TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 289 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question Excetion error when processing large file (1.5GB) dhas 2 2003-01-02 03:08:31
Question Is there a way to split an Mpeg? Cory 2 2003-01-03 10:41:48
Question Can't fit on one CDR Billy 1 2003-01-02 03:06:06
Question Choppy playback of MPEG-2 in WinDVD steve 2 2003-01-02 03:01:48
Question other possibilities 2 confused :L 0 2003-01-01 20:21:15
Question other possibilities confused :L 1 2003-01-02 03:00:02
Question Reading frameserve from VirtualDub Tadi 1 2003-01-02 02:58:31
Question MPEG-2 from Creative DVCR not readable by TMPG lglenn73 1 2003-01-02 02:57:58
Question Reading frameserve from VirtualDub Tadi 1 2003-01-02 02:54:37
Question TMPGEnc recognizes badly the file duration aa87652 1 2003-01-01 16:51:29
Free talk Hi Minion and Ashy Olli 1 2003-01-01 16:52:41
Question problem with reading dv-avi file after sound editing with premiere Kisoo Lim 1 2003-01-01 12:23:39

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 289 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - Excetion error when processing large file (1.5GB) No.32690
dhas  2003-01-01 23:48:45 ( ID:ttaavyj7uof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was using TMPGenc to convert a large AVI file to MPEG-2 however it crashed out with an exception error. Anyoone else has experienced this problem? Is there are any input file size limit?

dhas  2003-01-02 00:02:01 ( ID:ttaavyj7uof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry forgot to attach the error message the error message is

"External Exception C000001D"

Minion  2003-01-02 03:08:31 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is Not a Large file...And there is No File size limitation in Tmpgenc, I encoded a 87000 MB AVI file last night,

Question - Is there a way to split an Mpeg? No.32687
Cory  2003-01-01 22:28:16 ( ID:5m9bzrzw7ch )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am encoding a 641MB avi file to Mpeg. This is not going to fit on a single 700 MB cd-r. Is there a program to split the mpeg file into two files? Or is there a way to do it before you encode the avi file? I am stuck here. Thanks

Sakuya  2003-01-01 23:34:32 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

From what I know, you can split it after you encode the movie by going to the "MPEG Tools" menu in TMPGEnc. Last time I did it, I had some trouble with getting the seconds and minutes..

Mark  Home )  2003-01-03 10:41:48 ( ID:8otx2zn0lfj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can split it beforehand with VirtualDub.

The original AVI must be very compressed if you are expecting the MPEG file to end up being larger. If this is the case, the MPEG encoding will probably degrade the quality a lot more - perhaps you should just archive the AVI straight onto the CD?

Question - Can't fit on one CDR No.32685
Billy  2003-01-01 21:18:59 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Minion, I tried your suggestion on having a 1596-kbs as the CBR for the first part of my movie but the outpit file was over 800MB! The source file is 682MB I think. So what bitrate should I use?

Minion  2003-01-02 03:06:06 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well It shouldn"t...What you need to do is Download a Bitrate Calculator so you can Calculate the Bitrate your self,

Question - Choppy playback of MPEG-2 in WinDVD No.32682
steve  2003-01-01 21:14:58 ( ID:sdyquiliqrj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I've encoded short AVI clip to MPEG-2. When I playback the clip in WinDVD, it goes very fast (fast forward speed) for a couple of seconds, then slows to a crawl (a couple of frames/sec), then back to fast-forward-like speeds. It seems like frames are skipped when it's playing slowly. The overall quality of the video looks great.

The encoding process worked flawlessy producing a 16MB MPG2 from a 98MB AVI. I used the settings provided on this website:

The source video is DV NTSC progressive scan.

My PC has 256MB DDR RAM, Athlon XP 1600+, and a Nvidia Gforce 3 Ti 200 video card.

What am I missing here? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

steve  2003-01-01 21:37:49 ( ID:sdyquiliqrj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I messed up the link above...there shouldn't be a period after the "html". Here's the correct link, I hope:

Anyways, I seemed to have partially solve this problem. I was encode with the "ES (Video Only)" option before. I figured I'd try "ES (Video + Audio)", and now it works. So, I guess my question now is why can't the MPEG2 without the audio stream playback correctly, and is there any way to view video-only streams?


Minion  2003-01-02 03:01:48 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It should But I guess Just not with You...

Question - other possibilities 2 No.32681
confused :L  2003-01-01 20:21:15 ( ID:kqeswzcpkao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it possible to convert avi's or other formats to better or higher quality mpeg when you convert the files on this program?

Question - other possibilities No.32679
confused :L  2003-01-01 20:09:56 ( ID:kqeswzcpkao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it possible to convert other type video files to mpeg other than avi files to mpeg? I was thinking maybe a wmv file or any other file if possible or is it jus for avi conversion?

Minion  2003-01-02 03:00:02 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well Of Cource..Tmpgenc Supports WMV/ASF/Asx/Mov/Mpeg1/2/AVI.....

Question - Reading frameserve from VirtualDub No.32677
Tadi  2003-01-01 18:54:54 ( ID:b.muo6qwbpw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to set a VCD from DivX format, so I can view it on my DVD player. The problem I have is when Iam trying to frameserve from VirtualDub to a TMPGenC. Is this possible and how?

Minion  2003-01-02 02:58:31 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Don"t double post!!!!!

Question - MPEG-2 from Creative DVCR not readable by TMPG No.32675
lglenn73  2003-01-01 18:52:02 ( ID:9xlys/bhqzn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I export a video from my Creative Labs Digital VCR (hardware MPEG-2 encoder), TMPEG will not load it. It says that the MPEG is invalid. However, if I use DVD2AVI to convert the file to AVI with DivX 4, it will accept it...

Is there a work around this without having to go to DVD2AVI?


Minion  2003-01-02 02:57:58 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK..What you do is Load the Mpeg2 file into DVD2AVI but Don"t make an AVI File, instead go to "File" to "Save Project" and save a D2V project File, Now load the "D2V" file into Tmpgenc and encode it..This is the Proper way to encode Mpeg2 files with Tmpgenc...DVD2AVI will also Demux the audio from the Mpeg file and you just Mux this audio file with the Encoded mpeg file after the encodeing is Finnished...

Question - Reading frameserve from VirtualDub No.32673
Tadi  2003-01-01 17:54:16 ( ID:b.muo6qwbpw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to set a VCD from DivX format, so I can view it on my DVD player. The problem I have is when Iam trying to frameserve from VirtualDub to a TMPGenC. Is this possible and how?

Minion  2003-01-02 02:54:37 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You don"t have to Frameserve it , you should just be able to load the DivX file directly into Tmpgenc, But if for some reason you have to Frame serve you First Have to Install the "Handler"..Run the "AuxSetup.exe" file in the V-Dub folder, then go to "Install Handler"....after the Handler is installed run Virtual Dub load in your File add any filters then go to "File" to "Run Frameserver" and give the Frameserver file a name with a "vdr" extention, then load that into Tmpgenc.....That is Basicly it....

Question - TMPGEnc recognizes badly the file duration No.32671
aa87652  2003-01-01 13:47:38 ( ID:rzjy2qfrxhm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there:

I'm in trouble when converting MPEG II streams to MPEG I from vob files because TMPGEnc only recognize the first half of the file. Is that to say, if the stream is 30 minutes long, TPMGEnc works ok until the 15th minute and the remain 15 minutes are filled with the last frame.

some suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

ASHY  2003-01-01 16:51:29 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You shouldn't be loading VOBs dirtectly into TMPG. TMPG cannot parse the streams correctly.
You should be using DVD2AVI to create a project file then load that into TMPG.


Free talk - Hi Minion and Ashy No.32669
Olli  2003-01-01 13:22:14 ( ID:5zujw0ub3q. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I see you are still here helping people out ... good work fellas
Happy New Year


(Still watching DivX on TV via laptop and Svideo ...might start converting again though when I get a DVD burner)

ASHY  2003-01-01 16:52:41 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Happy New Year Olli.


Question - problem with reading dv-avi file after sound editing with premiere No.32667
Kisoo Lim  2003-01-01 09:27:35 ( ID:ahzf88ycsk6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Happy New Year All!

I captured dv file from my sony dcr pc-7 dv camcorder using premiere 6.0. When I try to encode original capture file, there is no problem.

But after I add more audio tracks for background music and export to microsoft dv-avi file, tmpgenc can't read up the file.

What is the problem? Do I have to install some additional codec?



ASHY  2003-01-01 12:23:39 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think the audio may be your problem. I seems TMPG cannot handle more than 1 audio stream at a time.

Your best bet is to re-encode the audio with Virtualdub to a wav then use this as your audio source for TMPG.


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