TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 50 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question Program closes with no message after 1st pass in "very slow" precision Mariusz 0 2004-08-31 09:42:56
Question Newb guide? Need help Levi 0 2004-08-30 20:08:52
Question Strem read error in TMPGenc golden 0 2004-08-30 18:49:33
Question slow convertion Rozegeur 2 2004-08-30 09:33:14
Question KVCD Yatti 1 2004-08-28 09:33:35
Question VDR files not supported - after installing sp2 final Big_Bang 3 2004-09-25 12:03:52
Question No Audio after System (Video+Audio) Conversion Shakotah 1 2004-08-27 15:40:38
Question no audio with OpenDML AVI gravity 2 2004-08-28 09:37:53
Question Floating Point Error Hyena 1 2004-08-26 20:08:53
Question Audio Problem at the end of an MPEG Ditzt 6 2004-08-28 16:16:03
Request Why does TMPGEnc stop while converting? Taurus50 0 2004-08-25 15:05:02
Question Non-standard aspect ratio wiley 2 2004-08-28 09:45:07

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 50 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - Program closes with no message after 1st pass in "very slow" precision No.42236
Mariusz  2004-08-31 09:42:56 ( ID:7szt/x7h38g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm trial user.
When I select in Video settings "2-pass VBR" and "Highest quality (very slow)" program closes after 1st pass with no additional message.
Output files are empty (0kb).
It happens for different files.
All files are DV files.
With "slow" precision everything is OK.

Question - Newb guide? Need help No.42235
Levi  2004-08-30 20:08:52 ( ID:qqfkstwc5uw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a beginners guide to the program somewhere?

I'm having issues... My biggest problem is that when converting a standard .avi file to MPEG using VCD NTSC (I'm going for smallest size right now) when I play back the file, the .mpg created, I only see black. I'm not sure if there is sound or not-this computer doesn't have speakers.

I don't need sound on the video-and the mics for our cameras are all turned to line so they shouldn't be picking up sound anyway. Is there anyway to just cut all the sound out? So that's it's not included in the encoding process?

Question - Strem read error in TMPGenc No.42234
golden  2004-08-30 18:49:33 ( ID:4cdjquzgw1a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When converting with TMPGenc 2.521.58.169 I got an error message when getting to 99% which says "Strem read error", any ideas?

I checked the avi files which I'm trying to convert and they are fine!!!

Question - slow convertion No.42231
Rozegeur  2004-08-29 00:23:18 ( ID:trqe0gsytpl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have 512 RAM en 1.5 ghz, yet it takes hours and hours (10 to 12) to convert avi files of appr. 150 minutes to mpeg2 format with TMPGEnc.
This can't be normal!
I've tried different settings on different sites, nothing changes.


Kika  2004-08-30 08:38:21 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK, what did you do? What sizes? Any Filtering? What are your Settings?

On your maschine, encoding should take 1.5 - 10.5 x the play lenght of the Video, depanding on your settings.

ashy  2004-08-30 09:33:14 ( ID:aa91hwfybyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would estimate about 5-6 hours for a movie of that length using standard settings with your CPU.
To give you a guide TMPG encodes in real time using my PC running at 3.2GHZ with DDR ram, which would be 2.5 hours for this movie. Yours would be double that at least.

To speed up the process:
1. Do not use 2 pass

2. Do *NOT* use the 'Highest' quality setting for motion search precision (you will not see any benefit at all using this setting). If you are encoding for DVD then use 'Estimate'

3. Ensure all the optimizations are enabled for your CPU type in general settings.

4. Do not use any filters especially the 'Noise' filter.

5. Ensure your priorities are set right in the VFAPI plugins. Generally the 'Directshow file reader' should be top of the list.

The speed will also be dependent on the quality of the output you are encoding. If it is full resolution then that would decrease the speed also.

If you are still unhappy with the speed then I suggest you change encoder because TMPG focuses on quality not speed.
The fastest and best quality is CCE, but also the most expensive. However it will encode a 2 hour movie in 1 hour on my machine and takes a lot more knowledge to use.

The Mainconcept encoder also is pretty fast, just slightly slower than CCE, quality is very good if set up right and a lot cheaper than CCE.

Having said this I think TMPG offers more than any other encoder and produces excellant results if correctly used.
Non of the above encoders can touch TMPG for it's MPEG1 abilities and features.

Question - KVCD No.42229
Yatti  2004-08-28 06:52:49 ( ID:lgfdrbf9q6g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I suggest everyone check out the site provides all the info needed to burn and create vcd that have optimal parameters and it is working out great for me so far.. thants TMPGEnc net..

ashy  2004-08-28 09:33:35 ( ID:aa91hwfybyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

We've all been there, done that, got that T-shirt thanks.....

Question - VDR files not supported - after installing sp2 final No.42225
Big_Bang  2004-08-27 19:58:38 ( ID:q8cnriqnfmj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi there, i'm using TMPGenc 2.521.58.169
Core Version - 1.98.152

and after installing SP2 Final, when i'm trying to set VDR file as video source, i get an error massage says :

"blabla.vdr can't open or unsupported"

how can i fix it?!


Kika  2004-08-27 21:31:47 ( ID:uuwxt3imncn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Reinstall Windows XP without SP2... Or pray for a new Version of TMPGEnc 2.5x.

ashy  2004-08-28 09:32:10 ( ID:aa91hwfybyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Go to the Virtualdub installation folder then run 'AuxSetup.exe' then click the 'Install handler' button.
'OK' everything then exit. Restart your machine and then start the frame server again and try and load the .VDR into TMPG.

If it doesn't load into TMPG still then Go to Options>Enviromental settings>VFPAI plugins and raise the priority of the 'VFW reader' to 2 and ensure it is top of the list.

If you still have problems open another instance of Virtualdub and load the .VDR into that.
If it fails to load then the frame server client isn't installed correctly. I would then suggest trying the whole procedure again.

Boshond  2004-09-25 12:03:52 ( ID:yb7n6hjpbok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try this:
Go to the Virtualdub installation folder then run 'AuxSetup.exe' then click the 'Install handler' button.
'OK' everything then exit. Restart your machine and then start the frame server again and try and load the .VDR into TMPG.

>hi there, i'm using TMPGenc 2.521.58.169
>Core Version - 1.98.152
>and after installing SP2 Final, when i'm trying to set VDR file as video source, i get an error massage says :
>"blabla.vdr can't open or unsupported"
>how can i fix it?!

Question - No Audio after System (Video+Audio) Conversion No.42223
Shakotah  2004-08-26 20:47:28 ( ID:ghtouhwp2og )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I got a problem with TMPGENC, but im not sure if its the program or the video itself. I read other posts, and tried some of their solutions, but it doesnt work. The audio in the properties menu describes them as "Lame MP3" (Not sure what that means) and its the same for all of my videos, working and not working ones. So, i tried extracting the audio from the video using Adobe Premiere Pro. When i extracted the video, i was shocked, to find the Audio is COMPLETELY EMPTY, as if there was no audio. (the lines stuff to tell the computer the noise to make) And i knew this doesnt make sense, cause before, there was audio on the AVI file, and after finding the NO AUDIO in the video, i checked the video again, to make sure, but there is sound. I somewhat don't know whats happening here. All the other videos work, with same settings and stuff, and some dont, and also have extended time lines after encoding with TMPGEnc with those that dont work. Please help me.

gravity  2004-08-27 15:40:38 ( ID:j9nmw2szoza )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the audio property is refering to LameMP3, do you have Lame installed on your PC? If not do a search through a search engine, download and install.
Then point Tmpgenc to the lame.exe file within your environment settings.
Thats the only part that refers to Lame in Tmpgenc.

I dont understand what you mean by there was no audio in Premiere but you know its there. Its either there or it isnt. Use something like Gspot to examine the file and see what teh actuall properties of the file are.

-R V T .......

Question - no audio with OpenDML AVI No.42220
gravity  2004-08-26 20:03:20 ( ID:qpodiabomkj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If someone has an answer it would be great to save time otherwise ill have to do it the long way, here goes.

I need to convert AVI > Mpeg as to burn to SVCD.
First I get the green block thing, which's cool, i have fixed that by telling Tmpgenc to use the OpenDML VFAPI plugin as Gspot says.
But now there is no audio associated! There's audio when it uses the directshow plug but its got the green block thing goin' on.
And when I look at the tip for Microsoft Mpeg-1 Decoder it says that it uses Directshow, no mention of OpenDML.

I have not had problems before as I suppose the AVIs have used Directshow, but unless someone has a solution for the OpenDML audio decode, I'll just have to extract the audio from the AVI and point Tmpgenc to the WAV file.

Any help is appreciated.

R V T .............

Kika  2004-08-27 21:34:25 ( ID:uuwxt3imncn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use ffdshow as Decoder. Enable VfW in ffdshow. Use normal AVI VFAPI.
Use ffdshow as Decoder. Activate postprocessing in ffdshow. Use DirectShow

ashy  2004-08-28 09:37:53 ( ID:aa91hwfybyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Go to Options>Enviromental settings>VFAPI plugins
Raise the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to 2 and make it top of the list.

If the problem still exists after this install FFDSHOW. No need to mess with any of the settings in FFDSHOW it will have priority over other codecs anyway.

Question - Floating Point Error No.42218
Hyena  2004-08-25 17:13:28 ( ID:yv5denvs/vl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use DVD2SVCD to create Video DVDs from my avi files but after DVD2SVCD runs TMPGEnc and finishes encoding I get error "Floating Point Division by zero". What is this and what can I do about it?

gravity  2004-08-26 20:08:53 ( ID:qpodiabomkj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think I had this problem when I first used Tmpgenc.

Try raising the priority of your Directshow VPAFI Plug-in.

Open Tmpgenc,
in the main screen click,
Option > Environmental Setting... > VFAPI Plug-in
Right Click the "DirectShow Multimedia File Reader" and select "Higher Priority" until it's one above everything else.

Remember what it was incase im wrong so you can change back.

Try converting a small movie file and see if it works :)

R V T ...

Question - Audio Problem at the end of an MPEG No.42211
Ditzt  2004-08-25 17:06:38 ( ID:4j1ccubzsd. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I'm using TMPGEnc-2.521.58.169-Free, and have seen the same problem with TMPGEnc-2.521.58.169-Plus.

I have a 2min 7sec uncompressed AVI I created with lightwave and edited together using ULead Media studio. The audio is embedded in the file. I've tried encoding in a number of formats (CQ, CQ_VBR etc) at a number of quality levels, but I always get the same problem.

The audio stops when I reach about 2 mins, and the video continues on to the end. Then once the video has finished the last 7 seconds of the audio plays.

Any ideas?

(Audio is Layer-2 44100Hz 192kbps)

ashy  2004-08-26 17:13:56 ( ID:aa91hwfybyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Extract the audio to a wav with Virtualdub and use that as your audio source.

ashy  2004-08-26 17:17:58 ( ID:aa91hwfybyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I jus re-read your post.
You say the audio in the AVI is MP2? That's unusual for an AVI.
However if that is indeed the case then you don't need to re-encode the audio at all.
Just demux it with a suitable program such as Virtualdub.
Create a video only MPEG then remux it with your audio using the MPEG tools in TMPG.

Ditzt  2004-08-26 17:33:02 ( ID:4j1ccubzsd. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'll give that a go, cheers.

The only reason I went with MP2 was I'd already tried the other formats, and had the same problem.

Ditzt  2004-08-26 17:45:37 ( ID:4j1ccubzsd. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Tried using separated out audio and still have the same problem (using mpeg1 audio this time)

Anymore ideas?

ashy  2004-08-27 08:31:51 ( ID:aa91hwfybyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hang on a minute, you got me confused...are you saying that the original audio in the AVI is 'NOT' actually MP2?

The way your post reads is that your AVI has MP2 audio, but I guess you mean that is the format you are attempting to encode to.
What is the audio format in the AVI?

In any case extracting the audio to a wav with Virtualdub should solve the problem, however you MUST do this procedure correctly.
You need to select 'Full processing' and then select 'PCM' as the compression method.
When done the output file should be quite large, if it isn't you haven't done it correctly.

Iam guessing your AVI contains VBR MP3 which is common for causing problems.

Ditzt  2004-08-28 16:16:03 ( ID:4j1ccubzsd. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Cheers for the suggestion, but the original AVI contains 16 bit PCM.

When I split it out using virtualDub, I did have full processing mode selected, and the output file was also 16bit PCM.

You are correct, the audio formats I refered to were the ones I had tried to encode in the mpeg.

Request - Why does TMPGEnc stop while converting? No.42210
Taurus50  2004-08-25 15:05:02 ( ID:kmuinhlsjww )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does anyone know why TMPGEnc suddenly stops working without any message? Here is what I do:

1. I use Virtual VCR and the huffyuv codec to capture.
2. I load the captured file into VirtualDub 1.5.10 to edit the video
3. I start the framserver in VirtualDub
4. I then use TMPGenc 2.5 to create a PAL DVD mpeg using the edited video

The Direct Show priority is at +2. I have done this over and over again, with different captured files. Once only a message showed up: Read error occurred at address 000922F4 of module TMPGEnc.exe with 0DDD8230. Any idea what that means? And what do I do wrong?

Question - Non-standard aspect ratio No.42207
wiley  2004-08-25 13:43:39 ( ID:c.b/e5akd/k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an AVI video file with a non-standard aspect ratio (576x320 frame size).
I'd like to convert it to VCD format using TMPGENC. I tried all combinations
of source aspect ratio and whether to keep aspect ratio in advanced settings.
But the output video kept being a little bit stretched or squeezed. Has anyone
been able to convert a non-standard aspect ratio (other than 5:3, 16:9...) to
VCD format? Is there a way to custom specified the source aspect ratio in



gravity  2004-08-27 15:51:05 ( ID:j9nmw2szoza )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

All you should need to do is select "Full Screen (keep aspect ratio)" on the advanced tab in the MPEG Settings.
The prog. should just stretch/compress the frame until 2 sides are on the edge and then it will fill the top & bottom with a border.
You might get a little stretch due to the standards of VCD.
Maybe try SVCD as it has slightly different aspects ratios, but i dont know how big your file is.

-R V T ..........

ashy  2004-08-28 09:45:07 ( ID:aa91hwfybyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

576x320 is a PAL 16:9 aspect ratio.
Simply select '16:9 (PAL)' as the source aspect ratio under advanced settings then 'Full screen(keep aspect ratio)' as the 'Video arrange method'

For future reference if you encounter a non standard aspect ratio that TMPG doesn't support then you can use the 'Clip frame' filter to adjust the aspect ratio to your satisfaction.
You will find this setting under 'Advanced>Clip frame>Arrange setting' then select 'Center(custom size)' from the drop down menu.

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