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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have just downloaded TMPGEnc 2.59 and then imported .avi file to encode into Mpeg video, but the error appears:"cannot open or unsupported this file".
Before I used version 2.53 but everything was OK. Also the same file format(.avi). I wonder if I must add more some plugin supported .avi file format.
Please show me what to do.
Thank you very much in advance.
You should Maybe look for your answer first before posting Cuz the answer to this question is Posted Many times On this Page.."Options" to "enviromental settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" raise "Direct show" to "2"...
Im quite a techy and have been using tmp for some time now. I have stacks of codec's in my machine and have a problem that I hope you can help me with.
I have some downloaded movies from the net of very good quality - they are dominion DIVX files.
In windows media player and any other player on my system they play fine. when i run them in tmpgenc the audio file is empty.
I have to use virtualdub to rip the audio first.
Unfortunately, if there is a glitch in the video of the movie the audio goes totally out of sync at that point.
My question is this - how can I get TMPGenc to recognise the audio stream? - as stated I have the codec installed otherwise I wouldnt be able to hear it in windows media - would I?
You don"t need a Codecs for Certain Audio formats ,Namely AC3, you nead an AC3 Filter, and Tmpgenc won"t in Most cases Decode AC3 even if you have the correct Filters installed, a few poeple have claimed they can get Tmpgenc to Decode AC3 audio and Have Given Instructions on what filters to install But Still can not decode AC3 no matter what...Virtual Dub Doesn"t extract Ac3 properly, what it does with AC3 is extract the AC3 to an AC3 File with a WAV header so if you take the WAV file extracted By V-Dub and re-name it to AC3 then use "Headac3he" to encode it to either WAV or Mp2, Mp2 would be best then Mux it with the encoded Video..If there is a Glitch in the File were it goes out of sync then it is the files fault not tmpgenc....
this is the way i do it...i extract the wav an insert it in tmpg and because u have a glitch in the movie...wot u have to do is only encode the portion of movie that is ok....then advance an retard the sound as needed in "source"and the encode the rest.
Ive had movies with upto 5 glitches in them an have had to encode 5 seperate peices of the movie by advancing an retarding the sound file on each one then join them all together.
A lot of hassle u might say...yes but after spending 2 days dloading the movie in first place its worth it.
I too have downloaded a high quality Dominion divx (HP2), and am having the same problems. I can't get the audio synched with virtual dub by the normal methods. Have you had any success yet?
I've tried VirtualDubMod and checked the video, but it didn't find any glitches. I've also tried "slewing" the audio, but because it's a progressive increase in asynchronicity, it doesn't help either. I've read that it's possible to "stretch" or "compress" the audio stream to match the video, but haven't tried yet.
Let me know.
The problem with the TMPGEnc recognition of VBR audio seems to be fixed by installing the older MPV File. See the thread by PAPAVER (and responded to by MINION). My "Dominion" DivX files work fine now.
Minion, I'd love to get my hands on one of these files that you can't convert. I'm always on the newsgroups and if you or anyone knows of one that is out there please let me know where it is and it's name. If this is going to be a problem for me at some point I'd like to start chewing on it as soon as possible. Thanks
The crazy people at have finally done it!. I just dowloaded the 528x480 test clip and burned this thing onto a cd-r and DAMN! it looks GOOD. 138 minutes like this on one cd. Forget everything else, I'm going KVCD from now on!. Take a look at this sample clip
I have Tried ALL of the KVCD Templates Many Times and Have Tweaked the settings to death and have Never Gotten Very Good Quality with High Motion Scenes, But the Biggest Problem with them Is they are allmost impossible to edit accurately and Chapter Cuz of the lack of I frames...The Sample Clips Allways look good untill you actually try the Templates, I just tried the New template on a Short High Motion Clip and It doesn"t look Nearly as Good as the regular Default settings for VCD..But if you want to get a whole movie on a CD with Barely watchable Quality then go for it But you can get Better Quality Buy useing a lot of experience and some tweaking ....
Help! I have been using TMPGEnc for a few days with not problem...converting AVI movies to MPG then burning as VCD. I had to reinstall windows XP (including reformatting the partition) and now it no longer works. Immediately when I select a file to convert, I get message "can not open or un-supported file" The same files were converting a few days earlier. Anyone have this problem or have any suggestions? Thanks
Go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi Plugins" and raise the "Direct Show" to "2"..and Make sure you have the correct codecs installed...
I have been reading some of the Posts..and seems you might have some answers to some very basic questions.
I have used the free download version of TMPGEnc..
I have been able to do some interesting encoding..DVD (VOB file)to MPEG-2 and a burn to a SVCD!
I have AVI files from a GL1 Canon camcorder.
I want to encode these to MPEG-2 and burn them to SVCD!
I have noticed that on my TMPGEnc program, there is the mention of the 30 day trial period being over for MPEG-2 encoding.
Also there is the offer to purchase the program!
My understanding was that this free version would be enopugh for all my mpeg-2 encoding needs!
Obviousl not!
Can you confirm this!
Is it worth my while to purchase this program?
Or would I be better off in the long run, since I am doing VIDEO EDITING work, to purchase a robust program like Pinnacle?
Or will TMPGEnc do me well for a lot of my editing needs?
What are the arguments for purchasing TMPGEnc?
It will cost about US $50.00.
A program like Pinnacle is much more costly.
I have Video Studio and Media Studio programs and still found a use for TMPGEnc.
I would like some feed back!
What of other AVI2MPEG encoders..costing only say US$17.00.
What is the word on the usefulness and worthwhileness of TMPGEnc?
Since it did so well in encoding the VOB file to MPEG -2 for SVCD, I was very happy with TMPGEnc.
By the way, another question, while I am at it.
I am always running into file size restrictions when wanting to SPLIT or JOIN an MPEG-2 file.
I have to be under 2 gb.
Some of my files to be split are larger than 2 GB, and some clips that I want to JOIN are larger than 2 GB..and so all the trial versions of Splitters and Joiners simply do not work?
Is TMPGEnc (purchased version) able to SPLIT and Join these large files?
Is it better to purchase TMPGEnc (if I go this way)as a CD mailed out to me, or simply pay thru the Internet for a registration key and use my free TMPGEnc version (2.64 MB)with my registration key?
Seems a CD version would have a lot more on it than the 2.64 MB!!!
Just thought I would ask these basic questions...since it seems a number of people will know, at least a bit of this!
Well Tmpgenc Is not an editor even though it has some editing features, and Tmpgenc is the Best encoder for the Money there is, the only other encoders that are as good as Tmpgenc cost Closer to $1000-$2000, and Pinnacle Sucks the Big one, I have Quite a Few Pinnicle Programs and They Suck especially the Mpeg encodeing..When you Purchase Tmpgenc you get a Registration Number through your E-Mail and you download a Different Version the "Plus" version and You don"t get a CD But you can Burn it to a CD, the Plus version is something like 7mb..If you only have a 2gb limit you should format your Hard drive to a Fat 32 system that way you get a 4gb limit or if you have XP,NT or 2000 you should format it to NTSF which has an unlimited file size..You aren"t really supposed to encode VOB files with Tmpgenc, you are supposed to use DVD2AVI to frame serve the VOB file to Tmpgenc ,it is a Much better method Cuz it is Much faster this way Cuz Tmpgenc doesn"t decode Mpeg2 files as Fast or as well as DVD2AVI..You can easily merge mpeg files with Tmpgenc But it can get a Little Buggy at times..I would sugest Purchaseing the Software Cuz it is the Best value for a Mpeg encoder there is, you can get Faster and Better quality encoders But they also Cost an arm and a leg......
TMPGEnc isn't an editor. Before you throw money around, find out what you need.
The Pinnacle software (such as Studio) that you mention are full-featured editing suites of varying quality. These are designed to take AVI or DV raw material, and help you to produce an edited file in the format of your choice: recorded back to DV tape or rendered to AVI, Real, Quicktime or MPEG.
The MPEG conversion included within these packages is not very good at all. This is where TMPGEnc comes in: render the edited video to AVI (preferably with a lossless codec like Huffyuv if you can afford the disk space) then convert to MPEG with TMPGEnc.
If you want to do MPEG-2 encoding without the time limit, you will need to buy the full version. During development, there was always a new version of TMPGEnc released before the time limit was up, and upgrading reset the time limit. This is no longer the case.
On your Computer....Go to "Controll Panell" to "System" to "Hardware" to "Device manager" to "Sound and Multimedia" to "Video Codecs" and Look for either an entry for Angel Potion" or "apmpeg4v1.dll" and delete it...or go to "Start" to "Search" and type in "apmpeg4v1.dll" and search for it...
I did a seardh no apmpeg4v1.dll was found in there but there are alot of others in there can it be one of them making have the purple color? I still get the purple color when I do my VCD. These are a list that was in there.
Cinepak (TM)
DIVX ;-)MPEG6-4 Video Codec (Fast Motion)
DIVX ;-)MPEG6-4 Video Codec (Low Motion)
Indeo I.263 Video Driver
Indeo Video 5.41
Indeo Video interavtive R4.3 by intel
Indeo Video R32. bye intel
Indeo Video R32. bye intel
Indeo wideo Raw YVU 9 intel
Intel .263 video driver 255.016 [1420]
ms-mpeg-4 video code V1
ms-mpeg-4 video code V3
msyuv [uyvy]
msyuv [yuy2]
msyuv [yvyu]
VDOnet VDOWave video codec
Video 1
I dont know why I would be getting the purple color if I dont have apmpeg4v1.dll. Can tell me how I can get rid of it?
Can anyone give me general tips on settings within TMPGEnc to get the best quality MPEG1's for VCD. Mostely I'm using downloaded AVI's. Anything would be helpful as I am just getting into the VCD thing.
Before the questions, my goal is to take some tapes from Sony 8mm (camcorder) and some VHS tapes from home and convert them to a digital format.
Each of these is about 2 hours long and the VHS tapes were recorded in SP NOT EP.
First question, will 80 gigs of space be enough for all this?
Second, what resolution should I capture them at? Keep in mind the camcorder has an S video output while the VHS uses the RCA cable types.
Third, what format should I keep them in? I want to keep the highest possible quality right now since I may later edit them.
Fourth, once I have capture them and stored the origionals, what program(s) should I use to filter them since these are a few years old and on a VHS or 8mm? Is there any software which can also go through each frame and sharpen them up a bit?, because I've used the sharpen feature in Adobe Photoshop for some images and it seems to work pretty well.
Fifth, do you have any other tips for me so my capturing goes better? (Possibly from past experiences?)
Thanks in advance.
80Gigs isn"t a Lot of space when you are talking about Digital video, I just recorded a 3 hour Movie and it took up 70GB useing The PicVideo Mjpeg Codec...What resolution you capture to Basicly depends on what the Final product is going to be, meaning are you going to make VCD"s or SVCD"s or DVD"s..Or do you just want to store them on your Hard drive or do you Just want to Archive them for safe keeping??? If you just want them to take up the smallest Possible space with the Highest Possible Quality then I would Capture at a High resolution like 640+480 or 704+480(These are NTSC Resolutions) with a Software Codec Like HuffyUV or Mjpeg then encode the Captured File to DivX..This way you could get a whole 2 hour movie on a Single CD-R and be able to store it for later use with the Best possible Quality for the File Size..But since you only have 80GB you will have to Do a single movie at a time..But since we don"t know a lot about what you will be doing I can"t really tell you to much, do you have an analog Capture card or a Firewite Port or digital Capture device of some sort, and what is the end product going to be, and what software are you useing to capture with?
I was trying to convert an avi file to mpg so that I can burn it into VCD. But when I used WMP to play the output mpg file, there is no video (audio is ok).
I tried the conversion again and when I clicked on Preview in TMPG, the display window is blank.
Thanks a lot Minion. I tried to change the priority but do not know how. I was on that screen, and except the checkbox, I was not able to edit anything. Please kindly advise. Thanks.
I have had problems converting a file from avi to mpeg.
Now I am unable to delete the source file - getting the error message the file is in use.. This is not the case or so I think.
How can I delete this file ????
Ashy I have tried that - believe me.....
All normal procedures have been tried..
The film needed Xvid to run - is it possible that Xvid has got hold of it some how...
I have uninstalled Xvid to try and do the business.
Im sure I have read that it can be removed by going into 'regedit'.
This is a known problem. Once you select the file in order to delete it, explorer opens it... It's a stupid thing of windows... Just go to the command prompt and delete it from there...
When I convert AVI files to mpeg using tmpeng, and having set direct show to +2, the encoding process gets to about 75% then freezes, locking the program. Any solution or tips?
There is Probably an error in the file were it freezes up..Encode up to were it crashes then use the source range to start encodeing a new file a couple frames after were it crashes then join the 2 files together, of you can try frameserveing the Source file to tmpgenc...
Go to "File" to "Mpeg Tools" to "Merge & Cut" and Load in the 2 files Pick a name for the new file and Click "Run" can edit the file here also...