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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
phew got past the p3p prob. encoded a divx avi to mpeg, recorded it, put it on my dvd player. the sound is perfect but the picture shows up in B&W and it scrolls non stop from top to bottom and diag. sorta like a vcr tape when the tracking is way off. how do i go about fixing this? or what do i do a search on?
Sounds Like the Problem you get when you Play a Pal Movie in a NTSC Player or Visa versa, Check to see if you encoded the file in the Right format(NTSC-North America/Pal-Europe)...
Well What I use is "Power DVD" or "WinDVD" buth are good Mpeg2 decoders, But Probably PowerDVD would be best as it is also a Decoder that can be used by Tmpgenc...
Personally I much prefer WinDVD because of it's great easy to use interface. Power DVD's interface is far to busy and cluttered. There are also various plugins you can get for free which will add MPEG2 decoding functionality to Media player.
I'm trying to encode the animatrix to vcd.I'ts currently in xvid compression but plays fine in win media player so i guess i have the right codec. However when i go to source range i get an error which reads "Wright error occured at address 77F51D24 of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000". Can anyone tell me what this means please ?
This is supposed to be a Problem with the XviD codec, What has worked in the Past is to delete the XviD codec, then Install the "FFDShow Decoder" and configure it to decode XviD files....
I've this problem: in order to reduce the size of the encoded MPEG1 file to create only one standard VCD (Video arrange method: Center), I've tried to crop the AVI file source, cutting off even sensible parts of frame (from 320x240 to 256x176): the AVI file has become smaller but the size of the MPEG1 file has not changed at all! It is remained the same as for 320x240! Someone knows why?
Thanks for the help
Yes setting to MPEG1 VCD(non standard) should do it, but also be aware that it won't make a difference what you crop off the AVI if you don't change the bitrate. It is the bitrate that determines the final size not just what you crop off.
You can crop as much as you like off, but if the bitrate remains the same then so will the file size.
I have a AVI-file (5,5 GB) on my hard disk.
I start TMPGENC, choose what I like to do
(I like to have a VCD later in PAL)
Encoding starts and finishes half an hour or so later.
When I view this MP2-file the pictures are fine, just the sound
plays back too slow.
I tried this and that but the results are the same..
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance,
sorry that i didnt clarify my question. Sometimes after you have changed a avi file to mpeg it is too big to fit on l cd-r. How do you adjust it so it will fit. Also when you download a whole movie(example divx) how do you divide it in two so you can put half on 1 cd-r and the other half on another cd-r. Thanx for replying, hope this makes my question more understood
I'm shopping for a home theater and I was testing out some of the ones they had in the store... The sound volume of the SVCDs I've tested (I tried three different cds) is really low - even on Max it's hard to hear. I only have a DVD player at home right now (with just TV sound) and when I play SVCDs on it sound is fine at mid-volumes. I tried three different systems in the store...
Yeh, what's the problem?
The sound level on SVCD's is no different to any other source such as VHS video, DVD's or even CD's for that matter unless they have been created wrongly which sounds like what your problems is.
Don't worry a correctly encoded SVCD will sound just as good (if not better) as having NICAM stereo through your HI FI.
I just started used TMPGEnc for encoding my avi files to mpeg so i can burn to a vcd. When i used smaller files of approximately 150,00KB my vcd was distorted in regards to voice matching video. However if i encoded a larger file of approximately 325,000 KB it seemed to work better. Can someone tell me what im doing wrong. Also what do you do if your file is too big(approximately 700,000)like the whole movie. It says that you cant fit it on a cd-r. How do you make it smaller or can you split it in two so it will go on 2 cd-r thanx for your help Binnie
The Size of the AVI file has absolutly nothing to do with the Size it will be if you encode it to Mpeg, What Matters is the Bitrate used to encode the AVI file and the Length of the AVI file..Your Problem is probably not to do with the size of the Files But of Something else, Knot knowing what type of AVI files they are I couldn"t really tell you what the Problem is..
When using the wizard to batch AVI files to MPG, every so often when I check the Input Range box, the program just shuts down. Reloading the program doesn't fix the problem - as soon as I check the box, same thing. I will come back the following day and everything works fine.
converted an avi-file to svcd, everything seems right, but sometimes when things move in the movie they leave a pink to purple shadow in the screen. They are gone with the next scene change in the movie. Any parameter in TMPGEnc to correct this?
ok,ok, shoot first, ask later ;-) Anyone having problems with this should search for the word 'purple', plenty of info coming up (angelpotion or directshow issues).
ok, guys, no angelpotion on my machine, set the direct-parameter to 2 and still no luck. I am using Tmpg with DVD2SVCD, but have an .avi as input. Does DVD2SVCD probably chnage the parameter away from 2? Any other things to consider? Many thanks.
And the "Angel Potion" codec will not usually show up as "Angel Potion" it will show up in your Device Manager under "Video Codecs" as "apmpeg4v3.dll", and what might also help if you do Not have this Codec installed is If you Raise the "Direct Show" to "2" in the "Vfapi Plugins"...
I for personalty prefer the use of AVISynth to open such Videos. That's because i can use it to do some other things like Resizing and Filtering a really good and fast way.
Do you have a special Reason for using the VFAPI-Plugin?
I guess you Might have Misunderstood My Responce...I just meant to Raise the "Direct Show" to get rid of the Purple Discoloration..I personally use AVISynth also as I prefer To use there Filters as they are Much better, But most Poeple Don"t Understand How to use AVISynth as there is a Bit of a Learning Curve...Cheers
Having been playing around with the various settings and finally getting what I think I am after, I have tried to encode a couple of movies from xvid.
In the first instance, I used 2-pass VBR(VBR)
The second movie, I used Constant Bitrate
Both times I used Motion Estimate Search (fast) becuase I didn't want it to take the estimate 20 hours to encode using the highest quality.
In both instances, I came back to my computer around the time I expected the encoding to have comlpeted. In both cases, the time remaining was 0.00 yet the elapsed time was still increasing. When checking the file, the size wasn't increasing. When I tried to stop the encodnig, the usual message asking if I am sure popped up yet when I clicked okay, nothing happened. After that the only way I could quit the program was through task manager.
Admittedly when I have used this in the past, I have done the encoding overnight, ao this might be part of the actual process. Is it a bug, am I just having problems or should I just leave it as it is incmomplete?
Well there is something wrong But Don"t know what it could be..I do know that Tmpgenc doesn"t like to decode XviD Files useing the XviD codec, It prefers if you use the "FFDShow Mpeg-4 Decoder"..You might also Try Frameserveing the File to Tmpgenc with Virtual-Dub or Avisynth...well good Luck
I am unsure what I have done, but the encoding seems to be working successfully now :-)
Despite not being able to use the DVD Authoring Software that I liked so much, I have found that TMPG DVD Author isn't too bad and has successfully written DVDs for me :-)