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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
i was trying to convert some .avi files
(actually, i dont even know if they are .avi. they are the
warcraft 3 cinematic files, they came as .mpq, but in WMP they work
ok when renamed to avi...)
well i wanted to convert them to mpeg to create an svcd, and what i got is
tons of green fields in the movie (so there's some part of the movie, but
lots of it is covered with green).
i tried filters, but i didn't change anything...
Depending on whether the files are MPEG or AVI, try raising the priority of the MPEG1 decoder or the directshow multimedia file reader in the VFAPI plugins to 2 as it seems this is simply a decoding problem.
this is what i figured..
the file is some sort of a divx file, with a codec called blizo or something
(as in blizzard, the warcraft developer).
and ashy, i don't see where im supposed to set the settings u told me to..
That is not how you Make a VCD from a DVD...You are doing a lot of stuff that does not need to be done and you are looseing Quality in the Proscess..You do NOT need to make a AVI file to encode to VCD..You can encode straight from the Vob file useing DVD2AVI to frame serve to Tmpgenc it is a totally easy proscess and the Quality is MUCH Better and it is a Much Faster proscess cuz you don"t need to make a AVI file first...You need to Download "DVD2AVI" then all you do is after you have ripped your VOB files to your Harddrive you load the VOB files into "DVD2AVI" and make a "D2V" project file and a WAV audio file then you just load the "D2V project file into Tmpgenc as the Video source and the WAV audio file in as the audio source the encode to VCD...This is the Best way to encode DVD Rips and get the Best Quality Possible and it is way easier and faster..There are Tutorials for useing DVD2AVI and doing DVD Rips at "
after ripping the dvd, i get a pop up window saying batch encoding, start 00:00, finish 00:00, when i press ok or try to close this window, another screen comes up and says, you new file is in "my folder" but it has disappeared when i try to search for it.
are you using a VFAPI plugin to read the mov file? perhaps tmpgenc is understanding the video but not the audio, by some primitive method.. if you can't find the plugin then email me. otherwise perhaps you could try a different program to extract the audio from the mov file.
I was converting a 104 minute avi (MSmpegv2) to vbr mpg1, and got a 90 hour estimate. That's doable. however after about 17 hours of processing tmpgenc hung on a frame that is the last 10 seconds of the movie.. the 'analysing' is still there, but the process bar wasn't even at 15%, and the estimated time left kept dropping faster than the processing time it took as of that moment...
are there movie conditions that make tmpgenc hang and just think it's still processing?
It is most likely a problem with the file you are encodeing , there could be some sort of header anomily that tmpgenc is reading incorrectly..You might be able to fix this bt useing the "Source Range" to set the Begining and End points of the file..or you can try frame serveing it with "Virtual Dub"...
im just wondering if anyone else out there has the same problem as me...for ages now ive been unable to convert from avi to mpeg with tmpg without the sound being out of sync.The avi plays in sync with "power DVD" ...but when the wav is extracted with virtuadub and inserted into tmpg ..then encoded its always out of matter how much i retard or advance the audio (done in source range).
Its as if the audio has been stretched or shrunk in size but the video and audio are same length ???
This never happened before so ive done summit wrong :(
Ive even encoded the same film which was ok before i had this trouble and even that is now of out of sync ???
I dont want to do a full system wipe just to get it back to normal
by the way...if i encode the movie using MGi videowave 4...the audio comes out fine...but the quality is crap compared to i dont really want to use it
Before encodeing with TMPGENC you have to extract the audio from your AVI to a WAV file with "Virtual Dub" then encode that as the audio source with Tmpgenc...
I have noticed that with "Virtual dub" sometimes when extracting the audio the audio files goes out of sync cuz the original avi files audio has a slight audio skew at the begining of the file..So what I have been useing which works Much better than V-Dub for extracting audio is "Sound Forge" cuz it extracts the audio starting from the start of the video file as opposed to extracting it with the original audio skew at the begining,you can probably find links to a full version at h**p:// it is a great information site...
Make surew all the "tmpgenc"files are in the same folder..and look in that folder and look for a file called "P3P Package.DLL" and if it isn"t there then that is your problem but if it is there then try copying and pasteing it into you system32 folder and if that don"t work download tmpgenc again..
If you haven't encoded already then the above sugestion is good, but if you already encoded and don't want to encode again, you can use a program called BBMPG which after encoding can divide the file to the file sizes you want, but you need to know that since it is based on the size of the file it could be divided right in the middle of a scene/spoken text which could be annoying.
If you haven't encoded already then the above sugestion is good, but if you already encoded and don't want to encode again, you can use a program called BBMPG which after encoding can divide the file to the file sizes you want, but you need to know that since it is based on the size of the file it could be divided right in the middle of a scene/spoken text which could be annoying.
Today I installed Elecard mpeg2 player and since then my tmpgenc kept on crashing. It says writting to error log but I don't know where is the error log? what seems to be the problem ?? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Well get rid of the "Elecard mpeg player" it sucks anyways and I have allways had problems with elecard products.there are better Software mpeg/dvd players out there that are free if you know were to look...
Hello all. I would like some help getting the best quality out of TMPGEnc. I have read a lot of info so far, but there are so many conflicting options! Encode type, bitrate settings, etc. etc. everyone has something different to say. Because there is no clear authority on the matter I've been using the plain vanilla NTSC DVD settings in TMPGEnc. But, when I do this in v2.58 my output video is slightly blocky & noisy! I know the true masters are here so I wonder if anyone has the best quality settings that I can use.
Here's what I am doing:
* I play VHS tapes through the VCR. The output goes S-Video...
* This streams through Sima Color Corrector Pro (Does quick image enhancement, color, brightness, etc). The output from that goes S-Video...
* Then streams into the PC on Xtasy Everything capture board, S-Video in..
* The Stream is captured to Huffyuv Codec (best quality settings) AVI in Virtual Dub. Resolution is 704x480 for the capture AVI. <-- This is the best capture res for VHS right? If end target is 352x480 DVD.
Now here's where I have a problem. The captured AVI looks GREAT! Like 100% quality of the original VHS source. But obviously the file size is huge & I need to compress the video to mpg. So I frameserv the AVI file out using Vdub to TMPGEnc. I use plain NTSC DVD template in TMPGEnc & I leave other settings alone, then encode to MPG. The final MPG that comes out looks good in some parts.. But whenever there is a lot of action going on in the movie there's a ton of little blocks & noise at the source of all the action. When the movie is going slow it looks fine tho. Only high action moments & it seems the more action, the blockier the end video is.
What exact settings should I use to get the best quality MPG? I need the output resolution because the end target is a DVD. I do 352x480 instead of 704x480 DVD because I'm able to fit 2 VHS movies per DVD using this method instead of 1. But I would love for all the blockyness to be gone from the end results. If you could share you settings with me I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Well if you are useing "352+480" Resolution on your DVD"S then capture to that Resolution..There is no point captureing to Twice the resolution that you are useing on your DVD"S..There are a Few settings that will Increase the output Quality Useing the "High Quality" in the "Motion Precition" helps get rid of the blocks on high motion scenes, but don"t use the "Highest Quality" cuz it doesn"t help and takes twice as long..I notice captureing with "HuffyUV" that I have to use and De-interlace filter or I get a Bad Combing effect on High motion scenes..Useing the "Soften Block Noise" setting helps a lot to with captured files..And if you are useing "Virtual Dub" to frame serve then try some of the filters in it cuz I think a lot of them are better than the filters in Tmpgenc and there is a Better selection..Useing the "Constant Quality" setting will help you keep the file size down while still keeping a good Quality and of cource Raiseing the Bitrate will increase the quality...But in the End it is you who has to live with the results of your Encodes so Experimenting with the settings is the way to find out which is the best for you...
One big thing I found is using the inverse telecine can clear up a lot of problems I have with lines on fast moving scenes. I can only cap at 29.97 fps with my set up and most things on film are at 23.97fps. You have to drill down on the checkbox and then just try using auto. The give away is that you need this is when you watch scene by scene and the frames are not distinct pictures, they are composits of two scenes.
The other thing is you might have to give up and go to a higher bitrate or use the variable bit rate. try the full dvd 704 settings too, At the same bitrate the file is barely any bigger.
OK, sorry if I seem like a newbie but what filters should I enable in Virtual Dub & what settings to use? Should this be done when 'capturing' or only when frameserving to TMPGEnc?
Also perhaps someone can tell me what they think of this, these are the TMPGEnc settings that I'm set to. What might I change?:
DVD/NTSC Template CBR 2000kbps 155min/4.7GB (352x480)
When I click on browse & get the .avi file the Expert settings come up as Interlace, Bottom field first (Field B), 4:3 525 line NTSC 704x480, Video Movie
Then in wizard step 3 the range, clip, noise are not checked. Other settings are left alone & the motion search is set to motion estimate search (fast).
^ OK is there anything for me to tweak in the above settings to get rid of the blocky/noise or would Vdub filters handle all of it the best? Thx again for any help, there's so many settings in TMPGEnc I don't know where to start.
PS: I'm only converting my own personal VHS to DVD archives. I know VHS isn't great quality to begin with but I hope to keep the discs for 100 years :) and that's why I'm looking to get the highest quality I can.
What exactly do you mean???Do you want the files that are in "Pinnacle Impression" to be imported into Tmpgenc or do you want files in tmpgenc to be inported into "Impression"???? Either way I don"t think it can be done..You can with "Abobe Premier"...