios and outputting movies. Can anyone help with this. I have had it with this program. I'll just keep using TMPGenc Plus trial version over and over again if I have to in order to get my money's worth since Xpress doesn't work. Can anyone help?

Bladi  2004-06-29 05:20:44 ( ID:0r1a.2q.ytf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Check the resize part of the filter menu. You probably need to uncheck the keep aspect option.

Free talk - license renewal & zonealarm No.53188
radiotaku  2004-06-24 03:20:40 ( ID:zswl2pempvf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had a problem renewing my T3Xress license last night. It took some mesing around and help from the TMPGenc support person, but it's working again.

The license renewal had been working perfectly, but last night I began getting a message that there was an error in the license file. It turned out that even though I'd turned off ZoneAlarm (latest upgrade), it was still doingsomething to screw up the reneal process.

The solution was to reset ZA so it wouldn't autostart at boot-up then reboot the machine, renew the license, then turn ZA back on.

I hope this is helpful in case anyone encounters a similar problem with their license renewal.

anton  2004-07-09 00:58:32 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

that is silly, I would refuse disabling Zonealarm for license renewal, I would rather uninstall and destroy Tmpeg 3.0 Xpress than disable a firewall.

radiotaku  2004-07-15 14:26:40 ( ID:mp2nxs/vwtj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It appears that the problem was related to a particular ZoneAlarm upgrade. Since I wrote the note, I've upgraded a couple of versions of ZA and have not had any license renewal problems since.

Question - tmpgenc express No.53183
pcboo  2004-06-23 13:05:56 ( ID:5z3z1qeev/. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when loading an avi file i get the message vfapi frameserver has encountered an error and needs to close. crawled the net and got nowhere. also error comes up on tmpgenc 2.5

radiotaku  2004-06-23 17:33:32 ( ID:mp2nxs/vwtj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is the same message I get when trying to work with avi files with AC3 audio. Do you get that message with all avi files or just particular ones?

MARCUS1952  2004-06-24 01:21:59 ( ID:wtff6c3jyyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I get the same error when I encode any avi with Xvid as the codec only using TMPGEnc Express

MARCUS1952  2004-06-24 03:19:24 ( ID:wtff6c3jyyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Install ffdshow and it fixes the problem

toto  2004-07-14 04:50:06 ( ID:ebrkm.fuvgk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I get the same error when I encode any avi with Xvid as the codec only using TMPGEnc Express

Question - AC3 No.53180
radiotaku  2004-06-23 03:51:44 ( ID:zswl2pempvf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi! I have an avi file which was encoded with AC3 audio. It plays back fine using the freeware AC3filter. I can't seem to get it converted to an mp2 file for dvd burning through TMPGenc. (I have the TMPGenc AC3 installed as well).
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

charlieg  2004-07-11 14:02:18 ( ID:2qjnbmyzxhk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same problem. GSpot says the .avi's AC3 is 2-channel stereo, and it does play fine with the freeware AC3Filter, but I have not had any luck getting a DVD made with the Pegasys tools (I bought the AC3 plugin too), which was the only reason I bought the AC3 plugin. I just don't get any audio on the resulting DVD.

radiotaku  2004-07-21 01:12:09 ( ID:zswl2pempvf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

user comment on the AC3filter forum indicates that TMPGenc will not work with AC3filter. AC3ACM is suggested as a possible decoding codec which will work with TMPGenc.

an alternate method to retain full quality is described in the AC3filter forum

Question - interrupt of encoding No.53178
errut  2004-06-22 18:31:05 ( ID:kmuinhlsjww )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

since the program is very slow, can one interrupt the encoding process and resume it at the same position of file?

LPDad  2004-07-12 06:24:02 ( ID:otiue5u5nsa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you stop/interrupt the encoding process you will then need to restart the encode from the beginning.
Try using BATCH MODE, that way you will not have to reset everything, just restart the batch mode.

Bug report - xpress freezed No.53177
blue-sky  Home )  2004-06-20 03:52:34 ( ID:m7icroumdzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Unfortunally our studio who produce DVD for cinema (screen spot television programs etc) decide to improve the newest version of xpress 3. Probably for the low cost and the good results obtained using the previous version of tmpgenc plus. But Serious and gravous probles appears.
Usually wu encode our jobs in xivd with a special automatized procedure and on a special digital tape we trasfer at the pc for the encode in mpg2.
Last time xivd regulary displayed and heared on the original format freeze and the program block the encode process at the last 200 frames no DVD so...
And previusly, a more gravous problems an other video was encoded but audio and video walks on their own ways... Why ?
We expect to resolve our problems, but in effect we spend our money withouts good results for our production.
How long we well espect and what are the causes of this problems? This errors, cause long time to expect the final job and low affairs.
Mediavideo - Italy

Request - Ascii file format No.53174
Borax  Home )  2004-06-17 22:30:03 ( ID:fzvlab1ptwg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

For the 2.5 Version I have written a tool (CQ-Tester ) to optimize the CQ setting for a TMPGEnc project to fit on a specific size (usually one CD). This tool uses the possibility to run TMPGEnc with the commandline parameters encode and close.

1. Do these commandline parameters still exist in the full version?
2. I was told that there is no possibility to save (and load) a project in an ascii file format. The trial version has no possibility to save a project in any format. Is this new (binary) file structure documented anywhere? Otherwise it is not possible to create/use a tool for file size prediction in CQ mode.

I will not buy version 3.0 if it is not possible to do a prediction of the final file size!

xxx  2004-07-02 22:14:12 ( ID:28wc.n2ghvo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>For the 2.5 Version I have written a tool (CQ-Tester ) to optimize the CQ setting for a TMPGEnc project to fit on a specific size (usually one CD). This tool uses the possibility to run TMPGEnc with the commandline parameters encode and close.
>1. Do these commandline parameters still exist in the full version?
>2. I was told that there is no possibility to save (and load) a project in an ascii file format. The trial version has no possibility to save a project in any format. Is this new (binary) file structure documented anywhere? Otherwise it is not possible to create/use a tool for file size prediction in CQ mode.
>I will not buy version 3.0 if it is not possible to do a prediction of the final file size!

Borax  2004-07-05 09:03:05 ( ID:lhftqaoa9cm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is this an answer???

Question - TMPGEnc 3 realy Xpress or bug??? No.53173
1stwasp  2004-06-17 22:00:33 ( ID:yh/mb45njcn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have found that there are a little difference between encoding duration in connection with motion search precision.
In standard option for examle encoding MPEG2 - MPEG2 takes 6h, in high 6,5h in Highest with error detection 7h (using the same source)
The same in 2.51 version is 6h, 12h and almost 24h...
In highest quality mode version XPress is 3 times faster than version 2.51...
I don't know what am I should thinking about???
And in fact quality improovement between this settings in version XPress is very poor.
I have been using in my encoding process intel P4 with HT at 2,4GHz.

Question - Tmpg 3XP No.53172
Richard  2004-06-14 20:58:09 ( ID:eeylgaggea2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi all

Ive a mpeg film I want to cut into four parts.
How do I do this with TMPG 3XP
I add a file, Cut - edit pops up so I edit my mpeg into four parts and save so the four sections are in the key frame list, go to the next stage and it only encodes the last section.
What am i doing wrong.

Request - where is the mpeg join feature? No.53166
wm  2004-06-14 10:16:00 ( ID:fhttknideaf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

in the T3, I cannot find the join mpeg without re-compression function. Am I missing anything or I have to use back the T2.5?

lex  2004-06-14 11:15:23 ( ID:nqutolnqd92 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

missing it toooooo!!!

RT  2004-06-15 02:08:47 ( ID:zlphmq.snck )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would like to see the cut/join also.

Sony  2004-07-12 20:28:54 ( ID:1dxlxiupnff )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I THINK that this feature has been removed because the 3.0 version supports multiple audio format. Although this was one of the best features in the 2.5 version. I hope they restore this feature back in the future releases.

Febre  2004-08-19 08:47:52 ( ID:vphbfx2xvgj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The feature your talking about can be found in the "Cut-Edit" section after you've loaded your file in the "Set Source" Section.

To cut out a portion from your video, just select the area you want omitted (using the "Set as start frame" & "Set as end frame") and click the "Cut the selected frame range". The new video will merge at the cut point and you can continue to do more cuts as needed. From there, go onto "Set output" & "Encode".

To merge seperate files, just load the files in the order you want them to appear in the "Set source" section. Set you output and encode. Its easy as that.

I've been able to do multiple cuts and merges with some avi files that I encoded to SVCD and have had no problems as compared to the old 2.521

lex  2004-08-26 14:25:27 ( ID:nqutolnqd92 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes that works fine, but I am not able to join 2 same encoded files without further encoding!
Or am I wrong?


TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress / TSUNAMI MPEG Video Encoder XPress BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 14 / 18 ]   Next > >>

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