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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
After 12 hours encoding during which everything seemed fine it all went quiet and inactive and I saw that the last log message was 'failed to make a cue file'..
Ok, I'm not being funny about this, but I would appreciate it if you would use the search function next time.
This is probably the most common question on this board. I have answered it myself god know how many times and I'm just fed up of repeating myself.
You need to get the XviD codec. Go to to get a "Precompiled XviD Codec." Then it will work. The XviD is an open-source codec.
Take pity on me! Completely new to all this - am (rather naughtyily i admit) downloading movies for my kids to watch. These tend to come off kazaa and tend to be avi files. Some of them convert fine, on others TE seems to be having trouble reading the audio part of the files. When i try and load them for conversion, i get a message saying the audio file is not supported.
What i basically want to know is - what on earth is the problem, and can it be fixed? I'd like to beg anyone who feels charitible enough to respond to this to bear in mind just how technically inept i am, its a wonder i can change a light bulb! Please, please explain with instructions suitable for a five year old.
If i smile cheekily enough, will someone divulge their email address so i can talk directly to them about this?
By the way on a side note, I would avoid Kazaa for movies. Many of them are corrupt in some way or have viruses attached and it's also too slow and full of spyware.
If you want the latest movies or anything else for that matter check out Bittorrent. There is nothing that will download faster.
Right - i shall follow your instructions to the letter sah! <salutes>
erm.......if i have problems (and i will inevitably have problems) would you mind terribly if i bugged you again with a barrage of helpless questions? Or will you get frustrated and make the 'spazz' face at your computer, vibing it down your connection to hit me?
I get the following message when i try to ecode from avi to mpge1 "read error occured at adress ... of module TMPGen.exe with ...... When i look at the preview in TMPGE everything is ok. The avi has no bad frames, all codecs are installed but what's going wrong?
First of all go to Options>Enviromental settings>VFAPI plugins and raise the priority of the 'Directshow reader' to 2 or 3 and make it top of the list.
If that doesn't sort it download and install FFDSHOW.
After encoding some AVI files to mpeg, sometimes I only have 1/2 second of audio and then nothing more. Video looks fine.
Audio file is created with Adobe Premiere
If I export the files separately from Premiere (avi without audio and WAV file) then provide them as separate input, everything works fine.
Has anybody experienced this kind of problem? Do you have any solution?
Sorry about stupped question.
All the time what I stoped convertation
and after any time try to continue -
it's start from "start point".
What's wrong?
Sorry for the double post. Confused the meaning of title. LOL.
Good day to you all. I have this problem I hope expert here can help me.
I try to merge 2 mpg files using TMPGEnc. It merge & play successfully but whenever it reach the point of joint, it would sound a short beep. What cause this? Anyway to solve it?
Good day to you all. I have this problem I hope expert here can help me.
I try to merge 2 mpg files using TMPGEnc. It merge & play successfully but whenever it reach the point of joint, it would sound a short beep. What cause this? Anyway to solve it?
So that's why people post with that daft 'Mr' subject line is it!
When you join ensure you click the 'Correct' button first.
If that doesn't cure it then try moving the join a few frames. I.E take a few frames off the end of the first part or take a few off the beginning of the second part.
There are people having the same mistake as me?? :D
>So that's why people post with that daft 'Mr' subject line is it!
I tried all this before. Hopefully you still have other solution?
>When you join ensure you click the 'Correct' button first.
>If that doesn't cure it then try moving the join a few frames. I.E take a few >frames off the end of the first part or take a few off the beginning of the >second part.
Need help. I just downloaded the 2.5 and I'm trying to convert some of my AVIs. I'm using Pinacle Studio AV/DV to capture videos then edit them with Adobe Premier Pro. From there I export my video to Microsoft DV AVI. From that, I take the DV AVI file and convert it using TMPGEnc 2.5. Thing is when I do that, like I said, I end up with a blank video. Anyone seen this? Any know what I need to do?
Another thing is when I export the video using Studio 9 to AVI then use TMPGEnc, it converts just fine. So why not the videos I make with Premier?
Hope anyone can help. Thanks in advance for anyone who'll try.