TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 92 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question AVI to MPG - Top and bottom of video being slightly cutoff jjspierx 2 2004-01-17 11:35:39
Question AVI to MPG - strange problem jjspierx 7 2004-01-20 22:37:39
Question Completed VCD Hesitates at major scene changes Drayvan 3 2004-02-16 17:40:09
Question AVI to MPEG to VCD cuts picture Mika 2 2004-01-17 11:43:35
Question Completed VCD Hesitates at major scene changes Drayvan 5 2004-01-23 23:57:43
Question Merge & Cut Problem Alphafly 2 2004-01-16 22:44:06
Question users guide.............. 1confusedpuppy 1 2004-01-16 18:58:54
Question AVI to Mpeg? TM 4 2004-01-16 21:35:58
Question DIVX - SVCD NO SOUND ? fritschi 2 2004-01-16 19:05:43
Question Cannot Open, or Unsupported inferno 4 2004-01-19 10:01:06
Question Conversion of mp2 audio after demux Dig 1 2004-01-14 20:18:07
Question Write error occured at address 77F8336F of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000 DeeKaN 1 2004-01-16 19:07:31

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 92 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - AVI to MPG - Top and bottom of video being slightly cutoff No.40624
jjspierx  Home )  2004-01-16 22:06:16 ( ID:st0vkign45g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm encoding some VCD's from AVI's and when I watch the finished product on a TV screen in my DVD player the top and bottom of the video is slightly cutoff. Its not a HUGE ammount, but its enough so tha the VERY bottom of my subtitles are being cuttof sometimes, although I CAN still read them, I would like for there to be a slight gap between the bottom of the subtitles and the bottom of the screen like the AVI shows.

The AVI's are 512x384 which works out be 4.3 the same as 640x480. I thought if the source was already 4.3 and I put that in TMPenc, and then selected full screen(maintain aspect ratio) I should get full screen video with nothin being cutoff. Am I doing something wrong, or is this just something thats normal with watching a VCD on a TV screen?

mickyjuice  2004-01-17 06:19:57 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I'm encoding some VCD's from AVI's and when I watch the finished product on a TV screen in my DVD player the top and bottom of the video is slightly cutoff. Its not a HUGE ammount, but its enough so tha the VERY bottom of my subtitles are being cuttof sometimes, although I CAN still read them, I would like for there to be a slight gap between the bottom of the subtitles and the bottom of the screen like the AVI shows.

try centre (keep aspect ratio) if you dont want any cut offs

ashy  2004-01-17 11:35:39 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is probably a problem with your TV set not TMPG.
It seems your TV has too much overscan. All TV's have a certain amount of overscan to account for slight picture size changes between light and dark scenes.
It seems yours is a tad agressive.

You have two options. Try the suggestion above or use the custom arrange method or have a twiddle with the presets on your TV to correct the overscan.

However if you don't have any technical knowledege of TV's then I wouldn't advise poking around in the back of the TV.

Question - AVI to MPG - strange problem No.40616
jjspierx  Home )  2004-01-16 21:49:46 ( ID:st0vkign45g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been encoding an Anime series from AVI to a DVD-VCD. Everything works fine on all but two of the episodes that I have. They are 512x384 resolution. Each episode is about 23 minutes, abd 240mb's when encoded. For some reason two of the episodes are 625mb after encoding(or close to that, I'm at work and can't see the exact filesizes)and they play without sound. The mpg shows that these episodes are 1h05m when they are supposed to be 23 minutes. Anytime after 23 minutes the video is just black for the remainder of the 1h5m of the video. I've tried rencoding these 2 episodes many times wit different settings, but each time I get the same results. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

mickyjuice  2004-01-17 06:14:15 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

use 'source range' in tmpgenc to set your start frame and end frame, meaning you tell tmpgenc exactly what to encode (the 23mins not 1hr), thus cutting out blackness at end of video

>For some reason two of the episodes are 625mb after encoding(or close to that, I'm at work and can't see the exact filesizes)'and they play without sound'

is there no sound thru out the video????

mickyjuice  2004-01-17 06:21:57 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>is there no sound thru out the video????

thru out the 'Whole' video it should read

Minion  2004-01-18 01:26:28 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Or just take the File you allready encoded and just cut the extra Black Video off of the end of the File useing Tmpgenc"s "Merge & Cut"...this way you do Not have to re-encode the file....

mickyjuice  2004-01-18 12:30:48 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>just take the File you allready encoded and just cut the extra Black Video off of the end of the File useing Tmpgenc"s "Merge & Cut"...this way you do Not have to re-encode the file....

or that

jjspierx  2004-01-19 09:19:41 ( ID:njxstyytwxw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks, but the video plays without sound, so cutting off the excess still won't solve the problem.

Spidey  2004-01-20 08:54:31 ( ID:853mykitmhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to extract the sound from the file and then input it under the audio setting. To do this, find a program such as avi2wav (get it through Simply select the file, run the program, and it will spit out a wav file you can input as the sound.

Minion  2004-01-20 22:37:39 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What I do is with exery File I am about to encode I run it through a Little Program Called "Decompress.exe" which turns any AVI with compressed audio into an AVI with Uncompressed audio which solves the Problems Tmpgenc has with some audio formats...Cheers

Question - Completed VCD Hesitates at major scene changes No.40612
Drayvan  2004-01-16 19:27:25 ( ID:v.gbgen0fwm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been converting DVDs to VCD, but the completed VCD hesitates at major scene changes, though there is no loss in audio/video synch... I have tried many different configurations for rendering the MPEG-1 file, checked the framerates, GOP settings, etc..., and I've tried different programs for ripping the DVDs and creating the VCDs, so I'm sure the problem is with the TMPGENC, but I can't figure out how to get rid of the hesitation. I use SmartRipper and DVD-Decrypter for ripping, DVD2AVI for frameserving, TMPGENC for creating the MPEG-1 file and VCDEasy or ULead for creating the VCD... Also, I use this on different computers, so I don't think there is a problem there.
Any suggestions would

unclefester  2004-01-19 01:41:01 ( ID:gwqbfawxpth )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Could be a field ordering problem. Check whether it should be bottom-field first or top-field first.

Drayvan  2004-01-22 21:04:03 ( ID:ao3xmyqbj/c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, it's not the field order... that would cause problems throughout the video and alot more problems than I'm experiencing now, thanks though for answering my post!

PassingThru  2004-02-16 17:40:09 ( ID:onpxdd4a3br )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have run into this occasionally, and in many of those cases, I had enabled Scene Change Detection. The interruption of normal MPEG GOP stream this seems to cause is just too much for some source video. Re-encoding again without Scene Change Detection enabled eliminated the "jerk" after a scene change.

Also, and this is just a theory of mine, but I wonder sometimes some folks are being too "dogmatic" about forcing FILM mode (ie, with DVD2AVI, for example) when folks create AVI's from NTSC MPEG2 video streams, resulting in "progressive 23.976fps" video that is jerky when encoded with 3:2 pulldown turned on, when encoding that AVI with TMPGEnc. it's not really TMPGEnc's fault.

That might not even apply here, it sounds more like the first thing to me. But that's just a guess.

Question - AVI to MPEG to VCD cuts picture No.40609
Mika  2004-01-16 19:25:01 ( ID:d.z2bgmtbrk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to make a VCD out of an AVI movie.

The AVI has got the siza 640x352. When I make the MPEG the size is set to 352x288. BUT when i burn the finished mpeg the movie looses an inch on each side.

I burn the movie with Nero and the settings is also set to 352x288

What to do?

mickyjuice  2004-01-17 06:34:26 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

try a different aspect ratio

if you dont want any cut use centre (keep aspect ratio)

ashy  2004-01-17 11:43:35 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Which settings did you use?

Your source is 16:9, so you should use 16:9 display as the source ratio and set the arrange method to 'Fullscreen (keep aspect ratio)'

Question - Completed VCD Hesitates at major scene changes No.40603
Drayvan  2004-01-16 18:54:19 ( ID:v.gbgen0fwm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been converting DVDs to VCD, but the completed VCD hesitates at major scene changes, though there is no loss in audio/video synch... I have tried many different configurations for rendering the MPEG-1 file, checked the framerates, GOP settings, etc..., and I've tried different programs for ripping the DVDs and creating the VCDs, so I'm sure the problem is with the TMPGENC, but I can't figure out how to get rid of the hesitation. I use SmartRipper and DVD-Decrypter for ripping, DVD2AVI for frameserving, TMPGENC for creating the MPEG-1 file and VCDEasy or ULead for creating the VCD... Also, I use this on different computers, so I don't think there is a problem there.
Any suggestions would

Minion  2004-01-16 21:46:42 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This Sounds a Lot Like Bitrate Spikes which Tmpgenc is Notorius for...What happens is the Bitrate will Spike when there are any High Actions scenes or any Change in the Complexity of the Image, and when this Happens your DVD Player has to suddenly Spin the VCD Disk Really fast so it can read the Increased Data rate and when it can"t spin it fast enough then Video will Seem to Slow Down for a second while the DVD player Tries to Catch up to the Data rate...I had this Happen at some Point in a Movie with Probably 75% of all of the VCD"s and SVCD"s I made useing Tmpgenc...There are ways to Try to lessen this effect, Like Don"t use a Higher than Standard VCD Bitrate, and don"t use a VBR Encodeing Method ,I eventually Just switched to another encoder because I could not solve this Problem...Cheers

ashy  2004-01-16 22:50:12 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you using the standard VCD template or are you using your own settings?
It would help is post some info I.E. frame rate of the source file which format you are encoding to NTSC or PAL, the bitrate settings and any others you have changed you have used to accomplish the encoding.

Also at what speed do you burn your disks and with which program?

Drayvan  2004-01-22 20:57:45 ( ID:ao3xmyqbj/c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks guys, what Minion says makes sense, I'd be interested to know what other encoding software you use.

As to Ashy's questions; I've tried both the standard NTSC VCD template and also with tweaks to the bitrate. GOP, and other settings. Most of the sources are NTSC and NTSCFilm (29.7 and 23 fps) and I didn't start changing settings and straying from the VCD NTSC Templates until I found this problem occurring... I've tried switching the bitrate up to 1250 CBR, using 1100-1350 VBR, with GOP edit selected and not, and even without any changes to template settings... I've tried with several different configurations of Filters as well, to see if it had any effect, but nada... I did notice that the hestiation was not as pronounced when I used the AutoVBR setting at 1150-1350 bitrate and a buffer of 40... which is contrary to what Minion suggested, so adds some confusion....

Anyway, I use VCDEasy, ULead, and even Roxio's ECDC to burn the VCDs, and I try to use the slowest speed possible, usually 4x...

Any further help woulsd be and is appreciated!!

ashy  2004-01-22 21:43:13 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You say it hesitates at major scene changes.
Does this happen on your DVD player, PC software player or both?
Have you split the MPEG to 2 disks?

Drayvan  2004-01-23 23:57:43 ( ID:v.gbgen0fwm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Yes, it does it on the DVD player, and sometimes when I play them on my computer's DVD-Rom, and I only splt MPGs from Movies, I have a few series that one episode fits on one CD, so that isn't split....

Question - Merge & Cut Problem No.40600
Alphafly  2004-01-16 12:53:05 ( ID:.xzw.feagh6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I just wanted to Merge two mpg-Files (2 SVCD´s) but when I do the part that is supposed to be the End of the Movie is in Front and the part that is supposed to be the Start of the Movie is at the End!

Can someone help me please!?


Video Guy  2004-01-16 18:52:59 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If they are coming out so that the end is in the front and the front is at the end, then try reversing the order you select them in TMPEnc. Also, select only one file at time, meaning don't select the files by highlighting them all at once, but input them one at a time. Once they are all entered then have TMPGEnc merge them.

Video Guy

ashy  2004-01-16 22:44:06 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You have to put them in the order that you want them merged. I.E. first part top of the list and second part last in the list.

TMPG can't read your mind and know which you want it.

Question - users guide.............. No.40598
1confusedpuppy  2004-01-16 04:56:47 ( ID:eddxhltt4kc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi does anyone know where or how i can get a user manuel for TMPGEnc? not that this forum isnt good.....(:

Video Guy  2004-01-16 18:58:54 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The official manual can be found in the TMPGEnc if you access the help section of the menu bar.

Visit these "unofficial" sites if you need more help:

Video Guy

Question - AVI to Mpeg? No.40593
TM  2004-01-15 21:25:10 ( ID:xoeim9s6oth )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have files saved in .avi format and this program does not recognize the video portion of the file. I have downloaded all necessary codecs and am able to play it in my various players in full, just not able to convert it to mpeg to make VCD.
Any advise?
I do, however, enjoy using this to trim up and edit the mpg files I have - very tidy and reliable!! They have created great VCD copies using Nero to burn.

ashy  2004-01-15 23:18:40 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I suggest you use the search facilty. This question gets asked and answered almost every day.

mickyjuice  2004-01-16 08:11:22 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I suggest you use the search facilty. This question gets asked and answered almost every day.

i agree, or at least be a little more specific

Video Guy  2004-01-16 19:02:10 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What codec are those avi files encoded with?

Did you encode them yourself or download them?

If you encoded them yourself TMPGEnc should be able to open them because that means the codec is installed correctly.

Minion  2004-01-16 21:35:58 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This usually has nothing to do with not haveing the Right codecs ,This can usually be fixed by going to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raiseing the "Direct show File Reader" to "2"...

Question - DIVX - SVCD NO SOUND ? No.40590
fritschi  2004-01-15 08:55:01 ( ID:kgkhrgeoimc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have got 2 divx cd´s and tryed (first time) to make a svcd-cd to visit it at the dvd-player. I only made 1-2 min and burned it on a cd-rw.
the dvd-player plays the track without problems in fine quality. But there is no sound at all.

Can anybody tell me what i have to do to fix this problem. Do i need another program or must i change some settings in tmpgenc

mfg No

Darrell  2004-01-15 14:33:32 ( ID:xqquthtystn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

what is the audio source? ac3?

Video Guy  2004-01-16 19:05:43 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you play the SVCD on your computer is there sound?

Perhaps the sound was never encoded into the SVCD.

You said Divx, are you using vbr audio in the avi container? If so, first convert the audio to a wav file and then re-rencode the SVCD.

Video Guy

Question - Cannot Open, or Unsupported No.40585
inferno  2004-01-14 21:35:17 ( ID:cbixufgjer6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I know this topic has been discussed before. Because I did a search. But none of the answers worked for me. My question is, whenever I try to split a .mpg file that I have already converted with TMPGEnc, it says cannot open,, or unsupported. I have all of the codecs I need. I convert and encode other .mpg files. The only ones that give me this problem are the ones I encode with TMPGEnc.

ashy  2004-01-15 19:03:31 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>My question is, whenever I try to split a .mpg file that I have already converted with TMPGEnc, it says cannot open,, or unsupported.

TMPG would NOT give you this error if you were trying to cut the file. Don't you mean re-encode it?
Where are you actually trying to load the MPEG to cut it and what format is it MPEG1 or MPEG2?

inferno  2004-01-15 19:20:03 ( ID:cbml8gob.kj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yea that is exactly what I'm trying to do. The format is MPEG2.

ashy  2004-01-15 23:16:34 ( ID:hywsrqzufqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Yea that is exactly what I'm trying to do.
What is? Where are you loading the MPEG?

In any case you need an MPEG2 codec to decode MPEG2 files in TMPG or TMPG plus.
Install the one below.

inferno  2004-01-19 10:01:06 ( ID:4wcz.jbdbpw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It worked. Thx...

Question - Conversion of mp2 audio after demux No.40583
Dig  2004-01-14 18:38:11 ( ID:bgxd7/ataaw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an mpg file that I demux using the mpg tools. After it is demuxed there are 2 files a video m1v and an audio mp2. I want to do some editing to the audio file so I was able to open it in one of my editors but had to convert it to a wav to be able to use the audio software that I wanted to edit with.

So now I have a wav file that I assume needs to go back to an mp2 file so I can multiplex it back with the video but neither of my editors have this option.

How do I do this?


ashy  2004-01-14 20:18:07 ( ID:raglol2cjok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just re-encode the .wav to .mp2 with TMPG then re-multiplex it with your video.

Question - Write error occured at address 77F8336F of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000 No.40581
DeeKaN  2004-01-14 15:16:04 ( ID:8outdfezux2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Every time i try to convert from .avi to SVCD i get this | Write error occured at address 77F8336F of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000 | when i am starting and if i try to change "source range", "Clip Frame", and "Noise reduction"

anybody know what to do?

Video Guy  2004-01-16 19:07:31 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If your avi is Xvid or Divx install ffdshow.

This questions has been answered many times before, do a search next time before you post.

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