TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 177 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question Evaluation period does not work! Graham 0 2003-05-23 09:03:49
Question Evaluation period does not work! Graham 1 2003-05-23 08:43:10
Question Problem with converting avi to mpeg Dezzy 5 2003-05-24 22:13:53
Question Chapters For VCD AdonisXX 2 2003-05-23 02:33:42
Question converting XviD mjg 4 2003-05-23 13:53:23
Bug report Squirm squirm 2 2003-05-22 21:12:17
Question Environmental settings/ VFAPI plug-in Pink 4 2003-05-23 23:24:04
Question error message typan 1 2003-05-27 18:09:40
Question TMPGEnc Crashes willwoll100 5 2003-05-25 21:29:06
Question Converting to Avi bitejen 2 2003-05-21 22:23:29
Question How to convert OGM to AVI? leon 2 2003-05-26 04:11:14
Question Problem with MOV files and sound scottws 10 2003-05-23 00:29:03

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 177 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - Evaluation period does not work! No.37017
Graham  2003-05-23 09:03:49 ( ID:momqdzyeghf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I installed windows XP on my system, now any time I DL the new tsunami it immediately states that the evaluation period has expired. Does tsunami not work under XP? Or are you only ollowed to ever try one version of tsunami?


Question - Evaluation period does not work! No.37015
Graham  2003-05-23 08:23:08 ( ID:momqdzyeghf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I installed windows XP on my system, now any time I DL the new tsunami it immediately states that the evaluation period has expired. Does tsunami not work under XP? Or are you only ollowed to ever try one version of tsunami?


Minion  2003-05-23 08:43:10 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes you are Only allowed to use the Demo one time, Once you have used the Demo once then that is it..They wouldn"t sell many Copies of Tmpgenc if once the demo ran out you could just download another copy of the demo...You can still use it for Mpeg1 VCD....

Question - Problem with converting avi to mpeg No.37009
Dezzy  2003-05-23 03:56:45 ( ID:anr6z/olfrr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi i have windows xp home and im using TMPGEnc Plus Version i want to convert avi to mpeg so i can make a vcd out of it..well i get the audio just no video shows up at all..any help please!!!

Minion  2003-05-23 08:38:54 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Go to "Options" to Enviromental settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct show" to "2".. this should make it to there is an image in the file after encodeing..And remember that if there is No picture in the Tmpgenc window while encodeing then there will not be an image in the File....

Dezzy  2003-05-23 15:58:10 ( ID:anr6z/olfrr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

now it crashes when i switch it to 2 or 1

Minion  2003-05-23 23:08:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

HHmmm..What type of AVI file is it?? Meaning what Codec was it compressed with???

Raymond  2003-05-24 14:51:32 ( ID:wxrhgxlnmio )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'vo got the same problem. TMPGEnc will not encode by DV AVI files that I exported from Abobe premiere. How can this be fixed? Anyone?

Minion  2003-05-24 22:13:53 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well if you are Useing a "Direct Show DV codec" Like Microsoft DV codec then Try raiseing the "Direct show File reader" in the "Vfapi Plugins" to say "2", if the Codec is a VFW DV Codec Like MainConcept DV Codec then try raiseing the "VFW File reader"....

Question - Chapters For VCD No.37006
AdonisXX  2003-05-23 00:20:37 ( ID:7ttyvjaxchr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi Guys, is anyone aware of a program that will insert chapter points into a (VCD) not (DVD) that has been encoded to fit onto one disc.?

Minion  2003-05-23 01:12:17 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, There are Many Programs that will Add Chapter Points to a VCD or SVCD, Like a Bunch of "Ulead" Programs can do it Like "DVD Workshop 1.2/1.3" and "DVD Movie Factory" and "Video Studio 7", they all will add Chapters to a VCD or SVCD and Of cource DVD"s, they can also add Menu"s and Titles..But if you are Looking for a Freeware Program that will add chapters then "VCDEasy" can do it, It"s Burning engine does not work with all Burners But if that happens just use it to make a Bin/Cue Image File and use something like Nero to Burn the Image to Disk....

AdonisXX  2003-05-23 02:33:42 ( ID:7ttyvjaxchr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Minion!

Question - converting XviD No.37001
mjg  2003-05-22 19:08:53 ( ID:domca2lr0ac )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do I download something to convert XviD to MPEG or AVI? Is there a patch for v2.512?

Minion  2003-05-22 21:14:31 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What do you mean??? You just download it and Use it, there is nothing special you have to do Just download it and extract the Files to a Folder and Run the Program..And what kind of Patch are you talking about????

mjg  2003-05-23 02:41:57 ( ID:domca2lr0ac )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have already installed v2.512 when I try to convert the file (which is XviD) I get a message that says "the file type is not supported". How do I convert the XviD file??? Is it not an MPEG-4 file in actuality? v2.512 says it only supports MPEG-2 files... do I need another codec?

Minion  2003-05-23 08:34:29 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Xvid Files are Mpeg-4 Files in the AVI container Format,The Xvid Codec causes a Lot of Problems with a Lot of Programs so it would be best to install the "FFDShow Mpeg4 Decoder" and configure it to decode Xvid and DivX files, and go to "Options" to "Enviromental settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct Show" to "2"..This should get the File loaded But the "FFDShow Decoder" will help Make it so you do not get Errors while encodeing, you can download it here : ..Tmpgenc does Not Natively support Mpeg2 files, it supports AVI/Mpeg1/ASF files, it will Only accept Mpeg2 files as the video source if you have a Specific Mpeg2 decoder installed or a VFAPI Plugin But you don"t need to be concerned about that as you are encodeing AVI files...

mjg  2003-05-23 13:53:23 ( ID:domca2lr0ac )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanks, I do appreciate it.

Bug report - Squirm No.36998
squirm  Home )  2003-05-22 04:08:26 ( ID:dgqp9zjnwpr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tsunami is locking up when I use the wizard to make an mpeg-1 VCD. It advances a few frames (80-130) and then stops. The processor usage is zero after the enocding locks up, but the program still adavances. The elapsed time advances but nother else ever changes.

The only thing I'm changing from default is adding:
Frame clip
soften block noise
motion search - Highest

My source is a 3G MJPEG avi, 32 minutes, that encodes with Tsunami to SVCD or DVD mpeg-2 beautifully.

squirm  Home )  2003-05-22 04:11:07 ( ID:dgqp9zjnwpr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It won't let me edit the post.
Dual Pentium 3 CM - 650
512M of ram
Win2K service pack 3

Minion  2003-05-22 21:12:17 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What version are you Useing??? Either set the "Motion Precition Search" to "High Quality" (NOT Highest Cuz there is a Bug with Highest, and it isn"t any Better than High Quality), or Use the Very Newest Version "2.512" cuz the Bug has been fixed in that Version....

Question - Environmental settings/ VFAPI plug-in No.36993
Pink  2003-05-22 01:04:31 ( ID:bdxp7pqvipk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when I do dvd rips and make mpg I find its not as clear and the orginal.
can change the setting so not to have the lines in it.
Directshown multimedia file reader is on 2
AVI VFW compatibility reader is on -2
all the rest is 0

let know if I can change it to make it look clear.

B_Racer  2003-05-22 13:12:14 ( ID:gxmkoa4dlnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use DVD2AVI to Decode the DVD-Files, not the VFAPI PlugIn.

Minion  2003-05-22 21:07:37 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Lines you are Talking about are Probably Interlace Lines and they are a Part of the Video and without them you wouldn"t have a Picture, They shouldn"t show up on your TV Set as your TV is Made to Display Interlaced content and a Computer Monitor is Not, Just make sure that the Field order is set correctly and if you still Have Problems with Interlace Lines then you can Use the De-Interlace Filter But it can take away some of the fine detail in the Image so I wouldn"t sugest it..When you say "DVD Rips" does that Mean that You are Ripping the DVD or that you downloaded an avi File that was Labeled DVD Rip?? If it is an AVI file that says that it is a DVD rip then it isn"t a DVD Rip cuz DVD rips are the Files ripped off of a DVD which are in VOB or M2V Format, if this is what you have done then It would be Best to Follow B_Racer"s Advice and Use DVD2AVI to Decode the Vob/M2V file then use Tmpgenc encode the Frameserved files, this is a Faster way of decodeing Mpeg files and the Image Quality seems better ...

Pink  2003-05-23 18:30:15 ( ID:bdxp7pqvipk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am ripping the dvd rip right from the orgnial dvd and I ripping with smart ripper then I use the dvd2avi then use tmppgenc to make the mpeg-1. But I find I the picture is not as clear as the orgnial dvd itself. wonder how to make as to get the best quailty.

Minion  2003-05-23 23:24:04 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well of cource it isn"t going to be as Clear as the Original DVD, if it turned out as Clear as the DVD then Poeple would still be Buying CD Burners instead of DVD Burners..VCD"s have 1/4 the Resolution of DVD"s and up to only 1/6 of the Bitrate of a DVD so the Quality is Only going to be a Fraction of a DVD"s Quality...If you want better Quality Make SVCD"s if your Player can Play them as they have at least twice the Quality of VCD, or you can Try XVCD which is a Variation of VCD But uses either or Both a Higher resolution and Bitrate than a Standard VCD, But still your DVD Player might not play it properly, some can handle the Higher Bitrate and resolution and some can not, You can Probably Increase the Bitrate to say 1650kbs and keep the same Resolution which will Give you a less Blocky Image and a Clearer image But then you would only Fit about an hour on each CD-R Max, and your DVD Player should be able to handle it..VCD is not a Very high Quality format, and I don"t even use it because of the Lower Quality, So if your DVD Player supports SVCD then that is the way to go....

Question - error message No.36991
typan  2003-05-21 18:10:24 ( ID:qbeml8l7c.m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After succcessfully using TMPGEnc for a few weeks I now find that every time i start the program i get the erreor message "Read error Occured at address BFF7A of module 'KERNEL32.DLL' with 0079FFBO" I've tried un/reinstalling and using it in safe mode but i'm still getting the same error.... HELP I need to get my films on disc !!!

discable  2003-05-27 18:09:40 ( ID:lcglvn3z/0n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would suggest searching for the kernal32.dll on your windows CD. and copy it into your system directory on your hard drive. this should take care of any corruptions that it may have sustained during use (viruses...) If not I would look at reinstalling your computer (Easiest for me since I have two hard drives (or partitions) and I just reinstall my C drive image with Drive Image)

Question - TMPGEnc Crashes No.36985
willwoll100  2003-05-21 16:20:12 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When trying to convert an XVid avi file to mpeg TMPGEnc keeps on crashing, I've tried a lot of things as list below:

1) Checked file for bad frames and repaired if required.
2) I've ripped the MP3 audio into a wav file and used this as my audio source.
3) Tried to change the direct show media file reader priority (increasing it).
4) Tried to convert the whole avi instead of splitting it.
5) Formatted hard drive and installed only crucial codecs ie XVid and AC3.

Is there anything else I can do which might help? I'm running ME if thats any help. This problem has been going on for weeks but still can't fix it, please someone help me.



PS I'm using the very latest release of the software.

Minion  2003-05-21 22:26:26 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Poeple Have been Haveing Problems useing the XviD Codec to Decode there XviD files, Poeple Have been haveing Better success useing the "FFDShow Decoder" instead of the XviD codec to Decode XviD/DivX Files, you Just download it and install it and set it up to decode XviD files....

Liam Gibbins  2003-05-22 19:09:39 ( ID:6xcywbnjwim )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using XP home edition and when I use TMPGEnc (Free version) it crashes

a tipical error message is "write error at 77f5215c of module 'ntdll.dll',
I have reinstalled twice and still get the same message.

I have tried xvid, AVI (normal), Mpeg 1 & 2 as the sorce files and it still happens..

any clues?


willwoll100  2003-05-22 19:51:36 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think I've sorted the problem with help from a guy from fastrack, basically I just use the templates and not the wizard, I've also had to alter the VFAPI to the following settings

Directshow multimedia file reader = 4
BMP/PPM etc... = 3
TMPGEnc Project file thing = 1
Mpeg 1 decoder = 0
Wave File reader = 0
AVI VFW comp' reader = -2

Try this to see if it helps, also don't use your computer whilst encoding


Minion  2003-05-24 03:02:55 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Useing the FFDShow Decoder will probably get rid of the NTDLL.dll error, as the Error is Probably caused by the XviD codec...

liam gibbins  2003-05-25 21:29:06 ( ID:6xcywbnjwim )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

right have tired two codex nimo and fddshow I still get the nt<thingy>.dll error.

I have altered my settings as ahown above......

what more can I do?


Question - Converting to Avi No.36982
bitejen  2003-05-21 15:49:17 ( ID:o3iyqa1.4h6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am looking to convert to avi from mpeg.

I have tried to convert it and have succeeded, however, it will ad to the length and I want to make the file smaller. It is a movie file. I have tried it three times and still it gets bigger not smaller.

I have a friend who says you can use this program to make the files smaller but I am not having any luck. I have tried both raising and lowering the bitrate with the same result. He says his gets smaller but mine got bigger.

Is there anyway anyone could tell me what I am doing wrong? I am using tmpgenc 2.5, do have the divx 5.5pro.

Should the output file be something different?

Please help!!

B_Racer  2003-05-21 16:13:37 ( ID:gxmkoa4dlnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You want to create an AVI from an MPEG2-File?
OK, TMPGEnc is able to do that, but it is not optimized for that.
Surf do or, they provide Guides for Videoconverting.

Minion  2003-05-21 22:23:29 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, I would sugest something like "Virtual Dub Mpeg2_AC3" it Supports Mpeg1/2 files and can encode them to any VFW AVI Format you have codecs for, But you must realize that if you are trying to Just Make the file size smaller through re-encodeing you will also Loose some Quality allong with a Smaller file size..

Question - How to convert OGM to AVI? No.36979
leon  2003-05-21 03:08:58 ( ID:pwmhkfj8a7m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I try to load an OGM movie file into TMPG to convert it into a VCD compatible file and it accepts it but when I start to run it give me the error: "The error occurred when ACM was initialized."

What does that mean and how do I fix it?


Minion  2003-05-21 22:19:03 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tmpgenc Doesn"t support OGM Files, But you Can Probably use "Virtual Dub_Mod" to convert OGM Files...

gmoney  2003-05-26 04:11:14 ( ID:scy380npdfr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it's true, tmpg does not support ogm

what you can do is to convert the video only with tmpg

you can rip the sound to a separate file with another program such as goldwave.

and then combine the two with tmpg in the mpg.

Question - Problem with MOV files and sound No.36968
scottws  2003-05-20 23:51:27 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to convert Quicktime movies to DivX for use on my PC. I found that TMPGEnc can do what I want, which is get the audio out of MOV files (I am using RAD Tools to convert the MOV video to AVI video and plan on using VirtualDub to combine the AVI video from RAD Tools and the WAV audio from TMPGEnc).

However, I can't get the audio out of MOV files. I have the QT plug-in in C:Program FilesPegasisTMPGEnc (or whatever TMPGEnc's default install location is).

I get no audio on encoding. Just a blank WAV file. If I try to use the audio editor before encoding, there is no sound. There is sound if I try to use another file type other than MOV as the source.


Minion  2003-05-21 01:33:24 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This has been Quite a Common Problem lately, I think it is Because the QT Mov Plugin hasn"t been updated since it"s release over a year an a half ago and the Author doesn"t do any Improvements on it anymore and The author of Tmpgenc has nothing to do with the QT Plugin,Maybe it isn"t compatible with Quicktime 6
??, You could try raiseing the Priority of the QT Plugin in the VFAPI Plugins and see if that Helps, I have used "Sound Forge 6" to Get audio out of Mov files, You could probably use it to Convert Directly from Mov to DivX....

scottws  2003-05-21 02:09:26 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I presumed as much. It's a shame that MOV conversion is next to impossible with QT6. I wish there would be a new plug-in or something. You know there are some coders out there that would want to convert a MOV file to DivX.

I'll give Sound Forge 6.0 a shot.


B_Racer  2003-05-21 10:50:01 ( ID:gxmkoa4dlnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I did not test it on newer Quicktime-Files, but maybe radtools are a solution for converting MOV to AVI.

scottws  2003-05-21 21:56:38 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had already tried RAD Tools. It converts the video fine. However, if I attempt to convert MOV audio and video to AVI at the same time, the program crashes. If I try to convert MOV audio to WAV audio only, it says it cannot find the audio stream.

I have learned that Quicktime has a form of audio protection that prevents copying or conversion.

I tried Total Recorder, but it doesn't seem to work very well. When I put the TR WAV file (from the MOV) in an AVI container with AVI video converted from the same MOV, the sound doesn't sync up if you fast-forward or rewind the video.

I'm at a loss here. I am going to try Sound Forge 6 and Adobe Premiere 6.5 next.

Minion  2003-05-21 22:16:54 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, Um A Program called "EO-Video" also converts Mov to AVI/Mpeg, the Mpeg encodeing isn"t that good But I"m sure the AVI Encodeing isn"t too Bad ,Just another Think to put on your List of things to try....Cheers

B_Racer  2003-05-22 11:19:50 ( ID:gxmkoa4dlnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oops, i missed your writing about RADTools, sorry.

I tried EO-Video with one of those Animatrix-Videos. It did not work. Got the Video, but not the Audio-Part.

scottws  2003-05-22 15:52:58 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So the problem is Quicktime 6 then. Either Apple has done a great job preventing people from ripping the audio out of QT6 files or no one has made a program yet that takes QT6 into account.

Adobe Premiere won't work. It also only works with QT4 and QT5.

scottws  2003-05-22 16:37:17 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Sonic Forge 6 works perfectly!

Minion  2003-05-22 20:54:27 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I knew it would as it is an exelent Audio/Video tool, I"m glad it worked out...

scottws  2003-05-23 00:29:03 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oops. I meant Sound Forge 6 not Sonic Forge 6.

Anyway, it works 90% of the time. However, it isn't working for the Animatrix MOVs. Those seem to have more than one audio track. Two specifically: one for the title sequence and one for the rest of the movie. SF6 seems to only find the latter track.

But it's better to have 50MB DivX files instead of 100MB MOV files for everything else I have.

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