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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I just downloaded the newest free version of tmpgenc and when I tell the program to start processing, I getn an error message that reads "cannot load P3Package.dll". I am using Windows XP. Does anyone know how to resolve this problem. A reply to my email address of would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Thanks, glad someone knows the answer. A program that has a no online support other than a BBS which has 340 pages of complaints and questions, is not worth keeping.
If you had done a search you would have easily found the answer to your question. This same question has been answered countless times already. You said that there are 340 pages of posts, but it is obvious that you didn't take the time to read any of them.
>I just downloaded the newest free version of tmpgenc and when I tell the program to start processing, I getn an error message that reads "cannot load P3Package.dll". I am using Windows XP. Does anyone know how to resolve this problem. A reply to my email address of would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I am trying to overlay a stopwatch or timer counting up in the corner of a movie of a burning chair. Does anyone know where I could find a video file of a counting 'clock'? and I will try to merge it into my existing mpeg.
I'am working with Windows 98 and TMPGEnc.
I'am capturing videos (lots of AVIs, each 1GB) and then encode them with TMPGEnc.
I encoded many videos in the last months, without any Problems (older TMPGEnc Version), then i upgraded to the newest Version 2.521.58.169
Since then, i have problems.
After encoding some AVIs i get an write error.
This time i startet IrvanView and made a screendump:
The File ....009.avi was the last one that encoded perfectly.
Then occured the error.
I then started the task manager, killed the TMPGEnc process.
startet TMPGEnc again and...
... now the file ...010.avi is encoded and at the moment ...011.avi is encoding.
>>> So the Problem is not the file ...010.avi...
Sometimes its necessary to reboot the computer and then it works for a few files.
The last days, i 2 Tips which i found here in the BBS:
1) i renewed the kernel32.dll, to make sure that the DLL is not corrupted.
(the Problem was still there)
2) then i cleaned up the disks (defragmenting)
Does anybody else have an idea, what else could be the problem?
As you Screenshot says, ...009.avi wasn't encodet properly...
Did you install anything other in the last Days?
Did you change the Environmental Settings?
Do you have enough Space on the Drive with the Temp-Files?
Maybe your PC has a RAM- or a Heat-Problem, this can cause this Error.
>>> Did you install anything other in the last Days?
Yes, i reinstalled my whole PC:
The master HD is now partitioned:
C: 1,3 GB: Windows 98, MS Office, ...all neded Software... and TMPGEnc (still 500 MB unused)
(an image of this partition can be zipped to ca. 800 MB which fits on a CD-R. So in the case of a Problem i can go back to a proper installation)
E: 18 GB: data, for example alle encoded movies before they are burded as VCD via VCDEasy (still 6 GB unused)
The slave HD is
D: 80 GB: only used for capturing movies, nothing else is on this HD
>>> Did you change the Environmental Settings?
When installing the new Version, i only changed the "folder settings".
All other settings are not changed:
May be, there is someting i have to change (???)
>>> Do you have enough Space on the Drive with the Temp-Files?
The Temp-Files are on E: 6GB still unused.
I also tried C: (500MB unused) the same result: Error.
>>> Maybe your PC has a RAM- or a Heat-Problem, this can cause this Error.
How can i check a RAM-Problem? (384 MB RAM)
Heat? I don't think so. It worked earlier and the Hardware is still the same.
>>> Were are there file from, cuz something downloaded movies get corrupted which causes errors like this while encodeing...
I do not download movies.
I have the "DAZZLE DV NOW AV"-Card an capture with "FAST.Forward" which is Part of the DAZZLE distribution.
The videos are VHS-videos.
FAST.Forward produces for each 4:40 minutes a AVI with 1GB.
Thats the reason for the 80GB HD for capturing.
So normally TMPGEnc was "batch encoding" the whole night (up to 10 hours).
>>> end of answers
I hope, i gave you all the needed information so that you can give me a hint.
I will try to install the earlier used Version of TMPGEnc and then try the same AVIs again (they are still on my D:-Drive). But i dont know, if i changed the environmental settings that time (more than 1 year ago!).
I will try and put the results here in the BBS.
thanks for the quick answers!
This is really great help!!!
>>> OK, if you have the Target- and the Temp-Directory on the same Drive, you need up to 4 times the Space free than the Target-Filesize will be.
When encoding the 1GB AVIs to mpg, the resulting filesize is each 47.195 MB.
So 4 times is nearly 200 MB, which i have on every partition of my System, even on C:
No space problems i think.
>>> How can i check a RAM-Problem? (384 MB RAM)
>>> There are several Test-Programms. I guess, you'r a german Guy, right? So look at or in the Download-Sections.
OK, :-) i am german. Whow did you notice (my bad english???)
I downloaded and testet my Memory.
All the 384 MB were testet and they are OK.
No RAM problems.
Thanks for this good tip!
2 weeks ago i had a problem with my system. The computer did not start anymore. It was the RAM did not stick right (english OK???).
Now i testet ist and do know, that everything is fine now.
>>> A couple of moths ago, i had a similar problem. It was caused by the CPU-Fan...
On the installation disc of my moterboard i found the USDM (Unified System Diagnostic Manager). There i can see the temperature auf CPU and System.
After a few minutes the temperatur is stabel at 38 Grad Celsius (100 F).
I think this is OK, isn't it?
Do you have any other ideas?
Do you think its a good idea to test the old TMPGEnc version which i used earlier?
Hm, you are driving me at the edge of my Knowledge. If the RAM is OK (did you try a Stresstest?), there are not much options left. Checked the HD for Errors?
If you have more than one RAM-Module, try to change it's order.
> OK, :-) i am german. Whow did you notice (my bad english???)
Hey, i saw your Screenshots. ;) (and i'm a german too).
38°C is fantastic, my CPU becomes much hotter... (52° while Encoding) :)
We are capturing a movie from minidv and dvd and the sound is perfect. When we open it into tmpgenc to compress it to mpg format the sound has problems. In some areas the sound has echos and other parts there is a sqealing. Can you advise on a fix or what I can do to help elimate the problem.
Some minidv cameras record audio at 32 khz rate. DVD's require a 48 khz rate. Go in the TMPGEnc environmental settings, go to the audio part and make sure you check the "high quality" box. If this does not help, then download the plug-in SSRC (do a google search to find it) and specify in environmental options that you want TMPGEnc to use it.
Now if your camera does record in 48 khz sound, then you could try an outside encoder such as tooLame. You could use it as either a plugin or at the command line. There are also GUI's available for it.
I have SONY TRV340E Digital handycam and have ULEAD Media studio pro software.
MY system configuration:PII 450 MHz, 196 MB RAM, 4MB Video RAM.
I use IEEE 1394 firewire card for transfer of digital images from handycam to my computer. I try to edit the images and put in VCD format. When
iexport it to VCD (.dat format), I observe that the image quality is not good. I see very small rectangles in the images and the images is not at all clear. The real colour is also lost. Even the .mpg or .avi which I see in my system after transferring from the handycam is of poor quality.
When I see the same images in my handycam,it is crystal clear.
I understand that, a vcd can have only a limited quality only at that bitrate. But I saw some VCD films has perfect crystal clear images.
How to achieve that clarity? I have tried giving maximum resolution in the software while saving in VCD format;p but , only the .dat size increases.
How to get crystal clear images at 60 mins / VCD?
Must I upgrade my system? or is there any other software for this?
Any weblinks regarding this?
I dont know how to create good clarity images in VCD. All I have now is unclear/low quality images in VCD. I dont know how to translate that very good high clarity digital images in to VCD without loss in the quality of images.
You say that you are transferring digital images from your camcorder to the PC. I am taking this to mean photographs and not movies.
Most camcorders capture still images at 1 megapixel if they use a card, or they capture at 720x480 if they capture to tape. This is not much resolution to begin with. You are then resizing it to 352x240 making it even lower quality.
If you are dealing with photographs it might be better to make a Kodak PhotoCD instead. There are a number of programs to make them or you could use an online photo service or your local photo shop. This will give much better quality and all computers and many dvd players today will play them. Another advantage to this is that you could more easily search through them. You would have to view them in a linear fashion on VCD.
I noticed that TMPGEnc could make DVDs. What's the difference between TMPGEnc and TMPGEnc DVD Author? And, is the DVD-making in TMPGEnc free or trial? What is the price?
Tmpgenc Plus is an Encoder and Tmpgenc DVD Author is a DVD authoring Program...They are 2 Totally seperate Program that serve 2 seperate Purposes, Were Tmpgenc is used to encode your files to Mpeg2 for DVD, Tmpgenc DVD author adds Menu"s and Chapters to your Movie and Formats it to a Video-TS Folder that then gets burned to DVD..Tmpgenc has No DVD authoring Abilitied and DVD author has no Encodeing abilities so the 2 Programs to 2 totally seperate things.....Cheers
I'm trying to make SVCD from homemade video (PAL) using TMPGEnc Version 2.521.
I have audio out of sync and about 1-3 sec freeze if I encode 2-pass VBR mpeg
on standalone DVD/SVCD player (PHILIPS).
Configuration for VBR:
Average: 2520
Maximum: 2520
Minimum: 0
Max pass: 2 pass (old type)
I thought it might be a sound problem, so I split and reencoded sound using
192 kbit/sec (was 224). Then merged using bbMPEG and it displayed
interesting things. bbMPEG says that maximum bitrate is about 3012 kbit/sec
and average is 2520. I reencoded in CBR (2520 kbit/sec) and problem is gone.
Can someone explain why maximum bitrate run over specified 2520 in VBR mode?
Is there any tool that can help analyse VBR MPEG file in order to
find out max/min/avg bitrate?
Well First off you should Not set your Average and Max to the Same Value because that defeates the Purpose of useing 2-Pass VBR ..There is a Little Tool called "Bitrate Viewer" "" that will analize the Max and Min bitrates...Tmpgenc does not have the best Bitrate controll and has a Habbit of Going over the Max bitrate specified especially with the settings you were useing.....
OK so i'm trying to make the 2nd part of my vcd movie right, and i'm trying to split the movie so i try move that thing to the end frame and then when i try to click set end frame it's frozen!!! I have restarted many times but nothing and it worked before
I have HD video source material with a resolution of 1920x1080i that I want to encode in MPEG2. When I feed this to TMPGEnc Plus 2.5 (lastest version and it is license to me), I cannot change the setting from MP&ML (main profile and main level) to MP&HL (main profile and high level). The selection button in the setting page is grayed and cannot be changed. Also, I am not able to increased the bit rate above 8 Mbits/s. My target bit rate is 16 Mbits/s. When I try to encode it, the material is downconverted to 720x480i (NTSC DVD format).
I also have the MainConcept MPEG2 encoder. This encoder allows me to encode in MP&HL and to set the bit rate to 16 Mbits/s. Also the resolution is kept to its original resolution. The quality is very exceptional (it is significantly better than all the hardware HDTV MPEG2 encoder that I have access to). I would like to evaluate other encoder on HD encoding, but so far only MainConcept and AVI2MPEG2 allows it.
I am doing something wrong in setting TMPGEnc Plus?
Can TMPEGEnc Plus be set in MPEG2 MP&HL?
That's Easy. Click on the WORD Profile & Level. A Box will apear, select unlock. Now you can use all Profiles/Levels, higher Resolutions and higher Bitrates.
Thank you. This is great. I did not know why these settings where locked and how I can unlock them.
I unlocked everything. I was able to encode my HD 16x9 1920x1080i material at MP & HL. However even after unlocking the bit rate, I am not able to go above 8 Mbits/s. When I change it, it revert to 8 Mbis/s.
I did a test at 8 Mbits/s with both MainConcept and TMPGEnc. They both looked bad (8 Mbits/s is too low for HD). However the results from the MainConcept is significantly better than TMPGEnc.
Actually I have Had Very Good Results with the Newest Version of the MainConcept encoder, Good enough were files encoded by the 2 were basicly indistinguishable from each other, Then again lots encoders will produce good Quality at high bitrates what sets them appart is how they work at low bitrates....Cheers
I have the lastest version of many MPEG2 encoder (TMPGEnc 2.5 Plus, CCE basic 2.67, MainConcept 1.4, Pinnacle, Ulead, etc). I have evaluated many of these for various material (Standard definition NTSC and High Definition 720p, 1080i).
With the same source material and same target bit rate, here is my rating for
speed: 1) CCE 2) MainConcept 3) Ulead 4) TMPGEnc 5) Pinnacle
quality low bit rate: 1)MainConcept 2) TMPGEnc 3) Pinnacle 4) CCE 5)Ulead
quality high bit rate: 1) MainConcept 2)TMPGEnc & CCE 3) Pinnacle 4) Ulead
I posted previously that I was not able to go above 8 Mbits/s as the target bit rate. I asked the question to Pegasys tech support. They replied to me with the solution. Here is is for others in the same situation:
Click "Load" in the main window, then select "Extra">"unlock.mcf" and open
it, and then you can set your target bit rate is 16 Mbits/s.
I'm trying to make a svcd file with subtitles using TMPGEnc and VobSub 2.23.
When I set the Directshow priority (to the top of the list) in TMPGEnc and press start, TMPGEnc crashes. There is no error massage, just crash. I've tried different versions of TMPGEnc, no help.
I can see the subtitles just fine in Media Player and other players I use thanks to VobSub, but it seems to me that the changing the priority of DirectShow crashes TMPGEnc. The problem hasn't got anything to do with VobSub, cause TMPGEnc hangs every time when DirectShow is on the top of the priority list, even if VobSub is not installed.
Anyone else suffering from this same error?
On my maschine, DirectSHow ist the first one in the List, without any problems. Did you try ffdshow as Decoder for DivX/XviD?
It's a better Idea to use VirtualDub or AVISynth to do any resizings and for including the Subtitles. In VirtualDub you can use the PlugIn TextSub, in AVISynth VSFilter. VobSub itself uses Overlay-Functions to show the Subs, they are not included into the Video, so TMPGEnc can't see them.
Thanks for answering. Yes, TMPGEnc sees the subtitles, if Directshow is the first on the list. I can see subtitles in preview, but for some reason, when I press start -button, the program crashes.
Now I'm doing SVCD like...
1. Use virtualdub and subtitler -plugin
2. Save avi with the hard coded subtitles
3. Convert the package to svcd with TMPGEnc
It works, but I have to do more steps and that takes time :-(
Others have been more successfull with VobSub and TMPGEnc I think reading those forums and sites. 4 example:
Forget Step 2 of your Methode, you can use VirtualDub's Frameserver to serv the Video directly to TMPGEnc without saving an AVI first.
I know the way descriped in the link you postet, but it's a... um..., shitty way. Naver do anything else than pure Encoding with TMPGEnc. All other things, like filtering, resizing and so on shall be done by using other Tools.
I used TMPGEnc totaly for some weeks now and I realy must say: TMPG has nice features not fount on every tool, but there are bugs everywhere, which exist for so long now. Thousand version numbers have changed since I first encountered some bugs and they still exist... what are they doing from one version to another?
For example: the issue with no sound in the output file when source is a AVI with a mp3 audio track: You get the same answer everywhere: "TMPGEnc can't handle mp3 with VBR". But that's not true since I was able to extract such a mp3 track (yeah: virtualdub direct stream copy) and pass it seperately over to TMPGEnc... result was fine. So why can they not fix this little problem???
Another issue existing for long now: you always should activate "SOURCE RANGE" and specify start point and end point of your movie since TMPGEnc sometimes gets confused by its own default setting "end point = -1" and can't disply the filesize in step 4 of the (realy good) Project Wizard properly. Must be realy hard to fix :-?
This are only few examples which arise the question: "is this comercial piece of software or just a troublemaker you have to pay for".
I'm glad that I could try this software before buying :-)
I'm not glad that bug reports are only accepted from registered users who spend money on this...
So don't get me totaly wrong: I REALY like the ideas of TMPGEnc. But if I would have spend so many bugs on it (in order to get all functions) I already would have thrown my PC out of this window just beside me...
But as I mentioned I REALY like the ideas and features of TMPGEnc and would realy like to see it working fine... last but not least because there is no other software that competes with TMPGEnc (for my purposes).
TMPGEnc is a MPEG-Encoder, and it works perfect.
No propper VBR MP3-Decoding? That isn't a thing a MPEG-Encoder must do. On normal Video-Production, you never have VBR-Audio to be transcodet to MPEG-Audio. You need this Feature only to transcode Videos from the Web - illegal Videos!
And why should a program support illegal things? Jeez, Guys, ANYBODY who asks about VBR MP3-Audio reveals itself as an User of pirated Movies...
Oh, and there is absolutly no problem with Source Range, works perfect... except on suspicious Files.
The reason you are having problems with source range is because your avi file has a corrupt index. When you have an avi with a corrupt index, 99% of the time it was downloaded from a p2p (especially since it has vbr mp3 audio).
There is nothing wrong with TMPGEnc, its your files that have bugs. Buy the DVD next time.
I agree that Most or the So called "Bugs" aren"t Bugs in Tmpgenc But bugs in the Files you are trying to encode...Downloaded Files are the worst Files to try to encode cuz they are usually corrupted in some way and Poeple have this stupid habbit of useing VBR Mp3 audio which AVI wasn"t meant to have VBR audio...If I use Files that I created My Self I never have Problems but with downloaded files I allways have Problems...The Only thing I might call a Bug is that the Merge & Cut sometimes freezes when outputting Mpeg2 files, but this happens only once in a While so it might not even be considered a Bug....Cheers
I also am gonna have to agree with you guys. I have been using TMPG for ages now and very rarely get any problems. I use to when I first started using it because I didn't know how things worked and how the software could be affected by feeding it crap.
Now I know how to use TMPG and what it is and isn't compatible with, it usually works perfect for me.
All these people who claim to have problems with TMPG are usually novices who think you can just bung in any old piece of crap and TMPG will somehow miraculously work with it and produce a beautiful result at the end. No chance and you soon learn this isn't just TMPG. The old addage usually stands 'Crap in Crap out'
Feed TMPG with garbage, install every codec known to man on your system and don't even bother learning how to use TMPG in the first place (IE be lazy and the wizard do it all) and all you WILL get is problems, but these are not TMPG bugs these are USER bugs because they are all caused by inexperienced users who half the time don't even know what a codec is.
In conclusion...learn to use TMPG correctly and it will serve you greatly.