TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 344 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question Variable frame rate MPEGs scarabus 1 2002-11-13 21:31:33
Question need help again Benjamin B Pinner II 1 2002-11-13 21:28:42
Question Error on oncoding IsMyLive 3 2002-11-14 22:08:50
Question VFAPI plugin kplo 1 2002-11-13 21:17:54
Question What is going on? DyNasty 1 2002-11-13 08:44:06
Question TMPGEnc and toolame crash Doggiedaddy 3 2002-11-26 19:35:40
Question help please Benjamin B Pinner II 1 2002-11-13 08:38:05
Free talk how do i change avi to somthingelse meutica 4 2002-11-13 08:34:59
Question my vcds wont play myself 1 2002-11-12 21:49:08
Question Slow loading MPG1 andyn3 2 2002-11-13 00:11:18
Question Cyclic Redundancy Check Errors Terry Ohr 0 2002-11-12 14:00:13
Question Bink and str plug-in BaTTaL 5 2002-11-13 21:11:49

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 344 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - Variable frame rate MPEGs No.30690
scarabus  2002-11-13 20:45:44 ( ID:6z9tflwpa6m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Over on the DirecTiVo hacking forum there is some discussion on multiplexing, editing and demultiplexing files that were encoded with variable frame rates.
It seems that the MPEG transmissions from DirecTV don't follow a consistent 29.97fps; the actual number of frames varies and is controlled by the presentation timestamps within the stream.

Unfortunately no MPEG editing or multiplexoing/demultiplexing tools seem to follow the timestamps properly, with the result that while these files play fine on both computers and DVD players, it's almost impossible to do accurate edits.

I was wondering whether TMPGenc could be fixed to handle variable frame rate?

Minion  2002-11-13 21:31:33 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As far as I know if the Mpeg file doesn"t has a constant frame rate then the file will go out of sync and will look jumpy while playing..But if you are just looking to edit the mpeg file then Tmpgenc isn"t really the Program to use Cuz it"s editor isn"t the greatest...

Question - need help again No.30688
Benjamin B Pinner II  2002-11-13 20:33:30 ( ID:nwotgkb8vdw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

where do i go to download winzip?? i will try that and thanks for your help i just need to compress my avi file so i can send it says its too large also want to send it in a nother format like mpeg??

Minion  2002-11-13 21:28:42 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well that is really strange that you don"t know about Compressed if you want to download WinZip you can get it here: but seeing as a lot of Compressed files Are in RAR format it would be better to get "WINRAR" from here: it will uncompress ZIP and RAR files and other formats were WinZip will only do ZIP files...But as I said before encodeing your AVI files to Mpeg will in most cases NOT make the file smaller...If the File is say a DIVX/AVI or some other Mpeg4/avi format the file will get much bigger...Low Quality Mpeg is about 10mb per Minute, so if you do a Low quality encode if say a 2 hour AVI file the file will be 1200mb or 1.2gb....

Question - Error on oncoding No.30684
IsMyLive  2002-11-13 19:48:34 ( ID:ufnog1rivtk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am enconding a avi video in SVCD format and after any seconds the programa isue a error -272762914 131072, if I confirm after any seconds the error is otherway.
My computer P4-2.4 Windows XP 512 Mg.
Your programa version (trial)

Minion  2002-11-13 21:21:09 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This seems to happen quite often with Files that are downloaded off the net..And as far as I know there isn"t really any solution for this accept not to use Files downloaded off the net, they usually get corrupted in some way through the downloading proscess...Or you can try to frame serve the file with say "Virtual Dub" or "AVISynth"..

new  2002-11-14 12:56:17 ( ID:/raeadlngu6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well, I had that problem, but after playing arounf with the type od video sources I found one that worked fine and no errors are shown

IsMyLive  2002-11-14 22:08:50 ( ID:ufnog1rivtk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have change the directory temp, and all work well.

Question - VFAPI plugin No.30682
kplo  2002-11-13 14:44:32 ( ID:hymvxkao3hj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry if this question is stupid!

What VFAPI plugin is for?

What I would like to do is chose TMPEG as the encoder in Media Studio Pro 6. Is it possible?


Minion  2002-11-13 21:17:54 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The VFAPI Plugins Give Priority to certain File types for encodeing ..Without them you wouldn"t be able to encode anything at all..the only way to use Tmpgenc as a Encoder for media studio 6 is to use the "Ulead media Studio 6 Video server" which you would have to Buy from here "" it is a New product and It is still very buggy and it isn"t supported By ulead ...

Question - What is going on? No.30680
DyNasty  2002-11-13 05:31:35 ( ID:p/glgp6sq4f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, So I used the TMPGEnc to turn my avi's into MPEG. But when I use my Roxio Easy Creator 5.0 VCD creator and tried opening it, I get a window with an X saying "the file, will not work in a VCD player. To make this file video CD compiant, you will need to use an MPEG encoder that supports Video CD encoding." Do I need to turn something on in my TMPGEnc program??? Please help? Thank you!
- DyNasty

Minion  2002-11-13 08:44:06 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your Problem is Probably "EZ-CD-Creator" ALL Roxio Software is total Crap, and I would rather get kiked in the groin that be forced to use that Crap....Use something else to burn the VCD..Anything even "Nero" or VCDEasy"....

Question - TMPGEnc and toolame crash No.30676
Doggiedaddy  2002-11-13 03:42:13 ( ID:udeup2kkz3m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

All of a sudden tooLAme will not work any more as a plug in audio encoder. **NOTE maenc did the same thing I just checked ???(*.mpa can not be opened, error message after just over 36000 frames aprox 14+ minutes worth of audio)at the same point on each attempt and even with different input files Windows crash message. It worked perfectly until all of a sudden no go.
I have uninstalled and re installed everything ,empited temp folder, tried different freq. converter,and encoder, more than once no go. Frame server
with DVD2AVI .d2v and .wav. (DVD to .vob with Smart Ripper) then (.vob to .d2v
and .wav with DVD2AVI) and frameserve to (TMPGEncPro for .mpa output) Worked
great for a while I dont know what or if I caused problem?
Any advise??

Minion  2002-11-13 08:41:02 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

well Don"t use Tmpgenc to encode the audio...use something else like "Headac3he" or even "DB Power Amp", well if it worked before then it isn"t a problem with Tmpgenc or toolame But probably a Comflict with codecs or other programs you have installed on your system...

Doggiedaddy  2002-11-13 21:07:38 ( ID:udeup2kkz3m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well duh. But I thought someone else might have experienced this problem. If anyone is interested I moved the environmental settings general tab temp file to another directory,as a mater of fact to a different HD and all is as it should be again(not that there was a free space related problem)?? I like to encode .d2v+.wav to a system video+audio.mpg and let DVD Complete take it from there, very very good results. Anyway thanks for the input and response.

The Gern  2002-11-26 19:35:40 ( ID:7uze8dry20j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The same JUST happened to me last night, making a VCD NTSC Film.
TooLAME crashed, investigating if it will reoccur... This has never
happened before. 2.59??? I can't Project Wizard a VBR SVCD to
128 audio anymore..... What the!!!??

Question - help please No.30674
Benjamin B Pinner II  2002-11-12 23:13:35 ( ID:nwotgkb8vdw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i down loaded the tmpgenc...but it wont open what do i need to do i have avi files that need to be compressed and converted

Minion  2002-11-13 08:38:05 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you Know what a ZIP file is??????Well that is the compressed format the Tmpgenc is in when you download it..You need download WINZIP or WINRAR to extract the files..and encodeing AVI to mpeg will not make the Files smaller Unless the AVI format is Like DV HuffyUV or Mjpeg, But if it is a Divx or mpeg-4 then the files will be bigger...

Free talk - how do i change avi to somthingelse No.30669
meutica  2002-11-12 20:38:29 ( ID:fmelp2sqx1h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

how do i change avi to mpeg

Minion  2002-11-12 21:49:36 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use Tmpgenc......

Benjamin B Pinner II  2002-11-12 23:09:25 ( ID:nwotgkb8vdw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Use Tmpgenc......hello i tried to download this program and was successfull but it wont open ???when the acrobat reader page comes up it says an error has occured it doesn't start with pdf?? how can i open this program i have avi files that are too large, and need to be compressed and re-formated in to mpeg..what can i do??

lupy  2002-11-13 04:53:14 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

pdf?? theres no pdf files in tmpgenc....simply unzip the tmpgenc zip file u donwloaded into a single folder and run the exe......

Minion  2002-11-13 08:34:59 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

and ..Encodeing avi to mpeg will NOT in most cases make the files Smaller, it Can make them up to 3 times bigger than the AVI...

Question - my vcds wont play No.30667
myself  2002-11-12 19:21:17 ( ID:roynirxf6mn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

for some reason my vcd wont play. i have burned it using nero and it gave me no complaints for burning a vcd. the player i am using is vcd compliant. the only thing i really changed from the vcd template in tmpg was the bitrate to constant quality. does bitrate matter for vcd's and if so what does it have to be?

Minion  2002-11-12 21:49:08 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It DOES Matter if your DVD/VCD player is really picky...The VCD Standard calls for "Constant Bitrate"...But if your Player is that Picky I would Think about getting one that isn"t Cuz it will limit what you will be able to play...Like if it won"t accept a VBR VCD, then it Probably won"t accept a XVCD or a High bitrate VCD which sort of sucks Cuz you will get MUCH better Quality if you can make and Play a VCD with a Higher than standard Bitrate or Resolution VCD...

Question - Slow loading MPG1 No.30664
andyn3  2002-11-12 17:22:25 ( ID:ljb11sdifym )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm converting a 6Mb/s MPEG1 to a VCD (~1Mb/s MPEG1). When I select any file larger than about 10Mb it takes a very long time just to step through the wizard.
For example, on a 400Mb file it freezes for about 1 minute just after selecting the .mpg, then another 1 minute after clicking on source to do cutting, then another 1 minute before starting the actual encode.

On a P3/1Ghz/512Mb RAM, this seems like a long time to have to wait when not even encoding. On a 2Gb file, it's about 5 minutes (times 3 since there's 3 times this happens).

P.S., the encoding runs fine and the results are great!

Minion  2002-11-12 21:44:42 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This happens Cuz each step you are going trought the encoder had to decode the entire file...It should happen really Quick in most cases...Have you tried to raise the priority of the "Microsoft Mpeg1" File reader or the "Direct Show" file reader??Doing this might help...

Andyn3  2002-11-13 00:11:18 ( ID:ljb11sdifym )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks! That did the trick! (Raising Microsoft MPEG-1 up one)

Question - Cyclic Redundancy Check Errors No.30663
Terry Ohr  2002-11-12 14:00:13 ( ID:zyfdjbgmc1o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use TMPGEnc to create MPEG1 files to view on my pocket PC. Most of the time it works perfectly. However, sometimes when I try to copy the encoded file to my compact flash card I get CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) errors.

The encoded file works perfectly on my desktop PC, but cannot be copied to my compact flash card. This happens to only about 30% of the files I encode.

Any suggestions?

Question - Bink and str plug-in No.30657
BaTTaL  2002-11-12 13:33:18 ( ID:nmc9tfkpa/g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have downloaded 2 plugins for tmpgenc. binkdecode.vfp is used to load Radgametool's bink video to Tmpegenc...But it couldn't there anybody help or tell me what is wrong and where can I find more info?

and where can I find other plugins?

best regards

Battal Gazi

Minion  2002-11-12 21:41:15 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have never ever heard of these plugins before...What are they supposed to do????? Were did you get them??? How did you try to install them????

lupy  2002-11-13 04:57:34 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

are they related to RAD video tools?

Minion  2002-11-13 08:32:22 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is wierd Cuz I went to the site and it doesn"t seem to have a single thing to do with Mpeg encodeing seems to have to do with Video games...

BaTTaL  2002-11-13 12:26:08 ( ID:nmc9tfkpa/g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Most of the latest games using bink for encoding videos. I want to convert game movies from Bink to Mpeg using TMPEnc..So I found this .vfp for TMPEnc. there is also str.vfp which you can import Playstation movie file to TMPEnc..But I can't use binkdecode..I ask here, if anybody use or not..But it seems you don't know what I am talking about..

check this web page and files..

best regards


Minion  2002-11-13 21:11:49 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Now I understand what you want to do...I don"t think those Plugins are supported By the author Of Tmpgenc, Meaning that he didn"t have any input in writeing the plugins so Maybe that is why there is a Compatibility issue..But there ia allways a Workaround for everything..

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