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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
i have a Divx, which is already wide screen, and when it ry to convert it to mpeg, it doesnt recognize that its widescreen and it screws the picture up, making it oblong and such, it there a way to make it letterbox/widescreen with TMPG but still have it look correct on a normal TV?
You have to Fiddle with the "Aspect Ratio" the "Video arrange method" and or the "Clip Frame" settings..Try useing the "1:1" aspect ratio and see if it looks right..
I don't have a sound while i'm encoding Avi Ntsc format file into Mpeg1 Video stream Format but in the same time everything looks good when I'm encoding Avi Pal file. I've chacked properties of Avi file( for example 23,97 fr/s ...
so it's a NTSC) and after that I'VE CHOOSEN option to create a NTSC video disk but result is I've got a video but I don't have a sound
Before encodeing with TMPGENC you have to extract the audio from your AVI to a WAV file with something like "Virtual Dub" then encode that as the audio source with Tmpgenc...
Is there an option in TMPGEnc that will auto-split an MPG file into two files so you can get longer movies on two CD's (either in VCD or filename.mpg files)?
If not how can I write large MPG's to two (or more) disks? Without a big hassle... no expert ..but this is how i do it.
once you have inserted your movie select "source range"
slide the slider bar along to about half way and click "set end frame"
(thus only half the movie is selected to be encoded)press ok then encode as normal.
ALL VCD"S HAVE TO BE 352+240 For NTSC..A 720 by 480 file will Not play in a DVD Player..But a 352+240 file will ,that is if your DVD Player supports VCD, and if you encoded it properly and if you Burned it to CD-R in the Correct format with the correct software..What is the problem you are haveing????
I am starting a web site about different aspects of MPEG compression. It's just a first version/draft and only have one article which I haven't really finished yet, but I would be happy to get comments!
Hi... When I started using TMPG some months ago it was to transform .avi files that I had downloaded into .mpg files to burn with Nero. The 320x240 avi files were always smaller than the mpg files generated by TMPG. I thought this was the way of things...
Now that I have an ATI "All in Wonder" TV capture card I am confused. If I set it for an .avi format with picture size 320x240 I end up with files that are much larger than if I use the ATI "standard" vcd format, which is mpg1 320x240.
So now I am totally confused. Does anyone have any understanding as to what I'm talking about?
There are Many Different types of AVI some are very compressed and some arent, with the AVI files I capture off my ATI Card the files are about 4GB for 15 minutes of AVI..You will generally get better quality from a AVI format that isn"t very compressed but the files are huge..but that is just the way things are.......
The biggest problem people have with avi files is they don't realize avi is a generic term. It is the most widely used audio/video format on Windows platforms. However it is not at all the easiest file to play. Because it is not compressed with one specific codec, rather it is a file that can be compressed (or completely uncompressed) with any one of hundreds of codecs (examples: divx, MPEG-4v2, Indeo 3.2, I263, Cinepak etc.).
AVI means "Audio Video Interleave".
TO: gbagman37 Thank you for that answer. I did not realize that .avi was generic. I thought people were just being dumb when I saw files marked "Divx .avi", Guess I was the dumb one!
Minion. My Pentium 3, Windows Me can't handle files bigger than 2gigs. Someone on this BBS said it was a built in limitation of the operating system. If I wanted to use an .avi format that would give me a file under 2 gigs for an hour long show, what would you recommend?
I tried different encoding variables but every time I try to encode my DV AVI file I get an mpeg-2 file but when the camera moves, I get a two line picture around the edges of the object. As if it was interlaced. I tried filters, non-interlaced but no matter what I do, I get the same result. It's as if the first line moves but the second stays behind. Anyone has the same problem ?
Tmpgenc has Over 15 different types of De-Interlace filters you probably just didn"t find them and you have to make sure that you have the Field Order set correctly..I encode Interlaced Files all the time and if you have the field order set correctly and you use the correct de-interlace filter you shouldn"t have problems.Since you are encodeing DV the field order shoud allways be "bottom field first" but if you are in doubt the load the file in to the "Wizard" then it will analize the file for the correct field order..You can find the "De-Interlace" filters in the "Advanced Settings" then you See the list of filters and "Double click" the "De-interlace" filter and a Screen will pop up with you movie displayed in it and a drop Down menue full of different filters for you to try,and just find the one that works best, usuallt if the field order is Bottom field first like in DV material the correct filter would be the "Odd Field" Filter....
I wanted to fix a mpg file with an out-of-sync audio using tmpgenc, but when i tried to open the mpg file it says can't open/ unsupported. How can I fix this problem? and I don't know if i installed VFP properly, please teach me :(
You Cant fiX a Mpeg file with out of Sync Audio with tmpgnc,Tmpgenc doesn"t have the tools to fix out of Sync audio unless you were going to Re-Encode the file and use the "Audio Gap Correct" In the Source range but that isn"t the best Idea..Use a program called "Mpeg-VCR" or "Mpeg2vcr" for fixing Sync issues,It has a Feature in it"s Multiplexor that lets you resync the audio to the video without Re-encodeing..
To set the "Vfapi" you just double click the "TmpgencVfp-Install.bat" file,then put the "Tmpgenc.vfp" file in your Tmpgenc folder..and to load Mpeg2 files into tmpgenc you need a mpeg2 codec..
Mr Hori or moderator or whoever.
When is TMPG going to implement YUV decoding?
Seeing as most codecs now support this as does other software which can work with TMPG it only makes sense.
Come on Hori the only thing holding TMPG back now is the speed and YUV will speed it up consiserably.
Yes I think that would be a good Idea ,I cant use tmpgenc to encode AVI files that I capture to Uncompressed YUV2 or to the "Picvideo MJpeg Codec" cuz I use the compress to YUV2 option with the codec..Most capture cards capture better to YUV2 and I think inplementing this type of Decodeing would solve a few problems with unsupporetd file types...
I was using the trial version just fine, then my time ran out and I purchased the lastest? version - But now when I try to open up an mpg2 file that I created with TMPGEnc I get the can't open / not supported error on the video line. I want to cange the bitrate from 6000 to 4000 to reduce the file size. But now I can't get any of my mpg's to open with the registared version.
I have tried raising and lowering priorities of some of the VFAPI plugins, but have not been successful.
Firstly this is NOT a bug in TMPG. Go to the TMPG site and read the revision notes and look what it says about the codecs needed.
You will find your answer there and if you can't work it out then I will try and explain how to solve it in more simple terms.
ASHY - Thanks for the quick response, The mpg2 files can be played on my machine with both WMP (with InterVideo DVDMP3XPack) and with Power DVD.
But since I deleted the "free" evaluation version and installed the licensed version of TMPG I have not been able to get TMPG to read the mpg2 files.
I read through the release notes as you suggested and basically understand the notes to state that if I have codecs that currently read the files, then chances are TMPG will also read them, I did not the usual disclaimer about less than 100% on every machine, but the "free" trial version of TMGP was working on my machine.
Any other suggestions? Please try to keep it simple as I am a newbie at this stuff.
There are a couple of things you can try ..Ine is to raise the Priority of the "Cyberlink Mpeg2 decoder" in the VFapi Plugins...If the Plugin is not listed then that is your problem...Another thing you can try is to De-mux the mpeg file and just encode the Video..that is better anyway cuz The audio is allready in the Correct format and re-encodeing it will just cause problems..and if that doesn"t work you are left with the Best option and the option that for me works the fastest which is to load the mpeg2 file into DVD2AVI and choose "Demux" and "Mpeg audio" in the "Audio" settings.. then it will demux the audio for you and make a "D2V" project file for you that you encode in Tmpgenc then after encodeing you just Mux the de-muxed audio with the encoded mpeg video file..This is the way I do it every time I have to encode a mpeg is faster and is less trouble free Because you don"t have to worry about tmpgenc haveing to rely on the Cyberlink or logos decoders..
minion - Thanks! That Worked! (raising Cyberlink priority). It is now operating as it did during the trial period. I will try out some of your other suggestions also, Thanks.