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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
First of all cut the language or sod off. Secondly a bit more of a description of your problem wouldn't go amiss.
Then we will be able to sort you out.
So if you can't help, i'll be entitled to use the langauge of choice for a free man?
What the subject line says. Ligos3.5, installt, tmpgenc ignores it and say mpeg2 files can't be opened. As everybody else here says: Its hardcoded to ignore most filters (why the hell do they do that)
I bought a copy and still haven't figured out why it is making jerky burns. The LSX encoder with Mediastudio works everytime. I should ask for my money back. Every helpful hint I get is completely different from the last. And any NTSC templates out there seem to be built by someone who's never laid eyes on anything but a SECAM broadcast.
Right Ok, first of all TMPG does not block any filters, but is designed to work with only certain ones for compatibility and if you would do your homework and check the features out in the TMPG download site you would have noticed the list of MPEG2 filters you can use, there are several.
Also if you want MPEG2 encoding ability aswell as MPEG2 decoding capability then if you purchase the TMPG plus version you will find it comes with it's own MPEG2 decoder.
However if you can't be assed to do either then try this codec which seems to be the best one to use with TMPG, now stop your bleeting:
>Right Ok, first of all TMPG does not block any filters,
Yes it does. In old versions the directshow reader support what directshow can do - the new versions do not. Ie, they are blacklisting certain filters (perhaps you have to pay the programmers extra, eh?)
> but is designed to work with only certain ones for compatibility
ie, it blacklists filters.
> and if you would do your homework and check the features out in the TMPG
>download site you would have noticed the list of MPEG2 filters you can use, >there are several.
Hidden in some obscure part of the 'revision history' it claims that the only filters it doesn't block are sony, ligos and cyberlink - however this is not true since i have a ligos codecs installed and it is ignored by the program.
>Also if you want MPEG2 encoding ability aswell as MPEG2 decoding capability
I have MPEG2 decoding capability, just not in Tmpgenc.
>then if you purchase the TMPG plus version you will find it comes with it's >own MPEG2 decoder.
I don't want its crappy decoder. But i guess that explains why they sabotage other codecs (to tray and sell their own).
>However if you can't be assed to do either then try this codec which seems to be the best one to use with TMPG, now stop your bleeting:
I don't see why i should be forced to use some amateur stuff (*) simply because tmpgenc blacklists mpeg2 directshow filters. (* if its not some amateur stuff, sorry - but since the page is filled with unreadable characters its hard to tell, and hardly up to the ligos quality)
I say, stop blacklisting codecs and bring back the original functionality of the Directshow Multimedia filereader!
Amatuer it certainly isn't.
This is one of the best MPEG2 decoders for TMPG there is. The quality is very high, the speed is high and easily on par with the ligos codec if not better.
Anyway I'm tired of your critism so I'll leave you to it.
No solution, but I get the same problem with certain files. Sometimes if I close down TMPGEnc and reopen again, it works. Or sometimes I use the Beta versions of TMPGEnc.
The original file is a WMV. I renmaed to ASF and started the encode process. it works fine until it hits 8%, then it really slows down. Time remaining goes way up. Says it needs 6 more hours. That's a lot for a 15 min file. Help!!!
when converting a divx (avi) file , to mpeg ,ready to go to dvd every thing runs fine until it starts converting and runs ok till it gets to 64% and stops giving an error message (ill run it again to get error mess and post ) . it does it on every film at 64%
Your error is because you have a corrupt AVI, most probably downloaded from the net.
Don't go expecting trouble free encoding with these crappy AVI's cuz they almost always give some sort of error and it is NOT a fault of TMPG.
You have 2 solutions. Either use Virtualdub to mask the bad frames which are causing the proble and then resave the AVI using the direct copy option or frame serve it to TMPG.
I used to see picture running when encoding a Divx AVI file to m2v+wave with
TMPGEnc trial version. Now I have the Plus version but there's no picture
and the burnt DVD comes out with no video. What did I do wrong???
Try going to "Options" to "enviromental settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct Show MultiMedia File Reader" to "2"...and dont Burn a DVD untill you watch the Encoded Mpeg file to make sure it is OK....
I have been reading all the questions and answers about splitting a file using merge&cut. The problem I have is that I select the first 47 minutes and run this and everything is fine. I then set it for the remainder of the file, about another 40 minutes but when I press run all it does is the next 10+ minutes and not the complete range.
Is this something know about or am I doing something wrong?
The jerky playback on my DVD player I am experiencing (perfect on PC) is almost like frames are missing because when I fast forward, the video does not advance until you are going @ 4x normal playback speed. 1x and 2x hang.
I'm using NTSC DVD template for latest version of TMPGEnc PLUS. Authoring with TMPGEnc Author. Just bought both Monday. I use Mediastudio 7 for editing and made sure through Smart Check and convert that all avis imported into TMPGEnc are interlaced, field order A, DV Type-1 with seperate audio in 48kHz 16-bit PCM wav format.
It's almost as if my DVD player is only playing I-frames or something to that effect.
Don't take this the wrong way, but please read the terms and rules of this BBS.
DO NOT keep creating multiple posts on the same subject, it is very annoying and will NOT get your questions answered any quicker.
In fact you will likely get ignored by those that can really help as they and myself don't want to be chasing all your posts around this BBS trying to figure out which one to answer as it can get confusing.
Just stick to ONE thread unless you have a completly different question.
Sorry. I just didn't want my brainstorms to look like someone was answering my question already by showing up as a reply out to the right of it. I really did buy the program and am looking for support on it as it hasn't quite worked just yet. I RRRrrreally don't mean to deflect your excellent answers by appearing to be uncouth, just frustrated as hell. Almost to the point of maniacal laughter. I'll keep it down to one post from now on.
Almost all the posts that I go to to try to find an answer to my problem, I find someone trying to make a VCD (You know, what the free version allows.)
Are there any struggling DVD creators out there? I need your help. Still getting jerky playback on my DVD player. Okay on PC. Yes I used the default NTSC DVD template. Tried it on 3 types of media both DVD-R and DVD-RW but it's not my DVD having difficulty with reading recordable media because I compress in ULEAD and it plays flawlessly on my DVD player. (Looks like crap, though.)
Using the NTSC DVD template as a reference; what setting would be causing this stop and go playback I am encountering? And no it's not FIELD ORDER.
Ok, if you want help then you will have to give us some info. Just telling us you have jerky playback isn't enough, lets have some details.
What bitrates you are using? What is the source format and your output format?
Have you messed with the default GOP settings? What is the media you are using? What speed are you burning at?
Anything else you think is relevant.
Also as a test try changing the VBV buffer setting to 40 and let us know the results.
bitrates: started with 2-pass vbr, then 6000kbps CBR, finally started using DVD NTSC template provided by TMPGEnc. (It defaults to CQ)
source format: Field Order A/DV Type-1, converted all clips to FO B/DV Type-2 to no avail. Now I am back to Field Order A/DV Type-1, which is what my ieee1394 card originally captures in
output format: See source format. Kinda mixed it in. :)
Messed with GOP settings: At 1st yes. Right now using DVD NTSC template.
Media using: MAXELL DVD-Rs and a no name DVD-RW. Both exhibit same problem except when encoder is ULEAD's, then okay but oogly.
Burn speed: 1x for DVD-RW and 2x for DVD-R
The VOB creation tool is TMPGEnc DVD Author. But again DVDs play without skipping on my DVD settop if encoded via ULEAD's Mediastudio 7 MPEG encoder. Ones encoded in TMPGEnc play perfectly on PC but skip on settop DVD.
Oh and I've tried both interleaved audio and wavs seperated from video in 48kHz 16-bit PCM format. Both the audio and the video skip in unison. I say this because I've seen posts where people say the video skips but audio plays.
Again all trouble is experienced on settop DVD player, not WinDVD(didn't mention b4.) Trouble is not there using ULEAD's encoder...
The encoder works perfectly for PC video but even with its NTSC DVD template I get hanging audio and video. Plays for 1 sec and then hangs for 1 sec. Like Ralph Machio trying to drive a standard.
Who built the NTSC DVD template for TMPGEnc and why? I had to use ULEAD's encoder on a sample I sent into a video distribution house.
Oh and by the way everybody, strobe lights are the hardest things to compress because many times they exist only within the space of one frame. TMPGEnc was a wiz at getting rid of artifacts experienced during compressing strobes but there's something keeping me from being able to play it properly on my settop DVD player (SAMSUNG N501).
Right now I'm using a trial version of TEPlus, the newest version. I'd just like to ask why you have deleted the option to encode SVCD lower than 1600kbps for video bitrate in wizard mode. It's still possible thru "Expert settings" but not possible in the fit-for-cd screen, and that's where I'd like it to be. You see, before, I was able to put three ~20min anime episodes onto one cdr. Now I'd have to calculate the bitrate myself, and I see no point in that because TMPgenc has this kind of function already implemented... only now, limited :(
I have 10 source MOV files that are 480x320 and I would like to put them on a disc that I can view on my 16x9 65" HDTV using a progressive scan DVD player that is capable of reading VCDs and SVCDs. What setting would be optimal for this conversion? There are advanced settings such as 3:2 pulldown and such, but I'm not sure which will work best. I would like to preserve the 16x9 ratio (720x480) if possible, but not sure quite how to do that. Any help or ideas on settings for TMPGEnc would be greatly appreciated.