TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 396 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question 4 gig avi tv capture - video freezes after 10 minutes- why? Paul M 2 2002-09-27 21:36:05
Question neodivx 9.2 titiyo 0 2002-09-26 12:39:44
Request neodivx 9.2 et tmpgenc 2.58 titiyo 3 2002-09-27 16:33:46
Question Divx To DVD ??? Dididave 2 2002-09-27 11:11:51
Question Video resolution Imagine 1 2002-09-26 08:38:00
Question motion-search (fast) vs. slower settings Angel Setierra 3 2002-09-26 21:40:58
Question the "help" file- missing- where can I get it 2 install Angel Setierra 1 2002-09-26 08:34:30
Free talk bi0 MP3 use for audio 2 2002-09-26 21:19:31
Question TMPGenc rules- all other encoders dissapoints me frankie 0 2002-09-26 02:54:03
Question high-pitched squeaks where I merged Video-CD pieces Angel Setierra 1 2002-09-26 09:32:42
Question FINISH MOVIE TO BIG TO FIT ON VCD 240ROLLING 1 2002-09-26 09:34:00
Question failed to load P3dll? Peter C 2 2002-09-26 10:25:51

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 396 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - 4 gig avi tv capture - video freezes after 10 minutes- why? No.28648
Paul M  2002-09-26 13:59:23 ( ID:cdwx28qz11c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi. I scred up somewhere but don't exactly know how... I used the ATI All in wonder TV capture card to record Smallville. Not being familar with the settings my 1hr movie took up 4 gigabytes. That is ok... except that when I tried to play it back with 2 different players it froze after 10 minutes into the movie. Where does the problem lay... in my capture, or is it that there is a size limitation as to video playback? Oh, the audio track was fine...even after the picture "paused" the audio kept on going.
Another question... TMPG and Virtual Dub... is it true that they both can handle only files that are 2 gigs or smaller? Anything longer than 2 gigs cannot be processed?
Thanks for your help...

Minion  2002-09-26 21:33:23 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well The problem could be anywere, but mostlikely you are going to have to Throw away the file you recorded cuz something odviously went wrong..What Program did you use to capture with?? and what Format did you Capture too..If you captured to uncompressed avi then 4GB is only about 10-12 minutes..If you are useing Win XP and have a NTSF partition then you can have unlimited File size and Virtual dub can load any sized file but only captures to 2gb files and Tmpgenc can handle any sized files....

Paul M  2002-09-27 21:36:05 ( ID:lf8bomhf4rj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Minion, I'm using Windows Me. I guess if I want to continue in my folly I'll need to take advantage of commercial breaks and create several files for the same show.

Question - neodivx 9.2 No.28647
titiyo  2002-09-26 12:39:44 ( ID:whrqtudrlcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

with dvd to avi i used neoddivx 9.2 and after that i use tmpgenc 2.58 it began to transform my avi and after 9 sec stopped

Could you tell me why ?

sorry for my english and come from Belgium

Request - neodivx 9.2 et tmpgenc 2.58 No.28643
titiyo  2002-09-26 10:45:15 ( ID:whrqtudrlcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

with dvd to avi i used neoddivx 9.2 and after that i use tmpgenc 2.58 it began to transform my avi and after 9 sec stopped

Could you tell me why ?

sorry for my english and come from Belgium

lupy  2002-09-26 14:25:09 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

why use avi? load your vob into the program called dvd2avi and 'save project'...then load the d2v and wav file that is made directly in tmpgenc

ASHY  2002-09-26 21:14:50 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Don't waste time and quality creating intermediate AVI's. Do as Lupy suggests and use DVD2AVI. Visit for advice and info how to use the program.


titiyo  2002-09-27 16:33:46 ( ID:whrqtudrlcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thank you i am going to try

Question - Divx To DVD ??? No.28640
Dididave  2002-09-26 09:43:42 ( ID:doblop9nneo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Please help!
i'v been using tmpg for vcd for the last 3 month no probloms.
Now having bought a dvd 104 writer i wih to mke dvd's.
i have had some work but now none of the files i convert will play in my dvd player?
they will play fine on the pc using power dvd xp?
to make mattters worse they will play in my mates sony dvd player.
and before anyone says my player wont play dvd-r/dvd-rw's i can copy dvd's and use ifo edit to backup all my dvd collection?
has anyone got any ideas where i'm going wrong.

ps please help on the vfapi settings please.
many thanks

ASHY  2002-09-26 21:16:32 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What program are you using to author the DVD to disk.


Dididave  2002-09-27 11:11:51 ( ID:doblop9nneo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>What program are you using to author the DVD to disk.

i'm using ulead dvd fatory and ulead dvd workshop.

many thanks


Question - Video resolution No.28638
Imagine  2002-09-26 05:28:14 ( ID:yaaqqcve0fc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What happens if I don't change the resolution to 320 x 240 (say the original was 200 x 180), and just attach a VCD heading to it and burn it? When I play it in a DVD player, will it come out as a small screen on the TV screen (since it wasn't the proper resolution), or will it stretch to fit the whole TV screen? I don't know if I make sense, so sorry if I don't. It's hard to explain.

ASHY  2002-09-26 08:38:00 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You will most likely have problems playing it back on your player and it will look distorted on your T.V.

That's a terrible resolution anyway and is going to look bad no matter what you do with it and can imagine it being barely watchable.


Question - motion-search (fast) vs. slower settings No.28634
Angel Setierra  2002-09-26 03:09:08 ( ID:npfrkbyu4zr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Under quality settings it offers "motion search estimate (fast), and then choices of quality- higher quality=slower encoding time. When I use motion search estimate I dont see any difference from the highest quality setting (very slow)- what is the difference?

ASHY  2002-09-26 08:33:48 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The difference is mostly in high motion scenes, so you need to compare with a movie which has a lot of fast moving scenes as this is what the setting looks for.
It is the transition between no or slow motion to a high motion scene which can cause macroblocks. The better the Motion search precision the better the encoder can compensate for the change between scenes.
Having said this the difference between High quality and Highest quality is very little if any at all and for the extra time it takes to encode using the Highest setting it isn't really worth it.

The motion estimate setting predicts the motion and will work quite well with some movies and others it will not. It will mainly work with movies that have a constant type of motion instead of continually changing from low to high motion scenes which this type of setting cannot predict and will therefore yield worse results than the High quality setting.


Minion  2002-09-26 21:22:07 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As to your Question about why "Motion estimate search" takes the same amount of time to encode as "Highest Quality" well the answer is You must be mistaken cuz in most computers the amount of encodeing time is probably more than double for "Highest Quality" compared to "Motion Estimate Search"...

ASHY  2002-09-26 21:40:58 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Actually minion I think he is referring to the quality and not the speed bud.


Question - the "help" file- missing- where can I get it 2 install No.28632
Angel Setierra  2002-09-26 03:05:46 ( ID:npfrkbyu4zr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After installing "Tmpeg- under "Help" I cannot choose "Contents" and "search"- they are light grey/not available- how can I get the files that are suppose to go there and install them so they will be there for me to open? Thank you anyone who canhelp- A.S.

ASHY  2002-09-26 08:34:30 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to download the Plus version.


Free talk - bi0 No.28629
MP3 use for audio  Home )  2002-09-26 03:04:45 ( ID:9lr9f8mz3yr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It is said that TMPGEnc cannot decode/encode mp3s for the source, but it is wrong. I have been doing it myself since i have first used TMPGEnc and it has worked fine. To select an MP3 for the audio you must select browse, there will be a drop down menu at the bottom, choose (All Files *.*) and select the mp3.

Minion  2002-09-26 09:14:29 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It Can do it dut it doesn"t like it..the chances of errors is greater and sync problems and cutting out..these problems are more relateing the the MP3 codec used to decode the file than Tmpgenc..But with wave file there is no codec used so there are no compression problems...

ASHY  2002-09-26 21:19:31 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I agree with Minion. It all depends on the codec. I have never had any problems decoding MP3 files or any other compressed format with TMPG or creating them for that matter when I have the correct codec installed, but like Minion says it's easier to convert to wav to prevent any problems.


Question - TMPGenc rules- all other encoders dissapoints me No.28628
frankie  2002-09-26 02:54:03 ( ID:gg1wtdequka )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi, i've been using Tmpgenc by itself for about six months now and all of the svcd movies have come out quite good and has been quite consistent in terms of quality and reliability. I usually put the "aspect ratio at 4:3" and at "Full scren- keep aspect ratio" depending on what movie i get most have come out in widescreen. So, a couple of days ago i decided to try dvd2svcd (and Virtual Dub to split the movie in half) using cce to encode as well as using Tmpgenc with dvd2svcd. However i did't really liked the outcome so i went back to using Tmpgenc by itself. Now the movies mostly come out in very bad quality mostly with lots of square blocks. But most importantly the movie comes out not as widescreen on the tv but with the top and bottom filled up with the sides cropped a bit as if looking like a square box. I have uninstall dvd3svcd and cce and installed tmpgenc over again but nothing helps. I want my movie to go back widesreen again but now when i start to encode i also notice that both sides are also cropped a bit. Does anybody know how i can make my movie widescreen again. I tried "Clip Frame' but it doesn't really look like widescreen, just makes everything squeezed in more. Any help would be appreciated. Please i want to go back to the old ways where everything was good until i started to mess around with all these encoders.

Question - high-pitched squeaks where I merged Video-CD pieces No.28626
Angel Setierra  2002-09-26 02:44:29 ( ID:npfrkbyu4zr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I use the cut/merge option under "Tools"- if I clip the file and merge it with another- there is a high pitched, loud squeak where they were connected- will using a different frequency converter like Too Lame help - does anyone know wy the option to use external frequency converters is offered under environmental settings? Does it somehow help lighten the load on your CPU to use an external one rather than the built-in one with T-mpeg?

Minion  2002-09-26 09:32:42 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You get that sound at the joining point when you join the files part way through a Gop.What you have to do is join them at different spots and a few frames different, you do this with the edit function ,it is best not to use the Frame by frame buttons cuz useing them makes you edit or join point part way through gop"s..when useing the slider in the edit function it naturally stops on I frames ,which are the corret edit points in Mpeg files..

240ROLLING  2002-09-26 02:35:09 ( ID:5mr9jq63jc2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Minion  2002-09-26 09:34:00 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can use the "source range" to choose were to stop encodeing..or you can edit the mpeg file...

Question - failed to load P3dll? No.28621
Peter C  2002-09-26 01:34:28 ( ID:oycyzbxb0cc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to use v2.58 but when i load the file in to encode I get the 'failed to load p3 dll' message? Any clues...I have reinstalled...used differnet test files, everything I can think of. (Not much admittedly!) Thankyou in advance for any help.

Minion  2002-09-26 09:40:30 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Make sure ALL the Tmpgenc files are in the same folder, and then look in that folder and look for a file called "P3P package.DLL" if it isn"t there then thats your problem...and if it is there then there are 2 things you can try.. you can try copying and pasteing the p3p package into your system32 directory and if that doesn"t work then re-install tmpgenc...

Peter C  2002-09-26 10:25:51 ( ID:oycyzbxb0cc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


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