TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 228 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question avi - mpeg2 *reboots after encoding :'( Gary 6 2003-03-02 17:10:53
Question Video and Sound out of sync after AVI to MPEG2 conversion sexy-leroy 2 2003-03-10 18:14:33
Question Can't encode xvid files to mpg Ryguy 11 2003-03-01 10:59:45
Question Problem EkS- 3 2003-03-04 21:00:16
Question sound af 5 2003-03-01 19:34:29
Question Do Nguyen Do Nguyen 1 2003-02-28 01:10:48
Question how does interlace work george_zhu 0 2003-02-27 21:30:13
Question File Length Question Dave Weyhe 1 2003-02-27 21:52:26
Question how does interlace work george_zhu 0 2003-02-27 16:38:29
Question how does interlace work george_zhu 4 2003-03-01 21:02:53
Question 4:3 convert to 16:9 Dig 0 2003-02-27 14:27:12
Question 2 audio channels into 1 Micksimus 1 2003-02-27 19:35:41

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 228 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - avi - mpeg2 *reboots after encoding :'( No.34945
Gary  2003-02-28 11:59:40 ( ID:2a3zxfdklug )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when encoding an avi to mpeg2 everything used to be fine, but now i come back to my computer to see how a batch encode is going and it is always rebooted (recovered from a serious error in xp) but tmpgenc has actually finished the encoding of the first file and saved it.....

i tried to do a full uninstall and reinstall. but with no joy??

anyone know whats going off?

Minion  2003-02-28 16:51:25 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Maybe see what Happens if you Dont Batch encode and see if you have the same Problem...

John  2003-03-01 19:58:35 ( ID:gt3m0hp1x2k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Many times my computer also reboots but it is not always. I wrote to TMPG support but got no answer. On my own experience there is no relation between the reboot and the conversion been made through batches. It does happen on any configuration. The most probable reason I have identified is that they happen most commonly on very large avi files. However, now I am getting another consistent error: TMPG gives me a read error mask pointing to an each time different TMPG address. I had this kind of error before but it was more sporadically. TMPG does quality conversion? Yes. But the hassle and the hundreds of hours I have already spent debugging it kill me. It turned that the $48 I paid for it became too expensive.

Ashy  2003-03-01 20:15:24 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPG isn't the problem. Your PC setup is. For whatever reason your setup is causing problems.
I don't get this problem and neither do the many thousands of others using TMPG.
If I were you I would do a clean install of your system then maintain it with good houskeeping to prevent any more problems.


John  2003-03-01 20:54:22 ( ID:gt3m0hp1x2k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well, I cannot tell by Gary but I am a 27 years in the field electronic engineer. I know computers from inside out. I started designing PCs back on 1981 and I still developing systems nowadays; curiously I work on the same building were IBM developed the IBM-PC in 1984. Therefore, I can tell if my PC is clean and lean and it is. I assembled this PC last January and it uses an ASUS A7N8X with XP2100+, 512 MB of Corsair Xtreme DDR 333, video card ATI 9700PRO, DVD Sony DRU500A, 450GB on fast HDs, and Windows XP Professional. If TMPGenc is not the problem, how I can convert movies using Pinnacle Studio, Sonic MyDVD, ShowBiz, Ulead Studio? Certainly if it is not, it is part of the problem. If you know what setup could be causing the problem that would help. I just bought and installed Norton SystemWorks 2003 Professional and Norton could be causing it, but I cannot be sure of that since not even Symantec admits that they also have problems.



Ashy  2003-03-01 23:08:02 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

All I can say is that these sort of problems only seem to happen with AMD processors and certain boards.
You will notice there is another post by OCJ having a similar problem and unusually enough has an ASUS motherboard and an AMD processor.


John  2003-03-02 17:10:53 ( ID:gt3m0hp1x2k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK, yesterday night I could find a very significant problem. I had been around the reboot + 'read error' problems for more than a week. Because the hard disk where I am storing the avi is new (I mounted it on Feb 08), I could never imagine that the problem was fragmentation! The 19GB avi file was 68% fragmented, causing TMPG to either reboot or cause those read errors. It took me hours and 3 pass to defragment the disk but after that TMPG ran without errors.

Other suggestions to Gary:
(1) Find if your CPU is not overheating during encoding. TMPG is a heavy software and, in my case where I have 4 fans, the CPU temperature reaches 60C. Anyway, you have to find your own CPU threshold and make sure you are within the safe zone;
(2) Try to convert the AVI into MSDVTYPE2 by using the free conversion software that Canopus USA is offering if the file is TYPE1DV;
(3) If your are using AMD remove the check box of TMPGEnc Plus - Option - Environmental setting - CPU - 'Enable SSE.'
(4) Be sure your AVI file is not fragmented!

Question - Video and Sound out of sync after AVI to MPEG2 conversion No.34942
sexy-leroy  2003-02-28 08:45:46 ( ID:jrsc6ue7ck2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there,

had a problem yesterday with converting an AVI to MPEG2. AVI runs fine with PowerDVD. I used VirtualDub to extract the sound to WAV and then used TMPGEnc Plus to convert AVI+WAV to MPEG2. When playing the MPEG2 file (again with PowerDVD) afterwards, video and sound were all of a sudden out of sync...
Installed are DivX, Xvid, Nimo Lite CodecPack and PowerDVD, so all necessary codecs should be available...

Any idea?

matt  2003-02-28 15:48:32 ( ID:hztmmyhjehm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

is any part of the outputted mpg file in sync. i.e is say the first 20 minutes ok. Often what happens is that when you encode the avi with a seperate sound file, any defect in the avi file, say a slight pause in the file will result in the sound file being out of sync to the video. If you are making two output files, what i tend to do is, find out the moment of time where the sound and video lose their sync, and encode the second output file from that point.

Understand? if not email me:

Gary  2003-03-10 18:14:33 ( ID:2a3zxfdklug )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the info... i suspect my files are fragmented, but am not sure on how to check for sure?? But they are only 700 megs no where near the size of John's.

I have seen messages where people have had similar problems.. and the people reply seem to think it maybe due to the avi files in question.

These avi's should be checked in vdub for bad frames and resized and frame served to tmpgenc. (apparently?)

Gonna check it out and see what happens!

p.s. I have an AMD machine but the sse controls are greyed out, for obvious reasons.

Question - Can't encode xvid files to mpg No.34930
Ryguy  2003-02-28 08:18:43 ( ID:y0cv6nkdwhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi :)
I have a problem with tmpgenc when I try to encode xvid files into any kind of mpg file. It gives me an error when I try to load the xvid file and won't let me encode it at all. This is the error (copy and paste the link into your address bar or it won't work)
This all started one day out of nowhere. I have no clue what triggered it but I do know that I could encode xvid files before. I thought it was just a windows error because I fooled around with my windows xp bootscreens and themes so much. After a few weeks I reinstalled windows xp to fix the problem. Oddly even reformating my whole computer didn't fix this. Do I need a filter or something? I was able to do this before without a filter. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Minion  2003-02-28 08:39:37 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is a Common error with XVid files But I don"t know what causes it accept Just being XVid files..What I would Sugest is to Try Frame serveing the File to tmpgenc with a frame server like Virtual Dub or AVISynth...

matt  2003-02-28 15:50:44 ( ID:hztmmyhjehm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

you can get a codec from some where, and i don't know why but after i downloaded the codec, i found that tmpgenc encoded the avi file ok, although sometimes i would get no sound in the output.

Minion  2003-02-28 16:47:41 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Without the Codec he couldn"t even watch the Movie in the First Place so I"m sure that isn"t the Problem...

EkS-  2003-02-28 18:37:15 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I get same Error with xvid files. Lemme know if ya figure anything out.

Ashy  2003-02-28 20:03:41 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try uninstalling your other DIVX/XVID codecs and try FFDSHOW instead.
FFDSHOW can be found here:


Pscy  2003-02-28 21:16:20 ( ID:gyx2w45yfel )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Had this myself (well, an error in the same file, not quite sure of the code though). Removing all my codecs and reinstalling the ones I needed fixed it.

Ryguy  2003-02-28 23:44:50 ( ID:y0cv6nkdwhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the help. The codec I am using is Nic's Xvid codec. I have always used this codec and it has always worked fine. I just find it odd that I could encode xvid files before. I looked over my whole computer and there is nothing that I changed when this problem started. I'll try getting the ffdshow filter but I've heard nasty things about it like lots of artifacts in movies and such. If it starts working I'll let you know.

Ryguy  2003-03-01 00:46:02 ( ID:y0cv6nkdwhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, I havn't tried the ffdshow filter yet. Does ffdshow have an unistaller? anyway, I tried reinstalling my xvid codec but nothing changed. Is there anything else I would need to reinstall, I can't think of anything. I tried frameserving and everything seemed to work smoothly but when I made a test mpg file the audio and video was extremely glitchy/laggy.

Ashy  2003-03-01 00:57:44 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes FFDSHOW is easily uninstalled. Don't know where you heard about those things about FFDSHOW but I have never come across any such material or had problems.
In fact FFDSHOW is more likely to correct or prevent artifacts not create them.


Ryguy  2003-03-01 05:01:28 ( ID:y0cv6nkdwhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Alright, everything is working now. I installed the ffdshow filter and it fixed every problem. No more tmpgenc errors or anything. Thanks so much Ashy for the suggestion and everyone else.

Ashy  2003-03-01 10:59:45 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Glad it worked out.


Question - Problem No.34926
EkS-  2003-02-28 07:14:42 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello. I am encoding a xvid screener that I recently download, and about
10 to 20 percent thru, the screen goes black. I get some of the video but then it goes black the rest of the way thru. Any suggestions?


P.S got the codecs.

EkS-  2003-02-28 07:36:22 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Also getting this error. "Write error occurred at address 00401C9F of module 'TMPGEnc.exe' with 02108504"
When I begin the convert process.

EkS-  2003-03-01 05:46:07 ( ID:8e3qtzowwrr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Fixed it.

DoubleT  2003-03-04 21:00:16 ( ID:fk6i3b6qbqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Plz tell me how u fixed it i get this problem too i have even tried reformatting my hd and i still get the error

Question - sound No.34920
af  2003-02-27 23:23:53 ( ID:hyuh2mwngq6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i browse and enter the avi file name, the audio file underneath the avi file name no longer automatically fills in, why is this????

Minion  2003-02-28 01:15:22 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you have seperate Audio and Video Files??? If you do then I think that tmpgenc will only automaticly load the audio if the File name is exactly the same, But if you are Just loading in a Regular AVI File and only the Video gets Loaded then this could be because the audio format in the AVI File is not supported By Tmpgenc or Tmpgenc just cant recognize and decode the audio..Either way you have to use a Seperate Program like "Virtual Dub" or "AVI-MuX" to extract the audio from the avi file to a WAV file and use the wav file as the audio source...

matt  2003-02-28 13:38:02 ( ID:z.m5bpadjb2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

no, its not a seperate audio file. At first when i browsed for the avi file, the audio box filled in automatically. Now when i do the same, even on the same files, the box is no longer automatically filled in. I haven't been messin about with any settings, do you know what the problem is??????

Minion  2003-02-28 16:49:49 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well I think I said What the Problem was, You Probably need to extract the audio from your AVI files to a WAV file and use the wav file as the audio source, this is Especially True with DivX and XviD Files...

matt  2003-03-01 18:05:48 ( ID:hyuh2mwngq6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

listen, i browse for a video file, and the audio box should automatically fill in. It is no longer filling in automatically, so the mpg output has no sound.

Now with previous coversions the avi file i browsed for did cause the audio box to fill in automatically. Now if i try it, even browsing the same files , i had previously successfully coverted, the audio box does not fill in.

extracting the audio is just unneccessary and even more time consuming.

Ashy  2003-03-01 19:34:29 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well, you have either uninstalled a needed codec to decode the audio or recently updated your version of TMPG.
In any case TMPG will not decode the audio without the proper codec being installed.
You need to find out what the audio is in your AVi and post back.


Question - Do Nguyen No.34918
Do Nguyen  2003-02-27 22:15:46 ( ID:dlllfeor9hg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

where can i find an mpeg2 plugin for my tmpgenc. i was able to find one but it was in a wierd zip format that was not supported by my winzip program. the program was archived as *.lzh and i need one archived as *.zip. can you help me?

Minion  2003-02-28 01:10:48 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tmpgenc Now uses mpeg2 decoders Made By Cyberlink and Ligos, If you install Power DVD you will get the Cyberlink Mpeg2 decoder and if you install the Nemo Or Tsunami Codec/Filter Packs you will get the Ligos Mpeg2 decoder, either will allow you to open Mpeg2 files in Tmpgenc But i still think that DVD2AVI is a Better Mpeg2 decoder...

Question - how does interlace work No.34917
george_zhu  2003-02-27 21:30:13 ( ID:hz6rjbhkmfo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How does it work?
Encoding each field seperately, or de-interlacing it then encoding the progressive frame?

Question - File Length Question No.34915
Dave Weyhe  2003-02-27 20:36:29 ( ID:zynialrzhyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have noticed a problem with encoding .avi(s) with TMPGEnc. Sometimes TMPGEnc thinks that an .avi is longer than it really is (for example, it thinks a 22 minute file is 44 minutes). I tried to set the end frame with the mpeg tools, but I was working on an .avi not an mpeg. After I made the mpeg, there was no sound, the file was the correct length, but there was no sound. How can I fix the problem of having TMPGEnc think a file is longer than it really is?


Minion  2003-02-27 21:52:26 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Length Problem has Nothing to do with the No audio problem..The Problem with Tmpgenc reading the file as the wrong length can not really be fixed Because tmpgenc gets this information from the File itself, as Long as it comes out the Right length then there really isn"t a Problem..As for the Audio not being there you Probably should Extract the audio from your Source File to a WAV File with something like "Virtual Dub" or "AVI-Mux" and use the Wav file as the audio source..Tmpgenc will not encode all Audio formats...

Question - how does interlace work No.34914
george_zhu  2003-02-27 16:38:29 ( ID:hz6rjbhkmfo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How does it work?
Encoding each field seperately, or de-interlacing it then encoding the progressive frame?

Question - how does interlace work No.34909
george_zhu  2003-02-27 15:32:02 ( ID:hz6rjbhkmfo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How does it work?
Encoding each field seperately, or de-interlacing it then encoding the progressive frame?

Minion  2003-02-27 19:38:00 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It encodes it a field at a Time cuz the File plays a Field at a time and de-interlaceing the file doesn"t make the file Progressive it just blends the fields together as to minimise Interlace artifacts, depending on the Filter used...

george_zhu  2003-02-27 20:47:57 ( ID:hz6rjbhkmfo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So basicly, when I set the mode as interlace. TMpgEnc will encode 2 fields of a fram seperately. Then afterward, when it plays, the player put the two fields one after the other. Am I right?

Two more questions:

1.Is the set of field order important during the encode?

2. Does the other encoders like CCE deal with the interlaced video the same way as TMpgEnc?

Minion  2003-02-27 21:41:43 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Under "Source" do not set it to Interlace of Non-Interlace Because Tmpgenc will automaticly analize the File to check if it is Interlaced or Progressive and it will set it Accordingly, as For the Field order it is Very Important to have set correctly But Tmpgenc will set this also but only when loading the Source file in WiZard mode, so it is Best to Load the File in wizard mode to Find out the Correct Field order, CCE encodes Interlaced Files By Field also,..

John  2003-03-01 21:02:53 ( ID:gt3m0hp1x2k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Go to and click on "Interlacing", you can read plenty material over there...

Question - 4:3 convert to 16:9 No.34908
Dig  2003-02-27 14:27:12 ( ID:fifs8owf9bj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How can I convert a 4:3 NTSC to 16:9 NTSC? I tried to recompile it in TMPGenc but it added black strips to the sides instead on top and bottom.

Do I need to change the size settings? They are set at 720x480 now.


Question - 2 audio channels into 1 No.34906
Micksimus  2003-02-27 13:58:14 ( ID:qasmjbhcxtn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a Matrox Digisuite Max system which I use to capture video and audio. When I capture the audio, I get 2 files A1 and A2. However, TMPG Enc only allows 1 audio file to be encoded with the video file. This means I can't create stereo audio for my MPEG2 file. Help.

Minion  2003-02-27 19:35:41 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So you basicly just want to take 2 mono audio files and combine them to make one Sterio Audio file????You can do this with any Good audio editor Like "Sound Forge"...But you can load one of the Mono files into Tmpgenc and choose Sterio as the out put format and it will make a Sterio File with the same Mono file comeing out Both chanels, but that isn"t as Good as Combineing the 2 Mono chanels into one sterio channel..With a setup like you have you should have a Good audio editor...

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