TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 314 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Bug report Index of scan line is out of range (480) Smog 1 2002-12-10 19:40:46
Question Mov to Mpeg Joaquin 1 2002-12-10 02:48:20
Question Photos to dvd joemar5 1 2002-12-10 02:39:16
Question I have 8 gig file and won't show up? David 1 2002-12-10 02:24:12
Question asf and TMPGEnc guest12345 1 2002-12-10 02:05:33
Question buffer underflow jetty 6 2002-12-10 09:36:41
Question Span a video cd on many cd 80 min egiziano 1 2002-12-09 22:21:31
Question p3package.dll Tara 3 2002-12-10 09:13:38
Question Problems Encoding 0 2002-12-09 20:45:04
Question any mpeg2vcr forum out there? jetty 3 2002-12-10 01:52:17
Question Unrecognized exception! Arwa 0 2002-12-09 16:50:26
Question Crashing with huge memory leak Mike M 2 2002-12-11 17:55:31

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 314 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Bug report - Index of scan line is out of range (480) No.31736
Smog  2002-12-10 11:02:38 ( ID:0jh7dykpbr6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I often get " index of scan line is out of range(480)". How can I solve this problem?

ASHY  2002-12-10 19:40:46 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is *NOT* a bug. It is the fault of your crappy downloaded AVI's.


Question - Mov to Mpeg No.31734
Joaquin  2002-12-10 02:06:17 ( ID:kkh/jwgn0bo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I downloaded the plugin that allows me to convert from .mov to .mpeg , the video works fine but the sound doesnt work!, whats wrong???

minion  2002-12-10 02:48:20 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well Quite a Few poeple have had this Problem with MOV Files and Tmpgenc..What you are going to need to do is Extract the audio out of the MOV File to WAV with a Program that supports MOV files and Use the WAV audio as you audio source in Tmpgenc..I don"t think Virtual Dub will work for this But One Program that does is "Sound Forge" it can even extract the audio to a Mp2 File that you would Just need to Mux with the Mpeg video file, It can even encode the Mov file to mpeg for you But tmpgenc Is Better at it..

Question - Photos to dvd No.31732
joemar5  2002-12-10 01:49:28 ( ID:bretwi1a3.g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I need to encode digital photos (tiff) 25 meg each into a high quality dvd,
16:9 format. I need desperate help. Thanking anyone out there in advance

minion  2002-12-10 02:39:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I do not Know if it is Possible to Encode Tiff files to Mpeg with Tmpgenc..Tmpgenc Does support Quite a Few Image formats But I did not see Tiff Listed..But I guess you Can try..The way you Load Image sequences into Tmpgenc is To Name the Images in Numerical order, like This :Image#001.tif, Image#002.tif and so one till they are all numbered and in the same folder, then you Just choose the First file and then rest will be loaded in the order you Numbered them..But if you Can"t get Tmpgenc to encode the Tiff files to Mpeg then there a Few Programs that are Made specificly For Photo DVD"s, Like on fairly good one is called "Ulead DVD Picture Show" it supports Tiff files and Many other ones also and it does Make Fairly good Presentations, i Have used it once before to Make a Photo VCD and it looked pretty Good...You Can Learn about it a Bit more here: , You can also Download a Fully Functioning 15 day demo from here: , There are Other Programs that can do it also But I believe this one is pretty easy to use and has some good features....

Question - I have 8 gig file and won't show up? No.31730
David  2002-12-10 00:04:33 ( ID:q0g7ebxahqh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to encode a 16 min file that is over 8 gig's and It dosen't show up in the tmpeg program when I go to the preview window. Does anyone have experence making a mpeg 2 file from a clip this large ? I am using a avi file created in Discreet edit , the file type is M-JPEG and I am running tmpeg 2.59.

minion  2002-12-10 02:24:12 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So your Saying that you Can get the File to Load But you can"t get See a Picture while encodeing or in any of the Preview Windows??Well The First thing you should try is to Raise the Priority of the "Direct show File Reader" in the "Vfapi Plugins", to get there you go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise it to "2"..This usually works with this type of Problem..Next you should make sure that the Proper Codec is enabled and set up properly, Cuz I know with the Pic-Video Mjpeg Captures I do, I have to have the Codec enabled and I have to turn off the "Force YUY2 Output" Setting or I get the Same problem you are haveing ,But this might not apply to you depending on which codec you are useing..But if after this you Still Can"t get the Picture to show up then you Might try to "Frame Serve" the File to Tmpgenc with Something like "Virtual dub", If you can get "Virtual Dub" to Read the File then you Should Be able to Frame serve it without a problem..I have encoded Files Much larger than 8 gb even Over 80gb useing HuffyUV and a 2.5 hour Movie at full resolution and have Usually been able to Overcome any problems useing One of these Fixes....

Question - asf and TMPGEnc No.31728
guest12345  2002-12-10 00:01:20 ( ID:/5beblay3a2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why is it that whenever I try opening an ASF file with my TMPGEnc encoder i receive an error and it closes?

minion  2002-12-10 02:05:33 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well ASF Files can Be Tricky to encode sometimes Cuz Being such a compressed format they Can Have lots of errors in them..There is a Program Designed to fix ASF and WMV files it is Called "ASF Tools" it is Freeware and Can be found by looking on any Search engine like Google..But First you Should Try raiseing the Priority of the "Direct Show File Reader" in the VFAPI Plugins, this Usually fixes problems with Loading files But if that don"t work then Try Useing the "ASF Tools" to Fix it..

Question - buffer underflow No.31721
jetty  2002-12-09 23:05:01 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

buffer underflow of 200.000 packets (of a 5 minutes mpeg2 clip)is still teasing me. Once someone in this forum proposed that buffer size is a value described in a file header. If this descritpor is corrupted by some unaware application then tmpcgenc may fail to keep track of buffers.
Still couldn't find any more information ... even I'm not sure what packets of what size are considered, it likely depends also on maany factors.


minion  2002-12-09 23:10:53 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Packet size for a SVCD stream is 2324kb the Packet size for a Mpeg2 file is 2048kb..So if you try to Mux a Mpeg2 file as a SVCD then you will get the "Buffer Underflow error" and if you try to Mux a SVCD file as a Mpeg2 file you will probably get the same error..Tmpgenc doesn"t have the Option so set the Packet size to what you want so if for some reason there is a problem encodeing and the Packet size is incorrect then you will get these errors in the Multiplex..One Solution is To re-packetize the Mpeg file, this can not be done with Tmpgenc, There is a Muxer that can do it, it is called "Womble Mpeg2VCR", it can re-packetize the Mpeg file while Muxing to correct any Buffer underflow errors But the file size can get Quite a Bit Bigger...

jetty  2002-12-09 23:40:40 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

sorry to come back to this problem. I'm demuxing and muxing clips of original dvd. I haven't envolved with SVD anyhow.
If packet size is 2048 kb then in a mb is 500 packets and total in a 500 mb clip would be only 2500 packets. Likely you mean kbit not kbyte what makes 8x2500=20.000 packets in a 500 Mb clip. Where these 200.000 come from?
It looks like I missed the point :-)

minion  2002-12-10 01:46:36 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It doesn"t Matter if you are Makeing a SVCD or a DVD or were the Files came from the problem is the same and the solution is the same, and Yes I meant Kilo-Bit..Why do you need to Mux an original DVD???

jetty  2002-12-10 07:32:44 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


1. Because I want to cut clips out from vob and ac3 stream isn't supported in most available applications, so I want to replace it with mp2.
I tried to make ifo to vob clips and burn a DVD but this failed and didn't play properly.

2. Also some clips because may differ as clips are from differnet titles.

I'm trying to found out if this 200.000 may be a wrong alarm or perhaps just a wrong media descriptor in a file header correctable with hex editor.

I have avoided any re rendering. So clips can't be corrupted. Perhaps except some may have poor header which I have cut with Chopper named cutter. But all files are viewable with software DVD players without noticabe degradation.

minion  2002-12-10 09:08:28 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well the Sollution I offered will mux the audio with the Mpeg file and solve your Problem without any encodeing....

jetty  2002-12-10 09:36:41 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

if you mean Muxer that can do it, what is called "Womble Mpeg2VCR", then with it demuxing and re muxing this stream doesn't change a bit! Still the same amount of approx 200,000 s packets underflow. Likely sometimes such a stream also crashes mpeg2vcr but not always.
That is teasing me if just editing applications are to percisely following standards, as players don't care of this amount, which might be destructive as "normal" is 10-20 if any.

Question - Span a video cd on many cd 80 min No.31719
egiziano  2002-12-09 21:56:51 ( ID:oxrmtxyznpa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Help me...
Can i span a video-cd on many cd 80 min?
I try to convert avi in mpeg2 but don't go in a cd of 80 min...hoe can divide it?
Thank You very Much!!!

tiring_day  2002-12-09 22:21:31 ( ID:mk8pw3dua56 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeah you can split the VCD using MPEG tools.
File>Mpeg Tools>Merge and cut

Add you oversized Mpeg, edit it down to a manageble size, usually in half for most VCDs and pick a name and destination hit Run and wait. Done

Back in on Edit, pick other half, remember to change name. Voila


Question - p3package.dll No.31715
Tara  2002-12-09 20:59:27 ( ID:irjvzanw/oh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Anyone else getting a missing or cannot load P3package.dll error?
It works up until I try to convert the files, then the error message pops up and I have to close it down. I cannot find anywhere to download the missing file from and even re downloading the whole program doesn't do anything. Any comments? suggestions....

minion  2002-12-09 23:05:18 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This error is Cause usually because you don"t have all of the Tmpgenc files in the Same folder..All of the files that come in the Zip file you download have to be placed into the same folder, and one of those Files has to be the "P3P Package.dll"....

akasha  2002-12-10 04:04:08 ( ID:klmba/ns9ur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm getting the same problem, but have ensured the P3Package.dll IS in the same file folder. I've tried twice and it still won't work properly. How do I fix this?

minion  2002-12-10 09:13:38 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well that is strange, The Main EXE has to be in the Folder also and not on the desktop to be used as a ShortCut...You can try re-downloading Tmpgenc and see if that helps But if it doesn"t then there isn"t Much that I know that you can do..It would seem that Your SSE optimations of your CPU arent being accessed By Tmpgenc, there is One other Fix for this But it makes the encodeing Take 5 times longer and You would be better off useing something else instead of useing that Fix....

Question - Problems Encoding No.31714  2002-12-09 20:45:04 ( ID:mzc2bvkuw3n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been trying to re-render a m2v stream. Sometimes I get a read error at 00402f40 and sometimes the program just terminates with no error. Any ideas what this error might be?


Question - any mpeg2vcr forum out there? No.31710
jetty  2002-12-09 19:49:13 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Seems my questions doesn't have an easy answer...

Is there any "Wobble" or "mpeg2vcr" forums ... I tried to find out myself but at google both words are difficult to search as there is too many obsolete hits.

While trying to repair my mpeg2 clips with mpeg2vcr I experience many crashes.
Several clips were repaired successfully but now I get mostly crashes. I'm not sure if it's because of corrupted streams or is there any incompatibilty with my win98se or with some other installed software component.


minion  2002-12-09 23:02:41 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well if it only works on Certain Files then the problem is Probably because of some problem in the Mpeg stream it self...You can probably contact Tech support at the Womble Web site...this is the Tech support e-mail address..: ...

jetty  2002-12-09 23:08:33 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i thought contacting them, but certainly there the first suggestion is to upgrade to latest version but i'm evaluating unofficial 3.11 ...
so i'm afraid, not much help of their tech support
....... the crashing is sometimes funny .... appliaction closes in the middle but still process may continue and produce the valid output.

minion  2002-12-10 01:52:17 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well I guess you Can try a different program for this..M2-Edit Pro v5 is Quite Good at repairing Mpeg streams and is a Good muxer and Mpeg editor, it is Very expensive though, the old er ersions were Maybe a Coupe hundred Bucks But the Latest version 5 is Like $1500..There is an older version that you can download at "_" it is a Full version....Maybe some of your Mpegs are Just Un-Repairable..It might be easier to re-encode the source files..

Question - Unrecognized exception! No.31709
Arwa  2002-12-09 16:50:26 ( ID:6ebfliikmwr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I tried TMPGenc 2.59 and I have got this error message

Unrecognized Exception !
(C:AviSynth_Script_file.avs, line 3)

The referred file above in txt mode is:


I have used TMPGenc and I have set permanent subtitles. The problem that I have noticed is that in some parts of the movie the subtitles have disappeared and sometimes comes and goes...
Would you please help me on this matter...

Thanks in advance.


Question - Crashing with huge memory leak No.31706
Mike M  2002-12-09 16:29:36 ( ID:bgay61ngau2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have any of you experienced constant crashing with TMPGEnc? I installed it (well unzipped it) and it initially runs OK, but as I get into the program or I switch windows, it instantly crashes and sucks up all the available memory. (256 meg, I get a low memory warning from windows instantly)

I originally tried ver 2.54 but then found 2.59 and that did exactly the same thing.

I searched through these posts but didnt find anyone really having issues with it crashing.

Any thoughts?


minion  2002-12-09 22:58:01 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

While encodeing you shouldn"t do anything with your computer accept encode..Encodeing usually sucks up most of your resources..But I have no solution for Constant crashes or Major memory leaks, Accept to do a Full re-install of your OS and start from Scratch, Cuz there could be some sort of software conflict ,It is Quite a Hassle to re-install your OS But it is still Quacker than Hopeing a waiting for the Problem to fix itself....

wcpaul  2002-12-11 17:55:31 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Never had a crash on Win XP.

Other apps have crashed my system and it usually is a case where video software, in general, stresses the system far beyond any other software so weak points are uncovered. (Two of my disk drives are on the way back to Seagate.)

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 314 / 680 ]   Next > >>

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