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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have only recently started to use TMPGEnc. Works very well, and fast (relatively). The only concern I have relates to an apparent loss of sound quality between the AVI original and the encoded MPEG. The sound is very boomy and in some cases this makes it rather unintelligible. Is this to be expected or is there something I can do about it?
When working with Avi audio, I have found that ripping the audio to wave format and encoding the mpeg with the new wav audio comes out much better. If you need help finding out how to do that, you can visit this Url.
I hope that helps.
It's allso much faster if you use Graphedit, it only taks about 2-3min to extract the mp3 or compressed audio in a divx file to a uncompressed wav file, the quality when encoding is much better and you get perfect sync with the output file. And you reduce the encoding time as well.
I allways use this method when re-encoding files or encoding, since I found that tmpgenc can lose the sync and other problems if you have video and audio from the same file.
I downloaded an avi file and try to encode it but when i select it TMPGEnc claims it is unsported. anyone know a way around this? when i look in properties of the file windows it says it is an 'unknown format' yet it plays in windows media player. Help would be appreciated. cheers
minion i hvae been havein the same problem for a while and have beed lookin everywhere for the answer and got notheing. YOU ARE THE MAN AND I thank you
can sumbody tell me a good bitrate size that will take the blocks some what go away and won't add to much time on. I changed it once and after being done coverting the data size was would not fit on a 80 min cd-r but when i did standard bit size or whatever it only took up like 60 min of my cd.
If you are doing a VCD then if you put the bitrate up to about 1650kbs this should get rid of most of the blocks and still get about an hour of VCD on a CD-R...
Hello everyone! I need your help! I have a DVD with multiple tracks on it, which I ripped in smart ripper. Then I opened it in Tmpgenc for processing and noticed that only the first track had showed up in Tmpgenc so I am assuming that smartripper needs to be adjusted to ripp all of the tracks on the DVD, can someone tell me how to adjust smart ripper to ripp all tracks for processing in Tmpgenc?
How are you encodeing this Ripped DVD???I hope you arent loading the VOB files directly into Tmpgenc???This will not work properly cuz Tmpgenc can not seperate the different Audio and video streams...You need to use DVD2AVI to extract ALL the audio tracks and make a D2V file for the video and then encode the video and then you will need to encode each audio track seperately, then either join all the audio tracks in your DVD Authoring Program, or join them bu Multiplexing them all together...When you ripped the VOB files with SmartRipper it Made a Text file with a List of All the Audio tracks and in what order they are in, and in DVD2AVI you can choose one or all of the audio tracks, and if they will be DE-Muxed or decoded to Wav..
Whoever told u to load VOB files into TMPG needs a whack.
Use DVD2AVI which is specifically made for the task and create a .d2v project file. DVD2AVI will allow you to select which track you require and then rip it to a wav while creating the project file at the same time, you then load both into TMPG.
There are many many many guides all over the internet how to do this. Try which has excellant step by step guides how to do it.
Thanks ashy and minion i forgot to mention that i did use dvd2avi then opened in tmpgenc, and there was only one track the first one that showed up in tmpgenc. Again thanks guys for your help!!!
This is my second attempt to burn a downloaded DIVX to SVCD. I have successfully burned many other AVI's (some of which were DIVX) to VCD, using Virtual Dub for the audio and then TEMPGnc to encode & Nero to burn to CD-R.
Yesterday, I tried to burn the first one (see my post below) and the result was a HUGE file, with apparently no video.
I attempted a second one last night. I was able to convert the audio stream to WAV with Virtual Dub, because it wasn't AC3. I then used the project wizard in TEMPGenc to encode to SVCD (NTSC 704X480,) and went to bed (because TEMPGenc reported that the project would take about 4 hours.)
Here is the result:
The project aborted at 87% because I had neglected to empty my recycle bin, which had several gigs of stuff in it (and I have a lot of other stuff on my hard drive)
TEMPGenc had an error message that said "Stream read error." I got that error message on my first "imageless" project, too.
The file produced was 1,732,592 KB (original AVI was 717,480 and the audio was 810,121.)
This one also apparently has NO Image, as well! I have tried it in Windows Media Player, DIVX Player and VCD Cutter, with the same results. How is this happening? Is there any way to salvage this project?
Even if I can't salvage this project and have to start over, what am I doing wrong?
Also, should I be using SVCD on all of my projects, instead of VCD? I don't know what advantages SVCD has over VCD, because so far, I haven't been able to produce one.
Sorry this is such a long post, but I wanted to give as much detail as possible.
I scanned the original AVI for errors, using Virtual Dub (because I saw another post where the person had done that.) It went all the way through, with no error messages. I thought that VDub would output a log or something, but apparently it doesn't.
Am I correct in assuming that since VDub didn't display any error messages during or after the scan, that there are no errors in the AVI?
If while you are encodeing there is no picture in the Tmpgenc window then there isn"t going to be a picture in the file, usually no picture can be solved by raiseing the priority of the "Direct Show File Reader", go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi plugins" and raise the "Direct Show" to "2"...
I already did that, after I read a lot of posts telling people to do that, right after I got TEMPGenc. I could see the picture during the encoding, too. Any other ideas?
I used the default settings in the Project Wizard, although when I chose the avi stream & WAV, the "Expert Settings" said 1:1 VGA" (whatever that means) and I changed it to the NTSC 708X480 setting.... I always do that, and it has worked for everything else, until I tried to make SVCD's.
I am wondering if it would help to use the de-multiplexing tool to extract the video and then multiplex that with the WAV, before I encode it. I know that would take a LONG time, but do you know if that would work?
I just looked at those tools and there is a "Simple De-Multiplex and a "De-Multiplex. What is the difference between the two, and which one should I use?
The only tool I have used so far has been the merge & cut tool.
If you are seeing a blank screen in Tmpgenc while converting, then it is not necesserily the case that the picture will be blank in the outputted file. reason for this could be a 2 pass vbr encode. when Tmpgenc does a 2 pass, it reaches 50% of converting to analize allocation of bitrate, then you would see a picture, the 1st 50% being the 1st pass, and the remaining 50% actually encoding.
You can not use the "Multiplex" tool on avi files or Wav files, so that wouldn"t work..And I know you aren"t useing the 2-Pass method so i Don"t know what could be wrong...What Type of AVI file is it?, like what codec was it encoded to avi with?
Please help!
When I use TMPGEnc Plus to encode the movie and then burn it with Nero, everything works fine. If, though, I cut the MPEG in half to fit it onto a CD, then Nero invariably needs to reencode files, which takes huge amounts of time. What am I doing wrong? What should I change or set to avoid this lengthy reencoding?
I am certainly no expert, being a rank amateur and "newbie", but the same thing has happened to me, and I just hit the Nero "turn off standard settings" (or something... don't recall the exact language, but basically I told Nero to go ahead and burn the CD without reencoding.)
The result was fine every time I have done that. Now, my DVD player is definitely one of the less picky ones. I bought the cheap Apex at Circuit City, because it takes just about anything. Your DVD player may be pickier, but I would try that at least once, to see if it works for you.
That is, unless Ashy, Minion or one of the other experts here say otherwise, that is! LOL
Cutting the movie seems to mess up the VCD or SVCD type of the stream.
Use "Simple multiplex" to fix this on the two parts you cut from the original. Use video and audio part from the same mpg file and set the desired streamtype. Create a new file that has the correct VCD or SVCD Structure again (You may notice the new file differs in length a bit). Your burning Program should accept the new file ...
Hope that helps, at least that fixed my problems ...
You probably had the stream type set to the wrong setting when you cut the file, and if you burn it without the correct header the file won"t play properly, and the newer versions have a bug in them were they have a problem writeing the svcd header on the Mpeg2 file, so the best thing is to use an older version ,one before 2.57 and it should work for cutting correctly...
This is most likely because u dis not change the stream type to the correct one to add the VCD headers when cutting as minion said.
The default stream is 'MPEG1 system (automatic)' this is incorrect for VCD and will give an error in your burning program just as Nero has done.
For VCD the stream needs to be 'MPEG1 VideoCD' or 'MPEG1 VideoCD (non standard)'
For SVCD the stream needs to be 'MPEG2 SuperVCD (VBR)'
Run your already split files through the simple multiplexer with these stream settings to add the headers.
If you are doing mpg2 svcd, then nero will not like 48,000 audio. some players will support 48,000 audio, but it is the in spec with svcd compliant files. turning off compliant svcd in nero could do the trick however, but on the other hand, if you are making mpg1, or cutting, then like the above post, make sure you use mpg1 vcd, and not mpg1 automatic.
>If you have a P4 and Win2k or XP, you can increase the Speed by switching Mulziprozessing on (no Joke!).
Please explain. I have a p4 @2.4ghz with 512Ram, also a p4 2.0 with 256. What can be done to speed this up.
I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped me on this board - especially Ashy and Minion (you guys are a valuable asset to the community and a 'thank you' doesn't even begin to thank you for all the hard work you put in in answering all the replies you post in an informative and friendly manner). Over the past few months I have perfected the art of converting DIVX to XVCD and couldn't have done it without the help of people on this board
I have recently got a new laptop which has svideo out and will be watching most of my DIVX movies directly from my laptop on my TV, so I will be converting less and less.
The main reason is really because my player doesn't handle high bitrates too well and being a perfectionist I want the best quality output. Maybe I'll buy a cheapo player sometime soon that will handle high bitrates, but for now Im going to try the svideo connect.
People were asking here why do one needs the System Audio only and System Video only. Well here is the deal...
Anyone here into making VCDs or SVCDs? Well, if you are deep into this then you know that (S)VCDs have what is called "Segments" directory. This allows you to have, in addition to the Video tracks, MPEG stills, Audio only tracks and Video only tracks.
Now let's say you are making a VCD and you'd like to have an Audio only track. If you take a program like VCDEasy (who is a GUI for VCDImager) it won't accept an Audio only MP2 file for the segments section. However, if you encode the Audio into System audio only, and under system type select VCD non-Standard, it will accept the file and make it into playable segment item.
Now, there shouldn't be any problem with Version 2.58 that removes this option. As much as I tried in version 2.57, you can encode to an Audio only MP2, and later in the "MPEG Tools" under "Multiplex" browse the MP2 and multiplex it as VCD non-standard and will make same results.
VCD with "audio only" items is good solution if you want lot's of audio on one CD and your DVD player doesn't support MP3. with MP2 at 160kbps you can have something like 10 or 11 hours of audio per CD and quality will be great...
As for Video only it's probably the same thing, as adding it as segment item, but can't tell much as I have never tried this thing (who needs video only anyway, unless you encode a silent movie :-) )
Good morning! I have an avi file that is a dvd rip. When I checked it for video errors (using Virtual Dub) I got the message: 5 masked frames, i undecodable frame. What is the best way to handle this. - My intent is to use TMPG to make a mpg file and then burn it to CD-R.
The reason I ask is that the last time I had a file with similar "undecodable" frames TMPG just stopped and did nothing more. I ended up doing a crude edit job with virtual dub and then used TMPG, but it took a lot of time.
Using Virtual Dub, can I just re-encode the avi in some manner that will "fix" the problem frames?
You may just be able to simply frameserve the file from Virtualdub to TMPG as Virtualdub will probably handle the dodgy frames better, but you may have to mask the undecodable frame also before doing it.
Since installing Windowws media player 9 i am unable to convert avis to mpgs, when i try i get an illegle operation!!!. Does anyone know a way round this???
yeah I'm having the same problem at the moment. TMP is converting the avis ok as it tells me, yet no player is capable of playing them, and TMP is unable to even load them in the mpeg tools without crashing.
if you are using XP there is a facility called system restore. this will give you the option of restoring your system configuration to how it was b4 u installed media player v9 without losing any of your saved work.
It seems to me that the headers are not being written correctly, and it also appears to me that media player 9 needs a lot of work before it upgrades from beta, as the only files i can now play with it are mp3s.
I have been useing the Media Player 9 for a couple days and it plays everything Fine for me, mpeg files avi files AVS files, the only problem I had was scanning through a Mpeg file the audio goes out of sync but that has been a problem on most Media Player versions....
bit jealous that you have media 9 working nice and sweet.
the system restore is a bit odd, as although it removes the player, it doesn't restore the old one !!*!*!, so when you open a media file it begins the installation procedure of media 9 player again..
Since i did a system restore though my system has been fine, and haven't seen any problems converting dvd to avi, avi to svcd or dvd to svcd !! quality !!!
p.s. was there not a media player 8 for XP? I can only find media player 9 beta on the microsoft site or player 7 for win98, me etc.?
When splitting an MPEG2 file both halves do not complete re writing the SVCD header, an error message "unable to write SVCD header" appears and the process stops. The files when converted to SVCD still play okay.
Any suggestions as to why this error message appears?
Thank you
Thank you for your responses. I don't have any version before 2.57. Where can I get an older version and will my registration number work with an older version.