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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have read a few of your q/a.
I have checked with gspot and it appears that my file is (I hope this is correct)DX50/divx divx 5.0
is there any way it can be coverted to a mpeg file so i can make a vcd.
There is No Best recomended Bitrate...It all depends on your Source file, if you have a Very High Quality source file you can get away with useing a Lower Bitrate than if you had a source file that wasn"t as High Quality...Generally the Bitrate should average between 4000kbs-6000kbs and Go no higher than about 9000kbs and No lower than say 2000kbs, If you Just use the Standard DVD template it should produce good results....
i have been using tmpgenc for quite some time now and have worked out the settings that i need to create vcds, how ever i am now seriously looking into DVDs. I am using and avid media composer to export avi files.
Can anyone step through the best settings to output a high quality mpeg2 for dvd authoring?
I get error messages about template and reading when I try encoding .AVI to .MPG. I've tried many files, same thing. Last week I had no problem. I've dowloaded a fresh version of TMPGEnc, same thing. What's going on ? Anybody has a good idea for me ? Thanks.
I want to cut a mpeg file into small (very small) chunks i.e when the scene changes. I thought that one way might be to cut at each I frame or evrery 10 I frames. How can i achieve this using TMPGEnc ? Any command line ? There will very many chinks 1000+
The Slider in the "Merge & Cut" naturally stops on I Frames, so if you Use the Slider to Navigate were you want to cut then the cuts will allways be on an I frame..
im tring to megge some files together with the cut and merge and im getting a beeping noise.
the files were recorded with a realmagic dvd mpeg capture card,then encoded in ntsc video cd under tmpeg them merged with the setting of mpeg-1 video cd under the merge,and correct is hit before i run it.
if anyone knows how to fix this email me at and use subject tmpeg.
This Happens when you Try to merge 2 or more files were the join Point is not on an I Frame...So When Joining 2 Files try cutting a Few Frames off of the end of File One and a Few Frames off the Beginning of File 2 then Merge them and Make sure you Click the "Correct" Button, This Button is supposed to fix this Problem but it doesn"t allways work....Cheers
Well that is Not enough information to go on...The More information you give us the better the answers we can give you...Like What Type of AVI File is it, Like what Codec was it compressed With, what are the Specs of the File Like Resolution and Frame Rate,and the Files Audio format, Tell us any Settings you used, and exactly were you get the error in the encodeing Proscess, and the Exact error Post back with some Info and we will try to help...
I've tried to make a dvd video file from a AVi, choosing in the wizard "dvd pal" but the program made a file "m2v" that MPEG tools don't merge with another file "m2v".
In wich way can I merge multiple videos MPEG2 (dvd pal) in one long video MPEG2 (DVD pal)?
This because I want to make some long videos with several chapters. Infact it is necessary for author the DVD (your menues is up to 24 tracks, and I have 35 tracks splitted in 8 "families". I want to make 8 long videos splitted in 3/5 chapters each)
The Only reason why the "Merge & Cut" would not Merge 2 M2V files is because the 2 Files aren"t exactly the Same, All of the Files Merged have to have the Same Resolution and Aspect ratio and Frame Rate...but even with some Files that are Exactly the Same,Tmpgenc"s Mpeg tools still sometimes will have problems with Joining files...So you should check that all of the Files you are Joining are exactly the same, but if they are the same but they still will not join then you should use a Real Mpeg editor to Join the Files Like "Womble Mpeg2VCR" as it is One of the Best editing Programs for working with Mpeg files...You will also have to Find a way to Join the Wav Audio files together cuz you can not Join them In a Mpeg editor but any good audio editor will do...I don"t have a Link to Mpeg2VCR off hand but if you can"t find it you can email me and I"ll track down a Link were you can get it hopefully for free...Cheers
I have a series of sequential still images that I have been trying to encode to MPEG1 using TMPGEnc. If I use the File>Preview option to playback my stills, the preview is very good but when encoded, there is a real reduction in quality (flickering, graininess, etc.). My input images are JPG files at 720x480 resolution. The MPEG output paramaters are MPEG1, 720X480, CBR, tested with various bitrates. Even with a very high bitrate (5000 or more), the quality of output improves but still not the kind of quality I would expect (again, the preview looks fantastic) and my filesize gets increasing larger as I increase the bitrate.
Can someone please help me? I'm not sure what else I can try.
Well have you Tried encodeing to Mpeg2 cuz Mpeg1 isn"t really meant for High Resolution Files, Mpeg2 works Much Better at High Resolutions...and Make sure you are encodeing the Files as Non-Interlace, and set the "Motion Search Precition" to "High Quality", You might also try useing a VBR Encodeing Mode Like "Constant Quality(CQ)" and at These High Resolution you have to Use High Bitrates even Higher than 5000KBS....Well this is all I can think of off the top of my head....Good Luck
I can't encode the video source of my movie. The audio source works but the video says "cannot open orunsupported file". I've tried everything but it won't work. Can someone please help me.
What is the Everything that you tried??? Have you tried going to "Options" to "Enviromental settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the Priority of the "Direct Show File Reader" to "2"????
Hi. Yea, I am having the same problem. Here is the strange thing. I have Windows 2000 installed on my laptop, and on a desktop system. Both systems have 128 meg of ram. Both systems have duplicate copies of TMPGEnc installed, and duplicate settings within TMPGEnc. The opperating systems have duplicate settings.
On the laptop the file is accepted by TMPGEnc and the MPEG files produced. On the desktop machine, using the same AVI file that TMPGEnc accepted on the laptop, it will not accept the AVI file for the video setting and says it is unsupported.
Kind of frustrating. The settings I am using are simply typical for a video CD.
I haven't been able to find an answer yet either. Kind of gave up and am just using the laptop.
I have a series of sequential still images that I have been trying to encode to MPEG1 using TMPGEnc. If I use the File>Preview option to playback my stills, the preview is very good but when encoded, there is a real reduction in quality (flickering, graininess, etc.). My input images are JPG files at 720x480 resolution. The MPEG output paramaters are MPEG1, 720X480, CBR, tested with various bitrates. Even with a very high bitrate (5000 or more), the quality of output improves but still not the kind of quality I would expect (again, the preview looks fantastic) and my filesize gets increasing larger as I increase the bitrate.
Can someone please help me? I'm not sure what else I can try.
If you are encoding at 720 x 480 at that high a bitrate I would use MPEG-2 instead of MPEG-1. You will get better results and it will be more compatible. For instance you, could then burn it to DVD. You might want to try "Constant Quality" instead of CBR.