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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I am experiencing a crash, when converting a DIVX 5.05 avi. To recapp , First I encoded the first part of a two part avi to an mpeg 2 SVCD and all went fine, when I went to convert the second part, 47% through the encoding process it crashed, I retried from the beginning, and it crashed again at 47%, I used avi dub to check for bad frames and it didn't report any . Could this be a bug?
King John, I tried using the source range and when I move the slider to the 47% mark it causes TMPGEnc to crash I am using the latest version. GSpot shows the video source as codec =4CC mp43 S-Mpeg 4 version 3, Stream Type A/V= Open DML AVI Direct Show renderer shows video type as MP43 and Audio Source type as MPG3.
I set the Environmental settings accordingly Prioritizing Open DML first, then Direct show renderer second and vice versa, and it still crashes for some weird reason at that particular point. I'm begining to wonder if it may be a bug, hopefully the programmer can load a vid of this type with these codecs to see.
Have this problem with an avi file I´m trying to encode to vcd! In the wizard when I select the file, it shows that the finished encod will take 389% of the disk space!! Iow about 2,4 giga, though the file wouldnt be bigger than 1g!
Well, when its finishes (after 12 hours) there is no sound with the movie, but when the movies over the sound starts!! So the movie is 3 hours instead of 1 and a half!! First the movie then the sound! Whats wrong!?
Well sometimes when Tmpgenc reports the Wrong length of a Movie it can usually be solved by Useing the "Source Range" and choose the Beginning and end points of the File so Tmpgenc will Know the Beginning and end of the File...But as For the Audio, you are Probaly Not getting any audio because the Audio in the DivX file is Probably AC3 audio and Tmpgenc does not support AC3 audio as a Source...What you have to Do is Extract the audio from the DivX file to Wav format then use the Wav file as the audio source in Tmpgenc..You can do this with AVI-Mux.....
Sory But even with an AC3 Filter tmpgenc Will in Most cases not Decode AC3 audio No matter what that Site says, I have tried useing the "Moonlight audio decoder" as well as Many other AC3 filters with Very Minimal Success....
Yup, It doesn"t work, Just tried it, Followed the exact instructions for installing the AC3 decoder and checked with Gspot that it was installed Properly, then Tried to load a File with AC3 audio into it and it would only recognize the Video and would crash if I tried to do anything with the Audio...Ohh well Was worth a Try.....
Well I have gotten to sort of work before but it is never reliable enough to Count on in any way, I Read something about there will be AC3 support in Tmpgenc 3 ,Even AC3 encodeing...
Go to (or a similar site) and look for something called avi2vcd (a zip file). In it is a file called decompress.exe. This will decompress the audio of an avi file and then other software like VirtualDub and TMPGEnc can work with it just fine.
Hey I am running the newest version of TMPEGenc. I edit using Avid DV Xpress on a XP machine. When I export, I export to QTREF file and open it up in TMPEGENC (I have the qtref plugin for tmpeg). I use the generic DVD wizard and try to convert. The file gets about 25% or 6% done everytime then freezes, no error message just the program stopped responding. I tried exporting to QTREF using the avid codec and not using it...same thing. I had no problems doing this until this weekend, I was using tmpeg and the dvd authoring one flawlessly before...ANY HELP???
Actually the Plugin is not a QT REf Plugin so it is not supposed to be for QT Referance files, it is For Plain Mov files, Because you can get it to work with QT Referance file is Just a Bonus, and there Will Probably be No Bug fixes or Improvements with the QT Plugin because it is Not really supported By Tmpgenc..The Plugin was written Over a Year a Go by someone not ascosiated with Tmpgenc and has not been Upgraded since, so if you are running into Problems it is Understandable....
When I tried to use QT reference it did not work at all! I had to export my avid project as a quicktime and then encode using TMPGEnc. That worked well and the quality was great. It just would have been faster and I think a little better using the QT reference.
If anyone knows how let us know.
how can I convert a SVCD file to DVD compliant one? everytime I open the SVCD file - it says error unsupported etc. I have a software DVD player installed so there are MPEG2 codecs - cause this shows up in environmental settings. Any help please...
Well First off it is best to Use "DVD2AVI" to frameserve the SVCD Video to tmpgenc, This Method is Usually Faster and might give over all better Quality, Pluss there are Hardly ever any Problems useing this Method...Another thing is that you don"t need to re-encode the SVCD to be DVD Compliant to Make a DVD, You can Just burn the SVCD File as a DVD, you will have to Re-sample the Audio to 48000hz, There are Programs especially for Burning SVCD"s as DVD"s like "SVCD2DVD" you can find it on Google if you look for it, also there is a Pretty Good DVD authoting Program called "DVD Lab 1.1" that will allow you to burn a SVCD as a DVD without any problems..You can also do it with your Regular DVD Authoring Program if you use a Program called "DVD Patcher" to Patch the header of the SVCD File so that the File appears to Be DVD Comliant to your DVD Authoring Program...If you re-encode it to DVD Specs then you will loose Quality, and Burning it as a SVCD onto a DVD will allow you to fit 2 or 3 Full movies on a DVD-r....
Hey I am running the newest version of TMPEGenc. I edit using Avid DV Xpress on a XP machine. When I export, I export to QTREF file and open it up in TMPEGENC (I have the qtref plugin for tmpeg). I use the generic DVD wizard and try to convert. The file gets about 25% or 6% done everytime then freezes, no error message just the program stopped responding. I tried exporting to QTREF using the avid codec and not using it...same thing. I had no problems doing this until this weekend, I was using tmpeg and the dvd authoring one flawlessly before...ANY HELP???
You Might try Raiseing the Priority of the "QT Reader" in the :Vfapi Plugins" but other than that I don"t know what it could be, You might try an older version.....
On the new version, during several movies I've tried to encode to VCD, the program stops responding and freezes up part way thru encoding. There are no error messages. I have to shut it down and start over. Never happened with the older version. Any idea why? Thanks.
I made the same expereince. The freezing started with version 2.510. Never had the problem with older versions.
I reported this to the support line (registered user)some tome ago. They replied that so far I am the only one who experiences this problem.
Hence it's crashing, same thing is happening to me when I tried to encode a DIVX to mpg, it would crash at the 47% mark of encoding. See my post ("TMPG ver 5.512 crashing when converting a DIVX 5.05 .avi"). Out of curiosity, would the source you are trying to encode happen to be a DIVX 5.05 .avi?
I have this DivX avi file, I want to convert it to (S)VCD with subtitles. What I do is: Open the source with VirtualDub, it says VBR audio and while saving the avi video/audio won't match. I found this edited version called NanDub and it doesnt generate this error. Anyways, I add TextSub filter and recompress it in new avi file. video/audio matches. now the step to convert with TMPGEnc. I load the new avi file, both video and audio source. But it doesn't convert AUDIO. The generated MPG file doesn't have audio though it says it does. I tried to save WAV with NanDub and use the wav file as audio in TMPGEnc, and now it says "The error occured while ACM was initilized". What must I do? I go nuts because i did SVCD, left the computer on last night like 4hours and NO RESULT!! help me please!!!
I have this DivX avi file, I want to convert it to (S)VCD with subtitles. What I do is: Open the source with VirtualDub, it says VBR audio and while saving the avi video/audio won't match. I found this edited version called NanDub and it doesnt generate this error. Anyways, I add TextSub filter and recompress it in new avi file. video/audio matches. now the step to convert with TMPGEnc. I load the new avi file, both video and audio source. But it doesn't convert AUDIO. The generated MPG file doesn't have audio though it says it does. I tried to save WAV with NanDub and use the wav file as audio in TMPGEnc, and now it says "The error occured while ACM was initilized". What must I do? I go nuts because i did SVCD, left the computer on last night like 4hours and NO RESULT!! help me please!!!
Firstly you have wasted your time and quality by creating another file in Virtualdub. You should have simply frame served the AVI with subs from Virtualdub to TMPG.
Your ACM error is usually a codec problem or a problem with the audio itself and is probably related to the fact it is VBR.
thanks. i've tried frameserver before and it doesn't work perfect with filter for subtitles because mostly it doesn't display. when i directly convert the file with TMPGEnc, same thing happens. but when i recompress the avi, every single subtitle is in the new file. can you help with that?
Sort of, You can Pause it Just by Clicking "Stop" while encodeing and when it asks you if you want to abort encodeing you just dont answer and go and do something else, and when you want to resume encodeing just answer "NO" and it will start encodeing again, But you can not shut down Tmpgenc or you Computer and start encodeing were you left Off....
You can pause the encoding process and then hibernate your computer if you wish to shut it down. Then just bring your PC out of hibernation and then cancel the abort.
I'm using TMPGEnc Plus 2.511 on Win2k. On some MPEG2 encodes with TMPGEnc I have seen a problem. When playing the .MPG back, both on my PC with WinDVD and after authoring a DVD for a set-top player I see a subtle "pulsing" in the brightness of the background. It seems to shift brightness slightly every 1/2 second (which matches the rate of I-frames in the MPEG2 GOP).
I have not observed this with every encode, just on some of them. I'll need to check but it may happen only when I use TMPGEnc's built-in brightness/contrast adjustments. The problem is definitely not in the original DV .AVI, and it does not show up with Cinemcraft Encoder (CCE Basic) either.
Could this be something like a round-off error within TMPGEnc when encoding P and B frames? Has anyone else observed this problem?
When encoding video I have recorded using a Pinnacle PCTV Card the encoding process starts but gets slower and slower with the time remaining increasing instead of decreasing until finally it stops responding and the programme just halts. Happens on every recording on this method at varying methods.
I tried in VCD, MPEG 1 (various settings), MPEG AVI. I have downloaded a number of codecs including PIM 1, all the latest Div X but made no difference.
Well None of the Formats you mentioned are Very good Formats to use to capture Video with a Capture card, accept I don"t know what PIM 1 is??? Mpeg1/VCD difinately not a Good Format to capture to, But you are Probably not useing VCD/Mpeg1 to capture to because you would not need Tmpgenc if you captured directly to VCD, you could burn it directly to disk, But it would look Bad..And DivX is not a Good Format to Capture video to Because it is Very Lossy like Mpeg is and you need a Lot of CPU Power to Capture directly to DivX...The Format to capture is Uncompressed AVI or HuffyUV but you need a Lot of disk Space to capture to UncompressedAVI, about 1.2gb per minute at Full resolution, and with HuffyUV about 350mb Per Minute at full resolution, The Next Best Format would be to use something like "PicVideo Mjpeg Codec" it Produces Good Quality and uses very little CPU Power and uses only about 200mb per Minute at Full resolution at 19 Quality...One of these Codecs I just Mentioned, would be best to Capture to(HuffyUV or PicVideo Mjpeg) if you can do Uncompressed AVI, and these Codecs Decode Very Quickly also so they will encode Quicker than other Codecs...And Downloading a Bunch of Codecs when you Have a Problem is not a Good Thing to do as they can cause more harm than Good and are only usefull if the File you are encodeing to mpeg was originally encoded with that Particular Codec...You Might try raiseing the Priority of the "Direct show File Reader" in the "vfapi Plugins" but I do not Know if it will help as I do not Know what Format the File you are Trying to Encode is compressed with....
I tried in VCD, MPEG 1 (various settings), MPEG AVI. I have downloaded a number of codecs including PIM 1, all the latest Div X but made no difference.
The files are straight TV recordings done at either the standard VCD settings on Pinnacle (MPEG 1, 1.15 bitrate) or Custom settings where I use MPEG 1 HQ at 3.00 bitrate. I am not setting any specific codecs myself when ,aking the recordings.
By the way PIM 1 is a codec applicable to Pinnacle recordings, got it from the moviedownload website
Forgot to say - the VCD setting (MPEG 1) produces a 900MB file whilst the custom settings produce a 2½GB file for a 1½hr film. I feed these into TMPGEnc as they are. The only adjustments I make are the video and audio bitrates in the expert section to get the film to fit on a CD. I don't do anything with any codecs.
If you are Captureing to Mpeg1 VCD then why are you encodeing with Tmpgenc??? Re-Encodeing will Just ruin the Quality and if you captured to Mpeg1/VCD then it is allready in the Correct Format for VCD, That is the Whole Idea behind Captureing to Mpeg1 with your Capture Card, so Just forget Tmpgenc and just burn the Mpeg1 files as VCD"s....