TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 7 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question TMPGEnc now will not open video source, opens Windows SMSS process shaneo4217 0 2008-09-06 14:50:14
Question no 16:9 option Japz Lapeno 1 2008-09-09 02:39:49
Question cant open file (HD) - unsupported Martin 1 2008-09-05 13:41:26
Question Question - Output to a single file rather than m2v + wav snoop911 0 2008-08-27 18:42:14
Question cdg files Saxon 0 2008-08-20 21:58:14
Question Does TMPGenc support HD re-encoding? John 0 2008-08-15 21:13:22
Question TMPGEnc 2.524 (Freeware Version) Luka 0 2008-08-06 08:30:58
Question Source aspect ratio Affenfufu 0 2008-07-20 16:34:26
Question 422P@ML EvilC 0 2007-12-19 03:19:24
Question Installation Problems J. Michael 0 2007-12-11 05:27:18
Question How To Get FrameServing Working? abrogard 0 2007-11-09 08:27:04
Question Problem with TMPGEnc and CQmatic theone 2 2007-09-26 05:03:10

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 7 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - TMPGEnc now will not open video source, opens Windows SMSS process No.43700
shaneo4217  2008-09-06 14:50:14 ( ID:a881qyiccha )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I've been using TMPGEnc with great success for years, now
suddenly it won't open video source files, and will only select
the video file as the audio source.

It gives the message that the format is unknown or unsupported
but then opens an Windows SMSS.exe process through ZoneAlarm.

Any ideas?

Question - no 16:9 option No.43698
Japz Lapeno  2008-09-05 04:52:11 ( ID:1tlzi0r1tna )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So I'm running version and when I open the Wizard, there's no 16:9 NTSC or 16:9 PAL option under DVD. I had to redownload this program because i built a new computer, and I remember the option being there on my old computer. Did I download the wrong version or am I missing a patch? What gives?

tkrave  2008-09-09 02:39:49 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Whoa, where did you download that from? That is an old version from 2002.

If you're using Plus, go here:

If you're using the free version, go here:

Question - cant open file (HD) - unsupported No.43696
Martin  2008-09-04 16:14:44 ( ID:8.c9eb5ksso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello, I reinstalled my OS from Win2k to XP, installed all important video codecs but TMPEG cant open high definition file (1280 x 720, .avi) that I could open before on win 2k, probably missing some codec or what. The file is encoded with Windows Media Video-9 codec and I can play it in media player normally. Can you please help me?

Martin  2008-09-05 13:41:26 ( ID:8.c9eb5ksso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

problem resolved :-)

Question - Question - Output to a single file rather than m2v + wav No.43695
snoop911  2008-08-27 18:42:14 ( ID:bov1enft0w. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using tmpgenc to permanently insert subtitles into an avi file. However, when it finishes, it generates a m2v video file and a .wav audio file.

Is there a way to have tmpgenc to output a single interleaved audio/video file?

Question - cdg files No.43694
Saxon  2008-08-20 21:58:14 ( ID:f72fkuawxxo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPG Enc free version doesn't seem to support cdg video files (for converting mp3 & cdg to mpeg for karaoke video CD's). Is there an add on or something I can change in the settings to rectify this? I had an older version of TMPG freeware on a previous pc I had which worked fine.

Question - Does TMPGenc support HD re-encoding? No.43693
John  2008-08-15 21:13:22 ( ID:8dxk3brs0r. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

These would be mpeg-2 & H.264 transport streams.

Some 720p & some 1080i.

Occasionally some TV recordings have weird time sync issues & I'm looking for something I can use to repair them.

Question - TMPGEnc 2.524 (Freeware Version) No.43692
Luka  2008-08-06 08:30:58 ( ID:w7sxx8pxaqn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I using TMPGEnc 2.524 (Freeware Version) to make movie recorded with fraps smaller but TMPGEnc 2.524 remove all hud ingame so how to set it will enecode to normal video like i record with fraps ?

Question - Source aspect ratio No.43691
Affenfufu  2008-07-20 16:34:26 ( ID:5ygrvo/nmcw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hey, i've got an 16:10 .avi video. How can I transcode it with TMPGEnc? there is no "16:10" in source aspect ratio-settings.

Question - 422P@ML No.43690
EvilC  2007-12-19 03:19:24 ( ID:hprqegvdcik )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It seems to me that tmpenc doesn't allow 4:2:2 to be created conforming to the 422Profile spec.
The spec. clearly allows for up to 720x608 and bitrates up to 50Mbps - but Tmpgenc 2.5 plus complains that the bitrate is too high if it is set above 15Mbps in this profile - and this is incorrect.
A properly formatted SD NTSC Broadcast Mpeg2 should be 720x512 422P@ML (32 line blanking interval + 486 active image area), and allow for bitrates up to 50Mbps.
Also, to properly incorporate a 720x486 active area onto a 720x512 full-field Mpeg2, Tmpgenc needs to allow the user to position the original 720x486 (or 720x480) into the correct position in the final output - right now you can only center the image or squeeze it to fill the whole fram - but what is needed is a way to position it so that the first line of a 720x486 original file can be placed at line 26 of the 720x512 result - (or for 720x480 it needs to start at line 32)
I see no way in Tmpgenc v2.5 plus to do this. Is it possible with tmpgenc at all?

Here is the spec. for 422profile:-

Abbreviation: 422P@ML
The goal of 4:2:2Profile@MainLevel is to be suitable for application in the TV production environment.
So the performance, in terms of video coded quality, is expected to be better than MainProfile@MainLevel. Furthermore the 4:2:2Profile should provide good performance also when several coding and decoding processes are necessary, but the number of generations should be kept limited, as the MPEG compression techniques are lossy.
The main removed limitation on the profile side is the chroma_format, 4:2:2, that gives the name to the profile, is possible and it should allow chroma key effects for the decoded images. Besides also the Intra DC precision may be improved (till 11 bits).
On the level side the most important increased parameter value is Maximum Bit Rate, 50 Mbps, that allows a good picture quality even with only Intra_pictures, so that applications that used Motion-JPEG compression (non-standard) can now use an MPEG-2 standard profile.

Level Table
Intra DC precision 8, 9, 10, 11 bits
______________________________ ________________
Maximum Bit Rate
50 Mbps
Buffer Size 9437184 bits
Sample Density 720 samples/line 608 lines/frame
30 frames/s
Luminance Sample Rate 11059200
Horizontal Vector Range -512:+511.5
Vertical Vector Range (frame pictures)-128:+127.5
Compared to MainProfile@MainLevel the number of lines/frame has been increased in order to include some lines from the Vertical Blanking Interval.
The maximum value of Luminance Sample Rate is lower than the simple product of the Sample Density values because the frame size 720x608 is used for 25Hz countries, while in 30Hz countries the format is

Question - Installation Problems No.43689
J. Michael  2007-12-11 05:27:18 ( ID:jeji9g1jkfn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just installed 2.5 plus and the silly thing loaded one time. Now, every time I try to call the program, the .exe file shows up as loaded in task manager process but does not show up on screen or in the applications window of task manager. When I shut windows down it comes up asking me to close 2.5 plus, which I cannot even see is running.... this is very frustrating. Any help will be appreciated. BTW, I have uninstalled it, cleaned the registry, reinstalled and same problem. After it asks for registration, it disappears.

Question - How To Get FrameServing Working? No.43688
abrogard  2007-11-09 08:27:04 ( ID:zyvhiooupz6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to brighten up a rather dark avi file that I want to burn to a dvd, make a movie of it.

Instead of just brightening it in VirtualDub and then putting the result into Nero I've been told I'll get better results by frameserving it to tmpg and burning the result with imgburn.

Fair enough.

I set up Virtualdub load the file, set the filter for brightness and start the frameserver.

It creates a vdr file and that's what I'm supposed to point tmpg to. But it doesn't recognise the type of file.

So I find I should install a plugin and I downloaded and tried to follow the instructions for an avs plugin: VFAPI plugin for TMPGEnc/AviUtl
Here they are:
How to install:
1. put m2v.vfp and m2vconf.exe into the same folder.
2. execute m2vconf.exe
3. select options
4. push OK button

Well that didn't seem to do any good so I put them in same directory as tmpgplus but it still didn't do any good.

Can anyone help me out, show me where I've gone wrong?


ab :)

Question - Problem with TMPGEnc and CQmatic No.43685
theone  2007-09-24 10:38:08 ( ID:erf0.muwo/h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Recently, i was trying to determine the CQ for my KVCD movie using CQmatic, but the moment i press execute in CQMatic, TMPGEnc opened and closed immediately. This was not the problem before and i was able to determine the CQ previously.

Can anyone suggest the solution?

nTekka  2007-09-25 00:15:41 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What source file are you using? have you installed or made any changes recently? might be a conflict in VFAPI plug-in, that would be where I'd check first.

theone  2007-09-26 05:03:10 ( ID:erf0.muwo/h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i'm using a .vob files that i extracted using DVDecrypter

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