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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I tried to encode a DivX file into Mpeg1 for VCD. The video came out great, but there is no Audio. I played the Divx avi file file in Media Player 9.0. Does anyone know why this is so? or how to fix it?
You should have at least looked for your Answer before posting Because this Question is asked and answered Many Times a Day, you need to extract the audio to Wav Format with Something like "Virtual dub_Mpeg2_AC3" then use the Wav file as the audio source..The audio in DivX files is Usually AC3 or VBR MP3 and Tmpgenc does not support these Formats as an audio source...
Just loaded new 30 day trial version and attempted to encode a mpeg2 file but when I got to encode step I received notice that "MPEG-2 trial period has expired". Now what am I to do, I haven't even got the opportunity to evaluate the product to see if I like??????
You will Only get this message if you have used Tmpgenc at some point in the Past, even if you just downloaded it and Ran the program once then deleted it you will get the Message..You only get one Chance and this is it....
I extract the audio of my avi with VirtualDub Mpeg.
But, is it best to encode only the avi video to MPEG and then mux it with the audio, or use the wav as the audio source during the encoding process.
I have tried to research this on previous BBS responses, but I am still not clear.
I keep downloading and trying other encoding software but keep coming back to TMPGEnc, this software is GREAT !
I usually Use a Seperate Encoder to encode the audio then Mux the audio with the Mpeg video But that Is just me it"s Probably more convienient and easier to Encode the wav file with the AVI video in Tmpgenc to mpeg..There other Good encoders like Procoder ,CCE and MainConcept But tmpgenc is definately one of the easiest to use and Least expensive....
How's it going? I've recently received through snail mail a invitation to attend a 2003 'AVID' presentation in New York. Have you guys ever heard of AVID. They are purporting a new solution called AVID DNA.
The price of their products made my palms sweat. I'm interested in hearing what you guys have to say about AVID if you have any experience with them and their products.
Well I have "AVID Express DV 3.5" and it is a Good DV editor with a Lot of Features, and AVID is Used Quite a Lot in Profecinal Editing Studios, But there is no Major advantage useing AVID as opposed to something Like "Adobe Premier 6.5" or "Pinnacle Editing DV 4.5" or even "Vegas Video 4" accept for a Few Bells and Whistles,and they are Quite Pricey to say the least but isn"t all software these Days?? anyways I"m sure that the presentation will Be Quite interesting ,and you never know you might meet some studio Big wigs there..I actually Got invited to a Ulead Video editing Workshop in L.A in a Couple Months But it is much too Far away to go for me...Anyways I"m sure it will be interesting..Have Fun....
Thanks for the input. I was wondering if it was something spectacular. Maybe I'll attend if nothing else comes up. Its only 15mins away for my pad and the 'free' executive lunch is always a welcome perk.
OK, as someone who spent just $48 for my MPEG encoder and $179 for my editor (Ulead MSP Director's Cut), I can't help putting in 2 cents here.
AVID products are skewed toward volume production environments. They charge a premium for speed, high reliability, expert user interface, and effects that are only needed for shows like "Bluetorch TV" on ESPN2. If you are not under deadline to crank out a daily production like that, you might get away a lot cheaper.
And their DV tag screams 4:1:1 to me. It would be very limiting if their $1000 (!) "AVID Express DV 3.5" product is hardwired to a 4:1:1 DV codec. That rules out working with high resolution analog source and makes croma keying difficult.
I actually have No Problem Useing AVID DV 3.5 for Editing Captured Files, Usually Raw YUY2,or HuffyUV...I also ame the Proud owner of Ulead Media Studio Pro 7, and Find it a Really Good Program with a Lot of Improvements over the 6.5 version, I think this is why I got invited to that Workshop in L.A Cuz I have Registered Allmost Every Product that Ulead has ever Put out and Only Special repeat Coustomers get invited...
I have a large avi file that uses mp3 encoding for its audio layer. I have tried to convert this to mpeg for burning to VCD by way of Tmpg Enc, but the output file has no audio, and while selecting the source range for file splitting, I have found that the audio does not display.
From what I understand reading the FAQ, this program does not properly support mp3 audio, but it does suggest using an external program. As a new user, I'm in the dark here.
What do I need to do to have the audio layer added to the mpeg file so it can be burned to VCD (using VCDEasy)??
You probably just need to Extract the audio from the AVI to WAV format useing something like "Virtual Dub", then use the Wav file as your Audio source...
Not having attempted an operation like that before, I have to ask: how high is the risk of getting the audio out of sync with the video? Is there a way to force sync?
Generally speaking there should be No will only go out of sync if the Extracted audio somehow Gets longer or Shorter than the Original audio..I personally Have never had a Sync Problem caused by Extracting audio, then again I do not use the Program that most poeple use to Extract audio, I usually use a Profecinal audio/Video editor like "Vegas Video 4" or "Sound Forge 6" to extract the audio, if you have access to a Program like this then use it as it is Probably more reliable than Virtual Dub....
I can't select it because the option to select it isn't in the dropdown box called "Channel Mode".
I don't see the word Mono anywhere, only the 3 other options.
The reason I know it should be there, is because I saw a tutorial yesterday
with screenshots, and on those I saw he could select Mono
Well On my Version there are 4 options and Mono is the One on the Bottom, I don"t know why you would not have the Option, it is a Mystery to Me, if for some wierd reason you want Mono audio you can allways use a seperate audio encoder with a Mono Option...
I am trying to burn VCD's. Most of the movies I have are split into two AVI's under 700MB. When I encode them with TMPGEnc I end up with files sizes above 900MB which will not fit on a standard cd. I use Virtual Dub to strip the audio off into a wav and mux it with the encoded file.
As I understand it the resulting encoded file size is dependant upon the bitrate of the AVI being encoded. I am willing to lose a little quality for smaller file size.
Is there a way to modify the bitrate of my AVI's so I can end up with useable MPEGS file sizes ?
Can this be done during the encoding with TMPGEnc or is there another software I can use to accomplish this ?
<As I understand it the resulting encoded file size is dependant upon the bitrate of the AVI being encoded. I am willing to lose a little quality for smaller file size.>
NO.. You got this Totally Wrong, the Size of the Mpeg file has Absolutly NOTHING to do with the Bitrate of the Source AVI file..I has to do with the Bitrate of the Mpeg File..It doesn"t matter if the AVI file is 1MB or a 1,000,000GB, it All has to do with the Length of the AVI file and the Bitrate used to encode the AVI file to Mpeg, Not the Bitrate used to encode the AVI file in the First Place...As a General Rule VCD"s will Be 10MB per Minute, so you Can fit Close to 80 Minutes of VCD on a 80min 700MB CD-R (You can get 800mb of mpeg on a 700mb CD-R)..You will allmost allways Have to put every Whole movie on 2 CD-R"s, if you Lower the Bitrate of the Mpeg file you can make the File smaller but on your TV it will Look Terrorable, it might look OK on your Monitor in a Small Window but on your TV it will Look Much worse,I think it is Best to Raise the Bitrate to about 1600kbs and Put 60 minutes of VCD on each CD-R with Much better Quality Cut you will have to Put most movies on 2 CD-R"s anyways..Say you have a 120 minute Movie(2-Hours) and you encode it at the Standard VCD Bitrate, then you will end up with a File about 1.2gb which you will have to split and Put on 2 CD-R"s at 600mb per CD, But then you are wasteing 200MB on Each CD-R, so wouldn"t it be better to encode at 1600kbs and end up with a 1.6gb File that you split into 2 800mb Parts which would fill 2 CD-R"s with Much better Quality..Or you can Lower the Bitrate to about 775kbs and the audio to 128kbs and Put it all on One CD-R and Have it Look absolutly Horrible..But if that is what you want to do then you Have to load the "Unlock.mfc" Template from the "Extra" Folder and it will Unlock all of the Settings so you can adjust the Bitrate and other settings, But if you lower the Bitrate you will Have to set the "System" setting to "Video-CD Non-Standard" or your File will not get smaller But it will still Look Bad...And it might be a Good Idea to Encode your Files as One then edit them after encodeing ,Or you can use the "Source Range" to choose the Part of the File you want to encode....Well Good Luck....
I made a VCD from an AVI (DIVX). Previuos I extracted audio from the AVI stream, to avoid audio/video-sync problems.
The mpg1 I burned with Nero. (BTW VCD created with DVDx and Nero doesn't make any trouble).
Now the phenomenon: when I play the VCD in my DVD-player after some minutes the video runs fast, slow, fast, ... (audio is continous). But it's not a raw data problem, 'cause when I seek back the video for some seconds and start playing again, all is ok (for the next minutes...).
What setting have I do, to avoid this (as mentioned, with DVDx and Nero no VCD shows that mistake...)
This is the Exact effect you get when there are Bitrate spikes in the Encoded File..What happens is Suddenly the Bitrate Jumps and the DVD Player can not speed up fastenough to properly read the data so the Video seems to slow down then when the DVD Player is able to Catch up the Video seems to Play normally untill the Next Bitrate spike..Tmpgenc is Quite Notorius for this cuz it doesn"t Obey the Bitrate that you set...This usually doesn"t happen with Standard VCD"s because the Bitrate is Quite low in VCD"s but if the Drive in your DVD Player isn"t Very Fast it does Happen...What you can try is to Just encode useing CBR as opposed to useing a VBR Method,and if you are Useing a Higher than Standard Bitrate then this Can help cause this Problem also but if all else Fails Just don"t use Tmpgenc as your Encoder or get a DVD Player that can handle Higher Bitrates..There are Other encoders that Give good Quality but they aren"t free like Tmpgenc..To verify that this is your Problem take the Mpeg/VCD file and Look at it through a Bitrate viewer and see if there are Bitrate spikes(Or bitrate Dips) at the Spots were the Slow down Speed up effect happens...
Hi, i'm having the following problem:
After i encode my divx movies with TMPGenc to MPEG1, i use EasyVCD to burn them. But after the program analizes the file before burning, gives the following warning:
bbMPEG_Muxed_File00.mpg" This MPEG file requires autopadding... you may be unable to watch it correctly... Do you want to add this file anyway?
Why is TMPGenc producing this files? How can i fix this? or better yet, how can i do to make TMPGenc produce files without errors.
Thank you.
The File Doesn"t have an error, The Problem is that you encoded the File as a Mpeg1 file and Not a Mpeg1/VCD file, There is a Differance..Take the File and Run it through the "Multipex" or the "Merge & Cut" useing the "Mpeg1/VCD Non-Standard" setting in the Drop down menu, this will Add the Correct VCD header to the File and then VCDEasy will not want to add Padding to the Stream..And when Muxing use Tmpgenc"s Muxer with the Correct VCD Setting, and when encodeing Make sure the "System" setting is set to VCD...
I don"t have a problem with it, Just tried it and It worked Fine...Maybe Try a Download Manager and if you Are useing a Download Manager then Try it without the Download Manager....
This question is about avi to vcd/svcd conversion.
If the source avi has a video bitrate of 1300kb/s and audio bitrate of 128kb/s, is there any benefit to setting the output vcd file to have an average video bitrate highter than 1300kb/s? or the audio higher than 128kb/s?
I use GSPOT to check an avi's information, and I'm just wondering if maybe i've been making the output (s)vcd's too large. Example, I had a divx5.0 avi with aspect ratio 344x232, bitrate 1315, 25fps, and audio at 192kb/s 48000hz. I made an svcd file out of it that was 1.6gb (2 disks), with video bitrate about 2200kb/s and audio bitrate 228kb/s. Was this necessary? or would the quality have been exactly the same at a much lower bitrate since the original avi had a much lower bitrate?
The Source Files Video and audio Bitrate have Absolutly nothing to do with how you encode them To Mpeg so just get that whole Idea out of your Head, They are Two totally different Compression formats that have absolutly no relation to each other..With Mpeg then Higher the Bitrate used to encode to Mpeg the Better the Quality no matter how the Original AVI file was made....
I'm using TMPG plus, newest version 160 but this applies to all versions I've tried. Using WinXP pro, Direct X 9a. When I try to cut an mpg2 the place the cut is made 11 seconds before the place I've marked in the merge/cut editor. I have other computers that work correctly but on my production machine I can't seem to fix this problem. I've tried replacing mpg encoder, codecs. nothing seems to fix the 12 second problem.
Thought I'd provide an update in case anyone has any ideas. The merge/cut function of TMPG plus is reading the time stamp wrong on mpg2 video. On a very similar machine with the same codecs installed, I get the correct time showing at the frame I want to cut to. In the computer with the problem the time stamp shown is 11 seconds off, eg, 2:26 vs 2:37 actual.
The easiest thing to do would be to Just Not use Tmpgenc"s editor, the Merge & Cut is Buggy at the best of times and does not support the accurate editing of VBR Encoded Mpeg files...Use a Real Mpeg editor Like "Womble Mpeg2VCR" or Ashy posted a link to a Freeware Vob/Mpeg editor a Page or 2 back called "Chopper XP" I haven"t tried it yet but I"m sure it it better than the Merge & Cut, there is also another Freeware Mpeg2 editor called "Mpeg2Cut" based on DVD2AVI that works well also....