This forum is for users to exchange information and discuss with other users about a TMPGEnc product.
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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I was wondering about the Motion Search Precision. Usually, I set it at normal when converting this series. It usually takes me 4 and a half hours (slow computer) to complete it. When I set it at "motion estimate search", it took 7 hours. The video is the same length. I also have source range on. So which option would be recommended if I want faster speed, normal or motion estimate search? I know it says it's faster, but's taking me 2 extra hours..
You will get the Best quality by useing the "High Quality" setting as the "Highest quality" setting doesn"t seem to improove the Quality But it does double the Time it takes to encode...Cheers
Since the quality doesn't improve by much over all the options, I guess I will take the option that takes the shortest amount of time. So I guess it would be "normal"?
How come when I converted this file with TMPGEnc the sound doesn't work? When played there audio for 1 sec and then it's gone throughout the show... please help
No encoding program is going to support real audio.
Real audio and real media files should be banished from the earth forever. They are just a pain and a now a pretty useless format.
Hi to all,
my problem is a dixv avi that won't encode to either vcd,svcd,dvd, tried everything sugested on the bbs & read all i can about converting avi to DVD, still no go. Have made many vcd & svcd with no probs, but just having a go at dvd. First time i tried encoding this file though!
It seems to be a problem with the file itself or a codec issue i think.
The avi is conmpressed with divx mpeg4 (low motion). checked for frame faults in vdub, vdub crashed saying error with divxc32.dll. I installed ffshow in tmpeg and increased direct show to 2, still no luck!Tmpgenc crashes and whole pc freezes have to re-boot, the thing is that this film plays all the way though in wmp! so wouldn't have thought there was a fault with it, is there something I'm not doing?
used all standard templates for vcd ,svcd and dvd.
Altered dvd .mcf to cq (70 or 80) 6000 max bitrate (5000 + 4000 too)non worked.
set DC component to 10, set matrix to mpeg standard, but nothing worked!
The LSX encoder that comes with ULEAD Mediastudio 7 has almost no options, whatsoever...
Does anybody know what it is set for internally, so I can set TMPGEnc to mimic it and then tweak TMPGEnc. Currently DVDs burned with DVD compliant Mpeg2 video from ULEAD are the only ones that work in my DVD settop. Ones burned with TMPGEnc NTSC DVD template freeze and resume at certain parts in video or don't play at all.
I'm using VBR 8000kbps, field order a, DV-type1, interlaced, 4:3, 720x480, 29.97fps and have the NTSC-DVD field in Ulead's Mpeg2 settings picked, instead of standard MPEG2, although DVDs worked with standard MPEG2 selected, as well.
This is the TMPG BBS not the Ulead forum and you are still making multiple posts on the same subject, you have at least 9 on this page.
I for one am fed up with your willy nilly posting all over the place.
If you continue to multiple post I will request to have your IP banned.
Here's a tip for you.
Download bitrate viewer then create a short clip with Ulead and create another with TMPG.
Load each one into bitrate viewer then copy and paste the properties of both of the files here, so I can compare them.
This way it may be possible to determine what the actual difference is between them both.
It is not possible to pause the program and then close it, but you can pause it and just move the program out of the way to the edge of your screen by simply clicking the stop button. When you wish to resume just cancel the abort and it will continue.
If you wish to shut your PC down then put it into hibernation. When you restart you can continue where you left off.
I encode my movies to TMPGE and it does the video perfectly but the audio plays for 3 to 6 seconds and then NOTHING. And the audio is scrambled too.
What settings did I do wrong ?
SECONDLY I used Stream Type ES Video/ AUDIO Is that correct?
Worked in past from Adob but not Pinnacle.....
My original files are AVI files from Pinnacle Liquid edition.And they play perfectly in windows media etc etc...
Come to new conclusions.................TMPGEnc does not like the XviD codec. I've tried to convert many movies I've recompressed containing the XviD codec (As XviD can have up to a 10000 bit rate).
So what's your point?
That a hacked MPEG4 codec sometimes has problems with a program that doesn't officially support it? How is this a bug?
However XVID AVI's will work just fine if you configure TMPG correctly to work them and don't use AVI's that are possibly corrupt or downloaded from the net.
If you search this BBS you will find details how to make XVID work fine.
Are you useing AVI2VCD or are you useing Tmpgenc?? What do you Mean by 2 Clips are these 2 Parts of the Same File or are the 2 files of a Different Format??
This is the TMPG BBS.
Why don't you ask your question in the AVI2VCD forum.
The author of TMPG does not support the use of these third party programs with TMPG and hence any problems as such are not TMPG problems, so take your question to the AVI2VCD forum which is where the answer to your problem lies.
Tmpgenc does not Properly convert Pal to NTSC or Visa versa ,Well you can But then you will have to use an Audio Editor to Change the Length of the Audio because when converting 25fps to 23.97fps the audio length is Changed because less Frames a second makes a Longer Video File..So what you do is set the Framerate to 23.97fps with 3:2 Pulldown on Playback then set select the "Do Not Frame Rate Convert" in the Advanced settings and then encode Just the Video to Mpeg..Now you will need to extract the audio from the source File to WAV format and then you will need an audio editor like "GoldWave"..You now Find out the Exact length of the Mpeg Video file and write it down and then load the Audio into GoldWave and use the "Time Warp" Feature to Change the length of the Audio file to the exact Length of the Video File, then render the Wav file and encode it to Mpa audio and Multiplex it with the Video File...You can also use a Good Quality Video editor to do the Conversion cuz Most good editors Like premier or vegas can do proper Frame rate conversions...Cheers
i use virtualdub v1.5.10 (even use virtuadub mod & virtualdub_ac3) to extract ac3 from Xvid avi file. when i try to transcode it to mp2 rempeg just stay at 0%....anyone knows what's wrong with it?
Oh and by the way, you DO NOT extract to an AC3 with Virtualdub unless you are creating a DVD. You should be extracting to a WAV which TMPG will convert to Mp2 no problem.
When Virtual dub extracts AC3 to Wav it It extracts it to an AC3 File with a Wav header, and if you set it to Full proscessing Mode it in Most cases seems to extract to a Blank file..But if you install the AC3 ACM Decompressor then Virtual dub will extract the AC3 directly to wav and with Dolby downmix when Nescessary...Or you can Use AVI-Mix to extract it directly to AC3 and then encode the AC3 to Mp2 with something like "Headac3he" them mux it with the Mpeg tools...
thanx for the response guys. actually i want to transcode ac3 to mpeg 5.1 multichannel stream using rempeg.the movie i dl has 2 parts,1st 1 i transcode it successfully with rempeg but the 2nd part just says at 0%....
>When Virtual dub extracts AC3 to Wav it It extracts it to an AC3 File with a Wav header, and if you set it to Full proscessing Mode it in Most cases seems to extract to a Blank file..But if you install the AC3 ACM Decompressor then Virtual dub will extract the AC3 directly to wav and with Dolby downmix when Nescessary...Or you can Use AVI-Mix to extract it directly to AC3 and then encode the AC3 to Mp2 with something like "Headac3he" them mux it with the Mpeg tools...
Virtualdubmod and Virtualdub_ac3 don't have this problem. It is only Virtualdub which produces the wav header on Ac3 files.
Then you may have a problem with your AC3 file, it may have corrupt frames.
Download Ac3 fix and the GUI from this link: and run you Ac3 through it.
I'm assuming your source is AVI?
It could be your AVI is corrupt.
Three things you can try for now.
1. Completely delete and re-install TMPG
2. Click the 'VFAPI plugins' tab in the 'enviromental settings' and raise the priority of the directshow reader to 2
3. Install FFDSHOW and configure it to decode your source.
Hi again, well nothing else worked and I made another vcd, with no problems so I'm assuming it was corrupt as you said, I've deleted that one and moved on. Thanx for your input anyway, victoria
ULEAD's Field Order A is actually B and vice versa.
The trouble I'm having is that I get video that freezes and then resumes. I've been calling it jerky playback. It only occurs when I encode in TMPGEnc but was not happening with ULEAD's mpeg 2 encoder. TMPGEnc's DVDs (we'll call them that) work fine via WinDVD, though (de-interlaced monitor).
ULEAD's DVDs ran ok in my settop but TMPGEnc's did not.
Tonight, I will try changig field order in TMPGEnc to B, though the source, as far as ULEAD is concerned has been field order A ever since capturing.
This should work because it's the only thing I haven't tried. People here have been telling me to switch field order to B but I was converting my avi in Mediastudio to B, as well. That's why I gave up on fields as being the problem. Every time I sent an avi to TMPGEnc, in all my tests, it was in the reverse field order.
If you load your Source File into Tmpgenc useing the WiZarD then Tmpgenc analizes the File for the Correct Field order and sets it accordingly...I have Found it to Be very Accurate with Most Interlaced Material..I have Had Choppy Playback and/or really Bad Combing even when the Field order was Correct and the Artifacts would show Up No Matter what i did accept if I Used a Deinterlace Filter but I would not advise useing it unless as a Last resort or if you are going to Play the Movie on your PC...You Can also Reverse the Field Order of a Mpeg file without re-encodeing the File, You can use tools Like "Pulldown.exe" or "DoPulldown" to reverce the Field order....good Luck
I knew it wasn't a field order issue. Field Order trouble has always showed up as flickering horizontal lines in my video. This stuff is just hanging up and resuming every now and then. Like I'm hitting a particularly large pocket of data. I've turned off scene detection because I was afraid its penchant for creating extra I-Frames was flooding parts of my video with higher bitrates. But that wasn't it, either. I need to get a analog output device so I can view my VOB folders on a TV before having to burn another DVD.
So if the NTSC DVD template doesn't work for me, what should I tweak on it, given it's pre-assigned parameters? What's the next thing to try?
If you are Getting Interlace artifacts and useing any Field Order setting still produces Jumpy Playback then use One of the Deinterlace Filters in tmpgenc...This will get Rid of all of the Jumpyness..So Just use the same Template as Normal But use a Deinterlace Filter, Usually "Even Field" or "Odd field" will do Fine....Cheers