TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 129 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question InterVideo WinDVR TV softw.! How can I open its mpeg-2 file format? Peter S 1 2003-09-23 21:20:01
Question Audio Settings Sakuya 3 2003-09-23 17:33:51
Question avi to mpg error message Pincher 2 2003-09-23 23:11:01
Question avi to mpg error message Pincher 1 2003-09-22 21:21:29
Question MPEG-2 Grain Loco Peligroso 0 2003-09-22 18:30:18
Question mpg at higher resolution than 720 Andrelino 1 2003-09-22 21:16:36
Bug report Dual cpu crash Louie 0 2003-09-22 15:51:35
Request avi to mpeg karen wilde 2 2003-09-23 04:20:29
Question File *.mpg can not open, or unsupported Horny Bull 1 2003-09-21 17:41:15
Bug report More errors w/TMPGEnc Plus 2.5 kbatt69 2 2003-09-22 05:39:24
Bug report TMPGEnc closes automatically kbat69 0 2003-09-21 08:53:06
Question Mpeg-2 plugin in tmpgenc 2.52 PLUS Ghyslain 1 2003-09-21 18:00:29

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 129 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - InterVideo WinDVR TV softw.! How can I open its mpeg-2 file format? No.39146
Peter S  2003-09-23 18:56:15 ( ID:kfeiwypf8oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

[Real-time Best]
Format: MPEG-2
Format: MPEG-1 skikt II
Samplingshastighet: 44.1 kHz 16-bit Stereo
Bithastighet 224 Kbitar/sek
HçÎtad storlek: 720x576
Ramhastighet: 25.00 ramar/sek
Bithastighet 6400 Kbitar/sek
Bithastighet 6883 Kbitar/sek
Fildelningsstorlek: 4063 MB.
Total inspelningstid : 182 minuter

Minion  2003-09-23 21:20:01 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You open WinDvr Mpeg2 files the Same as you would any Mpeg2 file..First you have to either have the Proper Mpeg2 decoder installed or be useing the newest Plus version of Tmpgenc cuz it comes with it"s own Mpeg2 decoder, But if you don"t have the newest Plus version then install this: ...After installing this you should be able to open any Mpeg2 file in tmpgenc....Or you can use DVD2AVI to frame serve the Mpeg2 file.......

Question - Audio Settings No.39142
Sakuya  2003-09-23 02:59:09 ( ID:6y4cusar5hr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello. My AVI file is in mono and has 192 kbits/sec. I want it to be stereo. Then, I find all these other options. Like "Dual Channel" and "Joint Stereo". What does those do?

Video Guy  2003-09-23 17:11:23 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Stereo: This encodes the left channel sound and the right channel sound separately. So if you encode at a bitrate of 224 the left will get 112 and the right will get 112. Use this at higher bitrates.

Joint Stereo: This takes advantage of the fact that some of the time the left and right channels are the same, so it encodes them together. When they are detected as being different the left and right are encoded separately. You can sort of think of this as a combination mono and stereo. This is very useful at lower bitrates.

Dual Stero: The left and right channels are encoded separately like the stereo above. However, it is usually made up of two mono files. So you could put English in the left and Spanish in the right channel. The player will then play back one of the sides.

Video Guy

Video Guy  2003-09-23 17:19:06 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you have a mono file there is no way to make into a true stereo file.

Unless you mean the audio is only coming out of one side of the speaker. If this is the case you can use a program like CooldEdit or SoundForge to copy the single channel into the other channel, so now it plays out of both sides of the speakers.

I would also not re-encode that file since it is compressed to 192 and another round of compression would cause a huge loss is sound quality.

Video Guy

ashy  2003-09-23 17:33:51 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Joint Stereo: This takes advantage of the fact that some of the time the left and right channels are the same, so it encodes them together. When they are detected as being different the left and right are encoded separately. You can sort of think of this as a combination mono and stereo. This is very useful at lower bitrates.

Don't use Joint stereo for audio which has been down mixed to PRO LOGIC as it destroys the channel data required to produce the surround sound effect.

>I would also not re-encode that file since it is compressed to 192 and another round of compression would cause a huge loss is sound quality.

I don't think the sound loss will be huge. There will be a slight loss in quality, but will probably not be noticible as long as the sample rate is the same. In any case there is no choice, but to re-encode unless the format is already MPEG1 layer 2 audio (mp2).

Question - avi to mpg error message No.39139
Pincher  2003-09-22 21:39:37 ( ID:v9lfxnkmcwk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using v2.52 and trying to convert a .avi file to a .mpg file, using the Wizard. When I browse to the file in Step2, I get a message saying that the file cannot be opened or is unsupported.

I don't know much about this encoding business, but it *may* be a divx avi file (???)

Any advice on what to do (in simple easy to follow steps) would be appreciated

Minion  2003-09-23 21:23:13 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well you should know the Format of the AVI file cuz how do you know if you have the Correct codecs installed?? If you have the Correct codec installed and you still get the error then close the Wizard and go to "Options" to Enviromental settings" to "vfapi Plugins" and Raise the priority to "2"...This should get rid of the error....

Minion  2003-09-23 23:11:01 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sory, that is Raise the "Direct Show" Priority to "2"....

Question - avi to mpg error message No.39137
Pincher  2003-09-22 20:13:43 ( ID:v9lfxnkmcwk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using v2.52 and trying to convert a .avi file to a .mpg file, using the Wizard. When I browse to the file in Step2, I get a message saying that the file cannot be opened or is unsupported.

I don't know much about this encoding business, but it *may* be a divx avi file (???)

Any advice on what to do (in simple easy to follow steps) would be appreciated

Minion  2003-09-22 21:21:29 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As Long as you have the Divx codec installed Properly you should be able to solve this Problem by closeing the Wizard then going to "Options" to "Enviromental settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct show" to "2".. This should get rid of the "Unsupported" Error....

Question - MPEG-2 Grain No.39136
Loco Peligroso  2003-09-22 18:30:18 ( ID:aotramhyl8o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Some DVDs (including some Criterion ones) include a little bit of film grain which doesn't come from the master but from the MPEG2 conversion. Does this program have an option to add grain to AVI files during compression.

If you add grain to the DV file and then compress "normally", the results aren't what you could possibly expect.

Sorry for my poor English and thanks for you help.

Question - mpg at higher resolution than 720 No.39134
Andrelino  2003-09-22 16:25:18 ( ID:x.rmf5quc.f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it possible?

TMPGEnc says illegal window size when I try.

Minion  2003-09-22 21:16:36 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes you Can with the "Plus" Version, But you have to change the profile,I think you have to change it to MP@HL or HP@HL, You can not use these Resolutions for DVD....

Bug report - Dual cpu crash No.39133
Louie  2003-09-22 15:51:35 ( ID:fa2eayhvy26 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I been using Tmpgenc for over a year now with no problems. The program worked so well i decided to build a computer running dual MP 2600 amd processors. Thats the problems began.
i will try to be as descriptive as possible with this post so i will not have to repost any answers to my question.

System being used.
MSI motherboard with 2 2600 mp amd processors.
win xp
1gig ram
60 gig HD

the latest problem with this system is at the end of the 2 pass VBR encode process at 100% Tmpgenc crashes. there is a file created and appears to work. however batch encoding is not possible naturally since each encode crashes.
i am encoding dv-1 AND dv-2 avis. just to make sure the typs arent what is causing the problems.
the second problem is sometimes the encoding doesnt even get to 100 % seems to crash at 50% on 2 pass.

Here is what i did.
when using 1 cpu it works fine.
whe ni downgradded my version to a older version (6months ago 2.52. or somthing) it appeared to solve the problem. HOWEVER, now all version are creating problems with dual cpu.
I uninstalled and even removed registry keys as best as i can find.
i reported this bug before and it appeared to have been fixed with the latest version, until recently when i used it.
if this is truley a bug can this issue be adressed in the next version ? if not, does any one ever experiance this problem with dual or single cpu. Seing how i built a computer to take advantage of ual cpu i would very much like to utilise this program thansk afor everyones time.

Request - avi to mpeg No.39130
karen wilde  2003-09-22 07:31:16 ( ID:nuqr/042clj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am new to all this burning movies stuff I have downloaded an avi file now what are the steps and settings i should use so i can burn onto a cd-r using vcdeasy (they suggested your programme for encoding). Is there any step by step instructions i can use. As i am not that computor literate.

Minion  2003-09-23 02:23:56 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don"t Know of a Particualr Guide, But there is a Site that has a Lot of Different Guides and has Explanations for most of the Basic Concepts you will Need to Know to get Started..It"s at "" ...There is Quite a Bit you will need to Know before you can really understand what you are doing..Like for instance, you will Need to know if you live in Pal land or NTSC Land (NTSC is North America and Japan and Pal is pretty much every were else, NTSC is either 23.98/24fps or 29.97/30fps and Pal is 25fps) and you will need to Know if your AVI file is Pal or NTSC cuz you can"t convert a Pal avi file to NTSC Mpeg or a NTSC AVI File to Pal Mpeg Useing Tmpgenc, and you will Need to Know what Codec your AVI file was encoded with and Have that Codec installed on your PC..You will need to Know what Format you want to Encode to, Do you want to make a VCD or do you want to make a SVCD..This decition would depend on what your DVD Player can Play cuz Not all DVD Players will Play VCD or SVCD and not all Players that Play VCD will Play SVCD..There are also a Whole Host of Different Problems that can Pop up that you will Have to Try to Figure out and the More you know about Digital Video and the Concepts behind digital video the easier it will be to Figure out what you need to do to solve Problems and the Best looking results with your Movie.....Good Luck

karen wilde  2003-09-23 04:20:29 ( ID:nuqr/042clj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanx minion for your reply. I have read quite a few questions/answers and suggest to go to a program called g-spot where can i find that program to download.

Question - File *.mpg can not open, or unsupported No.39128
Horny Bull  2003-09-21 13:24:46 ( ID:bfd2fb4rlkw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am attempting to use TMPGenc v2.52 to encode a .mpg file which, when I look in G-spot, says the video src type 'MPEG2_video' audio src 'MPEG1AudioPayload' video path is 'Ligos mpeg splitter - Ligos mpeg video decoder' and audio path is 'Ligos mpeg splitter - Ligos mpeg audio decoder'

The file plays fine on WMP so I assume the codecs are installed but TMPGEnc seems to have a problem with it. I read a similar question and answer on this BBS and it suggested changing the priority of direct show in VFAPI Plugin to 2, but this did not solve the problem.

Has anyone any ideas?

ashy  2003-09-21 17:41:15 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You don't have the right codec installed to decode this MPEG. There are a list of compatible ones on the TMPG features page.
The one below is probably the best for TMPG.

Copy the files into your TMPG folder then follow the instructions for install.

Bug report - More errors w/TMPGEnc Plus 2.5 No.39125
kbatt69  2003-09-21 10:17:37 ( ID:w5vmj3g3u0w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am getting more error codes with this thing. They are "Write error occurred at address 77F83AED of module "ntdll.dll" with 00000000 and "EAccess violation caused at 0000814F of module ntdll.dll. Read error occurred at 77F5814F of module "ntdl.dll" with 02662048"
I get these errors after I click on start and when I click on browse to select a file to convert. Does anyone know how to fix these and/or another program that I can use for converting to MPEG-2???


Minion  2003-09-21 21:44:05 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is not a Bug, If it were every post in here would be about the same thing..You never left any Information that would help us determine the Problem..Like What are the Specs of the File you are encodeing???? But Since the Mind reading is a Little Rusty I"ll just have to guess what type of file you are encodeing...You are Probably encodeing a XviD or DivX file that you downloaded off the Net, and the Error you are getting is probably due to the Fact that Tmpgenc and the XviD codec have have Compatibility Problems...So what is best to do would be to get rid of the XviD codec and install the "FFDshow Decoder" instead...This should get rid of the error you are getting but remember you have to Configure "FFDShow" to decode XviD and DivX files....

Helium  2003-09-22 05:39:24 ( ID:iodozdmqjz2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had a similar problem trying to archive a home movie to VCD using my Videum capture board. I used a proprietary codec supplied with the capture board to save the video to AVI. When I tried to convert the file with TMPGEnc, I got access violations in the codec DLL. However, in my case, I was able to solve the problem by using VirtualDub as a frame server for TMPGEnc. This is an experimental option of VirtualDub, but it worked great for me (and should work for other problematic codecs as well).

Bug report - TMPGEnc closes automatically No.39124
kbat69  2003-09-21 08:53:06 ( ID:w5vmj3g3u0w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I click on browse to select a file to convert the program just shuts down. Can anyone tell me how to fix this??? I am using the current version of TMPGEnc that I just downloaded from this site.


Question - Mpeg-2 plugin in tmpgenc 2.52 PLUS No.39122
Ghyslain  2003-09-21 00:56:02 ( ID:s7xd5dwqqjg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I simply want to convert m2v file to standard VCD mpeg-1 format...
The build-in CRI sofdec Mpeg plug-in doesn't seem to decode properly as it can't even display the frames of a simple Mpeg-1 file (that plays perfectly on win98 mediaplayer !!!)

I have a slow Pentium 133Mhz with 64Mb RAM.... I know it's old and slow... But I don't care if the conversion of a 5 minutes M2V to MPG takes 30 hours....
I don't need to play the Mpeg-2 format... only convert it... TMPGENC 2.52 PLUS seems to do the job as it does convert with any errors... the only thing is that the plug-in it-self can read either the M2V or regular Mpeg-1 format ! Even viewing it frame-by-frame (source range)...

I tried installing Cyberlink, another one from ""... nothing works...Anyone has an idea why ?
Thank guys...

ashy  2003-09-21 18:00:29 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Pentium 133Mhz with 64Mb RAM

This is why!
Read the requirements for TMPG on the TMPG site. Yours doesn't even come close.

You could try raising the priority of the codec in the VFAPI plugins or install this codec instead:

To be honest anybody even contemplating encoding on such an antique needs a check up from the neck up. I mean 30 hours for 5mins....LOL

Even an upgrade to something 3 times faster like a Pentium 3 500mhz wouldn't break the bank. I have one for sale for £50 on the motherboard with 128mb of RAM installed.

It's the one I used to use before I got my 2.8 P4.
The P3 500 would encode a 2 hour movie in 8-9 hours. My P4 2.8 which is O/C at 3.2ghz will do it in more or less real time.

To be honest with you I wouldn't hold out much hope for success on a machine with such low specs, it's time for an upgrade I think.

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