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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have a Funny Feeling that you might be "Too Lame" to do a Simple search for it your Self...It took me 2 seconds to find it, just go to ANY search engine and Type in "Toolame Download", that is all I had to do and the very First link that came up was a link to were to download it, the Hight of Lazyness!!!
When i use the cut merge function with a mpeg(1 or 2) from my tuner card to cut out commercials. It always gets desycnhed.
I am trying to make commercial free for burn for VCD. Seams like the first cut works, but not the rest. Am i using the wrong app to try and do what im doing?
All i want is to to cut out commercials and keep the audio sycnhed and be ready to burn with out nero have to encode for a long time. :)
First Off Mpeg files aren"t meant to be edited and That is one of the resons why Captureing to Mpeg sucks..Pluss Tmpgenc"s Mpeg editor does Not officially suport files that are not encoded By Tmpgenc and it does Not support the acurate editing of VBR Mpeg files, and Tmpgenc is Just plain Not a Good Mpeg editor..And another thing is that a Lot of Mpeg capture programs compensate for Dropped Frames By adding Padding were the Frame was dropped But when editing the Padding is removed and so is the compensation for the De-sync caused By dropped Frames..All I can sugest is to use a Different Mpeg editor like "Womble Mpeg2VCR" but if you still get sync problems when I would sugest Not captureing to Mpeg at all and try a Different Format like AVI Cuz you will allways get better results with AVI than Mpeg cuz AVI is much less Lossy than Mpeg...
Could anyone recomend a good program to capture? I dont have to use the one the card came with right? I will search for the womble thing now.
I just want the simpelest way to be able to rip tv shows, cut out the commercials, and burn them in sycnh to vcd/svcd format. Man if there where no commercials in the first place this would be so simple.
I found a program that splits mpegs and they dont get desycnched.
Also, my buddy who recomended tmpeg to me cuts and merge mpegs with tmpeg and his never get desyched :(.
You would be better off capturing to AVI or MJPEG rather than directly to MPEG. This is much better for editing.
You can then use the 'Cut editing' function in the 'source range' filter to remove all the commercials in one go then just encode to whichever MPEG format you choose.
I've got an AVI that has "white snow" (black/white random pixels) as an effect of somebody switching channels on a TV. Whenever TMPG encodes this, the footage immediately after the snow has severe blockiness at first, before settling back to normal. How can I avoid this?
Noise, whether intentional or not, needs more Megabits/sec to encode.
Try encoding just that section with CQ at 8Mbs. You will then know the best quality possible with DVD spec.
Then try 2-pass VBR with the max bitrate set high (8.4Mbs) if you can't afford the file size of the whole file at 8 Mbs.
A more tricky approach would be to encode just those sections with a different GOP structure (less B and P frames) and try to merge the pieces together. (Use closed GOPs for this).
What would lessen this effect a LOT is to use AVISynth to frame serve the File But use a Heavy Noise Filter(AVISynth"s noise filter is better than Tmpgenc"s)
This would lessen the Noise before it gets to tmpgenc so you will get Less Blockyness, and use the "Soften Block Noise" setting to help with this, and setting the "Motion Precition Search" to "High Quality" will help with Blockyness also...
I agree with Minion, better to lessen the effect then encode, but is it really necessary to include these parts in the output?
If it's not required then remove them. This can easily be done by using the 'Cut Editing' function in the 'source range' filter. Just simply cut them out.
If they are required then maybe you would be better using a CBR method of encoding rather than VBR to keep the bitrate constant and using 'High quality' for the 'Motion search precison' or if you feel like you've got the expertise use the MVBR and 'Forced picture type' setting then at least for these difficult frames right after the snow you can set your own quality.
Check the Forced picture type box then click 'setting' and set the first difficult frame as an 'I' picture and change the bitrate of the frames.
> is it really necessary to include these parts in the output?
Of course! They're part of the edited product... are you saying we should cut
out stuff from a final edit just because it encodes badly? No way, Jose. :)
> you would be better using a CBR method of encoding rather than VBR
I'm already encoding to MPEG1, 352x240 NTSC, with CBR of 1500.
As for the other suggestions of motion speed detection, this didn't help, no
matter which speed I selected. However, I will try the forced picture settings
option and make the frames "I" type and see how it goes.
I have an avi encoded with xvid that must have some bad frames because the video will freeze (and actually force me to restart my whole computer). I have VirtualDub and I tried scanning the video for errors and then making a direct screen copy (this is suppose to mask the bad frames?), but this doesn't work (also, no matter what I try, extracting or not, the audio becomes out-of-sync). Am I doing something wrong? I'm quite new at this, so I'm hoping for a simple way to mask the bad frames (like Divx Antifreeze does). Is there an xvid version of the Divx antifreeze? Is there something else I should try?
Please help, thanks.
After scanning for errors did you check the Option to "Mask Selected Frames"???
You have to have this option checked before makeing a Copy of the File..Depending on the Type of De-Sync problem you are haveing would determine what method you would use to Fix the problem..If the File starts in sync But gradually goes out of sync then this is the Most difficult type of De-Sync to fix Cuz you have to Time Stretch/Shrink the audio to the Length of the Video with an Audio editor Like "Cool Edit" or "Sound forge" to attempt to fix the Problem ,But if the File is the same amout out of sync the whole way through the File then this can more easily be fixed By off-setting the audio or Video so they sync up, you can do this with the "Muxer" in BBMpeg or Better yet with the Muxer in "Womble Mpeg2VCR"....Another thing you can try is to "Scan For Errors" then "Mask Selected Frames" then Just "frameserve" the File to Tmpgenc without Makeing a Copy of the File....
This seems to be a Common Problem with Mov Files and Tmpgenc and the Only solution I can think of is to extract the audio from the Mov file to a Format that Tmpgenc CAN Encode, like WAV..I don"t know what software you have But I know that "Adobe Premier" can do this and so can "Sound Forge".But I"m sure if you took a Little time and Looked on the Net you would Find a Freeware Program that will extract the audio from a Mov file to WAV...
I have just received, but have not yet had a chance to install or use, Ulead DVD Movie Factory version 2. I hope to be able to retire MyDVD, which came with my Pioneer A05. With MyDVD, I used TMPGEnc 2.59 to create separate elementary streams of video (.m2v) and audio (.wav), which MyDVD then combined.
I would be grateful to hear the recommendations of DVDMF2 users as to what stream types they use in TMPG, as well as any other settings that DVDMF2 may be particular about, such as VBV buffer size, GOP open/closed, etc.
Well One thing I can tell you From Experience is that you will be Quite dissapointed in the New version of DVD Movie Factory, your "MYDVD" is still a superior Product..The New Version seems to have even Less features that the Version 1 of Movie Factory..Movie Factory is Quite a Low End DVD Authoring Program, so is MyDVD but MyDVD is still better, you should have spent a Few more Bucks and gotten Ulead DVD Workshop 1.2 which is a Better Program than MyDVD..IF you still can I would advise you to Return Movie Factory for a refund Cuz it is the Lowest end Authoring Program that Ulead Makes, But I"m sure you will figure that out for yourself soon enough....Good Luck
I tried, unsuccessfully using MyDVD, MGI Videowave and Pinnacle's built in
authoring. Each either crashed or would not play correctly on something.
Using MovieFactory2 and selecting "do not convert complient mpeg files"
produced DVDs that played correctly on everything I tried.
I used standard GOP closed or open, 8000 CBR, m2v+wav and highest quality
settings. I replaced the audio (actually no audio) in the .m2v file in
MF2 with the wav file in a 1/2 hour video. the sound stayed synced for the
whole thing. MF2 is kinda limited, but it worked for me. I spent lots of time
with software that had neat features, but made effective coasters.
Nonstandard gop resulted in jumpy or intermittant playback on some software
Your results may vary. I'll wish you luck too. I got MF2 for real cheap at
CompUSA after a rebate, so I considered it a good value.
I picked up DVDMF2 at CompUSA also, who was selling it for $30.
In addition to doing the audio replacement with a .wav, I plan on trying MPEG-1 layer 2 audio, which DVDMF2 is supposed to accept, and which should consume considerably less space on the disk.
Hi, i was trying to covert serverl avi files to mpg with tmpgenc 2.5, 2.9 and 2.51 using window xp, but for some reason, after its done converting, there is only audio and the video is gone. can anyone help?
This is Not a Windows XP Problem..You probably just need to Raise the Priority of the "Direct show file Reader" in the "Vfapi Plugins" to "2"..If you can not see your Movie in the Preview window while encodeing then there will not be Video in the File....
I'm trying to encode a AVI movie that req Xvid codec
I've installed the latest Xvid codec by nic dated 060203.
Window's media player plays this AVI movie perfectly.
But when TMPG encodes in to MPEG, there is no sound.
The origin audio in the avi is layer-2.
Can anyone help me.
I have Never Heard of Layer 2 audio in AVI files Before are you sure that you don"t mean layer 3???any time you have Problems with the audio in your AVI files you should extract the audio from the avi file to WAV and use the WAV file as the audio source, you can do this with a Lot of different Programs But try either AVI_Mux or Virtual Dub Cuz they are Freeware...
I am new to DVD ripping. I have followed all instructions and have created a movie using Flask. When I select the mpeg1 then bring up my large file, I was told to go into the cut area to make 2 or 3 pieces so that I can download it to a disk. However everytime I do this I try to cut and name it(which works for the first cut) But then when I go back to cut again it is the whole file still there and it starts to search for the first cut file?
Basically I do not know what the heck I am doing and the instructions that were given to me are very vague as to the steps to follow.
Can someone tell me how to cut a mpg movie into three parts so I can then process them to a couple of discs?
Tmpgenc is Notorius For Only Being able to Cut the First Part and even if it did cut the second and third parts chances are that the audio would be out of sync..You either have to encode the Movie in Parts or Buy a Real Mpeg editor like "Womble Mpeg2VCR"..And there are Much easier and better ways of ripping DVD"s to make VCD/SVCD than Useing Flask, Flask is Quite old and Out Of Date...
>Tmpgenc is Notorius For Only Being able to Cut the First Part and even if it did cut the second and third parts chances are that the audio would be out of sync..You either have to encode the Movie in Parts or Buy a Real Mpeg editor like "Womble Mpeg2VCR"..And there are Much easier and better ways of ripping DVD"s to make VCD/SVCD than Useing Flask, Flask is Quite old and Out Of Date...
Ok, so what do you suggest. I am a novice at DVD ripping and bought this stuff offline. Now I know most of it I can get for free. Even as difficult as it was, I managed to get all the way to the cut. But alas have failed.
In other words what do you reccommend to copy DVD's and then burn them to my own disc. Yes I am trying to build a collection. I have spent far to much money on DVD already? So what products do you recommend that are easy to use even for a novice like me???
You Can Add chapters after you have encoded it to Mpeg2 with your authoring Software..If you are Makeing a VCD or SVCD you can use VCDEasy to Add Chapters to the File and if you want to make Chapters and Menu"s then you can use VCDEasy also But DVD Workshop makes Better looking ones.You can not add Chapters while Encodeing ,Well not with Tmpgenc, You can With some versions of CCE...
I'm very new to this so I hope you may be able to help.....I am trying to encode an AVI and create an mpeg-1 file
The AVI file properties are:
bit rate - 56kbps
Audio format - MPEG Layer 3
Frame rate - 14 fps
Data rate - 44kbps
video sample size - 24 bit
video compression - MS-MPEG4 V3
When I load in the avi file it populates both the video and audio fields, then I carry on with the wizard and choose the source range, but when I move the slider, the audio is fine but there is no picture!
Is this common and am I missing something?? I have been able to see the pic before on all AVIs that I've created, although they have had a video compression of MS-MPEG4 V2.