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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have some MPEG-2 recordings from my DVD recorder with resolution 352x576. I want to convert them into 720x576 but when I try to open the files in TMPEG, it says "File [file].mpg can not open, or unsupported." Can the free TMPEG not convert MPEG-2 to MPEG-2?
Why do you want to convert them to 720x576?
If you intend to put these MPEG2 files on DVD then you probably don't need to re-encode them.
352x576 is a valid DVD compliant resolution as long as the output is 4:3 which is more than likely seeing as your DVD recorder made them, however most DVD players won't have a problem with 16:9 output either.
Re-encoding to 720x576 will simply be a waste of time, quality and quite likely create a bigger file size.
I can answer your original question, but I don't think it is really necessary, just simply author the MPEG as it is.
The free TMPGEnc can only encode to MPEG-2 for a trial of 30 days I think. But the TMPGEnc Plus can accept MPEG-2 as input and output to MPEG-2 as long as you have the MPEG-2 plugin.
I need to master my dvd with Adobe Encore DVD which will only accept 720x576 for PAL 4:3. I installed the free edition of TMPEG yesterday so it should still be able to work but I will not accept this file.
Strangely enough, I'm not even able to open the MPEG fil in VirtualDUB. It says that it detects no frames. But the file plays fine in Windows Media Player and WinDVD.
Does anyone have a clue why I can't open this file in TMPEG?
So you want to use adobe? What kind of DVD authoring program is this that doesn't accept perfectly compliant Mpeg2 files anyway? You can trick this program into accepting the file by using DVDpatcher
Just load the file and change the resolution to 720x576. After you have finished authoring the MPEG just run the patcher on the VOBS and change the resolution back to the origianl one.
If you don't want to go down this route and I can't really see a reason why anyone wouldn't then you will need to install a TMPG compatible MPEG2 codec or use TMPG plus.
You can find the codec you need here:
Virtualdub will not open MPEG2 files unless you have the modified versions such as Virtualdubmod.
Adobe DVD Encore didn't want to work with the modified files. I will try to find a different dvd authoring program, maybe Sonic DVD Producer will work.
Can anyone recommend a professional (not a regular consumer program that can only do few things) like Adobe's?
It depends on the level of authoring you want to do.
I use DVDlab which practically does anything though it does have one or two limitations.
DVDmaestro is pretty good, but for total DVD compliance theres only Scenarist.
I have a problem...
I want to get a movie (MPEG-2) and a subtitle-file (*.sub) into one(1) file. But the problem is that when I want to preweiv my project in TMPGEnc the subtitles doesn't show. But they do show in Win Media Player!!! Does anyone know what the problem might be???
Try raising the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to 2 or 3 or try loading the subs directly into FFDSHOW. If that doesn't work you will need to use VOBSUB.
>how do you mean - "load the subtitles directly into ffdshov"??
Exactly as I said load them directly into FFDSHOW.
If not you need to configure VOBSUB to automatically load any subs in the same folder as the movie.
I use vobsub! when I play the movie in mediplayer I can se the green rrow and eberything works fine. But then when I open the movie in TMPGEnc I can't se any subs, nor can I se the green arrow???
Do you know if any settings might be wrong, or what??
i do have a problem.... I've tried raising the priority of the directshow file reader, it's now 3 and it's in the top of the list...
I found a guide on that tells you what you should do!
So in the beginning it worked but now I don't know what has happend! It doesn't work any longer... As I said before it works perfect in Media Player, it's just when I want to play it in TMPGEnc it doesn't work... I've tried downloading it again but it's the same result.... Do you have any idea what it might be??
I've given up on FFDSHOW so I tried using VobSub, but that does'nt work! I think it have to be some wrong settings in VobSub or in TMPGEnc, because it works fine when I play the movie in Mediaplayer.
When I start TMPGEnc the little green arrow does not apere.... Why?? It used to work so I don't know what has happend! I've tried using diffrent formats on the movie, such as avi, svcd.....
Look this what I want you to do:
Make sure u have the latest FFDSHOW installed and make sure it is configured to decode the file you are attempting to import into TMPG. I.E. make sure XVID is checked. Uninstall any other MPEG 4 codecs such as XVID, DIVX..etc
Next Click 'Direct VOBSUB configure' in Start>Programs then click the 'General' tab and under the heading 'Loading' select 'Always load' from the drop down menu then apply and OK it.
Make sure the subs have exactly the same name as the AVI apart from the extension ofcourse then check with mediaplayer to see if the subs show.
Ensure TMPG is configured as I have said previously then load your AVI. Goto File>Preview and check for subs, the arrow and subs should now be visible.
I have recently run into the same problem with TMPG. I used to be able to burn all subtitles into my movies with Directshow VFAP set to highest priority and installing DirectVobsub. Was doing this for over a year with TMPF successfully encoding evefrything I threw at it. Started having problems with XVID encoded AVI's. Since more and more movies were coming out in XVID, I searched the forums of and several other places and they all came up with the same suggestions. Uninstall the Nimo pack codecs (which I used succesfully for quite a while), install ffdshow, configure its codec for XVID, turn on the subtitle option in ffdshow etc. Did not work. The subtitles load automatically in the media players but not in TMPG anymore. Now I can't get TMPG to hard burn any subtitles at all. TMPG doesn't seem to load directshow anymore. I believe I somehow screwed up a registry or TMPG setting. BTW, presently I have the K-Lite Codec pack installed (although I installed the newes XVID codec and the newest Vobsub and directvobsub directly from files obtained throuhg their websites). Every thing seems to work OK except I CAN'T GET TMPG TO LOAD THE SUBTITLES. Would appreciate any suggestions.
i use tmpgenc and vobsub to make divx with subtitles..
NOw When I try to make one, the program close.. when
it try to put the subtitles with vobsub..
i used DVD2AVI to convert to avi files and created a WAV file
now to TMPGEnc: the avi file for the video source; WAV file for the audio source
Problem: during the process of encoding....TMPGEnc suddenly stopped and displayed a message saying it cannot encode any left me with 16 mins of remaining time...(and i waited for more than 1 HOUR!!) there anyway i can continue?? or i have to start all over?? and why did it happen??
When i select a source file to convert to mpeg (normal avi file, divx video codec, and wmaudiodecoder DMO audio codec) i get nothing in the 'audio file' field, where normally it would automatically list the same file name as entered for video. When i try to manually enter this file, i get a message saying it can no open this file, or it is unsupported. Is there anyway around this?
What codec do I use for XviD MPEG-4? I only have FFDSHOW and FFVFW. What do I need to check off? When I play the movie, it seems fine but in certain points, there are these trailing purple colors. At first, I thought it was a corrupted file but when I viewed it on another computer, it wasn't like that. I'm viewing this in Virtualdub.
Just make sure you don't have any other codecs installed apart from FFDSHOW. Uninstall XVID, DIVX and 3IVX codecs.
Disable raw video decoding in FFDSHOW also and it may also help to disable FFDSHOW when using FFVFW and Virtualdub.
For FFVFW, I have the Encoder at MPEG-4. Bitrate is 900 Kbps. The FOURCC is FVFW. Mode is One Pass - Constant Bitrate. I only checked off XVID.
For FFDSHOW, I checked off XVID, DivX 3, DivX 4, DivX 5. On the Supported Output Colorspaces, I checked off I420, YV12, YUY2, YVYU, UYVY, RGB32, RGB24, RGB16, RGB15. "Use Overlay Mixer" is NOT checked.
Even if I deselect everything in FFDSHOW and then use Virtualdub to play the movie, the color glitch still appear.
Ok, uncheck all the codecs in FFDSHOW. Check to make sure you have no other codecs installed especially from any of those crazy codecs packs which are guaranteed to cock up your system.
Make sure XVID is checked in FFVFW only. Load the AVI into Virtualdub. Now click file information and check the decompressor info. It should say FFVFW MPEG-4 codec.
Also for now make sure that you don't have 'Directdraw acceleration enanbled under 'Options'
Click the second play button NOT the first and check the output. If you still have the same problem then click 'Options' and select 'Directdraw acceleration'
This time click the first button not the second otherwise playback will be slow, but be aware that this will only show the input video.
As a last resort I would disable FFVFW and FFDSHOW and just simply install the latest XVID codec and see what happens.
If the problem still exists then I can only guess there is a problem with the file itself.
Will you send a/some good (x)SVCD templates?
Maybe some good DVD templates too?
And now your at it maybe some (x)VCD templates?
KVCD... been there, tried that. I'm into quality not quantity.
And to the question you don't like Ashy:
How is the complete syntax of a .mcf file?
As you state in other messages, you have posted, if not all, then some syntax.
I've searched for hours now and read hundreds of messages (that you've answered since late 2001) but no hit.
I would like to make some (x)VCD and (x)SVCD templates/wizards for my kid brother, since he is a newbie to TMPEnc.
On page 1 of the wizard I need the ability to choose from CBR/VBR and PCM/MP2.
On page 4 of the wizard I need the ability to select Video resolution, Average video bitrate, Audio bitrate, Media with Auto setting.
I've grabbed some code from a template, but don't if it's the way to do it:
MPEG.WizardAutoChooseList.VideoSize = <
MinVideoBitRate = 0
Width = 240
Height = 480
VideoEncodeMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_VideoEncodeMode_Progressive_32Pulldown
FrameRate = 1
AspectRatio = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1000000
Width = 352
Height = 480
VideoEncodeMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_VideoEncodeMode_Progressive_32Pulldown
FrameRate = 1
AspectRatio = 2
Templates received. And yes, I've figured out my self to put the templates in same folder and use the same WizardCategoryName and different SubFormatName. In fact I get a sub category by entering 'xSVCD/xSVCD PAL'.
Templates should have been PAL though, my fault. If you read this Ashy and you're in a good mode, plz post some good SVCD PAL templates.
I'm very new to Video Editing. I have Quick Time movie I took with my Digital Camera. The lighting in video is very dark. How can I reprocess the QT movie so it is brighter?
It's very difficult to pinpoint this problem, but I wanted to post this in case anyone else finds it so they know they're not alone.
I am making MPEG-2 files for DVD-PAL with mp2 audio.
I've never had any problem with a file encoded as a CBR but about 1 in 3 that I have tried to encode as VBRs produce a file which plays perfectly on the PC using any media player I choose and I can author a DVD and burn it without a problem. The resultant DVD will play in PowerDVD or WinDVD without a problem. But playing the DVD in a DVD player (I tried several) and the video will freeze occasionally, always at the same points, while the audio continues. The video then jumps to the correct frame after a second or 2.
This is no longer a problem for me because I've given up encoding as VBRs now.
TMPGEnc does not honour it's maximum bitrate setting in VBR and will often produce peak bitrates of 1000 bps more than you specify. So if you are encoding streams with a maximum around 9000, there may be sections that are 10000+ and this will cause standalone player to choke.
You should set the min to 2000 and the max to 8000, under or over that and you are risking choking your player.
I have seen this problem fixed also by dropping the VBV buffer down.
I have used DivX 2.2 and TMPENGenc to assist me encoding a DVD film into VCD using Nero. Nero (version 5.5) shows the disc was burnt sucessfully. When play in Window Media Player version 8 it wont play. A message saying file currently on the CD is CDI , EXT, MPEGAV, SEGMENT, VCD. I opened the VCD folder which revealed non exe files. Oddly enough it will play in Win DVD but not on its own in my DVD rom drive or in WMPLayer.
Have I not done something wrong, do I need some file association to get it work? any advice is mosst welcome
I have a similar problem using WinME (Win95 is fine) and I have yet to get to the bottom of it. What appears to be happening with Windows 98 and later is that Windows detects that the CD is a VCD and locks the files somehow so that they can only be read as a video stream. Media player tries to read the files and so fails, DVD players read the video stream.
It may, however, be something to do with the CD drivers; I gave up trying to solve this a while ago because there's nothing on the www or the Microsoft knowledge base.
Thanks Bob for taking time out to reply, I have solved it! I knew it would play on a DVD software player like PowerDVD or WinDVD but I couldnot distribute these software ( they were big in size) to friends if they wanted to watch my movie. While browsing a magazine which had a cover VCD I read the instructions which basically said if WMP wont play the VCD do the following:
open the drive which has the VCD in it, double click on it, select MPEGAV folder. Left click on this folder, right click on MPEGAV and select open.
The file AVSEQo1.Dat appears, left click it, right click it choose OPEN WITH,
select WINDOWS MEDIA PROGRAM from the list of programs shown. Thats it, you will need to go through this each time you want to watch vcd on Wmp, the image is on the sentre of the screen measures about four inches by 3 inches but the resolution is very clear and there is no delay in speech or motion. I can tell you I was mighty please when it worked.
Of course I will use WinDVD which came with Nero but for all my friends who dont have DVDsoftware player I have written out the 'structions for them to follow. I hope this helps Bob
Just distribute the 'Mediaplayer classic' .EXE with your VCD's or Videolan player.
They can be run directly from the .EXE and will play almost ALL file types.
To play VCD/SVCD in Mediaplayer classic simply select File>Open CDrom and then just select the drive that contains the disk you want to play.
To Open VCD with VIdeolan player click File>open disk then select VCD.
Now I have a new camera (Panasonic DGVX100A)that can shoot in real progressive 25p PAL MiniDV.
I convert in DVD PAL using the your wizard but the result is a little bit jerky video (on vertical lines like "strobo" effect) in the left-right pan of the camera shoots.
How I can avoid this?
Is there a sw that reproduce the 2:2 pulldown of telecine? (Each frame splitted in two field?)
You say you are experiencing interlace lines even though your camera captures to true progressive?
It doesn't sound like your camera is capturing to true progressive at all otherwise you wouldn't be experiencing this effect.
What you are really saying is that the camera actually captures the fields in the same frame hence the 2:2 pulldown. This is not true progressive, however when encoding you should be able to treat it as progressive.
Don't encode to interlaced, encode to progressive frames. The output will be better anyway.
Your DVD player will take care of the interlacing. I always encode PAL streams to progressive frames.
Just ensure you have the field order correct, in fact you should be able to set the input as progressive also and not even bother about the field order.
The camera is the best now, in indipendent production. Some people shoot progressive, edit and mixdown in progressive and then digitally blow up in film 16mm or 35mm (a RGB+y 4 lasers print each frame), winning some Film Festivals.
It is a real bundle!!!!
The question is: how I recognize the exact field order? The wizard tell me "interlaced field order B", but the camera makes a complete frame 720x576 25 times each second without field A or field B.
I' don't know if the DVout file is interlaced or progressive. Probably video out is interlaced but the DV file is progressive. This the reason for the film blow up capabilities.
Do you know in wich way can I avoid the "strobo" effect (left and right pan) in the final mpeg2 file?
My dvd player ( a strong Sony 735d) does'not correct the defect. Only using plasma displays with "100hz or progressive function", the effect disappear.
I would like to make the right shoot in order to give the best quality in progressive and in interlaced.
For sure the image quality of progressive is the best I've never seen. It is comparable to film.
I've tried to solve it creating an AVI (RGB uncompressed, very big file 20Gb) with Motion Blur in Virtualdub, but it makes "trails" (wakes) in the vertical objects.
Do you know any sw that recreate the 2:2 pulldown without artefacts?
However it seems to also indicate that as long as the intended output is progressive there should be no problem.
It seems you are not actually encoding to progressive, but are attempting to encode to interlaced from progressive material.
It seems TMPG is detecting the material as interlaced which in a sense is true as the camera splits the frame into 2 fields but both fields are in the same frame, so for all intents and purposes the file can be treated as progressive. Therefore ignore what TMPG detects and set the input manually to 'Non-interlace' you can then ignore the field order issue.
My advice is to make sure you are indeed encoding to progressive frames.
When using the wizard set the input to 'Non interlace' not 'Interlace' then ensure that the output is set to 'Non-Interlace' also.
You can do this by clicking the 'Expert' button in the final Wizard window.
Under the 'Advanced' tab ensure the 'Encode mode' is set to 'Non-interlace'